Page2 THE flAXLX NEWS. Monday April 21 . 1910 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE '- V .-5- PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH .COLUMBIA . ' TO Linzey's Grocery For the Eaat. THAT EAST .Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays .and Saturdays AT Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 216 6th AVENUE WEST at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Opposite the Rink 1 Before buying that From the Eaat. Easter hat SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sundays, Tuesdays and Ttaure-lays see ours We cater to the family at 5:45 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. trade For Vancouver: The Borsalino ' " To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Saturdays , . . , 4 p. m BECAUSE April 22 . . . . 7 a. m. The Borsalino Telephone y. May 3rd . .7 n, m, has the shape Our Prices Are and quality, and we have TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. Front Vancouver tiiem Contract Rates on application. Right Fridays .. p. m in any color you may desire at April 17th and 28th . . 9 a. in DAILY EDITION. Monday, April 21, 1919. and the Quality of the iiillililllllii $8.00 For Anyox: Highest Order Sundays 10 p.m Air Service Vednesdays 10 p. m MARTIN O'REILLY By the Railways. 7bii Phone - - - 586 From cnue The G. P. R. is applying for permission from Parliament to Anyox: Tuesdays est3blish air services in Canada and adjoining territory. This big Thursdays . . p. nr. transportation corporation is recognizing that air transportation is some to stay and is likely to become a popular means of travel For Port Simpson and Arrandale - It vill not be in competition with the railways so much as aux TO SUQSCrtlBERS Sundays .10 p.m iliary to them, for many years to conie at any rate. PossiBly the time will come when air travel will be a serious competitor with Subscribers to The News From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale FURS FU are asked to pay the delivery Tuesdays ................ p.m RS rail travel and if it is the G. P. R. wants to be ready to undertake boys each month the work of establishing lilies and keeping abreast of the times when they call, except For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei Doublless.other lines will follow the G. P. R. and any new where payment has been points: railway charters that may be granted will have included in them made for the year in advance. Fridays ............... 2 p. m the right to establish air lines. The Dominion Government, as The boys when Ship to Us Direct collecting cany olllcial receipts From Port Simpson and Naas the owner of one of the big lines of railway will have to step in River Points: which should always The top market price paid and line and establish air services where necessary. It will have to be preserved. Saturdays .......... p. m equitable show that government ownership is not a drag on the wheels but grading made. No delays at any point. that under slate there be reaching-out and - Queen Charlotte Islands: ownership can a a Wo registered with and For Massett, port Clements and j are recognized by Ihe United moving forward. The G. P. R is -giving them a lead this time, LAND REGISTRY ACT." Upper Island points: States War Trade Hoard and all of the Collectors of Customs showing that initiative lies with Ihe private companies rather (Sections 36 and 134.) .Thursdays, May 1st, 15th and 29lh under Ucenco 1 I). F. 30, and you can send your furs to than with the Government. Re Application No. 10.607-1. File 6.100. at 8 p. m. us direct by pur tag or any lag. changed to suit, if marked TAKE NOTICE that application bas been "Furs of Canadian and Origin" furs will your made to register Thomas McManamon, or "rom Masset, Pflrt Clements and come right Native Paper I'rlnce nupert, D. C, as owner In rce trader Upper Island points: througln a Tax sale Deed from the Collector of Very Interesting. - me city or Prince Kupert, bearing date Saturdays, May 3rd, May l7lh and FAIR GRADING native at ilydaburg, the 10th day or Lecember. 1918. of ALL The pupils of the school Alaska, are A.D SI.NGULAn that certain parcel or tract 31st, a. m. 'publishing a paper known as "The New Native," dealing almost or land and premises situate, lying and The riilcs and ethics of tho change do not permit of DeTng in the City or I'rlnce Kupert, more out alluring sending" price-lists, yet we give you an exact ariicuiany Known and described as Lot 9or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte exclusively with Indian affairs. It is a bright sheet of four pages, iineteen cm), uiock forty,two (si and expert grading and pay you at a rato of five to Uenty-llvo four columns to is all set hand and contains Section eight (8j. (Map 923). Qity and Lower Island points a page, by a good cents more on tho dollar than the average advertising You are required to contest the claim Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and deal of advertising. The motto under the title is "Live for Something," of the lax purchased within 35 days from fur company as Wo cut out all middlemen's profit in dealing tne uate or tne service or tms notice 31st 8 a. m. one that might well be adopted by everyone. The work a(which dally may newspaper),be effected and by your publication attention In Is From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte direct, with you. is well done and doubtless will improve. called to section 36 or the "Land Heglstry City and Lower Island points Act- witn.amendments, ana to tne follow Suggestionsfor native industries contained in the editorial ing extract tnererrom: Tuesdays, May 6th, May 20th. St. Louis Fur Exchange "and in aerault or a cave&t or certificate columns" are that oars and yellow cedar chests should be manufactured. or lis pendens being filed before & St. 7lh U.S.A. the registration as owner or the For Skagway and the Yukon. Chestnut, Louis, Mo., That also applies to Prince Rupert. We look to learn person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, April 28th, 9 a. m. a great deal from "The New Native" and .must congratulate the . . . . and those claiming through From Skagway and Yukon. or under them, and all persons claiming Indians of Ilydaburg on their production. any Interest In the land by virtue April 22, and May 3rd, a. m. or any unregistered Instrument, and of Titles all persons claiming any interest In Question the land by descent whose title Is Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Phone Black 183 Phone Black 183 not registered 'under the provisions Still a Live One. or this Act, shall be for ever estopped Point. Vlctrola's and Records The, question of the granting of titles to Canadians by the and claim debarred jo or. In respect from setting or the up land any so t For Thursdays 8 p. jn Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instrument British Government was discussed recently at Ottawa and referred sold ttlr taxes, and the Registrar iTom baturdays , . . . n. m Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances shall register.the person entitled under to a special committee of the House of Commons to consider. such tax sale 'as owner or the land so sold for taxes." Prince Rupert Music Store There was a great deal of interest taken in the question AM) WHEREAS application has been maie ror a certiiicate or inaereasiDie Title and the vote on it was close, the motion to refer to a committee to the above-mentioned lands. In the name WILL EDMUNDS. Prcmrlrtur. of Thomas McManamon OPP08ITE POST OFFICE being carried by 7i to 04. Nine Unionists voted for immediate AND WHEREAS on Investigating the Repairs to all kinds or l ringed Instruments. Flute and clarinets rcpidM title it appears tnat prior to the lOli) day and adlusted. Bou-g rehalred and renranncd. settlement of the question by the House, .seven of them being or October, 1917 (the date on which the , Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store Liberal Unionists. sam tanos were sow ror overdue taxes) you were the assessed owner tbereor. The Government, leaders seem anxious to postpone action I-URTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at the until such time as their friends have been properly provided with same time I shall effect registration in WATER ACT, 1914. pursuance of such application and Issue a handles to their names. They have shown this by making recommendations certificate or Indereaslble Title to the said 1UPAIUAN RIGHTS lands In the name of Thomas McManamon for titles. This may make it necessary for Parliament unless you take and prosecute the proper NOTICE Is hereby given that under the Hotel Prince proceedings to establish, your claim, If provisions or section o or the water Act, Rupert later to forbid the use of all titles in this country. There cannot 1914, riparian claiming GOAL every proprietor any, 10 tne saia lams, or to prevent sucn be a true democracy where a few people are set on a pedestal by proposed action on my part. any right to divert water or to the exclusive Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince use ol water ror any purpose by their political friends, the merit usually being purely a monetary uupert, 13. -,., mis 11 in any or April, iviv virtue only or his being such riparian proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN one. If titles are to be sold, the best method .is to put them up II. t. MACLbUU, Is required on or berore the tlrst $1.50 per day and up. 5 Screened District Registrar or Titles. uay or June, tvzu, to me a statement or to auction and knock them down to the highest bidder and let To E. 11. l'acey, claim setting forth the particulars or.his Sacked the proceeds go into the coffers of the state rather than to re i'rlnce Rupert, D. C. tiled claim.In duplicate Such statements with the or Water claim Recorder shall be FIRST-CLASS CAFE Delivered plenish party funds. - MINERAL ACT is or diverted the Water or District used. In which the water A La Carte. After the tlrst day or June. 1920. no Psycopathlc . . . right to divert water or to the exclusive Certificate of Inferiority. Improvements. use or water ror any Dumose shall exls $13.00 notice by virtue only or any ownership or land, A copy of the Immigration Amendment Act shows that per Forms or statement or claim can bo ob- -alncd rrom the- Water. Recorders or the sons of "constitutional psycopathic inferiority" are debarred from "Red Point No. i" Mineral Claim situate several Water Districts In the Province or ton entering the country. n tne mas River Mining Division or Cas rom tne comptroller or Water Rights, per glar District. -s. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. I). C. Reference to Webster's dictionary shows that psycopathic Where located: On the Kltsault River, Dated at Victoria. B.C. this nth dav indicates abnormal sensitiveness to spiritual phenomena or being near TAKK me NOTICE uig canyon.that Lewis W. Tatmore, or itiarcn, mm.T. D, PATTULLO, Terminal Coal Co, "rce Miner's Certificate No. 20,107-C, act-ng characterized by extreme susceptibility to religious emotion, conscientious as agent for ole Pearson, Free Miner's Minister or Lands doubts and fears. A person who is subject to hallucinatory Certificate No. 14,157-C, Intends, sixty DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Offlcs Phom, PUe " MINERAL t9 uays irom me aate nereor, to apply to tne ACT. Yard Phone, Black ideas in regard to religious mattters may be classed as Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Itn-rovements, psychopathic. From all this it would seem that who ror the purpose or obtaining any person crown urani 01 tne aoove Claim, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH has a wrong thinkery of any kind might be kept out of the coun under And further Section take notice that action "WATER ACT 1914." 80, must be commenced try, which means of course that he must think as we do, or as the berore the Issue or such Certificate or flltlA T r,U II H Ulna.,1 NOTICE.Ifill III.,.. 1 rr i-, i vwavi, iuilici.l ill!,, Hiluaai ,.UU.k majority do, else he is not made welcome. improvements. t., Klirla. .1. I'. 1 1 ,I ..n ANCELLATION OF ItESEnVE OF DATtD this Sth day of February, A. D. u 'ijB.v,j, t.iu.a bDBD fiat,,., r.D. 1 at- -WATER. lonai Mineral Claims, situate in the Port- notice la hereby (riven tbat His Honor A person must not be too religious or in other words ho 1)M. ana canai mining Division or cassiar u s no Lieutenant uovernor or tintisn lioium- must not.take his religion too seriously else he would be odd and MINERAL ACT trlct. la. by and witn the advice or bis txecu ional Where located: On the East Salmon tvfl- Council, bas been Dleased to order: not to the that be. If Jesus of Nazareth acceptable powers were River valley. thai pursuant 10 inn provjsious ui to apply he would, in all probability, be promptly turned down as take notice that I. A. II. Oreen. act- ectlon fcfl or Ihe "Water Act. 19 W" being- Limited Certificate of Improvements. ng as agent ror L. Watklns. V. M. C. No, Chapter 81 or the Statutes or 1914, that one of psycopathic inferiority and would be sent home to his own NOTICE IC340-C: C. D. Carter. F. M. C. No. 0.888. he reserve or the unrecorded waters or Corner Sixth jjFr; it. m. Martin, f, m. C. No. 9,687C; II, lefuire creek, established, pursuant to country at the expense of the transportation company. Those I. Fetter, F. M. C. No. 9.897-Ct II. E. jrder m council no. eu, approved on tne who wish to come to Canada must hand their consciences over "Black Dear" Mineral Claim, situate In Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,698-C. Martin 7ln day or January, mm, do canceuca. Groceries me jaas Mining Division or cassiar District. Welch, F. M. C. No. 9,899-C, Intend, sixty DATfcU mis 1 7tn aay or KeDruary, miv High Class to the state and also their religious emotions to be pruned and days rrom tho date hereor, to apply to the T. D. PATTULLO, - formed in accordance with official formulae. Where locatedi On the Kltsault River. Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of 1m- Minister or Lands. Meats iiuur mu uig canyon. . provements, for the purpose or obtaining TAKE NOTICE that John II. McMullin, uruwn ursui 01 me aoove claim. Fruits Ofllclal Administrator or the Estate or And rurther take notice that action, un Charles Swanson, deceased. Intestate, Free der section'88, must be commenced bofore Confectionery i I Miner's Certificate No. 3.522-C. intend. tne issuance or sucn certincate or im sixty days from the date hereof, to apply provements. RANKOfMMTREAL to the Mining Recorder ror a Certificate uatea mis Mil day or March, A. p. 1919, and Bakery or improvements, ror tne purpose or ob A, It. UllEEn. ainiug a crown urani or tne above claim. Ana limner ibko notice mat action PROMPT AH ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS under Section 88. must be commenced ORDERS GET berore the Issue of such Certificate or mprovemems, STEEN & L0NGW1LL CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ATED this sth day of February, A, D The Farmer and 1919 Molor De ivery. ndtipe is HFfiFnY niVF.N that the re His Bank MINERAL ACT BANITAR. mnD HEATING ervH eilsllnar over vacant Crown Land In the vicinity or Chelaslle ;rtlver. Mange i, EIYOINEER8 Hnnit lilntrlrt hv rPnann nf a notice Pub should be on intimate and Certificate of Improvements. lished in the British Columbia Gazette or NOTICE Oth May, 1910, 18 cancelled. ...ts-n friendly terms. They can Agents for Deputy U. It.Minister rtAUE.fl,of Lands. be mutually helpful. "Red Point Extension" mineral claim, McOLARY FURNACES Department or Lands, Ituate In tho Naas River Mining Division Victoria, ,B. c . . lee f cassiar District. Utb March, 1919. . M 18 m T. The Bank of Montreal is Where located! On the Kltsault niver. near tho big Canyon. PLUMBINQ TIMBER SALE X1466. always glad to give to its TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. & 0 Free Miner's Certificate- No. 20,407-C, acting and LADIES' customers, the benefit of its as agent ror Ole Evlndsen, Free Miner's SHEET METAL WORKS Sealed tenders will be received by the ..mrwaNT TAIL"" Certificate No. 14,166-C, Intends, sixty Minister or Lands not later than, noon on financial experience and days Mining rrorn Recorder the date ror hereor,a Certificate to apply or to im.the Phone.6, 831 Second Avenue. chase tho 17th or Licence day or April.X14C6, cut ror Mfie.oou the pur knowledge. provements, ror the purpose, or obtaining Night phones 670 reel or Spruce, Cedar and Balsam on an Crown Grant or the above claim. Ellerslle Bay, situated Big- area on Lake, WINNIPEG BRANCH And rurther take notice that action, and Blue 270 Itanire 3; Coast District. under Section 88, must be commenced Two (9) years will be allowed for re berore the Issue of such Certificate of Tho right work, at tho right moval or no.a 136 rv timber. Phone H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. Improvements. time, and at the right prlo. Further particulars or the enter rorei- dated this Dth day of February, A. D. ...... . er. Victoria. D, C. . or District Forester, ltl fltttftmmt,fmamm Irrlnce Hupert, B.C. 1