gavunday, August 6), 1082 ‘The Torino Conservatory of Music COL. A. E. GOODERHAM, Lip CHAal@@onn, Boxee or Govsenve Bae . ERWEST MACMILLAN, B.A. Mus. Doc. FMS Me FRO. Pe incival EWLEY WILL AMM us, Doc... RC.0.. (Ft oe ie Re ns ms ee September 1st, 1932 Te 4 DEPARTMENTS OF INST RUCTION | ry : COMPOS Tiow vioLm THOORY | rd 4 PiAnGPOoRTse wioLa FELocurion ar siNGIWS vViOVvoNc ruse COWDUCTING is ORGAR DOUBLE BASS CHOIR TRAINING = ORCHESTRAL MSTRUMENTS DaLcroze SURYTHMICS +) ————— MIDWINTER se MIDSUMMER EXAM INATIONS _—_— Residence for Young Women Students YEAR BOOK AND SYLLABUS ON REQUEST— ADDRESS: 139 COLULBGE ST., TORONTO. 2. EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER HE S. OLSE ive years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish, Waltemake: School at Copenhagen, then 12 pears abnead working in the big cities of Barope: (ll Mail Orders Promptly Attended te, Prices. Reavenallc. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA You dont need’sea -legs on the For 600 miles you. are casnied the river-smooth seas of the famous Inside Passage-—a vacation trip all in itself You see the highest Canadian jaapes. National Park, (world's largest); and thé picturesque totem-pole villages of the Skeens Raver Country Why not plan a comple change of vacation scenes this summer’ Folders from your mearest trave) agent, a H. McEwen, D. F. and P. A. Rownd Trip from Prince Rupert. B.C. any pow on Triangle $48.85 CANADIAN NATIONAL \ 60-5 CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER RINCESS ADELAIDE--Fridays, 10 pm--via Ocean Falls and way perts ESS LOUTSE or PRINCESS ALICE--Saturdeys 5 pm. direct ETCHIKAN, WRANGEULL, JUNEAD and SKAGWAY-— Moritiys, 10 am formation call or write W.L, COATES, General Apent Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver» CATALA EVERY TURSBDAY, 1:30 P.M. Vie Waypoims arfiving Vancouver, Thureday «am CARDENA BEVERY F AY MNIGHT, approx Anyox pm Pas ras Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm River points, Sunday, 8 ‘ther information regarding all setlings and tickets at — VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Seoond Averur Phone Stewart and Naas 568, A IT the previous sunshine vite min Fy. triple sealed in. , wax wrapped carton lways know that Quaker Corn Flekes will be crackling crisp whea ey reach you. We toast them in electric ovens, Then to preserve their a and matchless flavour Quaker Coro are triple-sealed and wax-wrapped. You will find their flavagr more subtle ..: more intriguing. For the ingredients are of the highest quality rp into a corn an Special malt, pure CANE sugar, and salt o crystal purity. We sapanebincdiahie you will like Quaker Gorm Flakes better than any other you have ever used, That is why we print on every “if you do not ree that this is the So corn fix es you have ever used, write us.and we will gledly remt you the cost of the package.” Why use ordinary corn fiakes? You can serve Qpeber Ses less than a cent # serving. x 8 FLAKES ! ' ;gent are as follows: Butter Fancy cartened, lb: No, 1 Creamrey, 3 lbs : Flour Flovr. 49's, No. 1 hard Pavitrvy Flour, 10 lbs | Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs, Fish wheat 1 45 to Retail prices current here at pre- .29 78 AS 50 40 Smoked Kippers, Ib, .............00. 15 Salmon, fresh, Ib. 15 | Halibut, Yb. 2 Ibs. .25 | Exes |Alperta Seconds, doz . 18 )B.C. Fresh First, aoz. 26 | B.C. Fresh Extras, doz 29 Loeal, new laid, doz. Jd Meats ‘Fowl, No. 1, lb 25 | Reasting Chicken, lb. 30 j}Ham, sliced, first grade 35 Veal, lom, Ib 30 Beef, pot roast, lb. 15c and 18 Beet, boiling, lb., 10¢ to 12); Beef, roast, prime rib, lb .20 | Lamb, shoulder, Ib 18 | Beef, steak, lb. 25¢ to 30 Lamb, leg, Ib. 30 , Lamb chops, lb 25c to .30 Mutton, shoulder, Ib ie ae |Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib 1k | Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 35 Pork shoulder, lb. ....4 15 Pork, loin, Ib. 20 | Pork, leg, Ib J Pork; dry salt, lb .20 Ayrshire Bacon, lb. 30 Veal, shoulder, lb 15 Apples i California Gravesteins, Ib 10 B.C. Yellow Transparents, 3 dbs. .25 Frults } Valencia Oranges, ...doz. 25c to .80 Lemons, Calif., large 40c to 45 Grapefruit, Calitornia, 5e to .15 | Camteloupes, California, 15c to .25 |Rhuvarb, field, lb. 05 | Bananas, 2 lbs 35 | Plums. Ib: 15c. 6 Ib. hasket .85 | Cherries Terrace, preserving { 2 Ibs. 25c Basket 50 | Strawberries, upriver, basket 12%c to .15 |Raspberries, basket 10 Apricots preserving, crates 1.40 | Peaches doz. 30¢ to .40 Watermelons, lb 08 Honey Dew Melons, each 35¢ to 50 Casaba Melons Ib. .10 Biack Currants 2 baskets 25 Seediess Grapes, |b 20 ||Pears, doz 35e to .45 Feea || Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 Wheat, Bulkley Valley 1.75 | Oats 1.70 Bran 1.40 ‘hort 1.45 Middlingss 1.85 | Barley 1.65 |Laying Mash 2.65 | Oyster Shell 1.90 |Beef Scrap 2.90 "Ground Oi! Cake 3.00 |Fine Oat Chops 1.80 rushed Oat lé ‘ine Barley Choy La | Veretabies E tatoes, new, 13 ib 25 } sack 1.50 Vegetable Marrow, lb. 6c, sack 1.50 Bects, bunch 06 | Par ley, bunch 07 i Armstrong Celery, head large 15 Golden Bantam Corn, don. 90 Garlic, imported, per lb 4( ; Cabbage, local, green 06 |Head Lettuce, head 07 Hothouse Tomatoes, 2 lbs 2% Radishes, 3 bunche 10 1 B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to 30 Onions, Washington, 4 lbs 2 Green Onions, 3 bunches 10 Bunch Turnips, bunch 06 Bunch Carrots, bunch 06 Green Peppers, lb 40 Green Beans, lb 1) Hothouse Cucumbers, each 10 iGreen Peas, lo 08 |Wax Beans, Ib 15 Honey |Extracted Honey, per jar 20e to 30 Comb Honey 35 Dried Fruits Dates, bulk, 8e to 15 Lemon and (range Peel 2d Citron Peel 30 Black Cooking: Figs, | b. 10, White Figs, lb 12% Apples, dried 18 Peaches, Peeled 18; Apricots, lb 18c to 20| Prunes, 60-70, 3 lbs 25 Prunes, 30-40, lb 12'4c to 15 Prunes, 40+50, lb 10 Raisins, Cai. seedless. 2 lbs 35 | Raisins, Australian seedless, lb, .15 Currants, Ib ty Sugar White, 100 lbs 5.60) Yellow, 100 ibs 5.10) Lard PG, FAs TBR WD xn nnsiinnns 18 | Nuts } Almonds, shelled Vailencias 50 | California soft shelled Walnuts 36 Walnuts, broken shelled 30 Walnuts, shelled halves 45 Pe cocdeescabhcsesnienedensiaienalian.” aa » mation in regard to the problems gust 26. Admission, Gents., 50c.; la- LOCAL ITEMS Baptist Tea. September 14. 188 TERRACE RASPBERRIES Arriving Daily ui Mrs. D. .L. Jones left this morn- ing on her return to Lewis Island after a brief visit to town. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allistone | Mrs. Charles E; Hansen of Kiti~ maat arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and is a guest at the Savoy Hotel. Mrs. J. A. West and daughter, who are visiting here from Van- couver, left on today’s train for a brief trip to Lakelse Lake. Miss Irene Hodson, who has been visiting in the city for the -past week or so as the guest of Mr. and Amyox and Stewart. | auditor, sailed yesterday afterneen)| Mrs. Frank Dibb following a trip! on. the Prince George for a brief, to. the Queen Charlotte Islands trip:te Anyox on official duties. : where she visited with a sister, sailed last night on the Princess 2 T. J. Shenton sailed yesterday) Adelaide for her home in Vancou- afternoon on the Prince George for} ver. ja trip to Anyox and other points; — matage lin the suthern portion of Atlin rid- Miss M. Barner, who arrived in| ing, the city a day or so ago from To-| --- ronto. sailed last night on the| Misses Patricia MoAllister and Cardena for Rivers Inlet where she| Frances. Thomson left on. today’s! wil! join the hospital staff. Miss| train for Lakelse Lake where they | Barner is a daughter of Rev. Ar-/| will spend a holiday at the camp) thur Barner, superintendent of In-|of Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Parlow. cian missions of the United napeapanaets Church of Canada, who is well} Union steamer Cardena, Capt. | known here. Ernest Georgson, arrived in port} at 10:10. last night fron? the south | and sailed at 12 midnight on her{ return to Vancouver and way| points, SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Mrs. J. B, Colthurst, who has been visiting at Terrace, where she formerly: resided, arrived in the jcity from the interior on this af- ; ternoon’s train. and will sail this! evening on the Prince George for| Victoria near which city she now ‘aon Thousands of mothers through- | C-P-R. steamer Princess Char- out Canada have used | lotte, Capt. C. C. Saintey, making) pees he a age eee her final scheduled appearance of yeen on the Market, an eir — . ic j child's life no @oubt saved by its the season here, is due in port at) timely use. |4 o'clock this afternoon from Skag-| Price, 50c a bottle at all. drug- | way and other Alaska points and! gists or dealers; put up only by | wil) sail at 5:30 pm. fer Vancou-| The T, Milburn ©o., Limited: |". oc 7 Toronto, Ont. } ; } | Miss Bertha Efforc arrived in the! Miss Evelyn Macdonald, who has | city on the Prince Robert this been on a vacatiom=trip to Vancou-|morning from Vancouver and will ver, returned to the city from the! be the guest for the next few outh on the Prince Robert this | weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb, morning |Graham Avenue, Westview. Miss) Efford teaches school in Vancou-| —_—_— W. M. Blackstock, manager of) yer, the Bank of Commerce, left on this ‘itis } ifternoon’s train for Lakelse Lake} CNR, steamer Prince Robert! where he will spend the week-end | Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in with Mrs who are holidaying there the south and sails at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Skagway and E. O. Aves of the provineial col-| other Alaska points whence she lector’s staff here sailed last night! wi) return here next Wednesday | on the Princess Acelaide for a trip morning southbound. : Vancouver and Victoria. Mr iene AN recovering from a recent Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lawson and is illness with pneumonia Mrs. D. Gunness of Minneapolis _— arrived on today's train at Billmor Father E. M. Leray O.M.1. of where thew will pay a visit with towart, who has been on a triz) wr through the tical duties and Mrs. B: BE. Morgan. Mrs interior on ecciesias- | awson and Mts. Gunness are sis- arrived in the city On| ters of Mm. Merean. Later the party he Prince Robert this morning, will proceed to Cresvent Iniet,| having returned via Vancouver. He; Queen Chorictte Islands, to pay! will proceed to Stewart on the Ca- a visit with J. R. Morgan, another} ala tomorrow evening brother of Mrs. Lawson and Mrs.| Gunness Mr. and Mrs, BH. FP. Pullen and two ee ile daughters left last night on the Prince John for Port een, _—_—_—___ eee rhe Dunes” at Tiel for, — 1ort holiday. While on the fsl- enroute to * centres and get first hand mfor- HAS BEEN CHEATING | of the peonle. He expects to be back: HIMSELF FOR YEARS ; in Prince Rupert in abeut ten days. r Local mam who had beem having “eye-trouble’ and whe had been fitted with glasses by G. F. Da- vey, Registered Optometrist in change of the Optical Dept. of Max Heilbroner, Jeweler, called to say how well pleased he was There being no querum, no bus-| iness was transacted last evening at the regular monthig meeting, of the Prince Rupert Chamber of! Commerce. Any business te come; up this month will be handled by the council. Those present last) with his glasses, “Been cheating night were J. H. Pillsbury, presi- myself for years, paying full price dent; M. P. McCaffery, GlofHan-| te go to the movies and only able son, MP., W. M. Blackstock, J. D.| to see half of it but am sure see- Fraser, J W. McKinley and Arthur| ing the whole show now and en- | SPECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower will sail on the Cevaia tomorrow) 52 ae evening to make the round trip to|/ por SALE —18-foot gas boat gnd/ W. H. Manuel, CNR. travelling|-« Blackstock and child) port at 10o0'clock this moring from}, a i het Mr. Pullen will visit the main MAN FINDS THAT HE | | Classified Ads FOR SALE prices than any mail order, house. Kaien Motors Ltd, Phone —— ee —— | dinghy, first-class condition, En- | quire at Yacht Club. 184 FOR RENT HOUSES for Rent, F. W. Hart. Im es MODDERN Stucco House for rent. Phone Green 378. Front Flat for rent with range.) Apply Smith & Mallett Ltd. tf; SOME choice modern apartments for remt. Greatly reduced rates. Westenhaver Bros. FOR RENT—Clean well furnished Modern. 2-room. suite. Palmer FOR RENT—Fully modern. new un-| furnished six-roomed house with | basement and hot air heating. | for particulars call at Royal Ho- | tel. tf! EXCHANGE WILL trade firewood for household | tf|pen Evenings BOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED Rooms heated, with or without board. Reasonable term, 704 McBride Sreet. tf CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall pe Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 6 Exchange Blk. DAIRIES __ tf For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK —iFresh from Bulkley Valley necessities, Phone Blue 825. 185) Farms pn races, — | HELP WANTED | VALENTIN DAIRY LOOK AHEAD—Get into the Civil Phone 657 Service as Postman, Clerk, Cus-' toms Examiner, Immig. Inspec- | WATCHMAKERS tor, etc. Full details free from the! MCL,, Winnipeg. | PERSONAL | PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- vice given free by the Canadian | Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. | IS YOUR PROPERTY VA- |} CANT? Let us overhaul it. it |) will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. |! J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 Manure For Sale | No. Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 | TYPEWRITERS | For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta | CAMERON'S Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, BC, Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU TRANSFERS Transfer, Phone 177: Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer bottles bought. SEAL. CCVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at Phone Green reasonable prices. 609 or Blne 902 Lawn Mowers Ground Absolutely guaranteed to cut like new STAR WELDING & REPAIR WOLKS H. B. Stiles, Proprietor Phone 234 whone 313 Cow Bay P.O. Box 764 “tun DUNES” =| The AUCTIONEER Queen Charlotte Islands Packing Crating — Wrapping 12 Days Heliday; $35 Inckuides Boat Fare and All Other Expenses Children Under 12, Half Fare A Holiday Here Leaves No Re- grets, No: Flies or Mosquitoes. Write or Telegraph MADAME RAJAUT ~ Mail Sched ule For the Bast— Monday Wednesday and Satur- day. 11:30 a.m. Brooksbank, secretary, joy it so much better.” te ee Moose Dance Wednesday Aug. 10: Perhaps you, too, are cheating yourself and eye examination will tell you Hotel Central Covenient te business district, homelike, beautiful harbor — Eagles’ Social Dance Friday Au- | dies, refreshments, —— Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20. are) views. Dr. H. 0. Johnsen’s| ae sample sane OFFICE FIRST OLASS CAFE Open at All) Hours Hotel Central Lid. 1 First Avenue & Seventh Street Will Be Closed About Two Weeks | — Sunday, Thursday and Friday, oi sath dilidinddihaenaiead) 11 pm i Sa Monday, Wednesday and Satur- Prince Rupert day 1:30 p.m. For Vancouver— st =| DRY DOCK | Wednesday 8 am Friday .1ll p.m, BAAS .oecccercccrrmrien cee GPM AND Aug. 3, 6, 13, 20 and 27 tt. ‘ : rom Vancoaver— " Gumiay..2a.)........... PAM 4 a re Operating three Dry Docks 11:30 an. Total capacity 26,000 tons Aug, 8, 16 22 and 29 . am Shi pbuilders For Stewart and aAnyex— and Ship Repairers Sunday vidipanaen Ghipabdadhadshnsthincccansgns ote for Steel and Wood Vessels ihisasenidlinsalcs silane dhesiine p. from Stewart and Anyox— Sawmill and Mining Machinery TRIE icine cdarts 11:30 am Repaired and Overhauled IY whansieicisscmrenttiscchiengs 6 pm Iron and Brass Casting For Naas River and Port Simpson— ae tbininnaipileaiiaiing 7 pm Electric and Acetylene Welding Maan River aps ee 50-ton Derrick for Heavy al For Queen Charlottes— and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J, PAWES-—Phane Black 120 AUCTIONEER List veur coods w aas— Rapert’s leading Auctioneer. G. M: HUNT Sed Ave. Phoye Ked 637 * ¢ & ~ ee ee 2 ‘at + A STE ree ~