THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3. LLOYD GEORGE Puddings This Week Make .... GIVES ADVICE PURITY - QUALITY - ECONOMY - - A A era A A i The vwvvW old price WW-on Sago and Tapioca was 171c. per TO WORKMEN With, the increased cost of labor and und We are now selling these foods at 15c. but materials due to war conditions, it is this week we offer you the Special Price of 12Jc. not reasonable to that 8ays Britain Must Give World suppose a really and stock this opportunity pound. Take up. Example of Civilization as It per first cllass .Special per lb., 12c. Has Done Before. baking powder can be made gAG0 Tapioca . J2c and sold at the old prices. Rather than "I will say to the emnloyers Corn Starch . pkg.,I2;c. that they might get temporary sacrifice the quality of Peas..... lb., 12jc. Dried Green advantage which might end in Barley . 8jc. their ruination. It has urot beyond QpLiT Peas , lOc. merely gettintr temDorary tri- MAGIC BAKING POWDER White Navy Beans 10c. lUmphs. If they want the whole fabric of society to endure they Two stores GROCERY must look, at the long run; they we found it necessary to make slight increases FULLER'S must see that the foundation of the social structure is secure. in price during the -war period. Even though They are not. There is a great Magic Baking Powder may cost a few cents P H O N E 45 PHONE deal of what is rotten beneath more than the ordinary kinds it is still bv far They of have the to state."underpin th. II the most economical bakirid oowder on the This was the admonition which market to-day when purity, strength and leaven-ing Premier Llovd GeorKe Kave to the qualities are taken into consideration. Joint Industrial Committee which waB recently elected at the Na Storage Batteries Mouse Wiring tional Industrial Conference held Contains No Alum Made in Canada in London earlier in the month. Charged and Repaired in-all its branches lie slated that he was about to No Loss or Time While attend the peace congress which Your Battery is Being he hoped would settle satisfactor their minds. I am perfectly certain Overhauled. Another Is ELECTRIC ily the peace of the world. that no workman would re l!!llllllllll!l!!llllilll!lilllllilll!lllllllfll IRONS On the other hand," ho con Always Available. sent that, and I am equally cer GRILLS tinued, "let me say a word to the tain that if the workmen say ex McGQWAN & HANSON For TOASTERS workers. What has appened in Agents actly what is in their minds the Portable RANGES Russia, and what in LVINRUDE may happen employers would rather hear it. Motors. HEATERS Germany shows they aro the class (Hear, hear.) CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS whom anarchy suits the.least, be & Co. "The world is in a state of con Cycle Repair WASHING MACHINES cause inconceivable Runabouts. they are suffering vulsion anj unrest and I would REGAL Engines for LAMPS horrors in these countries, not like to predict what will happen The Trolling.Famous English FLASHLIGHTS moment where to be they triumphant.appear A for small the Russia in has the gone next to year pieces or and two.the H Repairs of All Kinds 1 PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS section may be doing well, but the reports we are getting from there ENGINE FOR vast multitude of the working are reports of inconceivable suffering. FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, classes there are suffering unimaginable We are getting appeals Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, ETC. Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, distress. Keys Therefore, made, not so much for arms as for food, Full line of Electrical Apparatus in itoclc. what is needed is a prosperous because the people are dying by Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe community, with a prosperity en hundreds of thousands. I am Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. ured for all. See that the stream of the whole sorry to say the symptoms are Soldering of All Kinds E irrigates prosperity that Germany is going to pieces Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 land, and that there aro not barren, also. There is a lack of cohesion; H Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the fj storm-swept passages where i there is a lack of definite, clear H , Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop nothing grows, and where life indication of the way in which withers, but something that irrigates that country is going to march 139 2nd Ave. Prince I the land and enriches it fj - - - Rupert and the suffering is there and is S.S. for everybody. That is a state beginning to bo very acute and it EE Phone 489 PRINCE RUPERT of society where we can all live s spreading. and enjoy life, with a knowledge Will Save Civilization. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that everybody else is participating "I should not be a bit surprised SAILING in the enjoyment of life. I if this Old country, not for the "I am not going into the vari first time, will be the land that THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, ous nroDiems before you, ine will save civilization in more Victoria and Seattle. problems of and the prob This wages senses than one (hear, hear) Special Week WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. lem of hours of labor. It is and I should like you to do it, but S. S. PRINCE JOHN a mistake to keep men working it will only save civilization if all Queen Charlotto Islands April 17. longer than is absolutely neces classes feel that civilization here sary for an efficient discharge of is on the basis of justice and fair Blinds. Curtains, TRAIN SERVICE the duties of the trade. On the nlay to all. There must bo a fmcnrrr Monday, Wednesday and Saturday it ii:30i.m. for s mi then other hand, we must have to deal sense of confidence' in the minds htace Own, Edmonton and Winnipeg, nuklnr direct connection for til but we Curtain Rods, Sheets, polnti tit and south. with foreign competition, of all classes that they aro getting have to produce an adequate sup what is right and what is just AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ply for distribution amongst the from the community, and the appeal Pillow Slips, Towels For information and reservations apply to whole of a great community of I am going to make to you Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent 45i000.000 DeoDle. There must here today is this: Yqu are really City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 be a limit both ways, and what a peace congress, you are settling you want is to find exactly where the future of this country, but BARRIE FURNITURE STORE the legitimate boundary is. you may bo doing more than that; Must Increase Productivity. you may be settling the future of SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. "I should like to say another civilization; you may be making a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY thing, if the workmen will allow model for civilization upon which me, "and I know it is a very deli all lands will turn to you and say, cate task because they are con Let us follow Britain. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points scious of it, and they are suspicious "It is not the first time that Phone 37 P.O.IBox 1704 via Steamer to Vancouver and the for good reasons. The Britain has given the principles Canadian Pacific Railway employers can help to remove that upon which liberty and democratic cause of suspicion. I am convinced government have been settled in For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Meals and Berth included on Steamer that the future success other lands. I want you to tIo and prosperity of this country depend something here, so that all lands THE SAVOY HOTEL ADrtl 1 ANCOUVEn, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINOE RUPERT .upon increasing its productivity?" in their despair will turn once II M4 Jl M,y s. u S3; June 3, It and 0. You have got to do it. Of more to Britain and say, 'See how F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.g.r course, there is a great ueai m they have settled things there, pj'n ETCHIIUNi JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SXAOWAY, ALASKA Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. of in such rrlnce ""Pert-April -S8( waste in the organization They havo settled things in t7, and May 8. It and . dustry. I saw enough of that in a way that justice has been done the organization of the ministry to all classes; all classes are contented. Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL of munitions to know; at any rate Grievances have been removed, ' rour,h stri, fnd Thjid Avenui prjnc. Rupert. B.C. that there was a good deal of un wrongs have been redressed, necessary waste. When we had and a new country has to put pressure on, and'overybody been built up. Let us follow the did his best, and all manufacturers example of that little island in GOOD EATS TU IT were pulling together as they tho sea' once more.' " COAST SERVICE. Second Avenuo. did somehow or other, wo were tj eamshin For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat., 4 able to get a bigger output. Well, It is just as cheap to get your Breakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. I am sure it is possible by scientific printing dono weP and done at Lunch 11:30 to 2 !iLB.C. Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, methods, by better organization, lome as it is to send it away. Try Dinner 5:00. to 8 Mondays, 7 a.m. by having a complete understanding The News Print Shop. SHORT ORDER8 ALL DAY i Ltd. Naas River Points, Friday a.m. with the working people, i and making them feel that where tHiii Jack Barnsley, General Agent J they will get their fair share of Coflghiflg scatters serai it, to Increase tho prosperity of Stop it tho country. WESTHOLME LUNCH An Enormous Debt. Couching increase UM 'Where tho charges havo gone Irritation of tba already in. SECOND AVE.' L,PphS' I'"slden Harry Lipsett, Manager flamed tnncnont membranea ard Cunningham, Vice-President up, and the charges on the state and li moreover apt to carry HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. havo gone up wo-nave a aem u diaeaite to other. of Tar and Mi.thleq'i Syrup and the wages 8,000,000000 living Cod Llrer Oil promptly atojia Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. sett-Cunningham havo gone up, the cost of coughing, ana aoon, thanki & Co. has gone up, and that is1 an in to ita tonle propertiea,effect Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room'and board. permanent cure. Where mo creased charge. The wonderful popularity 5HINq LIMITED charges havo gono up tnoy musi 'of Mathlen'a Syrup of Tar CANNERv tm...- bo met somehow, eithor by saving and Cod Lifer Oil la ipeciilly VUirifitBT MARINE HARDWARE doe to iU great value aa a or by increased productivity, permanent Tang and bronchial FlslhSNi?iSUPP"es Qa8 Enfln" nd Aocessorlea should like some sort of dead healer. BOSTON GRILL c'iB, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage level of talk if you will allow the fettle.Sold everywhere,JSC Urg workmen and betweon PRINCE phrase 60S THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 RUPERT, B. 0. employers upon that topic. Let A I. MATUIEU CO,Prom. each of them tell tho other exactly IXrbrli. P.Q. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. .8ireel. Prince Rupert Offloe: what their views are, and do filial 1 rftui art 1 rifiif r'rr f rfc- fkt t w Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. W Jbwr mmA Mm ytm mimmm0 . G. Telephone No. 05 not take offonce so Teadily. It U !. am hmm m f 1 i re DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c to 50c Deuert at ovary meal. v P. 0. Box 1C98 better that the employers ehould Short order at any time. peak out quite plainly, wnai is m