For FIRST AID KITS The ,Bicycles Repairs and . Daily I 5 suit workmen's requirements Cora-pensatlon News Parts Board PRINCE RUPERT AUTO Phones,82 and 200 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 VOL, X. NO. 08. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENT HELIGOLAND QUESTION IS LIMERICK STRIKE CAR SHORTAGE COMMUNISTS BADLY BEATEN SETTLED BY BIG THREE; Limerick,IS CALLED April 25,OFF IS PROTESTED BY ROUMANIAN ARMY; SOME GERMANY HAS PROPOSAL The strike which has been in progress for some time Board of Trade Passes Resolution SURRENDEROTHERS RETREAT Is to be called off tonight. Calling Attention to Need of The military authorities ITALIAN PEOPLE REPORTED TO BE UNIT BEHIND THEIR having made some slight Proper Service. (Special to The News rla 0.T.P.. Telegraphs.) DELEGATES KIEL CANAL DISCUSSED AND concessions to tho strikers London, April 20. A Berne despatch to the Times today said CALLS ON GOVERNMENT ALSO DISPOSITION OF GERMAN at the requestor the Mayor that Foreign Minister Bela Kun had appealed to Premier Lenine CABLES and Bishop of Limerick.. TO MAKE PROVISION to begin immediately an offensive to compel the abandonment of The strike committee is : the Roumanian invasion of Hungary. The situation in Hungary now considering these Fish Being Diverted to Other The News vl O. T. P. Teiegrspns.t to (Special concessions. is desperate, says the dispatch. The peasants are clamoring for Ports is Loss to and The of Heligoland of City April 20. question was disposed Paris, the restoration of the monarchy. afternoon while the matter of Railway. he council of three yesterday Berne, April 20. Part of the Hungarian Communist army Kiel Canal and the Imposition of German cables' was also disced At a special meeting of the facing the Roumanians southwest of Budabest has surrendered It s understood that the economic fjueslion was settled, ANDREW HUBER DIES council of the Prince Rupert and the rest is in flight, according to a Roumanian official statement although no details was given out. The council met again thfs Board of Trade held yesterday a received here. West of Budapest the Czecho-Slovaks have FROM HEART FAILURE morning. complaint was made at the shorU occupied Kb morn and Raab. . Italians a unit. age of cars during the last few Geneva, April 20. :Czecho-Slovak forces have attacked Wait-zen, Rome, April 26.-The impres-,ion SERIOUS RIOTS Falls Down Outside the Empress days and the following resolution twenty miles northeast of Budapest. It is expected to fall that the Italian Hotel When With of today on Round protest was passed: grows soon. French troops are said to be aiding the Roumanians in unit in supporting the Milk "Whereas the principal business nation Is a Wagon. their advance in eastern Hungary. claims upon which its representatives TAKE PLACE AT for the Grand Trunk Pacific in the Peace Conference have Tho death look place thisUallway rrom Ull Port consists stand. CAVE IN AT GRANBY taken an irrevocable t morning suddenly outside thel"' . ,L"ls OI irozen a ,resn COLONEL PECK I flail Inn r npmnn cV.mnArl In Germans Have Plan. PRINCE GEORGE Empress Hotel of Andrew Huber. X " L' UNDERMINES RAILWAY Berlin, April a member 26. Professor of the shipped by express, TAKES PART IN Schuecking, of Peace Dairy. He had been employed by! "And whereas this trafflc is of (Special via O. T.P. Telegraphs.) Commission Returned Soldiers Make Demon-stratlon uerman leave Monday for the Prince Rupert Dairy for four a highly desirable nature for the Grand Forks,' B. C, April 26. to scheduled Aliens and Versailles, outlined Germany's Against or five years and lived with Mr. W on account of tho high An immense cave in occurred at TITLES DEBATE nations. Do Considerable rate which it enjoys, and the the Granby mine at Phoenix, the for a league of and Mrs. Robert McKay as one of- puns Damage. naximum haul whicn j't.furnishes rails of both the Great Northern They shape are rapidly for presentation.being whipped at the family, lie was much es- .And whereas it is desirable and Canadian Piciflc railways be Is Opposed to Knighthoods; Committee into conference. "President Wil MANY MEN ORDERED teemed as an employee and well rf or the joint interests of this city ing suspended nearly one hun to Recommend Cancellation the "cspecled in town. (and the railway that this traffic dred feet above the cavity. . Residents plan which the Paris con TO LEAVE THE TOWN of Hereditary ions Siven not only the greatest in adjacent homes be (erence adopted Is not salisfac He seems to have been on his,be are. rnim,i wi.on ini nni.iHa o.o i consideration Dut an enort snoui.i ing moved. Distinctions. lory because it is a league or Ex-Chief Dolan and Grand Trunk be mado to increaso the volume or governments rather hotel he was seized with heart diplomats Ticket Agent Among Those its Present stage, DISTINGUISHED 8ERVICE than of peoples," said Schuecking. failure and fell down and died;beyond VIOLENT FIGHTING Who Get "Permission" immediately. The body wa3 found' Left tho Port- IN WAR IS CONSIDERED Full Peace Terms. To Go. by Mrs. J. C. Morrison on tho back ! "Therefore be it resolved that AMONG THE GERMANS Ottawa, April 26. The Do "stpns. and thp. rTni.Vo nt nnpn this Board go on record, and doth (Special via 0.T.P. Teligrapbs.) minion uovernmeni expects 10 ru-ceive (Special by O. T, P. Telegraphs.) InntfflpH.. ...Whon... Infl. dnlrv Protest against the inadequate Ottawa, April 26. The com - - --- (Special Tla Q.T. P. Tclegrapbs.) a detailed draft of the peace Prince George, April 26. There.'this morning he seemed to be in facilities for handling express Ger mittee considering the granting The terms. If the draft is received ifresh fish. We are constrained to Geneva, April 26. were serious riots here on Thurs good health. ot titles to Canadians met yesterday Government are at man troops faere it will be released for publi of make this protest by reason Huber Swiss .. ... .... . . was of nationality, ina a a at n ru a a n a n v n Till m i i Munich and violent fighting The committee de cation at Ottawa at the same time .juy,...(,i. u .Cou.. "-,. , n.n,i n.- .the fact that this week no less tacking morning. is it Washington. ber of people have had to get out than four American halibut boat? is going on, the losses being cided to make a report to the ,,erp ho ha8 8isler8 1Ils brotu of town, and others are going. fAr hprt. linMi' nhnn fhrpn "having a catch of approximately heavy,on both sides. Government iiouse In the form of an address, APPRAISAL OF The trouble has been brewinr,n0nths ago and was intending to;lwo, hundred and seventy thou- ground.troops are said to be gaining embodying their recommenda for some time past and there has return in a few weeks. " " Munich is virtually isolated tions. BOUKHOBOR LANDS J aggregate It was unanimously agreed to been bitter feeling Between tne from the rst Germany. a twelve car loads, arrived at the pf recommend that hereditary titles returned soldiers and the alien 'fiHjill MJAId OULU port of Prince nupert, B. C, to in uanada should cease on the (Special rli O. T. P. Telegraphs.) element. This came to a head sell and discharge their llsh, but , death of the present holders. Grand Forks. April 25. B. E. CATCHES YESTERDAY! when tho return- :on arrival learned tnai no cars LOCAL NEWS NOTES Titular distinctions were dis Paterson of Ottawa, chairman of Thursday night i . j. j ..n.t.AIIO were available, and consequently f cussed by the committee. Col. the inquiry and research committee a xsoiaiers anu jiupiiniti3 nshinlr boata 8old their IIipv immediatelvtook their clear. Peck referred to the question of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Dowling of the Soldiers' Settlement went on the rampage ana tore an caCMes yesterday afternoon: the ance and set sail for Seattle re the giving of titles to men who Board, with R, M. L. Clarke and out of Pattersons Alaska, not losing the busi- turned from an enjoyable visit to tho front Liberty, 65,000 lbs.; CO,- thereby only have served with distinction in k- Lalta, D. S. has been here Vancouver this morning on the O., storo a place at 8.5c. and (3o. to for Canadian railway, clothing and oppo- 000, per pound ness our tho army. He pointed out that a using an appraisal of the Douk-ior site. They got Reinhart out vt AJIin Fisheries, Ltd., to be de- but diverting it to an American Prince George. number of military men already lands. They left today for in. his 'livcred Ketchikan. 'road, and further rendering it bed and tore everything up at Olympic The Dr. Bayne who left for had been Honored and that others ""mam 10 interview I'etcr Ycr-egin. ofllce. Then they made him open 50,000, sold at 8c. and Co. per lb. impossible for this community to Ocean Falls a few days ago was equally deserving would feel they his safe and, taking out all the Canadian Fish & Cold benefit by the sale and handling not the local dentist. The dental had been unfairly treated if not promisory notes, they burned jstorage Co., Ltd. ,of such a large quantity of this similarly rewarded. offices are .open as usual. J them. j The Treo, 12,000; Norma, 4,- commodity and also their sharing Col. Peck further said he was MAX HEILBRONEn Four men were ordered out .r(000; Holdall, G.000, nd tho Ring-Jin the circulation of the money Let "Sandy" show you the pad opposed to knighthoods, but the town at once and eleven moro leader, 3,000 lbs. sold at 10.1c. which would be involved, dock, the ring, the course and the men who had rendered distinguished Reliable Jeweler have been lined up to leave by to-!and 7c. to the Atlin Fisheries, toj Call to Government, thoroughbreds of old Kentucky,' at service in the war should Diamonds, morrow's train, among them be- be unloaded hero. The Caygeon.j ,"It is further resolved that this the Westholme tonight. It be considered. He suggested a CutGlass, Watches, Clocks ing T. W. Walspn, G. T. P. cash-17,000 lbs. sold at 9,7c. and 7c. toJoard representing the business time limit on the giving of such Silverware, Ivory ier and ticket agent; ex-Chief of,the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage interests of this city, de request In the list of returning soldiers titles. Umbrella, Community Plate, Police Dolan and two other men Co., Ltd. iand petition the Government to on the Adriatic which arrived in Etc. had to go east this morning. , take immediate steps to see that Vancouver on April 20, are two 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the Ccmir 3rd At. md 6th 8trtt. Last night further trouble was AUSTRIANS INVITED j ample equipment is provided for for Prince Rupert, C. H. Taylor best on the Paclflo Coast, Just I expected but it did not develop. j the handling of. all the fish that and J. Smith. arrived. Send your orders to the Apparently tho polico did not in. (Special by a. T. r. Telegraphs.) Can bo brought through this gate- Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. terfere but a compromise was effected Vienna, April 2C. The German jway from the vast fishing banks Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis of Ter and there is not likely to bo jovernmonl has invited the Ger- adjacent to its port, and that a race, B. C, who have been spend further disturbance. nan - Austrian Government t o copy of' this resolution be sent to ing the winter in Prince Rupert, send five members of the National the Hon. the Minister of- Railways took a short trip up to their ranch WESTH0LMR BIRTH Assembly to Weimar to join in and Canals, the official receiver at Terrace this mftrning. They U the discussion of the German As of tho Grand Trunk Pacific, Mr, will return in about a week. TONIGHT Thero was born to Mr. and Mrs. sembly, and have a voice in tho V. P. Hinton, vico-president and JACK PICKFORD Carl Larson arrived this fore FQH mi a i irw Circle of that general manager, and Mr. Pullen, Fred G. Bacon of Hays Cove transactions body. and 8ERVICE onl AND SATISFACTION at the Prince Rupert General president of tho Canadian Express noon arrangements from Naden for Harbor his to wife's make LOUISE HUFF Board Licence No, 10-7340. daughter. RETAIL CLERKS Company." IN Hospital on April 26, a funeral, which will take place on "SAND Y" Monday Monday, at 2 p. m. from tho pay The story or a Scotcb Laddie, a Extraordinary meeting PEACE DELEGATE ors of the B. C. Undertakers, Rev. fair Kentucky belle, amid tbe blue of old Kentucky. April 28 8 p.m. sharp. irrass Mr. Gillett officiating. SPLENDID FOX SUNSHINE COMIDY Empress Theatre ARRIVES IN PARIS : See windows for special bar-tf Show 7il5 and 9il5. Admission Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar 25 c. and ISC. Complete New Show gains at Tite's. Flume Reported Full of Italian ettes, wrapped in tin foil. - Tonight Soldiers; Great Reception Swimming Club Dance May For Orlando. MAE MURRAY Canadian Life Co. The oldest (Special by O. T. r. HJegrspns.) MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON' in Robert Lenard's Great Pro-duction rhe Canada, J. F. Magulre, rigent. 'Paris, April 25. Tho first of German peace delegation arrived face Value . "DEMER8" rat Paris,Versailles April today.25. Italian hoad-quarlers Grand CONCERT The new figured Voile nnnounced that Premier A thrilling drama full of ex Dresses arrived on tho last Orlando had arrived in Italy mid by the , citing scenea from beginning had been accorded a great damon-strntion. to end, and express. They are made PRINCE RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY It also announced that and at very in smart styles That Century Famous Comedies Comedy Present Star reasonable ono of a kind.prices. Only Italian American troops Embassy were guarding in Rome. the Wednesday, May 7, at 8.15 p.m. HOWELL ALICE Paris, April 26. A United Also a few black satin Westholme Theatre in nice soft satin States officer who left Fiume three skirts Th. "AUTOMANIACS" ono of the most useful days ago and who has just arrived Special engagement of Mrs. Dalby Morkill, Contralto, of evtf. pPuJar comedians. John Bunny and Flora garmonls in your wardrobe. in Pariss says it is reported there Vancouver, jaahjn "A Change In Baggage Checks" that a total of 14 divisions had - demise iMiT COME AND SEE been moved to Fiume by Italians. Reserved 8eats on Sale j at Orme's Drug Store. He said tho city was full of Ital-an , soldiers.