THE OAILV WEWB. Saturday, April 26. i9l9 SUSPENDED SENTENCE FOR SELLING WINE TO WHITE INDIAN FILLS The chargo against 11, W. Mc-Kcrrow, Good blood makes firm tissue, strong nerves, manager of Thorpo & Go, steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure and Ltd., at Vancouver, for selling an full of healthy, red corpuscles, and your liver active, by Indian by the name of William (using Bcecham's Pills, which remove poisonous matters Dudoward "ginger wine" which from the system, assist the stomach to assimilate its after being-lested by II. T. Cross food, and the food to nourish the body. A world-famous was shown to contain 2.4 per cent to" the vital and alcohol, was brought before C. C. remedy strengthen organs help to Indian Perry, agent, yesterday afternoon in his office lie was Make Pinre Blo& found 'guilty and let out on sus pended sentenst). Worth a Guinea n Box Dominion Constable A. J. WaU Prepare J only ky Tloraas Haacriam, Si.Hcl na,LiuicaaLb-s.FjicUnJ. Sold Tcrywber In CaratU and U.S.America, la boxes, 5 naU. kinson told of having seized from! William Dudoward, chief of the) Port Simpson Indians, on the Port WATER NOTICE Simpson wharf, six cases of gin-gcr DIVERSION AND USE. wine from Thorpe's Limited. TAKE NOTICE that E. X. Duty, lumber It was tested by II. T. Cross of the For manufacturer, whoso address Is care of Mo.r. Patninre Fulton. 1'rlnce ItUDert customs department, and his test B, C, "will apply Tor a licence to take and showed the wine to contain 2.4 use 500 c. s. f. of water out of Union Crcelt, which nows westerly and drains alcohol. Tho Indian is living on' WmmA The Spirit of Sunlight t bay.nto union Bay about at the head ot said th9 Port Simpson Indian reserve.1 Better l the water will be diverted from the Tested for Alcohol. I tream at a point where Union Creek leaves over the land the sun calls forth The evidence II. T. 1 given by i Union Lake and will be used for power 'upon;(and the incidentally land described Industrial)as District.purposes Lot Cross was that he was employed cleanliness, health and the re- B niimtwr ICO. Catsiar District. as an appraiser and part of his This notice was posted on the ground Clothing on the -3rd day or April, 1919.- A copy or duties were to test wines, alco his notice and an application pursuant hols, etc. This particular sample in the home. It redeems every- 8 thereto and to the "Water Act, IB 14," will be nied in the omce or the Water Iiecord of wine handed to him by Con washable from the thraldom of I on Objections at Prince to Runert."'B.the abdication C. may be stable Watkinson contained 2.4 Renews beauty and brings out I filed with the said Water Recorder or with cent alcohol, but he did not cAnd right up-to-date he Comptroller or W ater IN mis, parlia per colors. It cleanses with I a ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C. within think it intoxicating. sure, styles, you his hlrty notice days in arter a local the newspaper.nrst appearance or Evidence was also given by J. that only the purest of soaps E. K. DUBY. Applicant F. Maguire, agent for Thorpe & cannot improve on The date or the nrst publication or this notice is April 11, is id. Co., Ltd., who sold the Indian the having your clothes wine. He did not think it contained QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS T1IICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA. any alcohol, neither did Soap made to measure. know that Dudoward was an Indian, TAKE notice that The Aeroplane spruce You are then Lumber Co., Ltd.. or Tort Clements, B. C either by his appearance or occupation saw mill, intends to apply ror his'manner of speech. He took mission as thousands af homes know satisfied that permission to lease me rouowing described your lands: him to be a white merchant. wash clothes, from the finest to the commencing at a post planted at the Mr. Perry ordered the goods to BAH fit clothes properly. northeast corner or Lot 8, Block 45, post without rubbing or old-time labour or subdivision or Dst. Lot 746, thence be confiscated and destroyed. Give us a trial. north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees south to approacn or uovernment wuarr thence southerly along said approach or LEADING PUPILS IN dishes, utensils, etc., spotlessly Government Wharf to northwest corner or Lot 1. Block 45, thence easterly along the waterfront of lots 1, 3, 3. 4, S, 6, 7 and 8, THE ENTRANCE CLASS block 45 to place or beginning. Sweder Bros. AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD. Date, March go, 1019. The following are the names in NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE i- order of merit of students of King Gentlemen's and Ladies' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re Edward Entrance Class who made TAILORS serve existing over Lot 418, Queen Charlotte or more in the respective Islands, by reason of a notice pub lished In the B. a Gazette on the 30th of subjects mentioned below: . Sixth Street July, 1908, Is O.cancelled.It. n AUEiX. Writing- Hannah Essen, 8: Deputy Minister or Lands, f May Brooks, Elsie McLean, Grace .anas Department, Victoria. B. C Carroll, Mary Edgar, each 807c 6th March. 1919. M 13 Dictation and Spelling Elsie N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH McLean 94; Mary Sim, 90; George Thin Watches COLUMBIA. Walsh, 89; Vera Shockley, 86; N TION THE MATTER ACT. OF THE ADMINISTRA Mary Edgar and Mollie Cross each We have a good stock of and 83; Mary Brooks, 81; W. Kergin THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF watches of every kind just ARTHUR DESAUTELS, DECEASED, INTESTATE. and F. Kergin each 80; W. Mont .now, but we just wanted to gomery, SOvc. speak of the thin gentleman's TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Manual Training W. Mont lfnnm: V f t) VMinv mtrfa ih. Sth Hat, watch. or April, A. D. 1919, I was appointed gomery, 8755:; F. Morrison and W. Lots of men like a watch (Administrator to the estate or Arthur De-'tauteK Kergin each 83; C. Insulander 80. deceased, and ail parties having so thin that they will not claims against the said estate are hereby Domestic Science Gertrude LAND REGISTRY ACT feel it in the pocket and required to me, on to or rurnlsh before same,tne properly Sth day or verified,May, Xelson, 86; Minnie Rank, 80. (Sections 39 and Ul.) 1 1 jlilllllMBBMfLtt&MKj which will not show its shape 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate Arithmetic Gertrude Nelson, are required to pay the amount of He Application No. I0,7ig-I. File 6,134. SEEDS! III on the vest. Ibelr indebtedness to me forthwith, , 1; Grace Carroll, 90; W. Ker- TAKE NOTICE that aDDllcallon has hn We have the Waltham JOHN 1L MCMULUN, giir 89; C. Insulander and Mary made to register Thomas Trouer or Prince Fred Stork's Official Administrator. . nuperu u. i, r ti. uoi. 331, as owner In Opera style, the Green Veri-thin, DATED this 9 lb day of April, 1919. Edgar1 each 88; W. Montgomery, fee under two Tax Sale Deeds from the For the Garden Collector or tile City of Prlnru Ruiwri. the Hamilton and other 87; Vera Sh6ckley 80. bearing date the cm day or December, N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH reliable makes. COLUMBIA. Geography Gertrude Nelson, 1918, or ALL AND SINGULAR that Certain Specially Suited for Prince parcel or tract or land and premises situate, Hardware ?Most of these watches are 82; Mary Edgar 81. Lrinr and being- in the City or Prince itu. Rupert soil. N THE MATTER OF THE ADM1NISTRA- sold at prices established by TJO.N ACT. British History Elsie McLean.. pert,scribed more as lots particularly forty-four known(44) and and forty-live de the factories, which gives N the matter" And of the estate OF,'j-if-jw. Minnie f nans,T- i ej; ueriruae A a (43), Block fifteen (13). Section nve (3). (Map You reaulred are to you the, .assurance that you HOBERT EDWARDS. DECEASED. LN-lNVlsnn 0. contest the claim or the tax purchaser r jtLU CHICKENS pay us .here in Rupert no TESTATE. - Canadian History W. Kergin, within of 33'this days uotlce rrorn(which the date may or be the effected service HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER A Complete line of more than if you were in lAfct rxiiiLt mat in order or his nf Alberta Hill, 87; V. Shock- by advertising), and your attention Is Montreal. or April, A. D. 10101 was appointed ley and F, Kergin each 86; W. Act cancel' with to section amendments,as or tne and"Land to the iteglstry foilow-nr John wards, deceased, and all parties having- Montgomery and Minnie Rank -'and extract tbererrom; PlFEllfCa Bulger default in or a caveat or certificate lalms against the said estate are hereby 81 fSrnrn L-arroil, HJ, Mary or 111 pendens being filed before rqulred to the their pay amount of tn-eacn Marine Store of Worth and The debtedness to me forthwith. r-agar, ou. the registration as owuer of the JOHN II. person entitled under such tax tale, MCMULUN. Beauty. . . Ofllclal AdmlnUwator. English Grammar Grace Car all persons so served will notice, . . PHONE 51. DATED this Sth day of April, 1919. roll, .... and those claiming through P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. 97; Mary Sim, 94; Mary or unuer them, and au persons claim, Elsie lug any Interest la the land by virtue AND Ger. Edgar 87; McLean, 84; n the supreme court op RuiTtsH or any unregistered Instrument, and Columbia. . trude Nelson, 82; Mollie Cross, 81 all persons claiming any interest In the land by descent whose tale Is not Hotel Eyder N THE MATTER OJ THE ADMINISTRA- The following ate those who registered under the provisions or AUI imnrln 7?i& rtt mnro pflnHinff" this Act, shall be ror ever estopped Household ana i .UU.UB. and debarred from setting up any DENTISTRY N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF.F.IelA Mc.I.san' 7Q?' Vopn' Slinillov claim to or .in respect of the land to Portland Canal, B.C. STANLEY BARTLETT. DECEASED. IN-!. . sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall TESTATE. uaii uuuic, uiabQ uaiiuu, .uuilic register the person entitled under OFFICE HOURS! M. It: JAMIESON, Proprietor TAKE NOTICE that In nrrler nf llli Cross, Mary Sim, each 78; W. such tax sale as owner of the land so 9 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. Honor F. McB. Yoiinr. made the 11th dar Mitahpll. 7fi; Marv Tlrnnkn W sold ror taxes." or April. A. D. 1JH, I waa appointed!.' AND WHEREAS application Tias been DR. J. 8. BROWN Administrator to the eitate or Stanley Kergin and Marjorie Lancaster, naae ror a certificate or inderrastble Title Paints Gaheoy to the famous fT)uah Mine oarueii, uerfasra, ana ail parties navinr pnph 75 0 the above mentioned lands. In the name DENTIST claims aa-alnst the laid estate are hereby 1 Thomas Trotler. Offlcat Smith Block, Third Avtnue. reaulred to rurnlsh same. Dronerlv verinei d. A. M. McDONALD, Principal. AND, WHEREAS on Investigating the a me, on or Deiore tne itn aay or May, llle It appears that prior to tho 10th day Phone 454. Now Open for Business A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the r October, 1917, (the date on which the state are required to pay the amount or FOOD SCARCITY IS am ianas were soia ror overdue Uios) heir Indebtedness V me forthwith. ou were the registered owner thereof. WATER NOTICE JOHN II. MCMULUN. r LRTHEn TAKE NOTICE that at llw O.HqIiI Administrator. BEING FELT IN ITALY a me time 1 shall effect rea-istratlon in USE AND 9T0IIA0E MAPLE LEAF DATED this Uth day or April. 1919. pursuance or sum application and issue a leriiucaic or maereasioie Title to the salt TAKE NOTICE that Tactile Coast Explo. lands In the name of Thomas Trotler tin a I Ion Co., Ltd., whose address Is Toronto, PAINT TOM LEE CO. Rome, April 24. The critical iest you laae ana prosecute the nrontr )nt,. will anoly ror a licence to take and proceedings to establish your claim. 1: tse 100 cubic feet per second and to store ioou situation in Italy is aug any, to the said lands, or to prevent tucli 4.000 acre feet or 174.240.000 cubic feet 840 Second .Avenue, West. For Sale 1'iuiHjaeu action on my part. of water out of Cascade and Sliver Creeks FLOGLAZE 'mented by serious The epidemics. iMitu ai me Laua iiegmry nsice. (streams), also known as draining Long 'foot and mouth disease has ro-'appeared rnnre mirxri. u. c. thi tiih nr Lake and other' small lakes in the vicinity VEGETABLES ma mi, iwiv. i tne uig Missouri uroup, wnicn nows in among the cattle, which H. r. MACLEOD. southwesterly direction "and drains Into made. Wholesale' and Retail Barsalou's die off as they did In the terrible iu Aiireu urnoroii.District Registrar or Titles. tie ne international.Salmon River Boundary about one Line.mile south of No better paint General Contractors and jepidemic of 1908. Already meat Prince Rupert, O. C. The storare-dam will be located at Lena- It makes good because i site and other small lakes adjacent. The Labor, Exchange. Motor Transfer prices have risen fabulously. Deef IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH rapacity of the reservoir to be created It made good. -which is a quarter hone, costs COLUMBIA. about 900,000.000 cubic ft., and It will it's nootl about 400 acres or land, (all rock). Prince Rupert, B.C. j$l,40 a pound; lard costs 92 a N THE MATTEn OF THE ADMINISTRATION The water will be diverted from the stream ACT at a point about the outlet of Long Lake Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 'pound; ham, $3.50. Mutton, which and or a small lake below, at dam site., and 3 MONTHS OLD !previously could be had for 30 N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OK will be used for power and mining pur-pose'upon Fred Stortf? MAItlA VERY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. tbe mine and-for tramways and cents, now is hard to get for 90 TAKE NOTICE that In nrr1r nr in. other power lines; described as land not cents. A Honour F. McB. Younr. mad llm aoih lav subdivided, except mining clalrat. small pork spare-rih or Ma.-th. A. D. 1919. I was appointed litis noiire was posiea. oa lue ground Hardware Motor Truck costs 35 cents and cold storage Administrator to the estate or Maria Very, on the SSrd day or February, 1919. A SMITH & M ALLETT deceased, and all parties having claim copyvof this notice and an application pursuant AYi NE veal costs $2.20 a pound. An in tgaisst the said estate are hereby required thereto aod to the -"Water Act, SECOND la furnish same, properly verified, 1014." will be Hied In the omen or tbe 114 crease in these prices is to me, Black pre- Water Recorder at Prince Ruuert. on or before the 7tn dav or Miv mm Phone Reason for Selling: dieted. and all parties indebted to the estate are1 Objections to the application mar be PLUMBING AND HEATING Died wilt) the said niuireu io pay mo amount or their In Water Recorder or.with ENGINEERS Sickness neb leanest to me rorthwltb. the comptroller or Water nigbta, Ptrlli. JOHN II. McMULLIN. men! Buildings, Victoria. B. C. within Estimates furnished. Official Administrator. thirty days arter the nrat appearance of . St. James Hotel DATED this 7 lb day of April. 1919. tins nonce in local newspaper. i.i The territory to be traversed Is entirely seo lasciiiuuHs . Address, 3rd Avenue, head Apply PHONE 182 (LATE "QUEENS") Jack Pjckford and Louise Huff thrr mining purpose.district See and Mineral Is unsuitable Groups,for head any Ilobert Iyenard's K'V. . in "Bandy," a story of a Scot:li or Salmon River. Portland Canal. Mining "Face aim- p of Second Street. Division. production ,r, FIRST CLASS FIRST ROOMS ' or AVENUE, opposite lad who through sheer pluck wins The date or tbe nrst publication of this nlnv full of ClCitinP Sl.,n , Prion? 174 P.O. Box 274 Knox Hotel Hot and Cold Water. home notice is March 8, 1919. a and his sweetheart's hand. PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO.. LTP, aoilon from beg.wJr Westholm Theatre. ill AUpilCSUI. the Empress Theatre By Wm. Noble, Agent.