M -,ocT AID J The Daily News SPRING GED.J.FBlgELL LAMB to B" Cmm't Com- For Easter Phones,82and20(h Phones 10 and 25 pniNCE nupER-i;, b.c, Monday, april 21, 1919. PRICE FIVE CF.NTr VOL. X. JAPANESE GOVERNMENT URGED BY GERMANY MUST SEND REAL -REPRESENTATIVES OF COUNTRY TO SECEDE FROM , WHO ARE task at, TO BE TREATED ASENEMES THE LEAGUE-BRITAIN IS BLAMED ITALIAN DIFFICULTY STILL LOOMS LARGE IN NEGOTIATIONS GOING FORWARD AT PARIS CLAIMS (Special 10 The Kewa la 0. T. P. Telefrnpns.) April 21. Declaring that Japan should secede from FULFILMENT OF SECRET TREATY ' . .nH that the orinclDles of humanity under- (Special to Tbe JV.wa rla O.T.P. TeleiTgpna.t the league are falsehoods, the Japanese press are unanl-..-.ui Paris, April 21. The Council of" Four has notified Germany uusly awativ-j rsrent Britain and demanding a Monroe Doc- lhat. the associated powers-cannot receive representatives at Versailles . for the Orient. ,who are merely messengers. The German Government ..... ..... nrraslnned bv the Dtiblication of the news must with The ouiDurnv - 1 appoint representatives plenipotentiary powers. . !. ha Leaaue of Nations had rejected the Japanese According lo the terms of orders Marshal Foch is to have received, Cdment providing for the principle of the equality of nations the German plenipotentiaries are to be treated as enemies of color or race. onlil the treaty is signed and anyone communicating -with them . . . 1L. Slim 1 1 t .La k tu.l .4 as HAS InSlSlcu iruui mo Milk oiio niuvk tm uwn will be subject to prosecution before a court martial on a charge japan. ... I.. A.l.nl.l natlnn MnMiftntuI Ki,t k.. he is in viiijr wnviiMti hqhuii iiv.enwu of dealing with the enemy. aterial aid to me - r- Italian Difficulty. . . j ih. flnwAlnnmnnt of the country alona modern Paris, April 21. The. Italian r fct Government. -i...- nnu whnt she considers 1 aood and sufficient reason ssue over the Adriatic has reached MINESWEEPERS lines are gi - an acute stage, where a decision lof hep recognition as an eguai wim wbwbhi . " MSlatatftlCmrESMaT one way or another can-lot - longer be deferred and a de-:ision ARE SOLD TO &V3jgi COL PECK ACCEPTS either way may be fraught REBASTAPOL SPEEDING UP. with serious consequences. HONORARY PRESIDENCY PHILLIPPINES Despite Easter, the Council f IS EVACUATED PROTEST AT Tour continued its sessions. Letter Received From Member by RECEPTION TO Italian Premier Vittoria Or-ando (Special via 0.T.P.. TcletTaprji.) Geo. Logan Thanking Army and Italian Foreign Minis-er and Navy Veterans Baron Sonnino were both Halifax, April 21. Of the 149 light Da Armistice Arranged, CAPT.McGREGOR ADMISSION OF mine sweepers sold to the Ander- For Honor. present and made it known that 25 Retiring of Montreal six have Expiring April son Company he opening oT.the Italian Parliament To Constantinople. A letter from Col. C. V. Peck HINDU WOMEN on Wednesday has jiecessi-tated already been disposed of to the AND COL. PECK Government of the Philippine Islands. accepting the honorary presi their leaving Paris Monday (SpecUl by 0.T. P. Telegraph.) dency of the local branch of ther with the definite knowledge of lnmlnn. ADril 21 Sebaslopol Armv nn4 Navv Veterans has Just I what is going to be done. Baron Although the boats were built Li ken evacuated by the Cri- -'been received by George Logan, Clvlo Affair In Exhibition Hon. J. W. deB. Farrls Says It Sonnino continues insisting upon as mine sweepers they are well of Honor of All Means Hindu Population fitted for flshing.in the deep seas. lian.Government which is pro- secretary, as follows: Building the integral fulfillment of the leding lo Constantinople. "Dear Sir.--I have to hand Returned Men. Fifteen to Twenty secret Treaty of London, giving They cost a considerable sum but Sebaslopol is now in the hands ..it w, Inlln. f Ik. 904h 'itlilmn In Thousand. to Italy the entire Dalmatian are now being sold for an average I i revolutionary committee. The ...w:v. . t .,.- I A committed of the City Coun- coast, and islands and also claiming of $7,000 each.' imoimcement Is made by a Rus- ielected honorary president of the cil headed by Acting Mayor Mcltae A note of protest at the action the city of Fiume without internationalization ...... . Hie Ottawa Government in nf CO-ORDINATE WITH LABOR I I Irinl n tntnl rk nan tu tireless despatch which adds Prince Rupert unit of the Army 'i" or division with at, after negotiations with the nnH Nnw Vftlerans. Please con- lion will be given to Lapt. MC- nassintr an Order-in-Couhcil per the Jugo-Slavs. miHincr flie wives and children of (Special by Q-T.P. Telesrapha.) I liti command, an agreement thanks to the Veterans for Gregor, V.C., of this city and vey my 'Hindus now residing, jn British San Francisco, April 21. The at reached for an eight dnys" ar- their kind honor. ' i.ieui.-oi. . , that there are 3,000 Hindus in very to enter nere, nas Deen Labor Council committee is -I i I i tl J ah nT llm nil 'Columbia arranging fojitj, expiring Apri2&?ntsa. he Province today, and with the 1 r... ... 1 1:...4 i " fa's in the fsTltindedljy the Hon.J. 'deB. for the co-ordination of will ireftlded reception in (Signed) ' "C. VT Peck." Airu nodes t allowance suggested i'iiKi the and each will be presented with Fairjs, Attorney-General and wife all contracts between labor and ttt back in Crimea. Two other letters were also re- he Order-in-Council of one lien . address of aDureciation or ister of Labor. He said that the employers, so that all may expire w' Boishevlki forces captured j i f-tv. nn o each Hindu, together with their Hack of criticism -with which the the in same day. ferelop their Services. existing families of children, who Judge F. McB. Young accepting. alteration in the law opening nn.. Mnnnnl Ait ii-i 1 1 ha nol1 sit. ' the position of Hon. Vice-Presi-' ""i-" , T- British Columbia lo the HindU3 are also to be allowed to come in, Captain Nicholson of the G. T. me janiuiuoa jiuuu u .. it will only be a few years at most 11 GALE and the other from Canon REFUSES dent: had been received suggested that P., accompanied by his wife and to both Mctona uross this will have a convenient before province G. A. Rix who will lend his ser- of there was "a conspiracy secretary, left for Vahcouver on TO ACCEPT POSITION presumau.y ua u.c an.... Hindu population of 15,000 or .men, vices as Hon. Chaplain. and lie T ... Pnl DA.Ir silence" on the matter, with the Venture Saturday afternoon. whQ-will multiply 20,000, expressed the opinion that it was i Yesterday the acting mayor each generation. isprtu Tit o.t p Tcierrtpht.) GERMANY MAY REFUSE him necessary for the public, private The oldest Canadian Life Co. f.nl. Peck askinK nHrnH in "It seems to me," added the Vancouver April 21 Mayor and citizens, the newspapers and all The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. t0 be here slo "that the exPects TO QFfN PFAfP TRFATY wnen ne Attorney-General, lite has announced his refusal labor and nublic organizations to IU JlUll lihVEi lIVLirll of innniphiir what are the chances gan of British Columbia today i the position of Utilities Com- make themselves heard in a pro the unit returning this way and must be that this province shall fasion?r offered him by the rvrl.l l OTP. IfjlrtTtDtll.) test against what he termed tlie ODDFELLOWS' would likely - - - there become the how many men not be allowed to BALL pvincial Government. Ilnr.1ln. Anfil 9 1 1n slnilfttionB i . r- III from P.nl new Asiatic menace. MASQUERADE .' - O wv. iradle for Orientals; especially ) ,1)0. Wil (jCkblUg iCfW May 7th, 1819. that Germany will refuse to sign peck jt wju be possible to arrange Ottawa's Previous Orders. iow when the labor situation is Prizes In- Best Costume t the neace treaty unless the terms .iio ininl retention. Reviewing the history of Brit ntensifled and we are facing the ish Columbia's problem with the vltatlon Only Reserve X HEILBRONER are acccpiuuio m net, muimuv enormous tasK ox assimuaung The Date. be. made in the German news. Hindu, Mr. Farris pointed out that ur returned men into industrial Reliable Jeweler papers. PRINCE RUPERT MAN in order to protect the Province ife is the Order-in-Council ill at from being Hooded by Hindus, the Diamonds, Watches, Clocks FOUGHT IN BELGIUM Government of Canada, had, in imed. Cllt Glass. Slluanuio-.. FORT GEORGE MAN Wants Publlo Action. jk ARRIVE8 ON ADRIATIC previous, years, been obliged lo "British Columbia is the gar-1en "DEMER8" umbrella, Community Plate," Among the arrivals in the city pass restrictive Orders-in-Coun-cil of Canada. Her position on Etc. (Special via 0.T. P. Teleg-rapM.) on last night's train were Mr. providing that East Indians he Pacific coast of Canada makes We have a splendid dis- " The S. S. and Mrs. Theo. Collart. could only enter here by direct W . and 6th 8lr..t. Halifax, April 21. ler a possible dumping ground play of Spring Millinery. Adriatic has arrived with 2,000 Mr. Collart prior to 1914 was steamer route, and prohibiting or immigration both from Eu Trimmed hats from $5.00 Irnnns inrllldinor Lieut. D. MC- n hA real estate business here, the further landing of Hindu wo and Asia, and we must pro to $25.00. ...v.uua.aQ rope Dougall W,rw, of Fort George an3 Major and being a lieutenant in the Bel men. As a result of these restrictive tect ourselves against sucn ln--asions Ready-to-wear from $3.75 H. B. Bcharschmidt of Vancouver. gian army, immediately proceeded measures the Hindu the present all the more to $10.00. overseas to rejoin the Belgian population had been reduced to dangerous because of the apparent Now is the time to make New styles in black and tan for army, where he quickly gained about 3,000 men, a number which 'conspiracy of silence1 which your choice, while the as- Easter. Family Shoo Store. 92 captain's rank. He was severely Mr. Farris added, was found s reigning over the Order-in-Jouncil sortment is good. wounded, necessitating his stay ample under present, conditions of March 28. COME AND SEE tVrm .. 1,000 tons Ladysmith Coal, the in "Blighty" for a year. in British Columbia, having re-sard "My object in making this '"VICE L. . .L . B..ID. fViaaf lull Captain Collart brings with him to their non-assimilable tatemcnt at the present time is 00(1 and SATISFACTION arrived. Send your orders to the his wire irom ungiauu w r characteristics. n the hope of stimulating the Board Lin.-o w will make their "Now at the time when European 15. RupeM where they " '"i. Ml.JtU. Prince Runert Coal Co. Phone mblic mind to an appreciation of borne. immigration is restricted he situation, so that the private WANTED and when it is of greater import ,itizen8. the press and the or IGNORANCE BLAMED ance than ever to keep the Hindu ganizations of public-minded citi- population already here lessened, 25 Muckers Empress ens. will make Representations : Theatre FOR MANY ACCIDENTS the new Order-in-Council sweeps mmediate and urgent to our most effective 50c hour away one of the Federal representatives, and to Wages, per barriers from an excess pf Hindu de O.T.P. Itlerrapna.) he Dominion Government, New Show (Special by asserted the Attorney Tonight Washington, April 2l Jnabil-ii.. population," manding the repeal of the. Order Appty-J. f nnniim miners to read or General. admitting Hindu wives and child LTD, understand English is blamed by Waited for Ottawa. ren to aggravate and perpetuate R. MORGAN, TRIANGLE PLAYS present the Bureau of Mines as ine cuu "I hae been withholding Farris comment the Hindu problem in British Co at Drydock the matter," Mr. thirds of the mine on lumbia," said the Attorney-gen of over two it would be added, "feeling that ral in conclusion. William Desmond fatalities. belter first to have the issue 'raised by our Dominion reore- I 9 Isentatives now at Ottawa. But I WESTH0LMP in ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY I have been waiting and waiting in NOTICE TONir.HT vain or any protests from them, HYING OFFICIAL fSECEPTION either in the House of Commons CONSTANCE TALMA DOE COLORS" or elsewhere. 1 have also been IN CAPT. JOHN MCGREGOR, sumrised at the fact that there The Prioco Rupert Musioal "Up the Road With 8allle" M.C., has been no comment publicly in Society will meet tonight in Rainstorm, Spooks, Burglars D.C.M., A thrill:ng story 0f V.O., other directions, i xeei mat tins the Anglican Church, corner But Just full of laughs. an Athlete, Thief a Detective, a TOMORROW NIGHT is a matter of such vital import A "British Bulwarks" "a a Woman's Honor Fourth and Dunsmuir, at 8 At 8 at St. Andrew's Rooms. ance to Canada and to British A Mack Sennet Comedy Columbia particularly that some-nndv o'clock sharp, ard Oils. Admlsaton 'l5cMd take notice. must s eak out. It is estl- C, G, PERRY, Secretary. Show TMS tic. and lie. 25c, War Tax Members please Extra Shows, 7.IS asd 8 Jmated," proceeded Mr. Farris,