THE DAILY KEWB. Friday, April 23. (69 Page 3 BARON SIDNEY SONNINO Italian Foreign Minister I Had British Mother Friction at the Peace Conference.over the secret treaties and Wilson's fourteen points lends particular interest to the Italians One of the foremost of these who are figuring in the controversy. When 70a neat vlth an acelAent is Baron Sidney Sonniuo. Italy's .Minister of Foreign Affairs. 'Z. cut, a, burn, a icald or a brolM dont spend monay needlessly- Is Thoroughly familiar with European affairs, commercial, financial doctor's bills, but apply Zam-Buk and diplomatic, his clear view and analysis of the problems -will at once. This.herbal balm end the pain, step the bleeding, prerent confronting the nations, have made him a strong figure in this festerlnc and Leal ulckly. Keep a box bandy. j?reat gathering. Tor skin troubles Zam-Buk Is equally Invaluable. A skin disease cured by Zam-Buk does not break out aaln, because Zam-Buk eurea from tie "root" up. Zam-Buk Is best for eczema, bolls, blood-poisoning and piles. All dealers 60c box. H3. yam-Biik The Spirit of Sunlight Alf over the land the sun calls forth TheMerry beauty, cleanliness, health and the renewing 61 youth. So with Sunlight Soap in .the home. It redeems everything Springtime washable from the thraldom of dirt. Renews beauty and brings out old colors. It cleanses with a sure, Mas Come gentleness could accomplish.that only the purest of soaps Sunlight Soap cAnd you have to " be clothed according to Its mission as thousands af homes know-is to wash clothes, from the finest to the do . the season. Let us coarsest, without rubbing or old-time labour 11 it. Choose from our and discomfort. Also to wash woodwork, -., latest patterns in mat-' linoleums, dishes, utensils, etc., spotlessly clean with only a little soap. AH this because and do the erials, we it is absolutely pure. ' You will then rest. The spirit of Sunlight is purity 'ft know what it is to have and cleanliness. perfect fitting clothes. Sweder Bros. No can one buy - better Gentlemen's and Ladies' Soap. "... - r TAILORS Baron Sidney Sonnino was born sition he was appointed Premier t Sixth Street in. Alexandria, Egypt, in 1850. in 190C, and served for 100 days, His father's family is one of the when he resigned. In December, J oldest Leghornese families and J 1909, he was again appointed his mother was a member of one Premier, and in March of the of the oldest British families. He following year, again resigned. graduated in law about the timejOn .November 5, 1914, he entered Thin Watches he attained his majority, and im- the Salandra Cabinet as Foreign mediately entered upon his diplo-'Minister, and has served continu-matic stock of We have a good LAND REGISTRY ACT career as an attache, serv- 'ously throughout the war with the watches of every kind just (Sections 30 and 134.) 'ing in that capacity for several Bosselli Ministry and ths Orlando but we just wanted to Ite now, AppllcaUon No. 10,788-1. rile 6,13. SEEDS! speak of the thin gentle-Oman's years. In 1881, at the age-of 30 Ministry. - TAkE KOTICE that arjullcation has been years, he was elected iucmbar of Sonnino is considered one of made to register Thomas Troller or Prince Fred Stork's watch. Itupert, B. C, P. u. Box 333, as owner In ; Lots of' men like a watch the Italian Chamber of Deputies the strongest and most prominent ee unaer two lax bate Deeds rroiu the For the Garden Collector of the Cltv or Prince lluncrt. Ilocca San Italian financiers and a man of for the College of so thin that they will not bearing dale the Via day or December, Casciano. He was Minister of the great character, even by his most 1018. or ALL AND S1N0ULAII that certain Specially Suited for Prince feef It in the pocket ana Hardware parcel or tract or land.and premises situate, which wall not show its shape Treasury in the Crispi cabinet bitter political opponents. He lying and being In the Ulyof Prince ilupert, Rupert soil. from 1893 to 1896. After ten prefers acting rather than talking more particularly known and described the vest. lots on as forty-luur (44 and rorty-ll v We have the Waltham years of public life as leader of and the Italian people have great ve (43), Block lirtcen 1S), Section live (O, (Map VS3). You are required to FEED Opera style, the Green Veri-thin, the constitutional party or oppo- conlldence in ins policies. contest the claim or the tax purchaser CHICKENS within 35 days from the date or the ter- A Complete line of the Hamilton and other vice or this notice (which may be effected HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER reliable make's. "WATER NOTICE by advertising), and your attention Is called to section 30 or the "Land ilegislry I -v Most'of these watches are TAKE NOTICE DIVERSION that AND E. . USE.Duty, lumber In the Letter Box Act'' with amendments, and to the follow- exiraci liiererrom: Isold at prices established by manufacturer, whose address is care of 1 ng."and in default or a caveat or cerUU-cate the factories, which gives 1).Messrs.C, will ratinore apply for& Fulton,a licence I'rlace to take Ilupert,and DANCING AND SPORT the ol lis registration pendens as belli owner r filed or before the Marine 500 c. a. f. of water out or Union use " that the you assurance you persou entitled under such tax sale, Creek, which .nows westerly and drains To the Editor, all persons so served will notice, . . PHONE 58 here in Rupert no Union about at the head or said pay us nto Hay .... and those bay. Don't you think, sir, that the claiming through P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. or uuuer and all in them, claiming more than if you were The water will be diverted from the persons AND people of this town are about fed any Interest In the land by virtue Montreal. tream at a point where Union Creek leaves or any unregistered Instrument, and Union Lake and will be used ror power up on dances. Nobody ever seems all persons claiming interest In John Bulger upon(and the Incidentally land desnr.utd Industrial)as District purposes Lot to think of any other kind of the land by descent whose any title Is nut registered under the provisions or number 100. Casslar District. amusement. Not that I care, be this Act, shall be tor Householt The Store of Worth and This notice was posted on the ground ever estopped .DENTISTRY I do not dance and I and debarred from setting up any on the 3rd day or April, 1910. A copy or cause myself Beauty. claim to or lu respect or the land so this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, I OH," will am not looking for amusement, sold ror taxes, and the Iteglstrar shall be inert in the omce or the Water Itecord-cr but should like to see something register the persou entitled under OFFICE HOUItSl at Prince Runort, B. C. such fax sale as owner or the land so 9 a.m. to 12 j 1:30 p. m. to 5i30 p.m. Objections to ihe application may be'else going sometimes for the good sold for taxes." filed with the said Water llecorder or with of the place and especially lor AND WHEIIEAS application has been DR. J. 8. BROWN Paints he Comptroller or Water nights. Parliament nade ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title Hotel Hyder liulldlmrs, Victoria, 1). C, within the youngsters who are under o the above mentioned lands, In the name dentist hlrty days arter the first appearance or f Thomas Trotlcr. Offlcs I Smith Block, Third' Avsnu. his notice in a local newspaper. Rfty. AND WIIEIIEAS on Investigating the E. V. DUBY, Applicant. This dancing seems to me like llle it appears that prior to the 10th Tlay Phons 454. Portland Canal, B.C. The rial nt the first nnhllratlon or this r October, tot 7, (the date on which the notice is April ii, ii. a curious way of spending your aid lands were sold ror overdue taxes) M.:ii. JAMIESON, Troprietor Smoke Players Navy Cut cigarettes, evenings, Mr. Editor. I suppose ou FUllTllEIt wero the TAKE registered NOTICE owner that the WATER NOTICE LEAF foil. it is all right to go whirling urno time I shall effect reclamation in USE AND STORAGE MAPLE tin in wrapped pursuance or such application and Issue a 'around anu side-stepping and ucriiucaie or inoereasinie Title to the sal' TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Explo-atlon Gateway lv the famout 3uth Mine chasseyitig back and forth all with lands In the name or Thomas Troller unless Co., Ltd., whose address Is Toronto, PAIN! you tako and prosecute the proper Int., will apply for a licence to take and !a damsel hanging on to you, but proceedings to establish your claim. I ise SOU cubic foot per second and to store any, to the said lands, or fa prevent such 4,000 acre feet or 174,940,000 cubic reel Now Open for Business For Sale to mo as a man who never indulged proposed action on my part. or water.out of Cascade and Silver Creeks FLOGLAZfc in such a scandalous uAitu ai mo Land registry omce, (streams), also known as draining Long performance Prince nupert, 0. C, this glib day of Lake and other small lakes in the vicinity it seems queer. Yes, March. 10 It. f the Uig Missouri Group, which nows tu made. H. F. MACLEOD, southwesterly direction and drains Into paint sir, it seems queer and sometimes District Registrar of Titles. he Salmon Illver about .one inlle south of No better Barsalou's with so much back and To Alfred Gendron, li International Boundary Line. because TOM LEE CO. Prince Ilupert, 1). C. The storage-dam will be 'located at Long It makes good chest on view I should feel shy if Lake and other small lakes adjacent. The 840 Second Avenue, West. Motor Transfer I was some .of tho young gents IN THE SUrilEME courtT OF IiniTISH about mnjirltv SOO.000,000 nf ttiA rpfwrvnlr cubic tn rt.,be and created It will Is it's made good. that I see doing it, I.WL.UMDIA. llood about 400 acres or land, (all rock). N THE MATTEIt oFtHE The walcr will lie diverted from the stream VEGETABLES I Take it from mo, sir, this dancing ADMINISTltA- at a point about the outlet or Long Lake - s bo all or a small lake 4elow, at dam site., and and Wholesale and Retail may rjght, and I am not N THE MATTER OF Till! ESTATE Ol will be used lor power and mining pur-HisA Fred StorKf OLD 3 MONTHS 'saying that it is anything elsd, unnn the' mine and for tramways and .'AJ.".XSilXt DECEASED, I.NTE8TATE. General Contractors and flint ln t,i. other power lines; described as land not v but I would like to seo some Honour F. McB. Young, made the subdivided, except mining claims. 20th Labor, Exchange, day Hardware healthy sport for a change in this or March, A. D. 1019, 1 was appointed This notice was posted on the ground Truck A Motor 10 it, Administrator to tho on the 83rd day or Febmary, AVEMtf estate of Maria B.C. town. Where is the boys what deceased, and all parties having claims Very, copy of this notlco and an application pursuant SECOND Prince Rupert, and the "Water Act, play bnseball and football? They against the said estate are hereby required I0t4." thereto will be filed to In the office of the Black!14 to furnish lamp, v.,in.rf , , Phone Phone 547 P. O. Box 725 - ' J 11 III.M IV I' Watnr nrnrrier at Prince ItiiDert. .do not soem to care much about on or. before tho 7th day or May, 1810, be Reason for Selling: and all parties indebted objections to the application may he games or they would turn out rnniilrpri tn iiav tho -.rntin to the,estate. i- are,n filed with the said Water necorder or with I Sickness. sometimes, debtedness- to me "forthwith..uii'uiii ui mcir in the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlla-1 ; especially the foot-jball mcnt Iiulldlngs, Victoria, 11. C. within JUIliK II. MCMULIJN, players, now the weather is thirty days arter tne first appearance ui ..Official Administrator. St. James Hotel ,not very hot. DATED -this 7th day of April, 1019, this The notice territory In a to local bt, traversed newspaper.Is entirely lvtlon ""'' a(iay mining district and Is unsuitable for any meet" . (LATE MQUEEN8") Apply PHONE 182 Yours for clean sport, The Dally Nows Is the roclg-lized ther purpose. See Mineral Groups, head Public Sutur , and A NEW Alt RIVAL. medium between seller and or salmon Hirer, Portland Canal, Mlnhig Thursdays FIRST CLASS ROOMS or FIRST AVENUE, opposite P. SVMy Chirapography is not buyer. People nil read the advertising Division.The date of the first publication or this CndflVS l ' ' Hot and Cold Water. Knox Hotel good but notice Is Marrh 8, 1010. ,very perhaps you can columns because the PACIFIC COA8T EXPLOIUTION CO.. LTD. Advertise in t-o i make this out, advertisers aro live wires. ' Applicant. Agent. By Win. Noble,