I THE DAILY NEWS ' Saturday. April to .... Page !, McArthur s Shoe Store INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL GAME I LEISM1AM CLOTHES I For Quality Footwear ENDED IN DRAW We specialize In Men's High-Grade Footwear Both Teams Show Good Form In and have a complete new stock from the Opening Match of the best makers to choose from. We Invite your - Season. Inspection of these snappy spring styles. Have a Style, Fit The first football match of the Agent for the famous English season look place yesterday afternoon and Material that at the exhibition grounds "K" SHOES between the Sons of England and appeals to all the St. Andrew's teams, resulting Recommended. Highly in a draw. better dressers-to Although the weather was very RUBBERS disagreeable, causing only a small any man that Rubber crowd to bo present, it did not We sell the Goodrich Hl-press stop the players from showing appreciates good Boots. America's best product. their ability. clothes. During the, first half, the Sons Repai of England had the advantage of the wind at their backs, which" was We We have the most up-to-date repairing reversed at the second half. have a , department In Northern B. C, and specialize Defence Strong. large and well In attaching Neolln or Fibre Soles. You save, The rain having abated a little 'time and money by patronizing our Repair at the start of the game, the players selected stock of commenced with, great en Department. thusiasm, special notice being them in popular BOOTS AND FINE CUSTOM LOGGERS' taken of the way in which the SHOES TO ORDER backs and half-backs of the Sons models from of England held their own. These were their main support, as tho HH M.ADTUITD HartBIock forward line unfortunately was $40,00 1U. mCAft inUa, Third Ave. not extra strong. The goal-keeper, C. .Youngman, of the Sons of England, deserves to special mention for the skill .lilrlf? WATER NOTICE shown in slopping the repeated DIVERSION AND USE. onrushes of the opposing team, $75.00 TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber Fine Play.' manufacturer, whose address 13 care of TheMerry Messrs. 1'atmore & Fulton, Prince Rupert, The St. Andrew's team, with 13. C, will apply for a licence to. take and did W. It. Martin as goal-keeper, use 000 c. s. r. or water out or Union Creek, which flows westerly aud drains some exceedingly fine playing, Into Union Bay about at the bead of said bay. and the Scots' forwards several Springtime Tno water will be diverted from the times put the hearts of the Englishmen tream at a point wbere Union Creek leaves Union 'Lake and will be used for power into their mouths when (and incidentally Industrial) purposes upon the land described as District Lot making forward rushes. Skillful number 169. Casslar District. the part of the playing on MARTIN Has Come Thla nntlrn n.'n nnetftrl nil tho irpniinrt i on the 3rd day or April. 1019. A copy of iKnnthfirners was needed to sloi) and pursuant' this notice an application thereto and to the "Water Act, 19H." wiirthc repeated attacks, which might be lliecrin the omce or tne water liecora- i,av proved fatal if th3 bacuis apd Objections to tbc application may be half-backs had not come into ao nied with the said Water Itecorder or with tion at the critical moment. Iho Comptroller or Water Rights, Parliament o4.nd . you have to fiulldings, Victoria, B. C, within One disadvantage in the game thirtv days after tb first appearance or dealing wilh the virile life oMhis In was the rough condition of the local this notice a newspaper. be clothed according to Em)frXub" ound, causing a great deal of tide of the continent. DENTISTRY ! The date or the of this Charlie Chaplin in "The Floor the season., Let us do notice is April li. 9i9. avoidable discomfort to players. Walker1' will be a great attraction SEEDS! The Teams. it. Choose from our 'IN THE SUPB.EME COURT OF BRITISH and a two-reel L-KO comedy. office nouns: COLUMBIA. The teams were as follows: Vamping ' Reuben's Millions," 9 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m.. For the Garden latest patterns in materials, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- SonS Of England Goal, Li. adds to the merriment of the DR. J. S. BROWN tion act. (Youngman; full backs, S. Darlon Specially Suited for Prince evening. It is a nine-reel ehcxv DENTI8T and do we the, IN the matter of the estate of and B. Wearmouth. Half backs, Rupert soil. -;c. and a good one for the holiday Office: Smith Block, Third Aenu. rest. You will then testate ' watman, II. Menzia and Scare. " "I Pflone 4B4 ? take .motkx that in order or ma Forwards. F. Hardy, 0. Show, S. season. Honour r. men. loung; niaue uie Bin uay - , " . . know what it is have to or April, a. d. 1919. i was appointed. msDy. u. Jveiscy ana u. uraggs FEED CHICKENS Auutiiusiraiur w lue estcie ui Arwur ue- St. Andrew's-Goal, W. n, Mar. ST. ANDREW'S DANCE perfect fitting clothes. Isautcls. deceased, and all names havlnir HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER claims against tne saia estate are nereDy tjn yu backs, A. Murray ana V. St. James Hotel required to furnish same, properly verified,!,, ,,, ., . , r it ENJOYABLE EVENT i to me, on or before tne Sth day of May, Hamilton. Jiail uauKS, n. Afiuur, 1919, and all parties Indebted to the es- y. nni T. Hnntpp For- (LATE "QUEENS") Mtn a pa ronnlrnrt In n,v fho omnunt nf AlUTray Sweder Bros. heir Indebtedness JOHN 11.to MeMIJLLIN.me forthwith. !wards, V Anderson, Paterson ' nAat FIRST CLASS ROOMS P. R. FEED Co. V. E. AVilliscroft, Hughes andi ' t,,,' Official Administrator. , u .j... Hot and Cold Water. DATED this eih day of April, 1919. Lamb. PHONE 58 Gentlemen's and Ladies' Night. P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Am. SYNOPSIS OF . TAILORS j LAND ACT AMENDMENT "NEW LOVE FOR OLD" The dance given under the aus- LAND(Sections REGISTRY 38 and 134.)ACT Sixth Street AT CMDDrOC TUCATDI? P,ces 01 19 di. Anarew s Docieiy f're-emptlon now confined to surveyed Ai LlUrKliM lUMlnti lie Application No. 10.728-1. File S.134. lands only. on Thursday night proved to be 1 Akt NOTICE that application has been Itecords will be granted covering only a most enjoyable event. Tho hall made to aeg-lster Tboma Trotler or Prince land buitable for agricultural purposes Kupcrt, Is. C, i. o. Box 333, as owner lu and which la non-tlmbcr land. Ella Hall Charming and Beautiful was just comfortably filled and rev under two Tax yale Deeds rrom the l'arti.erlilp pre-emptions abolished, Collector or tho City or 1'rlnce Jtupert, but parties or not mora than four with may Is Star In Attractive Play. the use of the club rooms tor bearing- date the 9iu day or December, Fred Stork's for arrange adjacent pre-emptions, or ALL A.0 Sl.tOULAH that Itm, certaiu lalnt roiiidenee. but each making necessary sitting out added to the pleasure parcel or tract of land and premises situate. Pre-emptors Improvements must on occupy respective claims claims.for Ella Hall, charming and beautiful, of the evening. lying' anu being in tue uiy ot i'rince uu-peri, Ave years and make Improvements to i3 to be at the McGregor, V. more particularly known and de-tfciibvd seen tonight Capt. C, was an value of $10 per acre. Including clearing as lots forty-rour (44) aud foity-ilvc Hardware STRAP ITCHES and cultlv.-.ilon of at least S acres, before Empress Theatre in tho play "New Ihonored guest and ho took the (45), Block ilftcen (IS). Section live receives Crown Grant. &;, (Map V23). You are required to Where j -emptor In occupation not Love for Old." The theme is a9 opportunity of renewing a num-old, contest the claim of the tax purchaser less than .' ..uars, ard has made proportionate 'ber of old wltiun 35 Mays rrom the date or the service mankind, but tho treatment acquaintances and as improvements, he may, because or this notice (which may be effected of Ill-health or other cause, be granted is new and fre3h and sparkling. -making many new ones. by advertising), and your attention Is Intermediate certificate or Improvement called to section 36 or the "Laud heglslry of jQTUAP watches for men and Records transfer without his claim.permanent residence It is a remarkable dramatic pro-l Until long past midnight Iho Act'' wiin amendments, ana to too rouow A Complete Line k3 are no longed considered may.be Issued provided applicant makes duction, western in flavor and music of tho dreamy waltz and ng"Bnd extract m default therefrom:or a caveat or cerlin-cala The Improvements and records to same extent each of J300 year.per Failure annum tho lure of the two-step kept tho or Us pendens being1 llled before "sissy." to make Improvements or record the registration as owner of the dancers going. It of tho was one same will as forfeiture. Title person enilUed under such tax sale, boys in khaki found them cannot be operate obtained on these claims in most enjoyable events of tho sea-sqn, all persons so served will notice, . . less than 5 years, with improvements of Hotel Hyder .... and those claiming through Marine handy. They are even better $10 per acre,. Including 5 acres cleared VV. Kerr was master of or unuer them, and all persons claiming and cultivated, and residence of at any Interest In the land by virtue suited for civilian life. A least 7. years. ceremonies and XV. It. Martin and or any unregistered Instrument, and good assortment in various Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may Portland Canal, B.C. W. rteid kept the door. Robert all persons claiming any. interest In record another pre-emption, If he re- the land by descent whoso title Is not AND ?ulres land In conjunction' with his Arthur was in charge of the refreshments. registered under the provisions or metals, finishes, and styles vlded statutory without actual Improvements occunatlon.made Dro-and M. It. JAMIESON, Proprietor this Act, shall be ror ever estopped and debarred rrom setting prices. up any residence maintained on Crown granted land. claim to or in respect or the land so Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Advertise in the Daily News. sold ror taxes, and the Iteglstrar shall Household Gateway to the famous ush Mint acres, may be leased as homesltes; register the person entitled under title to be obtained after fulfilling residential such tax sale as owner of tho land so John Bulger and improvement conditions. WATER NOTICE sold ror taxes," For and Industrial areas exceeding grazing 640 acres may purposes,be leased Now Open for Business USE AND STORAGE AND WIlEliEAS application has been JEWELLER nade ror a Certificate of Indefeasible Tlllo by one person or company. o tho above mentioned lands, In the name The Store of Worth and PRE.EMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Eiplo- 1 riiomas 1 roiicr. The scop of this Act Is enlarged to AN 11 W11EHEAS on Investigating .the Paints Beauty. Include all persons Joining and serving )nt., wilt apply for a llcenco to take and I llo It appears that prior to the 10th day with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time ise 200 cubic feet per second and to (tore r October, 1917, (the date on which, the within which the heirs or devisees or a TOM 4,000 acre feet or 174,210,000 cubic reel aid lands were sold ror overdue taxes) deceased pre-emptor -may apply for LEECCh or water out or cascade and Sliver Creeks 011 were tho registered owner thereof. title under this Act Is extended from (streams), also known as draining Long rUHTHEH TAKE NOTICE that at tllC one year from the death of such person, Lake and other small lakes In tho vicinity a me time I shall effect registration In as formerly, until one year after the 840 Second Avenue, West. or tho Dig Missouri Group, which flows In pursuance of such application and Issue a conclusion of the This privilege Is also made present retroactive.war. a suuiuwcaicriy uireciion aim drains into certificate of Indereaslble Title to the sale LEAF the Salmon lilver about one mile south of lunds In the name of Thomas Trotter unless MAPLE STEEH& L0NGW1LL TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT VEGETABLES the International boundary Line. you take and prosecute the proper ACT. - : The storage-dam will bo located at Long proceedings to establish your claim, It Provision Is made for the grant to Wholesale and Retail Lake and other small lakes adlacent. Tho any, to tho said lands, or to prevent such PAINT persons holding uncompleted Agreements capacity or tne reservoir to bo created is proposed action on my part. to Purchase rrom the Crown of General Contractors and shout 300,000,000 cubic ft., and It will li ATE I) at the Land lleglstry Omre, SANITAR. mnD HEATING such proportion of the land, If divisible, Labor; Exchange. flood about 400 acres of land, lall rock) Prlnco liupert, B. C, this 25 th day or as the payments already made will Tho waler will be diverted frmn th tr,.nrn March, 1010, floglaze ENGINEERS cover In proportion to.the sale price of at a point about tho outlet or Long- Lake 11. r. MACLEOD, the whole parcel. Two or more persons or a small lake below, at dam site., and District Iteglstrar or Titles. holding such .Agreements may group Prince Rupert, B, G. will bo used ror power and mining purpose To Airred Gendron, for their Interests and apply for a proportionate upon tho nil no and ror tramways and .Prince liupert, B. C. Agents allotment jointly. If It Is not Phono 547 P. O, Box 725 better paint umer iiuwcr aeacrmei considered advisable to divide the land lines; as jana not No McCLARY FURNACES oovered by an application for a subdivided, except mining claims. IN THE SUTJIEME COUIYT OF BIUTISII allotment, an allotment proportionate of land This notice was posted on the ground COLUMBIA. makes good bf of equal value selected from available on tho 83rd day or February, 1019. A It PLUMBING Crown lands In the locality may be copy or this notice and an application pursuant IN THE MATTEH OF THE ADMINISTRA made. These allotments are conditional FOR ELECTRICAL WORK thereto and to the "Water Act, TION ACT H'sroaooS. end upon payment or all taxes due th 19H," will be llled In the office of the r. and Crown or to any municipality. Th Go to Waler Recorder at I'rlnco import, THE MATER, OF THE ESTATE OF SHEET METAL WORKS rights of persons to whom the purchaser Objections to the application may be MA1IIA VEUy, DECEASED, INTESTATE. from the Crown has agreed to filed with the said Water Itecorder or with Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. sell are also protected. The decision of Geo. the Comptroller of Water nights, Parliament TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Stork's the Minister of Lands In respect to the Waddell Buildings, Victoria, B. C within Honour F. McH. Young, made the 8 9th day Fred Night phonos 576 adjustment of a proportionate allotment ihlrty days after the first appearance of or March, A, D. 1919, 1 was appointed a num. in time i or maaing application this notice In a local newspaper. Administrator to the estate or Maria Very, for these allotments li limited and Blue 270 the 1st day of May, 1919. Any application to 330 2nd Avo. The territory to be traversed Is entirely deceased, and all narllea havlnir claims Hardware The right work, at the right made after this date will not be ther mining district and la unsuitable ror any against the said estato ure hereby required AVEMtf considered. These allotments apply to Phones purpose. See Mineral Groups, head to rurnisu same property veniiea, 10 me, SECOND time, and at the right prloe. town lots and lands of the Crown sold mvlsfdn0" IUVer f"11"1 Canal Mining on or berore the 7th day of May, ipi, at public auction. DLACK 367 GREEN 394 and all parties indebted to. the estate are Black 1 For Information apply to any Provincial The date or the first publication or this required to pay tho amount or their Indebtedness Phone See the classified ads, on page Government Agent or to Save Money In Lamps. notice Is March 8, 1019; . to me forthwith. . O. It. NADKN, 1'ACIFIC COAST EXPLOIUTION CO., LTD. JOHN 11. MCMULLIIM, five. Deputy Minister of Lands, Applicant. Olllctal Administrator Vlotorla, a. a By wm. Noble. Agent. DATED this 7 th day or April, 1919,