1910; TI1K DAILY NEW8. Page 6 THOUGHT PROGRESS MADE PRfFHDS Daily News Classified Advertising ON SLIPWAYS HE WOULD DIE WAHTIB. FOR SALE On LEASE Yokohama Have You Tried President J. L. Mullen Gone East VANTED Experienced manager Restaurant and Bowling Alley, On Business But Will Return must bo A. 1 grocery man, after 20th May. Apply Jim In Few Weeks. for Prince George Co-operative Postula. tf Association, Limited, forward FOR SALE Good businss place, J. L. Mullen,, president of tho rererences stating where last gooa location, owner leaving Provincial Prince Rupert Drydock & Enai- employed and for how long. town, write box 864. - 93 neering Co., left this morning for Must give satisfactory bonds I'ltttsDurg and New York on busi and stale salary expected. P.O FOR SALE 3 piano cases $5 each ness in connection with the firm box 207, Prince George B. C. Lindsay's Cartage, Ltd. 93 (IIe expects to return in about WANTED FOR SALF. -Experienced Hatching eggs, from three weeks time. grocery FLOUR Before ciern, well known locally and prize strain barred rocks, and leaving Mr. Mullen said of Rhode Island reds. good character. $120 $1.50 per be was well satisfied with per th9 month for a first-class man. setting. Atkins' Meat Market progrss they had been making. Mussallem Grocery Co. Phone 1'ians were OU SALE Good kitchen now about ready for 8- - table tne rahricating building which is .It and chairs. Bedstead and mat to be erected here and progress ViriWTt'n uniiiiiu uooa r mam. . ror- gen tress complete, practically new, Ask Your Grocer (is being made on tho excavations eral nousework. Family of two. Apply 205 Eighth Ave., W. It MB. ROBERT NEWTON. for the slips. Starting had been oood wages. Apply box 245 FOR SALE Little Bras d'Or, CD. little Lots $50 and ud a slow but now they were Daily News Office. tf '"I was a terrible sufferer from getting ahead. Steel should begin wards. Will help finance build Itobtisia andC onstipation for years. to arrive before long. WANTED Room and board for ing. See my list and terms. man and wife. f. w. Hart. 89 Ihd pain aiicr c anus, iw"j 6- Tho fabricating building, Mr. Both employed. Mullen said, would be of wooden Phone Black 158 after 6. tf FOR SALE Tents. Many Sizes. !IIIIIIIIIUI!IIIIII1!II!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 Jit nieli'' 1 l0Sl so nluc" igu construction but well built and WANTED Smart, intelligent Ju F. W. Hart. tf from ij pouuua w nu -oing permanent in character. It would nior -that I became aiarmeaana draughtsman. Bruce, ar-chitect, FOR RENT pounds- do located at a point convenient 4th Street. 93 Finally, a frieud to the slips. FOR RENT Furnished Dentistry good. no room, fid me Housing Accommodation. Bring your furs to Goldbloom, j toldmetotry'Tr'V-a-V'. close in. Suitable for young Work Third Avenue, He imprbvement. was going on nicely with pays high- lady. Phone Black 504. tf corrected and the new boarding house and this est price. tf Tie constipation was ; DON'T NEGLECT ...llA AAM WntlM Kq Itn nnA - .1-. 1 I FOR RENT Furnished house YOUR TEETH! loon I free of P"11' headaches ""U ICauy IU WAN HI Vnnner n I.I ml that miserable feeling that nn.r-.mrrm,!,.!.. a iiuinu?r i oi....... men." I i Mini o,m uiu n.. u i vamiioi,,.. keeping rooms. Phone BluS H One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Ydur if i I fr. fiinn tj v I VWUBfcHJ. AUUIV 217. I continued tf Kcompanies Dyspepsia. "u6i muv c i. ii nnr 77H tf H "Efficiency" j loUlethis splendid milt medicine wao very anxious tnat otner ac FOUND now I am well, strong' and commodation should be provided I WANTED Live delivery man at Iiod ROBERT NEWTON. ror tne workmen, especially for the Table Supply. tf FOUND Ladies' while kid glove iOc.i box.G or$2.60,trial sno 25c. those who were married and WANTED Apply Daily News office. tf Dr. by business At all dealers or sent postpaid on would bring their families here. man, room Bayne receipt of price by Fruit-a-Uvea Mr. Mullen is keenly interested with or without board, close in, ARCHITECTS limited,Ottawa. in the general progress of the Apply box 243 Daily News. tf OFFICE HOURS: WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and town. He is purchasing every HELP WANTED valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared Morning, 9 tol!2i Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to S thing possible here and believes in encouraging home industry. SALESMAN, competent and ant buildings.for public and private This Office Closed on Good Friday and Machinery. bitious for Manufacturers Easter Monday Speaking of the machinery and Agency business. J. F. Maguire FINANCIAL plant he said that most of the Smith Block. Dental Nurse in attendance. fabricating APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a Phone 109 machinery would have HOUSES OR for appointment FLATS low rale of interest received to bo purchased in the United on Slates as tha Canadian firms I WANTED TO RENT House. Dart plans specifications and tenders, Won mm B I would not guarantee delivery un of house or flat, central, no by William Bruce, Architect, S tier about eight months. The children. Apply box 244. 4th Street. ( engines and boilers and other MISCELLANEOUS machinery, for the ships, however, FOR SALS would be all made in Canada It rHE NORTON The place for . a To Prospective OR SALE 44 of acres good farm seemed a pity, he shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp thought, that We handle only two Canada could not supply every land on the Skeena River; 8 treatment. 210 Fourth Street. BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS with acres cleared, house makes of Pianos; both thing. Right at Kwinitsa station.good Price Open 10 a. in. or by appoint of ment. Phone 493. tf ; proved excellence $500 cash and the balance of The WAR VETERANS WILL $500 in one year. Apply to BICYCLES Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement Htintzman & Co.- Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. C, or we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material .PLAY REST OF CITY Ed. II. Mortimer, agent, Prince WE PAY CASH for second-hand and supplies handled by us, such as: Piano, Rupert, B. C. tf bicycles and parts. You can Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings I7ie Weber Piano AT SOCCER FOOTBALL trade your old biko for a new and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe r O il QUICK SALE Rooming one. Yr9 repair all makes of Conduit, Electric healers and mantels, Automatic Electric toce Rupert iteic Slore The next big football game to house; 14 rooms and large bikes and carry a large assortment Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water be pulled off in the city will be I dance hall. Apply 208 Ninth of accessories. McGowani Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heatera, Pipe 0pp. Po6t Office tho Great War Veterans against I Avenue. See this before build & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and J.Pitman, Piano Dept. the city. This it is thought will ing. tf Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, be a very keen contest, as the War McCLARY RANGES and COOK Second Avenue. tf Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron Veterans have a number of first Stoves at Brochu's Furniture C. P. R. FARM Ornamental Iron Work, Firo Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote rate men in both the St. Andrew's Store, 309 3rd Ave. Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and Pianos in Stock and the Sons of England teams. C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. The War Vets have an idea that 'OR SALE Hatching eggs, off in well settled districts in Wo also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, KEINT2MAN in spite of the stiff Joints and S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R Western Canada; low prices; including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and & KARN CO. other disabilities under which I. Reds, off 300 highest laying twenty years to pay; irrigated Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, ENNIS they labor, the training which strain and winter layers, from lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. Mi MORRIS they have undergone will give tho Pennsylvania Poultry with loan of $2,000 in Being direct factory representatives, we are able to them tho advantage over their Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also improvements to assist new make very attractive prices. CLINTON stay-at-home opponents, many of Indian Runner Ducks. Suth settlers. Act now they are DOHERTY whom have not kept in good erland 704 McBrido St. tf going fast. For free booklets Sold on Easy Terms. Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. physical condition. At any rate and full information write II. We rnt the out pianos it should prove a very interesting I province comprised exclusively of G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. ' month as match. Tho date for it has not air force men, as only those who Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 as 20c. a dnv. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st yet been set. served in the Royal Air Force or Pi,no Tunlno anj M...ii any one of the air services of the St., East, Calgary. Instrument Repairing AID QEPVIf E Empire are eligible for member IN THE SUPREME COURT W BRITISH IIIA ULllllVli fih in. COLUMBIA. Mker's Music IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. Store Association membershiDS are TION ACT L!ivt' - Phone Blue 389 ciud Rooms opened In Vanoouver coming in from many parts of IN THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF Georgetown Lumber Co. fop Use of Members from any the province. These memberships STANLEY BARTLETT, DECEASED, INTESTATE. Part or Province. which are onen to those livine TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 cost Honor F. McB. Young-, made tne 11th day outsido Greater Vancouver, April. A. D. 1919. I was appointed Largest Assortment.of Lumber In Central B. O. The Air Association of Ii. C, ho nominal sum of one dollar Administrator to the estate of Stanley Kartlett, deceased, and all parties having FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY which has in UVAUGHAN made rapid strides per year and entitle tho holder to claims against the said e&taie are hereby membership ever since its be- tno full use of the .club when in quired to rurnisn same, properly verined. me, on or oerore tne ivtn aay or May, SPRUCE FIR CEDAR H Piano Tuning finning, now has well equipped the city of Vancouver, and also D. 1919. and all parties Indebted to the required to the amount of estate are pay an temporary clun rooms at 821 i0 wear the Association pin. heir indebtedness to me rortmvun. Consult Us. Repairing Pender St., West, Vancouver, and JOHN omclal II. MCMULLIN.Administrator. SaTisf, aion Guaranteed is tho onlv association in the1 Advertise in the Daily News. DATED this l?th day of April, 1919. , Leave Orders at IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN Pv WW. BYRNES '""RupertMusic Store -hone Black 183 ITS ( CM0M UP VJIU. SOO HrM A MlSs 0O - LpOrA ME. AMP VoO ; DO NT M.A. F OU WAY V LIKE A &o6 J DO AS vou y V J HERE ( , t (4fl , rights . ' "T" Mu,ic, from I iiona Ulue 120 Ph. CJFra.erSt. We . on '"T -