Sati,rday, April 1010. T11E DAILY NEWS. Page 3 THREE ATTRACTIONS Make Puddings This Week AT EMPRESS THEATRE STOP LOOK and LISTEN Mae Murray In "Face Value," Alice tiowell In "Automanlaos" and The old price on Sago and Tapioca was 17Jc. per a Funny Comedy. und. VVe are now selling these food3 at 15c. but may possibly rontem injim offer the Special Price of 12Jc. Mae Murray in "Face Value" is week we you food scientists claim this one of the three attractions at ientSsMarnj that Take this opportunity and stock up. the Empress pound. Thealrfl this even per gAG0 Special per ibV, 12Jc. ing. She appears in one of the bakfojg ponder cortf aiiur$ alum is unsafe most stirring and lively photo-plays Tapioca J2c. which abounds with swift for use m food.Tiiemerc? feet that some CORNSTARCH... Pkg.,lgC action and numberless thrills Dried Gkeen Peas....:. lb., 12.jc. from start to finish. Founded on brands of x?atdripov5erKaye the words Barley 8jc. Robert Lenard's great dramatic split Peas lOc. production, this is a nlav which ,,NoA!uirf?orithelaBeIisiiot sufficient Navy Beans . . . 10c. is bound to attract a full housC. White Then there is Alice Howell in proof that thetj are-what theij are represented "The Aulomaniacs." Alice Howell FULLER'S Two stores GROCERY is one of the most famous of to be. Our cheraisSts find a comedy stars and this comedy is a winner. podm; 'have"No Ahiiribn outside PHONE 45 PHONE The third feature of the even ana ing is iora that giv$n Finch by in John"Changed Bunny but laie quantities of it inside is significant and the situations HGICI BJIKING POWDER that arise through the switching of the checks are among the funniest Con-tains No Alum Storage Batteries House Wiring ever seen. Ptnre WXiolesoxne Economical Charged and Repaired in all its; branches JACK PICKFORD AT No Loss of Time While WESTHOLME TONIGHT Your Battery le Being ELECTRIC Illllllllllllllllllilliiiiilllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllll! Overhauled. Another Is-Always SOCIAL Available. IRONS Appearing in their latest Para GRILLS mount picture "Sandy," Jack READ THIS TESTIMONIAL Agents For TOASTERS Pickford and charming Louise Mrs. C. 11. Ornie is suffering CVINRUDE Portable RANGES Huff-will bp, highly popular at from a severe cold and has been Port Simpson, B.C., April 18,- 19i9.-Harry Motors. HEATERS tractions at: the Westholme tonight. confined to her bed fW several Hanson, Esq., CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS This is a splendid story days. Prince Rupert, B.C, Runabouts. ' WASHING MACHINES 6f life in Kentucky and every - Dear; Sir t REGAL Engines for LAMPS scene is redolent of the aroma of Mrs. W. S. Fisher, of Fourih Your Hanson Hot Water Coil has been in our range for Trolling. "FLASHLIGHTS fresh cut blue grass in days Ave., E., entertained at bridge on just one year, and in all this has been 100 per cent The Famous English reminiscent of those when chivalry Thursday about twenty-five ladies" plus efficient. I use the "plus" advisedly for not only has GENERATORS PETTER HEAVY OIL ruled. being present. the coil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water ENGINE FOR MOTOR SWITCHES, Sandy is a cheerful, brave at all times, but by placing the forty-gallon tank in our FISHING SCHOONERS ETC. Scotch lad, who follows the girl One of the attractions at the large ten by ten bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest of his dreams to her ancestral Easter services last Sunday was weather. Full line of Electrical Apparatu in stock. home where, after a series of the singing of Mrs. McMillan from Although our range is small, Mrs. Young informs me thrilling adventures he makes her Balmoral cannery, at the Baptist she cannot see that the baking qualities are affected in the Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. I his bride. How this is accomplished, church. Mrs. McMillan was spend least by the coil. is a matter that will interest ing the Easter season with her In your perfection of a modern household necessity, I Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 the old and young alike, sister, Mrs. C. Elkins. congratulate you. Sincerely, and curiosity is satisfied only by (Signed) R.B.YOUNG. seeing the picture. The many friends of Mrs. II. McCall are pleased to.know that See HARRY HANSON she has so far recovered from her S.S. PRINCE RUPERT CONDEMNS SOLDIER recent attack of the' flu to be able s The Reliable Plumber Phone 48a or SETTLEMENT BOARD to return home. Mr McCall is llllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll improving also, and will return to S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Prince Rupert in the near future. (Special via O.T.P. TelegTapns.) . SAILING Moosejaw, April 25. At the The pupils of the high school 1 THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for 8WANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, closin? session of the third an are making the most of the Eas WEDNESDAY VANCOUVER,and VICTORIA 8ATURDAV and MIDNIGHT SEATTLE.FOR ANVOX. nual convention of the Saskatche ter vacation and several parties S Special This Week: wan Great War Veterans Associa have been given. On Thursday 6. 8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT - tion, a resolution was passed evening Miss BcVnice Palmer en For Mssett, Tort Clements and Buckley Bar April S3rd, and 30th; Mijr the Land condemning present tertained some ofv her school Hh. 14th, JIM and Stli. fcuth.rn Point. Qu..n Charlotte Uland. April S5th, May flth md JJrd. Settlement Board or the union friends, and Friday evening Miss Children's Chairs. Sttwirt, B. c, May 3rd, 17th and 3 lit Government and asking for a Constance McMullin also had a complete reorganization. party for her chums. TRAIN,EERVICE Go-Carts, Baby Carriages Piisengfr Monday, W'diueday and Saturday t. lliSO a.m. Tor Smlthen, Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar Prince Rupert musical circles Prince Gcirge, Edmonton all and points Wlpnlper,east and making south. direct connections for' ettes, wTapped in tin foil. will regret to learn that Mrs. Children's Cribs Aivazoff has gone south and expects AQENOY ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES 8YNOP8I8' OP to be away for some montjis. For Information and reservations apply to LAND. ACT AMENDMENT She will accompany her husband City Ticket Offlet, 628 Third Phon 260. Pre-emption now-conflned to aurvejretf on a trip through Canada and the BARRIE FURNITURE STORE lands -only. eastern States. Mrs. Aivazoff's Records will b granted covering- only land suitable for' agricultural purposes talent is always a leading attraction and Partnership which Is non-timber pre-empt Ions land.abolished, at any entertainment here, SECOND ST. AND THIRD, AVE. but parties,of:not more'than four may and will be very much missed. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY arrange for adjacent pre-empUons, with Joint residence, but each making- necessary 9 Pre-emptors Improvements must oa occupy respective claims claims.for The young ladies of "Hill CO" five years and make Improvements to Chapter I.O.DJ3. have been working Lowest Rates-to all.Eastern Points value of $10 per ucre. includlnji-clearlng and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before like Trojans this week to Phone 37 P.O.!Boxf1704 via Steamer to Vancouver and the receiving Crown Grant. v Where l -emptor in occupation not make a success of their sale of Canadian Pacific Railway lass than 3 years,-and has made proportionate work today. Such a turning out improvements, he may, because For and Service of 111-healtn-or-other-cause,- be granted of trunks as there has been in Comfort, Courtesy Meals and Berth included on Steamer Intermediate certificate of Improvement and transfer his claim. search of articles which could be may Records be issued without provided permanent applicant residence maaea parcelled up and exchanged for FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE.FROM PRINCE.RUPERT i Improvements and records to same extent each of" J00 year,per i allure annum two bits. They certainly deserve April II and II; May , is S3; June J, II and SO. to make improvements or record to have a very successful affair. M.n.f.r T. BOWNE5S, same will operate aa forfeiture. Title F. FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAOWAY, ALASKA less cannot than bo S obtained years, with on Improvements these claims of in Mrs. R. M. Walker was "at Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. From rnnce Rupert April 17. nd S8j May 8, 19. and SB. lit per acre. Including 6 acres cleared of at and cultivated, andresldence home" to her friends Wednesday ' pVe-ampter'holding Crown Grant may afternooji for the- first time since Home Cooking Running- Hot and Cold Water ' W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. quires record another land tn pre-eraptlon.conjunction with his her marriage. A great many ladies without actual occupation, provided took the of calling Co farm, opportunity ner Fourth Street md ThiiJ Avepuo. Prince.Rupert. B.C. statutory Improvements and residence maintained on Crown granted on her in her cosy suite in ''llluiunreyed areas, not the Waldron. Her mother, Mrs. tlUe"torobtilned after as trOmbm nomesitesi Patmore, received with her, and GOOD EATS aentlal and Improvement condlt one. those assisting with the lea were The COAST SERVICE. For and Industrial PurP'J Second Avenue. Union areas exceeding- 4 acres may Mrs. de Oex, Mrs. McNeill, Mrs, Sat., 4 by one pereen or company. Duby, Mrs. Smith and the Misses Breakfast 7:30 to.9 For Vancouver, Tues., 8,p.m.; EMPTORS' FREE.GRANTS ACT. Steamship PRE.The scope of this Act Is enlarged to, Pringle and Curtin. Two dainty Lunch , 11:30 to 2 Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Include Ills all persons Joining The serving-with time little flower girls attended the Dinner .... 5:00 to 8 t or B.L. Mondays, 7 n.m. w deceased hin which pre-emptor the'h.lrs may or devl.e.V$TfJ"i c door. SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Naas River Points, Friday a.m. UUe unde? this Act Is of tnd,ei lU. .. Si nu from until the death one year ONE MAN KILLED IN I J j-cfc Barmlev. General Agent inclusion of the RreMntwar. Thta privilege Is also made retroactive. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT CONNAUGHT TUNNEL ACTt WESTHOLME LUNCH Provision Is made for the grant to persona holding unomI',leti4.5";f from (Special vl O.T. P. Teh-graphs.) SECOND AVE.' Purchase Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager menu such proportion to payments of the already land. If made divisible will Vancouver, April 25. Eleven HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President "ver in proportion to the sale Price of men were in Connaught Tunnel whole parcel. Two or more persona the Agreements may group on Monday at the outbreak of fire ttilr mtillests allotment and apply for If a It proportionate which held up through transpor i Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. SSvSred considered by advisable an application to divide for a the proportionate land tation on the Canadian Pacific Short orders all the time. Specialjrates with room and board. an lo'ro8"..,1.;",? railway for a day. All escaped 'e'''ee' value se eded from eaual of lands In the locality may be except August Olson, watchman. LIMITED r Sade. condltlonaj payment These allotments of all taxes are due the The fire broke out from an un- ASHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE upon Crown or of to any to municipality.whom the pur.The known.causo in 30 drums of gaso rights persons from the Crown has agree to line and kerosene used in mimug Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories SS"aTe the Sllnlster also protected.of Lands In The respect decision to the of machine motors. BOSTON GRILL F'h Netting, Twines,.Lines, Ropes and Cordage a Is final. The time for making appllca-tlon for these, allotments Is limited to Mr. Hanson,, formerly U. S, 60S THIRD AVE. PHONE.457 PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. of May, Any applies., the tlon made after- this.allotments date will apply not be to consul at this port, has been ap-palnled A GOOD PLAGE TO EAT. neutered Offloo: Prince Rupert Office: eonalder.L town Tand These lands of the Crown sold to the consulate at Lieg Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. 68 Water Street. " Telephone No. 95 "MloPSSX? apply to any ITotI.. and left Washington for New DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE SOc Dei.ert at every meat. Qovernment Agent or' to York last week, He is expecting 'aneouver, I), G. . J. O. Box 1898 olat Q. IV NADBN. Short order at any time. to embark for Antwerp today.