Friday, AprUS. 1010- TUB DAILY NEWB. Page 5 A GOLD STRIKE ON LURKS IK DANGER THE STUYHOK RIVER J Daily News Classified Advertising EVERY ONE OF US Forty Cents to Pan Reported, But Have You Tried Qrub There Is Scarce. WANT. FOH BALE Five-roomed house on two lots. Five minutes to A Full of Deadly Information hats been received WANTED Maid f o r jreneral post offlcc. Reasonable offer ufe Are As A Germ here in regard to a gold strike in housework. Good wages. Apply will be accepted. See owner on Poisons Alaska not far from Fairbanks. Government Employment Bu premises. 630 Taylor Street. 02 Laboratory. Tho eccno of the strike is on the reau. Q4 Provincial FOIt SALE A large mahogany Stuyhok river, a tributary of the WANTED Room and board for cabinet Victrola and excel- an INTOXICATION uonisuia, and is twelve miles man and wife. Both employed. lent collection AUTO- of records at an the jfrom Yukon river, opposite Phone Black 158 after 0. tf attractive price for cash. Mrs. the Dogfish village below OS SELHWNING ,L.ros8. Concerning the activities,Holy WANTED Smart, intelligent junior E. F. Duby, 4th Ave. 100 tho message states that prospects draughtsman. Bruce, architect, GREAT SNAP Eighteen city lots FLOUR Pre-liThi 'have been found in Henderson, 4th Street. 93 assessed from $280 to $1,700 -FRUIT-A-TIVES"Dangerous Condition. Last Chance and Flat creeks. One Bring your furs to -Goldblooin, selling at $185 to $1.135. Ed. .hole put to bedrock on the Haiti Third Avenue. He H. Mortimer, 2nd Av9. It health is highest of poor pays The chief cause bench netted forty cents to the price. Waste tf of the bowels. ouf neglect pan from a general average of FOUND matter, instead of passing from the ten pans taken out. The ground WANTED Girl for hotel work. Ask . rp!?ularlv every day. FOUND Your Grocer Ladies' white kid glove. is wet and it is fourteen feet to Apply Hotel Central. 95 jrcnerating u dlowcd to remain there, Apply Daily News office, tf bedrock. The pay was evident'y absorbed by the which arc HELP WANTED poisons taken from slides as no gravel ARCHITECTS pother who Is was found. About a hundred men words, a person SALESMAN, competent and am hititaally constipated, is poisoning are on the scene at the present bitious for Manufacturers' WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and itself, We know now that Auto-MxiiatM' time. The sender of the message: Agency business. J. F. Maguire valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared Ui to non-action of the stated that grub was scarce and Smith Block. 04 for public and private iiii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini WeU, is (iy responsible tot it would not be advisable to staml buildings. undBladdcrTroubles; ede for a while. FOR SALE -nouKulne-.-tot It upsets the Stomach, causes' "I lie Stuyhok heads in about FINANCIAL Loss of Appetite and opposite the Dogfish village and "OR SALE 44 acres of good farm Indiffcstion, Dentistry Slteplessness tliat chronic Rheum-iusm, runs parallel to the Yukon, run land on the Skeena River; 8 APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a J low rate of interest received The acres cleared, with house. on Gout, Tain In 13ack, are ning in the upstream direction, pod the bowek become Right at Kwinitsa sRtion. Price plans specifications and tenders, relieved as soon as It joins the Bonisilla about twelve regular; and that IMmples, flashes, miles above the Yukon, the Bon $500 cash and the balance of by William Bruce, Architect, jj DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! j Skin Affections $500 in one Apply to 4th Street. Eciema and other nisilla running at right angles year. disappear when "Fruit-a-tlves" are to the Stuyhok, heading to the Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. C, or MISCELLANEOUS One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your S tasen to correct Constipation. eastward. Ed. ,H. Mortimer, agent, Prince "fruit-a-lives" will protect you Those intending to take in the Rupert, B. C. tf ME NORTON The place for ix Efficiency ijainst Auto intoxication because shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp new strike would probably do "OR SALE Hatching off eggs, medicine fruit acts Ihii wonderful treatment. 210 Fourth Street. better by continuing down the S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R. all the eliminating organs. directly on Open iO by appointment. Yukon a. m. or from Holy Cross, striking C for$2.50, trial siio 25c. I. Reds, off 300 highest laying 50c.a box, in from the big bend on the right Phone 493. tf At H dealers or sent on receipt of strain and winter layers, from Dr. Bayne pricebyFruit-a-tivesLimitcd,Ottawa. limit a few miles above the fish the Pennsylvania Poultry BICYCLES I village, at which place it is not Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also over twelve miles across. Indian Runner Ducks. Suth WE PAY CASH for second-hand EE OFFICE HOURS: E erland 704 McBride St. tf bicycles and parts. You can trade H Morning, 9 toJ2 Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 jo 9 MILITARY EXEMPTION your old bike for a new FOR SALE -140 acres land, two We all makes of one. repair ' ' miles from Terrace on good EE Dental Nurse in attendance. , - BJ bikes and carry a large assortment Largest Number Were Granted road. Running. creek on place of accessories. McGowan U Phone 109 for appointment In Ontario, With Quebec Six acres cleared. Andrew Ken & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. 8eoond. nedy, Prince Rupert. B. C. 96 Phones 480 and Green 166, 139 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil The following were the num FOR SALE Choice of 18 city lots Second Avenue. tf l r cuk rum I bers of exemptions granted un assessed for $10,000 for two-thirds QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS assessed value or exchange TIUCT DISTRICT OF SKEENA. der the Military Service Act of 1017, as reported in the House of for improved land. Ed. TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Spruce To Prospective Commons at Ottawa: H. Mortimer. 2nd Ave. 98 Lumber Co.. Ltd.. or Port Clements. B. C occupation saw mill, Intends to apply for Alberta 17,034 FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. permission to lease the following described &C0NTRACT0RS We handle only !two British Columbia ... 8,473 long, nine feet, six beam, ten lands:Commencing at a post planted at the BUILDERS Manitoba 10,102 - northeast corner or Lot 8. Block 45. post makes of Pianos; both h. p. engine. Apply Shockley's or subdivision of Dst. Let 74 , thence JS'ew Brunswick .... 8,225 Shop. Fraser Streets 100 north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees of proved excellence JS'ova Scotia ........... 14,689 south to approach or Government Wharr, Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement thence southerly along said approach or The Ontario 65,089 FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from Government Wharr to northwest corner ot we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material Lot 1, Block 45, thence easterly along the and handled by such as: Heintzman & Co. PrihcV Edward Island" 2,631 prize strain barred rocks, an waterrront or lots l, v. 3, 4, s, 0, 7 ana 8, supplies us, Quebeo 58,644 Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per DioeK 4S 10 puce or Beginning. Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fit-lings Piano, Saskatchewan ...... 30,440 Betting. Atkins' Meat Market AEROPLANE Date. Marcn SPRUCE so, tviv.LUMBER CO., LTD and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size. Pipe The Weber Piano Note thousands of these Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic Electric -Many FOR SALE Cigar store Bath NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water for limited granted exemptions house. 768 Eighth Ave. West. and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe. f Rupert Music Store periods of time were under re NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re Pipe Party leaving city. Phone Green serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Char Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and view by registrars on November 101 lotte islands, ny reason or a notice pud-Ilshed Opp. Post Office 170. In the B. C. Gazette on the 30th or Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, 11, 1018. V J, Pitman, Piano Dept. July, 1008, Is cancelled. Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron McCLARY RANGES and COOK u. It. NADtn, Brochu's Furnituro Deputy Minister or Lands. Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote Stoves at DAWSON Store, 309 3rd Ave. ,ands Victoria,Department,B. C, Roofing the Very Best Made, Manilla and Wire Rope and Sth March, 1819. M 13 Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. FOR SALE Good businss place, We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, The English setter dog suppos Pianos Notice of Intention to Apply to purchaa in Stock ed to have escaped from the Prin good location, owner leaving Land. including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and town, write box 864. 93 Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, cess Sophia is said to have been In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record HEINTZMAN & CO. owned by John Colver of Chicken ing District of Prince Ruperf. and situate Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. KARN FOR SALE 4 h. p., 4 cycle Regal at Jenny Bay, Deane Channel, B. C. able to Being direct representatives, we are Crook, who went down with the TAhtt ftUTiLE mat i, james z.. uau, ot factory ENNIS Engine in urst-ciass condition, Vancouver. B. C occupation baker and make attractive prices. ship. cheap Akerberg Thomson Co. Soldier, Intend to apply for permission to very MORRIS purchase the following described lands CLINTON E. R. Cooper, a new arrival, in FOR SALE 3 piano cases $5 each northerly Commenclng or a cor.planted T. L. No.SO chains 221: Ltd. DOHERTY tends establishing a new dredging Lindsay's Cartage, S3 chains;thence eas thence 40 west chains;40 chains thence more south or less 20 Prince Rupert Supply Co., Sold on Easy Terms. outfit on Forty-Mile River. to shore line; thence northerly 20 chains, off Third Avenue. Fourth . . . more or less, following shore line to point Street, We rmt out pianos ' or commencement and containing 80 -acres P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 3 St by the month George Fulton, who was in the more or less. as low as 20c. a dav. city yesterday from the Hunker 8ALE Per JAMES William Z.A.HALL,Bauer. Agent. FOR Piann T..i .... summit, reports having .seen a Dated 31 March. 1618. - - luiung anj musical in band dozen caribou recently a Notlo of Intantlon to Apply to purchaa "lairumoni Repalrlnn along the main summit road lead Sawmill Plant, located Land. Walker's Music Store ing from Dawson to Sulphur at Port Clements,feet B.. C. In Range !. Coast Land District. Record Georgetown Lumber Co. croek. He states ho was within Capacity, 35,000 per ing District of Prince Rupert, and situate day, for sale as going concern. at Koeye, Fltz Hugh Sound, B. C. Phone Blue 389 twenty to thirty yards of them, TAKE NOTICE that I, Marshall Beek of P. O. BOX 1632 Exceptional opportunity Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier. Intend PHONES 130 and 423. been hunting and, as no one had to apply ror permission to purchase in that vicinity, they were not for box manufacturing tne following oesennea lanasi Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. $7,500.00 cash Commencing at a post Plained at south frightened, and in no haste to get proposition. west corner lof. 2, thence east 20 chains; - FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY MISS M. A. WAY he will handle this proposition. thence south 20 chains; thence west 40 Four reports, away. moose, write chains, more or less, to shore line; thence For particulars "AwlIER OF MUSIC also wore about .the summit for northerly and easterly along shore line 20 SPRUCE FIR CEDAR 309 SecnJ Weir Machinery Co., Vancouver, chains, more or less, to point or commencement, A quite a while and were unmolested. and containing 80 acres, more Consult Us. B. C. 97 or less. J. 23 ?rct,iudenuti,,,,,ubu'f MARSHALL BEEK, ' Per William A. Bauer, Agent. i none uiua 120 7 Advertise in tho Dally News. Dated fl,u April, 1019. i F IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU PONT WEAKEN s By GENE BYRNES I ELECTRICAL WORK : I I y I Go to V Waddell I 1 EL-"WIV HAi, -H"T. m HrXVt TRK.P ' -THAT VOTWL AHD IF THE-V SZ 7Zl&& 1 Sa, Monev l i i : Tl i i rv. ? 11,11 i i ?n Green Kd "V. lift.. ,A- - w m w -"1U2 Art-.. - iiice, rrasor St; We ? Qn :