4 Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS. Snllinlnv ArM . The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE "PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Linzey's Grocery For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-irdays EESHAMSta and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Printing 216 6th AVENUE WEST at 0:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editoii. Opposite the Rink From the East. CVirKr.nriririn Jo tli r WJV, uiui-cucmy oi health SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Conquer tins enemy and you rout a whole We cater to the family at 6:45 p. m. of oh vsical foes, including indigestion, arrnv City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. fieadache, biliousnm sjclc sleeplessness By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. trade For Vancouver: sia. Bcecham s Pills have been and nervous dyspS To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Saturdays 4 p. m a BECAUSE April 22 . 7 a. m. laxative for over sixty years. They go straight Telephone 98. May 3rd 7 a. m. the cause of many ills and remove it. Thev 9S Our Prices Are promptly, pleasantly and surely. Contain TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents pet inch, From Vancouver drug. These time-tested nilh no Contract Rates on application. Right Fridays p.m. strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and April 17th and 28th .... 9 a, m, and the Quality of the Relieve DAILY EDITION. Saturday, April 19, 1919. For Anyox: Highest Order Sundays .-...10 p.m. Easter Sermonette Vednesdays 10 p. m. Constipation For the Unfaithful. Phone - - - 586 From Anyox: Worth a Guinea a Dox Easter is the most joyous season of the whole year. Named Tuesdays a.m. Sold er.rrwW.in Canada and U.S.America? In boL ise:- after the goddess of sprinp it was originally a heathen festival, Thursdays p. m. but was adopted by the Christian Church as the festival of the Resurrection. For Port Simpson and Naaa River As a heathen festival it celebrates the resurrection of all TO SUBSCRIBERS points: nature after its winter sleep. It speaks of the bursting forth of Sundays 10 p.m. Subscribers to The News the plants and flowers, of the joyous love season of the birds when are asked to pay the delivery From Port 8lmpson and Naas FURS FU RS they fill the air with their songs of gladness, of the time when boys each month River Points: the bees come forth from their communal home and work together -when they call, except Tuesdays p. m. for the common good, gathering honey and pollen for wjiere payment has been themselves and their young. All nature is alive made for the year in advance. Queen.Charlotte Islands: The boys when For Massett, Port Clements and The Christian festival speaks of the resurrection of the body Ship to Us Direct collecting carry oillcial receipts Upper Island points: from the grave; of the resurrection of the soul from all sordid which should always Vor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte things, to a season of inspiration and joy; of the ressureclion of be preserved. City and Lower Island points: The top market price paid and equitable the race from a system of grinding competition to a period of anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; -March C, grading made. No delays at any point. co-operation and mutual helpfulness, when poverty will be no 20th, at 7 p. m. Wc arc registered with and recognized by the United more but all will have enough and to spare. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Trom Masset, Port Clements and States War Trade Board and all of the Collectors of Customs Easier has a message to everyone. It calls to the mail who is (Sections 36 and 131.) ' Upper Island points: under licence P. U. F. 30, and you can send your furs to down to rise above his sordid surroundings and come once more lie TAKE Application NOTICE No.that 10,607-1.application File Has M00.been From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte us direct by our lag or any tag. changed to suit, if marked into the sunlight of purity and beauty. It brings a message of made to register Thomas McManamon, of City and Lower Island points "Furs of Canadian Origin" and your furs will come right B. lo fee under Prince llupert, C, as owner hope to everyone. It beckons to the weary and depressed, to take a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector ot anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. through. - the City or I'rlnce llupert, bearing date 11 and '25th, a.m. GRADING FAIR heart once more for the life of the soul is everlasting. The call the 10th day or Lecember, 1018, or ALL A.ND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract to man is reinforced by all nature around him and of which he is or land and premises situate, lying and For Skagway and the Yukon. The rules and ethics of the exchange do not permit of being In the City or rrlnce Rupert, more a part. particularly known and described as Lot anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m. sending out alluring price-lists, yet wo give you an exact .Nineteen Section eight(19),(8j,Block(Map Forty-two SJ3). (42), From Skagway and Yukon, and expert grading and pay you at a rate of five lo twenty, France's Demands You are reaulred to contest the claim ."cbuary 1 and 15 a. in. five cents more on the. dollar than the average advertising within 35 days from or the tax purchased Are Perfectly Just. tne date o ine service or mis nonce fur company as wo cut out all middlemen's profit in deal-ing France is demanding payment for all damages, and her demand a(which dally may newspaper),be effected and by your publication attention in Is itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp direct with you. is A that is invaded and desecrated called to section 36 or the "Land Registry . Point. a just one. country as Act" with amendments, and to the following was that country, deserves everything she asks. The armies of "ana extract in aeraun therefrom:or a caveat or cer-tlllcate .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14.J28, 10 pm St. Louis Fur Exchange, or Us pendens being riled before rrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. the world should help enforce her demands to the last letter, or the the as owner registration 7lh & Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. whether the Germans are governed by a.soviet or a monarch. person entitled under such tax sale, with have ad-'ertised all persons so served notice, A number of peoplo The lives of the young Frenchmen and the purity of the or under them,and those and all claiming persons tbroogh claiming furniture for sale in this young French girls can never be returned, but the barbarians of. any any unregistered Interest In the Instrument,land by virtue and paper and they have had dozens should have to pay for the damage th'ey did. all persons claiming any interest In of customers as a result. Some the land by descent whose title Is their furni- 183 Phone Black 183 to Black While France and Belgium were suffering, the Germans' not registered under the provisions people want keep Phone or this Act, shall be for ever estopped ure. They do not advertise. Vlctrolas and Records homes were inviolate because Germany had prepared for such a and debarred rrom setting up any Claim to or In respect or the land so PJanos, Stringed Instruments,, Besson Band Ip&lrumenU, step and because her methods were ruthless. She 'has been shall sold register for taxes,the and person the entitled Registrar under Advertise in the Daily News. Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances driven out and has had to sue for peace, but a measure of justice such tax sale as owner or the land so sold for taxes." must be meter out to her.. To make her pay for the damage is AND WHEREAS application has been Prince Rupert Music Store male for a Certlilcate or Indefeasible Title the only method of bringing it home to her and to others who to the above-mentioned lands, in the name WILL EDMUNDS. Proprietor. or Thomas Mcuanamon OPPOSITE POST OFFICE would follow in her footsteps that such things will not be tolerated. AND WHEREAS on investigating the Repair to all kinds or strlnjed Instruments, flute and clarinets repiMH that prior the loth day iltle It aoneara to ana aajusieu. uumi rviitirvu If the German people were now to go free without having or uctooer, ivi7 tine aaie on wmcn me Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Stors eald lands were sold for overdue taxes), to replace the ruined homes and the desolation which they have, you were the assessed owner thereof. MJiwntii take jxuiiLt inai ai me caused, there would be nothing to deter them or some other same lime I shall effect registration in WATER 1914. pursuance or such application and Issue a ACT, country trying a similar move at some other" time. ccriincaie or inaeieasioie wue 10 me sua RIPA1UAN RIGHTS lands in the name or Thomas McManamon Lloyd George Is unless you take and prosecute the proper NOTICE Is hereby given that under the Hotel Prince , proceedings to establish your claim, If provisions or Section 0 or the Water Act. Rupert Still the Big Man. any, to the said lanls, or to prevent such 1914, every riparian proprietor claiming COAL proposed action on my part. any right to divert water or to the exclusive In spite of what some small people may say to the contrary, uaiea ai me iana iiegiswy uiuce, rnnce use or water ror any purpose by Lloyd George is still the big man of the Empire, probably the llupert, u, u, ims inn aay or April, iwiw virtue only or his being sucn riparian pro EUROPEAN PLAN Screened i. r. H1A1.1..UL, prletor Is required on or before the first greatest man in the world today. When he spoke in Ihe British District Registrar or Titles. day or June, 1920, to file a statement or $1.50 per day and up. To E. II. I'acey. claim setting forth the particulars of bis Sacked Parliament this and week, ambassadors princes gathered to I'rlnce llupert, B. C claim. Such statements or claim shall be listen to his words. He is still able to carry the people with him filed in duplicate with the Water Recorder FIRST-CLASS CAFE Delivered MINERAL AGT or the Water District In which the water A La Carte. through the marvellous, power of his eloquence. The little Is diverted or used. Walshman is the king of the British Isles. After the first day or June, 1920, no Certificate of right to divert water or to the exclusive 00 In discussing the British leaders in a group bf young Canadians, Improvements. use or water ror any purpose shall exist l $13. one of them said: "When I sing 'God Save the King' at the NOTICE by Forms virtue or oniy statement or any or ownersmp claim can or be tana.ch conclusion of public function I think of David ained rrom the Water Recorders or the any always Lloyd "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate ton several Water Districts In the Province or per George, for he is the real king or greatest man or konig of the n the District.Naas River Mining Division or Cas-(lar rom the Comptroller or Water Rights, Empire just now. He stands head and shoulders above all others Where located: On the Kltsault River, Parliament Dated at Buildings.Victoria, B.Victoria.C, this B.lllh C day in wisdom and power and to him I always take off my hat and near- TAKE me NOTICE Dig canyon.that Lewis W. ratmore, or Marcn, itv.T, D. PATTULLO, Terminal Coal Co. raise my voice." 'rce Miner's Certlilcate No. 20.407-C. act- Minuter of Lands. for Ole Free ng as agent Pearson, Miner's Certificate No. 14,157-C, intend?, sixty Offlct Phone, Placs Writers MINERAL ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS B1 of Letters oays irom me aaie nereoi, 10 appiy io tne Vard Phont, Black Mining Recorder for a Certificate or lm- Must Sign Names. rovemenls, for the purpose or obtaining ir A letter has been received from "Another Roughneck," but crown uram or tne above claim. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH inrf fnrthnp tafrn nnK.a tli.t mntlnn it is not signed, and for that reason cannot be published unless under section 85, must be commenced NOTICE. "WATER ACT 1914." the writer sends in his name and address. It is a rule' of the paper before improvements.the Issue or such - Certificate or Llttlo Joker, Mineral 111 II. Midas, Look that all letters to the editor datld this Mil day or February, A. D ut. Mystery, Midas Lake Frac, Pass Frac IANCELLATION OF RESERVE OF WATER must be signed. The of the name 1918. lonal Mineral Claims, situate In the Port NO TICK Is hereby riven that Ills Honor writer need not be published but as a guarantee of good faith the and Canal Mining Division or Casslar DIs National Grocery trlct. la, by and wttb lhe advice or bis Eiecu- signature must be attached or the card of the writer enclosed. MINERAL AGT Where located: On the East Salmon lu. rr.iimi I tiaa h..n nt.tft.Art tn nrcler If the writer of this letter will give the information niver vaney. . THAT pursuant to tbe provisions or required the tii.i. miTirv inn w r i m n n action It ot tbe "Water Act, 1914" being d letter will be published. Certificate of Improvements. ng as agent for L. Wa'tklfis, F, M. 6. No. Chapter 81 or tbe Statutes or 1014, thai Limit NOTICE iojiv-u; -.. u. laner, r. m. L. no. v.oss-U he reserve or the unrecorded waters of Corner SulhjnFuMon R. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 9.587-C: II. urure Creek, established pursuant to J. Fetter. F. M. C. No. 9.587-C: II. E. )rder In. Council No. 68,- approved on the "Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In Carlton, F. M-. C. No. 9,598-C; Martin 7th day or January, 1919, be cancelled. Groceries the Naar Mining Division or Casslar District. Welch, F. M. C. No. 9.S99-C, Intend, sixty DATED this 17th day or February, iiv, High Class , days rrom the date hereor, to apply lo the t' r ' uiTTimn Where located: On the Kltsault River, Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Im Minister of Lands. Meats near the big Canyon. provements, ror the purpose or obtaining TAKE NOTICE that John II, McMullln, a urown uram or me aoove claim. Fruits Official Administrator or the Estate or And further take notice that action, un Charles Swanson, deceased, Intestate, Free der section 85, must be commenced before Confectionery Miner's Certificate No. 3,822-C, Intends, the Issuance or such Certificate or Improvements. sixty days rrom the date hereor, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate uaieu mis m oay or Marcn, a. u, mil, and Bakery or Improvements, for the purpose or chaining A. II. GREEN. a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- PROMPT GET under Section 85, must be commerced TIUUT DiaTIUUT Or HKEENA. ORDERS before the Issue or such Certificate or improvements. TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Snruee CANCELLATION OF RESERVE DATED this 5th day of February, A. D. Lumber Co.. Ltd.. or Port Clements. B. C. occupation saw mill, intends to apply ror permission to lease the following described NfiTirp in HFitrr.Y mvFN that the re MINERAL ACT tanas: - erve exlstlnr over vacant Crown Land In Commencing at a Dost planted at the thA virinitv nr mpiAAHA itiver. iianra t .... northeast corner or Lot 8. Block 4 ft. nnst f'naftt liliirlrt hv reainn nr a notice DUb Certificate of Improvements, or subdivision or Dst. Lot 74, thence llshed In the British Columbia Oazette of NOTICE north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees S6th May, 1910, Is cancelled. ( MOVED south to approach of Government Wharf, PREMISES thence southerly along said approach or Deputy Minister of Lands. "Red Point Extension'' mineral claim. Government Wharf to northwest corner of Department of Lands, ""cassia" Dlylll Lot I, Rlock 45, thence easterly along the victoria, u. u. .EE D?strict' waterrront of lots i, 9, 8, 4, 8, , 7 and 8, 11 tli March, 1919. M 18 nf r i Where located:-l-On the Kltsault River. block 45 to place of beginning, near the big Canyon. AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD. TIMBER 8 ALE X 1468. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Winer's Certificate No. I0.407.C Ing as agent ror Ole Evlndsen, Free Miner's NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister or Lands not later than noon on den"'" r days rrom the date hereor, to apply to the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lh m. ha nth iv nr Anrii tola, ror the nur iati nr. proveiiients. ror.. the i w m -.ci ujjtaic or jiii serve eilstlnj over, Lot 411, Queen Ctiar. chase or Licence XI4S6, to cut 1,460,000 311 second ite Crown Oram the purpose or obtaining lotte Islands, by reason or a notice published feet or Spruce, Cedar and Balsam on an And further take aov claim. In the i). c. oatette on the SOtn of area situated on Big- Lake, Ellerslle Day, notice that action I II'. iv V AT under Section July, 1 008, Is cancelled. Range 3, Coast District. berore the Issue 85,of must such be commenced u. II. HADEN, Two (J) years will be allowed for re Improvements. Cerlincau Tor Deputy Minister or Unds. moval of timber. ' Starring tonight at lhe Wedtholme Theatre. ,flUATEU ,nU s,n dy of February, a.D. ands Victoria,Department,B. c., er,Furmer victoria,particulars. a, or or District tne unier roreawr,rorcai. tin March, 1919. m It I'rlnce Rupert, O, c,