April 25 1010. THE DAILY NEWS. Friday. 'PUBLIC SCHOOL Make Puddings This Week EXAMINATIONS STOP LOOK and LISTEN JJrice on Sago and Tapioca was 17Jc. per At the Easter examination nf selling these foods at 15c. but possi&hj contain ixMt j Ve are now entrance pupils tests were given may usurious offer you the Special Price of 12Jc. In the foIlowiiiK subjects; nail Week we food scientists ients.Many claim that Take this opportunity ana stock up. ing, writing, dictation and spell PlPT. Special per lb., 125c. science,ing, manual arithmetic,training,cfnctmnhv domestic bakirpewder containii alum is unsafe i .. omAnril ,pkg.,12Jc. British ana lingusn history,grammar.Canadian history for use its.food.Tfie mere feet that some $SGREKtf PEAS.i, M 11.1U., -iri lC.e""l i cessary Iho possible to pass,mark 540: is 000: nn- Brands of Bakxipoav hgwe the words BARLEY . " M M Elsie McLean 720 qpi it Peas 10c. Gertrude Nelson ....... 711 oAlibxithelabdisxiot sufficient Navy Beans.... M 10c. Mary Edgar 711 White Mary Sim 709 proof that they are-what theij are rep-resented William Montgomery .. 700 POLLER'S Two stores GROCERY N Vera Willie Shockley Kcrgin . . . 695(580 to Be. Our chemists find a PHONE 45 P H O N E Fred Mollio Kergin Cross 679 679 goodmar.ii Grace Minnie Carroll Hank i................. 660 078 but laie cpantities of it inside Mary Brooks CI I Alberta Willie Mitchell Hill '. . 610 636 TMBIG BIKING POWDER Frank Morrison 034 Contains No Alum Bateries House Clarence Insulandar .... 627 Ptxre Storage Wiring Hannali Esscn 621 W2olesome Economical Charged and Repaired in all its branches Helen McRae .......... 620 Loss of Time While Jean Currie ,614 No Marjorie Lancaster . . . . -610 Is Being Overhauled.Your Battery Another Is ELECTRIC George Walsh ........ 592 CELERY IS CHEAPER llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I llllllllllllllllllll Available. IRONS Reggie Kelsey . . . . .... 576 Always BUT MEAT IS HIGHER GRILLS Nctta MoLeod 535 READ THIS TESTIMONIAL Agents Fop TOA6TERS Fred Zarelli 524 HVINRUDE Portable RANGES More Cauliflower Comes In and HEATERS First of Port Simpson, B.C., April 18, 1919. Motors. VACUUM CLEANERS FAIRBANKS AGAIN AT Strawberries Harry Hanson, Esq., E5 CAILLE Engines for Have Arrived. Prince Rupert, i B, C, WASHING MACHINES Runabouts. EMPRESS THEATRE Dear Sir: " REGAL Engines for LAMPS , This week's market is oh very Your Hanson Hot Water Coil has been in our range for 3 Trolling. FLASHLIGHTS Popular Athletic Movie Man 8een much the sanie basis as last week just one year, and in all this time it has been 100 per cent 3 The Famous English In except that more cauliflower has plus efllcient. I the GENERATORS Comedy-Drama "Double use "plus" advisedly for not only has 3 PETTER HEAVY OIL Trouble." arrived and is selling at 40 cents the cpil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water 3 ENGINE FOR MOTOR SWITCHES, for a large head.- at all times, but by placing the forty-gallon tank in our 3 FISHING SCHOONERS ETC. Douglas Fairbanks, the popu French peas in cans are also large ten by ten bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest 3 lar hero of all the girls in the on the market, which is something weather. , Full line of Electrical Apparatus in atock. world, plays a dual personality new, and are going at 35 Although our range is small, Mrs. Young informs me 3 part in "Double Treuble " At one cents per can. Celery is dropping she cannot see that the baking qualities are affected In Ihe 3 Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. time he is a Sunday School presi in price, now only 25 cents for least by the coil. 3 and at a good large head. Certain Kinds In your perfection of a modern household dent another a "sport." necessity, I 3 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 125 P. O. Box 67 of He is sandbagged by thugs and meats are getting higher in congratulate you. Sincerely, 5 robbed while on his way to New price, for instance, stewing beef, (Signed) R. B. YOUNG. 3 which last week was 30 cents per York. After five years of varied experience he becomes a pros pound is now 35 cents. See HARRY HANSON I Strawberries have arrived from S.S. PRINCE RUPERT from pector that and time strikes on things it rich,happen and California and sell freely. The Reliable Plumber Phone, 489 3 Of quickly. Beef, pot roasts,Meats.lb. ...... 30c. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S.S. PRINCE GEORGE "The Menace" is a' story that Beef, check roast,;Uv.. ...32c to 35c proves environment and not SAILING Beef, rib roa"st, lb. 37'c. heredity mould a man's character. Beef, boiling, lb. .... 25c and 30c THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, The settings are sumptuous and VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. of remarkable beauty.- It is the Hamburger, lb. 30c . WCONESOAY and SATURDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANVOX. Stewing bee per lb.. ...... 35c This Week tale of a fearless American youth Special S. S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT who was .shaken by a mysterious Lamb, leg, 45c for Kissctt. Port Clements ,and Buckley Bay April Jrd, and 30lh: May fear. How he fought his own Lamb, loin 50c "la, Ulh, ut and 38 111. Mutton 35c fight against "the stranger" and futivii Point! Qu..n Charlotte latanda April J 5th, May 0th and 2 3rd. Pork sausages 30c Children's Chairs luwrt, b. c, Way 3rd, 17th and Slit. won is recounted. Tomato sausages ......... 35c. -TRAIN f ERVICE NORMA TALMADGE IN Pork Pork,chops leg, 50o 45c Go-Carts, Baby Carriages W3 rumpr Monday, Wednesday and Saturday af. H.30 a.m. for Sralther. . Mm Ceorre Edmonton and Winnipeg, "making- direct connections for ork, shoulder, 35c vjsVf aWM-A all points east and south. NEW EMOTIONAL ROLE Ayrshire bacon, sliced, 50c .to 60c Children's Cribs Bacon, piece, lb 05c AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES A devoted wife submits to dis Bacon, sliced, per lb. 60 to 70c F)r Information and reservations apply to City Tleket Office, 626 Third A.nua. Phon 260. honor to save her husband's life Uam, Smoked, 50c Was she wrong? This is the Ham, sliced, 55c BARRIE FURNITURE STORE theme and question raised in the Salt backs "i ....... . 40c powerful photodratna "Panthea," Chicken, per.lbv 50c SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. in .which the popular Norma Tal- Fowl, per lb. 45c CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY madge will make her first appearance Pickled Pork, per lb. ...... 40c as a Selznick-Piotures star Bologna, per lb. 30o at the Westholme Theatre tonight. Head Cheese, per lb. ....... 30c lit Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points looked ham, per lb. . . . 65c m via Steamer to Vancouver and the Miss Talmadge, who recently Spare Ribs per lb , 25c Phone 37 P.O.IBox l704 Canadian Pacific Railway left the Triangle Company to head Dairy Produce.. Meals her own producing organization, Butler, per lb 55o and 65o For Comfort, Courtesy and Service and Berth included on Steamer will be seen iu the role made Butter (cooking) per lb.... 50c famous on the stage by Mine. Cheese, lb. ............... 35c. lurlM?" "ANC0UVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Olga Petrova. The part offers Eggs (case) 60c THESAVJ n II, May i, n S3; June i, It and to. the talented young star her great Strictly new-laid eggs 70e FOR KETCHIKAN. Jiiruran .. at est opportunity for the expression Margarine . . , 45c F.T, BOWNESS. Manager m m RuP"l- of her emotional powers, and Fish. Fifth and Fraser. St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Aprir 17, and gg, May 8, 10 and J9. Fresh salmon 25o judging by reports Irom New York other large cities where Cod, salt, Alaska 15c and Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water W. R nnniiaam o. -. the picture has been shown, Miss Cod, 2 lbs. i.... 35o '" Fourth Street rnJ Third Avenue, Prlnca Rupert. B.C. i Talmadge has made a tremendous Cod fillets 15c hit in her new portrayal. Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. 25c Finnan haddie, lb, ..... . . . 25c INTEREST ON VICTORY ialibut, lb. 25c GOOD EATS TL IT . Herring kippered, lb. , 15c umon COAST SERVICE. BONDS FOR STAMPS Soles, lb. 10c Second Avenue. , , 2 lbs. 25c Skate, eamshin For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 Oolichans, 3 lbs for 25o Breakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. On May 1. 1.000.000 or more Lunch .....11:30 to 2 Salt Acadia 2-lb. boes COc Anyox, Alice,Arm and Port Simpson, people in Canada will draw their Cod, Dinner 5:00 to 8 Crabs, large, 20c to 256. Mondays, 7 a.m. first interest payment on tne victory SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Ltd. Naas River Points, Friday a.m. Bonds for tfhich they sub Fruits and Vegetables. 100 Onions, dry, :: in the fall1 of 1918. scribed I 1- T "t 1 a a. Lettuce . . 15c to 20c narnsiey, ienerai gem it Those Victory Bond holders, Bananas 50o and 60c suggested, should now seize is Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25o nnnnrlunitv of reinvesting ii,n WESTHOLME LUNCH Grapefruit Florida) . .2 for 35c interest in Bond Hti LipeU, their Victory Appffes, per lb. 10c to 15o SECOND AVE.1 President Thrift' and1 War Savings biamps Harry Lipsett, Manager . . . 25o , Celery- , Uwa,d Cunningham; Vice-President nml thus adding interest to in HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. lb. 40c Grapes, The amount they will re per terest. Carrots, per lb. . ... 3c fett-Cunningham ceive from their Victory Bonds Parsnips, per lb., ;.. 4V6o Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8,00; Co. will in some cases start them on & the- way to a War Savings Stamp Lemons English ......walnuts 35o 50c Short orders all the time. Speclaljrates with room and bpard. hv inveslinsr in Thrift Stamps, Australian Currants ....... 30o LIMITED be exchanged later for whioh can Q & Comb, honey ..... .. 50c CANrjrRy EOUp Mamrnr uanniAARE War Savings Stamps. Where Figs, per pkt 20o and 40o their' interest comes to a larger )ranges (navel) 35o to 75o Nl?lSupp,,e8' a Enalnes and Accessories purchase tne FUh amount they can Tangerines, per doz 20o BOSTON GRILL Twines, Sl'.OO "Baby Bonds" Lines, Ropes and Cordage nnvornmrmt Dates (Excelsior) per box .. 30o Which just as good security PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. are Lates (drom) 35b 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Bona ana - Mistered as the Victory Rhubarb 15o A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. t8 65 backed by all the rosouroes of the Juc Offlce: Wau. Prince: nupert- Cauliflower (large) 40o Dominion of Canada. Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. ' No. 05 French pens, per can, ...... 35o Telephone DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Deiaert at every meal. u. C. Pi O. Box 1698 "The Menaco" ,at the EmproSH Short ordara at any time. tonight. 'Adverthe in'the Dally News. vf