NVcdneSJayLAprn5.J 1010. TUB DAILY NKWB. Page 5 NEW PROPOSAL j Daily News Classified Advertising FOR CITY MARKET PARALYSIS Committee WANTED. FOUND Have You Tried Recommends Rantlnn wiift uiu Maid for Keneral Building and Reserving Three housework. Good FOUND Ladies' whito kid glove. Quickly wages. Apply Apply "Freii-a-tives" Daily News ofllce. tf Stalls For Local uovernment Employment Bu Relfeved This Cfironfc TroubFe Producers. reau. at ARCHITECTS Provincial 539 Cammis Stbect, Mosthbal. WAflllilJ lloom and hnnrrf fnr WILLIAM BflUGE, Architect and A "In my opinion,no other medicine , report of the market committee) man and wife. Both employed valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared curative for Constipation and to the City Council last rnone Black 158 after 6. tf for public and private lotion M 'FrultUTe.V night in regard to the renting of buildings. ivn a ui'-rer from these com-rlilnii mo uny Market was laid on the WANTED Smart, intelligent ju fi" years, and my table for a week for consideration." nior draughtsman. Bruce, ar FINANCIAL ' atar occupation,M ustc,brought Alderman Casey who fathered the chitect, 4th Street. 93 FLOUR , tl uf Intestinal Paralysis; scheme and Alderman Kirkpalrick APPLICATION FOIt LOANS at a lladaches, belching Bring your furs to Goldbloom, low rate of interest with nasty gas, .were for immediate adoption and received on and pain In Third Avenue. Ho pays .highest plans drowsiness after eating, the acting mayor said that he price. specifications and ten the back. jwas prepared to vote for it, but tf ders, by Williain Bruce, Archi I was induced to try'Frult-a-ti Fes' the other aldermen wanted to WANTED Girl for hotel work. tect, 4th Street. nd now for six months A. ltOSENDUItG.I have been 'consider it well before voting and Apply Hotel Central. 95 MISCELLANEOUS Ask Your Grocer Ion a vole of three to two this was trial slie 25c. 50c,abox,6 for$2.G0, HELP WANTED' 'decided upon. rilE NORTON The place for a sent Pos'P41 by a til d' tli'" or Limited, Ottawa. The Scheme. SALESMAN, competent and am shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Frait-a-tlTcs The proposal is to lease the bitious for Manufacturers' treatment. 210 Fourth Street p'"- building for $25 a month for one Agency business. J. F. Maguire Open 10 a. rru or by appointment. year, the tenant to pay all charges Smith Block. 94 Phone 493. tf piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jsuch as telephone, light and heat, FOR SALE BICYCLES i which urv ai presem paiu by tlie city, and to run it as an inde 70n SALE 44 acres of good farm WE PAY CASH for second-hand (pendent concern. land on the Skeena IUver; 8 bicycles and parts. You can Dentistry mo tenant is to take out a I acres cleared, withpod house. trade your old biko for a new license in the usual but to way Right at Kwinitsa sEttion. Prico one. Ws repair all makes of put up a $2,000 bond and to sell J.:-'' I 3500 cash and the balance of bikes and carry a large assort VtOtOtrMH 'local produce at H DON'T NEGLECT 5 YOUR a profit of 7 9500 in one. year. Apply to ment of accessories. McGowan TEETH ! per cent. Also three stalls would Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. G., or & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. One bo reserved for anyone who wish H Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your H Ed. II. Mortimer, agent, Prince Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 ed to rent them to sell local Efficiency Rupert, B. G. tf Second Avenue. tf products. Vancouver Market. 'OR SALE Hatching eggs, off C. P. H. FARM We handle only two Alderman Casey intimated that S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R. makes of Pianos; both he already had a tenant who was I. Reds, off 300 highest laying C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Dr. Bayne of proved excellence r.p-ady to go in on these terms. Us strain and winter layers, from in well settled districts in j The said that he considered it a fair the Pennsylvania Poultry Western Canada; low prices; & Co. working proposition and ought to Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also twenty years to pay; irrigated OFFICE HOURS: Heintzman satisfy the community. While in Indian. Runner Ducks. Sutherland lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Morning, 9 (012, Afternoon, 1.30 10.5.30, Evening, 7 to 3 g Piano, with loan of in Vancouver recently he had looked 704 McBride $2,000 St. If The Weber Piano into the market proposition there improvements to assist new : This Office Closed on Good Friday and H and the scheme which he was FOR SALE 140 acres land, two settlers. Act now they are j Easter Monday miles from Terrace on good going fast. For free booklets Prince Rupert Music Slope proposing was based on the one Dental Nurse in attendance. H there. road. Running creek on place. and full information write II. in use " Opp Tost Office The alderman went on to quote Six acres cleared. Andrew Kennedy, G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., I Phone 109 for appointment W J, Pitman, Piano Dept. n .-.... nf -1 J T ...I.I L 1 1 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. 96 Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, uumuvi ui unities wiiii;ii no uuu ,u General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st www 1 seen on sale with prices attached FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from St., East, Calgary. llillillllillllllllllilllllllllllilllllllillllllllll lllllllllilllllllllllllllllliilllllllilllllllllll 'and they seemed wonderfullv prize strain barred rocks, andv fl cheap with some exceptions. The Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAJfD DIS Pianos in Stock wiioic ecneme seemed to be satisfactory. setting. Atkins Meat Market. TRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA. TAKE notice that Tbe Aeroplane Spruce To Prospective Acting Mayor Mcilae said that McCLARY RANGES and COOK Lumber Co.. Ltd.. or Port Clements. B. C. HEINTZMAN & CO. occupation saw mill,-Intends to apply for ho liked the proposal and he Stoves at Brochu's Furnituro permission to lease the following" described KARN Store, .109 3rd Ave. tanas: BUILDERS &G0NTRACT0RS ENNIS thanked Alderman Casey for his Commencing at a cost planted at the interest in the matter. northeast corner of Lot 8. Block 45, post MORRIS FOR SALE Good businss place. of subdivision of Dst. Lot 746, thence Alderman Currie, who is a north 8 chains, thence west 30 decrees CLINTON good location, leaving DOHERTY member of the Market Committee, town, write box owner 864, - 93 south inence to soutneny approach aiong of Government saia approacn Wharf,01 Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement said he was not yet prepared to Government Wharf to northwest corner 01 we will quote rock bottom" prices on any of the material told on Easy Terms. Lot 1, Block 4 5, thence easterly along- the sign tho recommendation until he FOR SALE 4 h. p., 4 cycle Regal waterfront of lots 1. S. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8. and supplies handled by us, such as: We rnut out pianos looked into it thoroughly. Engine in first-class condition, AEIlOrLANE diock 45 to place SFRUCE or beginning-.LUMBER CO.. LTD Electrical material ol" ail descriptions, including Fittings tj tbe month as Aid. .McMeekin also thought a cheap Akerberg Thomson Co. Date, March SO, 19 ID. and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe " as 20c. a dav. week would give time to examine Conduit, Electric healers and mantels", Automatic Electric OF RESERVE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Piano Tuning and Musical it. Ho had no kick coming, in fact FORSALE 3 piano cases $5 each llanges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water Instrument Repairing ho always supported tho inarkct Lindsay's Cartage, Ltd. i'3 serve NOTICE existing-IS HEREBY over Lot GIVEN 418, Queen that the Charlotte re Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe and thought it should b? a success. Islands, by reason of a notice published Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and Walker's Music Store mud In the B. C. Gazette on .the 30th of Brushes all kinds. He wondered, however, if who will operate a floating July, 1908, Is cancelled.. Kalsomine of Hardwood Lumber Oak, 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 389 threo stalls would be a sufficient curing plant during the coming Deputy u. II. nALIL.X,Minister of Lands. Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron number to reserve for local sell- season. ,ands Department, Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote ers. Mr. Ingersoll plans to accom Victoria,eth March.B. C,1919. H 1 S Hoofing the.Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and ("""WWII Object to Dictation. pany tho boats over to the west Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. MISS M. A. WAY Alderman Casey said that the coast. The plant will operate in Notice of Intention to Apply to purchaaa We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, TEACUP !JF MUSIC retail merchants claimed the tho vicinity of "The Hole" near Land. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and Rose Inlet. In Itanra 3. Coast Land District.. Record Westinghoiiso Electrical equipment, including Motors, 309 Second Avenue right to dictate the policy of the ing district of Prince ltuperl. and situate tUniilhitudt-.uthiy!lbui council, hut ho objected to that. at Jenny Bay, Deane Channel, B. C. Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. i"nt CoMmafc re of Muile.of from th. They could not expect to reserve INDIANS BUILD BOAT Vancouver.TAKE ftUTlCfi B. C mat occupation I, James baker. uau,and oi Being direct factory representatives, we are able to KtariUtf-iE.-M. rhon.Bju.120 tho whole of the market. purchase soldier. Intend the following to aDDlv described Tor permission lands:to make very attractive prices. Alderman McMeekin again expressed Juneau, April 23. Natives arc uomniencniff m a puai piauicu zu cuaius the opinion that the busy constructing a 49-foot seine ihence northerly east of 40 S.chains;V. cor.thence T. L. No.south SSI;SO Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. FS matter should bo discussed free- boat which is nearly ready to be chains; thence west 40 chains more or less ELECTRICAL to shore Hue: tuence northerly SO cuains. WORK ily and not rushed through. A launched. Jack Clark and his as- more or less, following- shore line to point Fourth Street, off Third Avenue.-P. Go to man to go into this business istants, all natives, have had no or moro commencement or less. and containing 80 acres O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 would need som) capital if he had technical experience in boat JAMES Z. HALL, Per William A. Bauer. Agent. Geo. Waddell to put up a $2,000 bond and also building, outside of that secured Dated 31 March, 1019. pay for a big stock of goods. in running and repairing uieir Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase 336 2nd Ave. There were a lot 01 tilings 10 con own fishing boats. Land. sider. The boat they are building is Phones In Range !. Coast Land District, Record- Georgetown Lumber Co. tho yet 6-CK3G7 said to be largest one Inr District of Prince Rupert; and situate - GREEN 394 IN FISH BUSINESS built in Juneau, outside of the at k'oeye, Fltz Hugh Sound, B. C. Money In Lamps. Anita Phillips, which' was built by Vancouver,TAhK ixuucfc B. C,tnat occupation I, luarsnau soldier,uee.intend ui PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 to apply for permission to purchase Tho Ketchikan, April 22. Attorney George Fhillips, a white man. tno rouowing aescnoea itinas: Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. of boat will be launched about Cnnimpnclmr at a nost Dlanted at south Chas. E. Ingersoll, proprietor new west corner lot 8, tuence east SO chains; FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY tho Revilla Hotel, is going into May 15. thence south SO chains; thence west 40 chains, moro or less, to shore line; thence Ihe tho fish business. Tho scow northerly and easterly along shore line SO SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Gurvich Trader and tho gas boat Galaxy If you havo something to sell chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 80 acres, more hnvo left for the West Coast with and want more than it is worth, or less. J. S3 Consult Us. advertise in somo other paper, MAHMIALL lit.ILK, Transfer a crew of six men aboard under Per William A. Bauer, Agent. tho management of James Taylor' Hie News cannot sell it. Dated 6h April, 1019. Phone Green 548 IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES ?:Bl02 Office. Prater St. 2&L! Sell: Coal TheSm eaton Tea R ooms Smeat,0IV Proprietrix er Second Street and sond Avenue. CANDIES LQHT LUNCHES , AN TEAS