rday, April". " THE DAILY NEWS. Salu Pago 3 GREAT BRITAIN Hot Cross Bun Special HAD IMPORTANT PURITY QUALITY - ECONOMY SECRET SERVICE With the increased cost of labor and materials due to war conditions, it is end Dozen lo be given away absolutely Much Work Done By Branch of not reasonable to suppose that a really FREE Which Little Has Been Generally Known. first class baking powder can be made BUY 2 POUNDS OF OUR TEA EXTRA SPECIAL One branch of effort by Great and sold at the old prices. Rather than, 60c. iiniain during the years of war. sacrifice the quality of will get 1 Doz. of dandy Hot X Buns Free ana neroro that too. of which d vou nothing' official was ever permit Remember 13 Buns to the Dozen ted to be known to the public was MAGIC BAKING POWDE TO uie special Intelligence Depart ment. Better known as the Se Fuller's Grocery in cret which Service it has in the figured pages largely of Action of we found it necessary to make slight increases late years, it has accomplished in price during the war period. Even though PHONE 45 P H N E wonaeriui things, from over Magic Baking Powder may cost a few cents a which moment the veil by Brigadier has been lifted General for more than the ordinary kinds it is still by far George K. Cockerill, G. B...M. P the most economical baking powder on the in ins farewell message to the market to-day when purity, strength and leaven, staff over which he has been head since 1914. mg qualities are taken into consideration. From Small Beginnings. Storage Batteries House Wiring 'The Directorate of Special in Contains No Alum Made in Canada telligence, to give it the title by Charged and Repaired in all its branches wnicn n is best known to you," No Loss of Time While said bir Oeorge, "grew from small Being beginnings. When the hrokn Battery Is war tercst Your ELECTRIC you lo know that in Overhauled. Another Is out it consisted of three General practically llllllllllllliillillllllllllillllllilllllillllllllll IRONS every case of contraband Available. Staff officers (all of whom at once Always which has been GRILLS or is about to be joined the Staff of the British Ex TOASTERS brought before the Prize Court McGOWAN & HANSON For peditionary Agents Force), and a special the evidence on which the Grown CVINRUDE Portable RANGES bureau of four officers which in relies has Motors. HEATERS the five years preceeding the war been furnished by you. CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS had been instrumental in ?iou,uuu,uuu uoniraoand. WASHING MACHINES tracing The significance of this state Cycle & Repair Co. Runabouts. and exposing many of the activ ment will be better appreciated REGAL Engines for ities of the German Secret Ser LAMPS when it is added that, the estimated Trolling. vice in this and in country bring Ths Famous English FLASHLIGHTS GENERATORS ing anumber of its agents to trial. value of ships,of prize is over cargoes,30,000,-000. exclusive 1 Repairs of AH Kinds 1 PETTEn HEAVY OIL as soon as war was seen to be You ENGINE FOR inevitable scheme have, moreover, stopped a for ft censor MOTOR SWITCHES, enemy remittances to the value of FISHING SCHOONERS ETC. ship of British cables was put into about 70,000,000, and you have Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, 8 operation. This scheme was completely destroyed the enemy's Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, It Full line of Electrical Apparatua in ttocic. prepared with such remarkable oversea communication, so far as Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd prevision found that it has never been they were vulnerable. I necessary to modify its One branch of the Directorate Soldering of All Kinds principles in any important particular. of Special Intelligence has PhowlK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 These two services pared and published the "Daily pre g Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the viz.,cable the contre-espionage and the Review oT the Foreign Press," Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop censorship were designed with its many supplements, po tary to safeguard secrets and our to naval discover and those mili litical,nother economic,has been responsible and technical;for 1 139 2nd. Ave. - - - Prince Rupert 'H S.S. PRINCE RUPERT of the enemy; and every new or the study of enemy methods of S Phone 489 ganization intended to assist, in propaganda. ,One small section Illli::i!lllllli2!l!lllll!illllllllll!lill!!ll!ll defeating the enemy's spy system not content with closing certain naturally came under his control. channels of enemy propaganda, SAILING So rapidly did the work extend as kept others open for the ex BSS2C and tbe necessary staff expand, THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver. press purpose or distributing Victoria and Seattle. that in March, 1915, the branch British propaganda in. enemy WESDAY Midnight for Anyox; - was all reorganised as the Director- covers on which the postage has Special This Week of Special Intelligence, whose been paid by the enemy. Military S. S. PRINCE JOHN function it has since been to ex material suitable for our own Cueen Charlotto Islands April 17. pose and frustrate the clandestine propaganda has been collected, TRAIN SERVICE activities of enemy agents under repared and distributed by Blinds, Curtains, whatever form they might be encountered. balloons on the British fronts. fusmjtr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at M:30 tor Smltner a.m. thus Being charged I'ributo to the startling effective tfim Oorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg-, maklnt dlrtet eonoe'ctlona Tor all Curtain with duties of national Rods, Sheets, polnti tail and south. supreme ness of your work in this conncc importance, the Directorate has tion has been paid by the chief of AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. gradually attained a size never the German General Staff him Pillow Slips, Towels For Information and reservations apply to contemplated in peace, and ac se'f, who in a recent order made C. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Tloket AgenL tually numbers today over 6000 ipeciflc reference to certain leaf Wf Ticket Office, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 persons. It is, in point of mere lets, all of which were prepared in size, the sixth largest Department and distributed under arrange 6ARRIE FURNITURE STORE of the Government. But so sil ments made by the Directorate of ently and unobtrusively has it Special Intelligence. SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. worked that its very existence is CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY public.almost unknown to the general DOROTHY DALTON - Spies Quickly Arrested. IN "FLARE-UP SAL" Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points The detection arid conviction of via Steamer to Vancouver and the enemy spies has been your prim Phone 37 P.O.?Bo.1704 Canadian Pacific Railway ary business. It is satisfactory to Dorothy Dalton, the society Meals note that in most cases the ar lutterfly, in "Flare-up Sal" at the For Comfort, Courtesy and Service and Berth included on Steamer rest of the spy lias followed Vestholme tonight becomes the untatned but winsome and quickly upon his entry 'into this .vild, waif of the of the tomely days P u R,rtCOyVE', VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT country. You have been In point II, Jalifornia gold rush. Although May s, a Sj;;unel. II and SO. of fact the chief agency in preventing fOR ilmost homeless and friendless F. T. BOWNESS, Hui KETCHIKAN the leakage of naval and ft. . Rupert-- """"i wrWOEll, BKAdWAY, ALASKA military information. To men he manages to forge her way Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. April IT, and S8j May 8, 19 and . lirough life, in the end marry- tion but a few instances of your ng a famous bandit,, tne ilea success, the withdrawal from Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water W' lider, who reforms for love of 0ncH'ID. General Agent. Gallipoli, the construction of 'Be rUfh Strt.t nd Third tanks, the preparations for the ier. Avenue. Prlnc. Rupert. B.C. In addition to this play and offensive at Cambrai, and also for ther features there will be the counter-offensives which destroyed special music by the Westholmo the German armies, were GOOD EATS TL !T rchestra, specially suited for the numbers of all known lo people COAST SERVICE. icturo which is being shown. Second Avenue. but con in this country, were For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat., 4 cealed from the enemy. There is Breakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. I am Informed on the host author Lunch . . 11:30 to 2 Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, ity, no evidence that enemy sub A Quart Dinner 5:00 to 8 Mondays, J a.m. marines have ever received information SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Naas River Points, Friday aum. of the departure of shipping from British ports. Thanks of MILK Jack General Barnsley, Agent largely to your efforts, no act or destruction or incendiarism has been committed by enemy agents in lin WESTHOLME LUNCH in this country. This is the more l'dw,rirn ,denl ,Iarry LiPsett, Manager remarkablo when the number of Tho contents of a can of SECOND AVE.' Cunningham, Vice-President enemy aliens at large is considered. Pacific Milk is equal to a quart HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. have obtained informa. Y.ou of rich frssh milk, but there is incalculable value to the lion of LWCunningham & Co. Naval Intelligence, the Military something about Pacific that Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00, ntelligence, .and the War Trade makes baking especially good, Short orders all the time. Speclal'rates with roomjand board. Intelligence Departments. In the it adds a fino grain to cakes f5HN Q & 33 LIMITED opinion of the Minister of Block-ado, and biscuits and gives them a m CANNEHY work has contributed EQU.PMENTMAR.NE HARDWARE your fresli cream richness. Ste. largo degree to the satisfactory in a very Thousands of tins used are FshNati a" tnfl'n and Accessories working of the blockade e"'"9, each day for cooking. BOSTON GRILL of Twlnrt, Lines, Rope, and Cordage and, so far as the suppression PRINCE enomy trade is concerned, the information Pacific Mill? Co. RUPERT, B.O. provided by you has 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Prince Office: been the most valuablo acquired LIMITED A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Rupert source during tne war 332 DRAKE STREET and from any Home Cooking. Open Day Night. Telephone No. 05 B. O. 0UV. D. c, as a means oi ueieuwie Factory at Ladner, DINNER IUO to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Detarrt at every meal. P. 0. Box 1608 merchandise carried as neuuai Canada Food Board Lloanaa 14-169. Short ordera at any time. goods in neutral ships. It will In-