te ES A eee nr ——— — ——_— cee Pubhlishea Every Afternoon, Bxeept Sunday, by Prince Rupert quepetyyews, |MARATHON FEATURE EVE THE DAILY NEWS | Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue / Tab ] f A . * d MERCHANTS’ LINE-UP H.‘F. PULLEN - - -Managing-Editor ala 0 rgentine Finishe - ) Fi . 1, ‘Grind y d Merchants’ line-up for Tuesday ts ° the Stuart Bene- SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; rst ‘mn ong ester ay; eS aii eg, ro ‘City délivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 Fe s wot i B _ Second aa er cree - eee For ‘fesser periods. paid in advance, per week 10¢ rrres : reat ritam nounced as follows ’ G ‘BY Mal) to dll parts dr Northern ‘and ‘Central “British Colunibia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.0 W. Laidler; V. Menzies and G C. Mitchell; G. Hill, E. Webster and ‘By mail ‘to all other ‘parts of ‘British Columibia, the British ‘%#m- LOS ANGELES, Aug.'8:—Zabala of Argentina carried. iGilxer: J. MeKay,!H.'Diekens, A. pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year ................. By ‘mail to’al] other countries, per year itn. chatibtin bases 8.00 ae ’ ‘Ohbympic Games here yesterd ADVERTISING ESTES ‘the afternoon and was cone Clamsified advertising. per insertion, per word i w Local readers, per insertion, per line 254 . . Dinle . Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 foivenen of Finland, third. of Great Britain finished second in the long grind and $6.00 ff the honors ‘in the marathon, feature track event at the | piekens. N. Chenoski and J. Coma- ay. The race started early in dina. Resevyes—P, Waceher and luded in the evening. Ferris “arey This game will likely decide the issue of the Stuart Shield Monday, A gust g ~ = a - NT AT OLYMPICS SUNDA Empress Defeats TRACK MEET Elks in Baseball ~PFING HEI Well Contested Intermediate Game Resulted in Score of 7 to 4 Yesterday Afternoon ‘Sypirvttin Athletic Club i Hola Qualifying Events Pr; Daratory to Junior Olympics In a wellicontested Intermcdiate Pye spartan ‘Athiet Club League baseball gdme, Young Em- Saturday afternoon helq the i press defeated Young Elks by a sessi0n of @ qualifying meet fo, fort . eo ou ; core of 7 to 4 at the Acropolis Hill +° hcoming Junior « Vancouver Exhibitio: ‘grounds ‘yesterday afternoon LDE Segg and last session is b he Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.4) The course was a little over 26% - : afternoon at the Acropolisg Contract rates on application. hniles and Juan Zabala covered ‘it , perounds "Advertising and Circulation Telephone wy in ‘the record time of ‘two ‘hours. 31 New Zealand Boxers At Olympiad Events run off or turday ‘Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 6 minutes and ‘36 seconds. Sam Fer- ’ as Chaded the 100-yard h,-mil Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ris“‘was but 19’seconds behind, d!so : i Nalf-inile run p tbreaking ‘the former «record of ‘two broad imp. Thi 0, pm hours, 32 minutes and 30 4-5 sec- will be the 220 DAILY ‘EDITION wig Monday, August '8. 192 |onds. With Toivenen third,-Duncan prints with furt Wright of Great Britain was fourth terie sof ihe , ? WANE 7 ‘ 1p x. wOD iTsuda of Japan fifth and Kin of PREMIER BENNETT AND-CON FBRENCE (Japan sixth. ‘wertyseight ran, oot many dropping out before ‘the -fin- Certain London newspapers have shown.a tendency to|ish. Cliff ‘Bricker of Canada ‘wa: hlame Premier Bennett of Canada for holding up the busi-|twelfth, Johnny Miles of ‘Hamilton ness of the Imperial economic conference now in session Sm ae = ere a at Ottawa hy tardiness in placing Canada’s full proposals Pe sens + a hefore the parley. One of the metropolitan correspondents | sand persons ‘witnessed ‘the classic goes so far as to charge the Canadian Prime Minister with | event ‘*tbuffoonery.” The four hundred ‘metre Telay ‘for From ia Canadian standpoint, however, it is quite pos-}men ‘a a "7 eer ae - a} at Mr annett’s “Aelihar: waa” whith , ,| Canadian ‘team )placing ‘four sible that Mr. Bennett's deliberateness, W hich might be | In tte Geet: Masbate eter a better way of describing it than as “tardiness” or “buf-|ynited ‘Stites won. the (Ganadiuns foonery,” may be all to the good. Despite the lamentations | coming ‘third of the London press and the protestations of Mr. Havenga | In the 400-metre relay ‘for women ‘af South Africa of alleged beating around the bush, ‘there |t”* es aoe aa a ; , Canada -a ‘close secon would seem to be no reason why ‘conference s . oon. Bain'to be non : - 7 hy oe should not The ‘wumeetis 2itgh denip wes won Stl a great Success. n act, aeve opments of the past by Jean Shiley of United ‘States. ‘Eva Tew days would seem to indicate that it will be. Dawes of Toronto was third Reeords Broken Saturday PRINCE RUPERT AND OLYMPICS In ‘the ‘trials of the 4x160-mietre relay for men on Saturday, a Uni- ted States team which included Frank Wykoff created a new record of 40°6-10 seconds, a German team Prince Rupert people have been showing a great inter- estan ‘the activities of the Olympic Games at Los Angeles ‘@uring the past few weeks. Many people who ‘otherwise péing second. The former record ‘take little iriterest in athletie or sports affairs have been was 40 8-10 seconds made at Am- follawing the Olympic Games with much erithusiasm. This |sterdam in 1928 by Germany imay be explained by the face that the Olympic Games re-!,,™ ‘he, 1600-metre relay heats ‘ . es ae 3 > oe a . United States made a ™mark of present the highest standard of fair and impartially Od ks ectinntns 0:00 atontide ministered amateur athletic endeavor. Their international ¢ontrol removes anything that might savor of the partial lake 5 avhare She Le 5 ay ‘he ‘held Finland ran away with the final nO matter ere 1€ zames may 7 eld. : ; of the 3000-metre steeplechase in The Daily News has been bringing the people ef Prince ‘10 minutes, 43 seconds Rupert the splendid reports of the ‘Canadian Press ‘exclu- "Bouch of the United ‘States won sively each day and will continue to'do so until ‘the close ‘e decathion with a Finlander| Finland Wins Steeplechase on Saturday Complete results will bs ced “at the close of th: Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League St. Louis 1-10, New Y Pittsburg 1,.Brookly: Cincinnati 3-3, Bost ; Chicago 10-10, Phil idl American Leagir Washington 9, Detr ' Boston 4, Cleveland : Anzac leather-pushers at the olympic games. The three New Zealand pugulistic prodigies shown here are H. Thomas, lightweieht: R. Purdie. featherweight, a nd A. Lowe, middleweight Philadelphia 4, St. I New York 6-4, Chica iJ) Se | of the ‘Olympiad on Sunday next. second and a’German third . . The average daily attendance at ‘the ‘Olympic Games during last} INTERESTING DIARY week was over 50,000. Weather con-| ¥ : ditions ‘were ‘ideal throughout the| While waiting ‘for game time to roil around, the olympic pool at , ie week It was away back in 1880 that the father of E.-C. Stevens wf Skidegate hiked from Hazelton into the Manson River Ol » P wpuntry which is attracting considerable interest now be- ympic rogram cause of its gold bearing gravels. Mr. Stevens washed gold —— but his cleanups were never very large and in the fall he TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 Feturned to Hazelton without becoming rich. Morning Fer many years Mr. Stevens kept a diary and he ‘tells weeere wt weather conditions, of the people he met and of what! yacntine they did. It is an interesting sidelight on the early daysin, Swimming—400 metres free style, » British ‘Columbia. men, semi-finals i Swimming 100 metres back ———— stroke, ladies, ‘heats Water polo Makes Big Splash In Diving wencin, tne Rowing ‘Boxing Swimming—4x200 metres relay, kmen, final Swimming—200 metres breast stroke, ladies, final Water polo Evening Rowing Boxing SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Aug. 9—Station ‘vs. ‘Navy Aug. 10—Station vs. Round ‘Hotse Aug. 16—Round House vs. ‘Navy Aug. 17—Navy vs. Station. Aug. 23—-Rdund House ‘vs. Sta- tion FOOTBALL SCHEDULE August 9—Merchants * vs. Cana- dian Degion August 11—Regiment vs. Home A doe eet « ; ay August 16—Merchants vs. Home “Happy” Henry Rowher, 787 pounds “(what's a few pounds ‘be- oi tween friends) intenas to make a big splash in the olympic ‘div- . ncttininttininbtedibtiaiiiitbinahs 4ng events and is taking lessons regularly from Mickey ‘Kiley | “The stickiness ‘df ‘milkweed ‘juice a nationa) champion at the Los Angeles pool. jt ue Lo its publer cqutent. tilters. ‘Life ius a bowling-over for some ef ‘em SUNDAY SCORFS Olympic Pool At Los Angeles __ National Leng American Lea Philadelphia 1-1, ‘ Washington 4-2, ¢ Boston 1, Detroit New York 11-9, St ‘Baseball Standin National League L. Pittébtr 7 Chicag y Boston ; Philadelphia i Pe: Brooklyn — New York — + : St. Louis Cincinnati Los Angtles is used by canoe- would seem American Leacut SPORT NOTES | i | i i | With an éye to the future of track slightly under existing Olympic |}and fieli athletes who will carry trial standards. Bath year a meet | Canada's ‘banner ‘to new Olympic will ‘be staged in Vancouver in con- coritests ‘foureor eight ‘years ‘from junction with the annua) Canadian | reo, the ‘British ‘Colunibia ‘Olympic ‘Pacilic Exhibition. Athletes outside | Chiiws ‘Associ#ition Nias ‘been formed of Vancouver fulfilling standards | in Vancouver ‘to give British ‘Colum- ‘in trial meets in ‘their various ‘dis- bia’s youthful athletes an oppor- ‘tricts, will be guarariteed treanspor- tunity ‘to develop ‘thelr 'talerit. ‘Bri-}tAtion and living expenses while | tish ‘Columibia ‘has ‘been well ‘rapre-!competine in the Vancouver meet sénted at previous ‘Canadian meets |Wwhich this vedr will be held on but Pucilities for discovering and! August 29 developing promising Olympic ‘ma . terial ‘have edn ‘Incking and ‘the The thirteen events listed for niimiber of Star ‘performers rela- fcompetition in ‘the j tively small association's ‘onstitution include the main ev- nts carried on Olympic programs ‘Running events in yards instead of ;}metres, include the 100, 220, 440, 580, and mile, and 120 low hurdles thers are broad jump, high jump Large numbers of British Colum bia ‘boys and young men have never | donned spikes or trunks to see what fthéey could do ‘in track ‘and field | competition, The finest athletic tal- New York pole vault, shot puts, and hammer’ Philadelphia throw. Registration for participa- ‘Cleveland tion in the Junior Olympics .pro- Washington gram requires that the athlete shal) 'Detroit | not have atiainec his ‘majority (21 St. Louis years) on November 1 of the year of |Chicago the meet in which he is partigipat- | Boston ing, and he must have 60 days re- sidence in the province prior to the BASEBALL BIG SIX STANDING G. ABR. H, Pet. | SCHED Lambie § 0 88 12 34 424 Nelson Em 7 80 4h 367 Windle Em 14 62 04 19 $65 Sie Tee ee Sera - A. Mitchell Bik 11 40 7 M gpp, ‘Htermedinte Learue Som Bury § 11 44 48 05 941 a Farquhar Elk 10 30 «8 18 (983 ae , nna Young Empress al Atigust 14—VYoun } SoC August 17—Yourn Younr Elks BASEBALL 5. 0. C. vs. ELKS August 21 Y Young Empress August 24 Ye i Young S.01C TONIGHT - 6:45 ent may be lying unrecognized aes | waiting only the opportunity to be discovered. Organization was need- }ed and the British Columbia Junior }Olympic Citibs was formed. Under its directién British Columbia youth will be "given an opportunity |to experiment in all branches ot ‘track and field events ‘and ‘to ‘dis- |cover the sport best suited to them | Athletes in all_parts of the province | will be organized into district clubs' tend an intersectional ‘track ‘meet ‘held annually. In this way promis- ‘ihg ‘athletes will be coathed along to ‘carry the Maple Leaf to further (Olympic victories | FINEST VIRGINIA | _ VIRGINIA The newly formed body @lready jhas practically every ‘important “OGDEN pathletic club dn British Coltbia LIVERPOOL linked up, from Vancouver Tsland on the coast and the Okanagan ‘in CUT PLUG | a ——ae ~ Your Pipe Deserves The Best! . » «(particularly when the best costs you no more ‘than ordinary tobacco, Smokers realize how much more fragrant, how cool, how satisfying a pipe can ‘be whien it's loaded ‘with Ogden’s cut plug. OGDEN’S If you “voll your own", ‘use Ouden's fine cut L U G ‘the east, to Prince Ritert and Cigarette tobacco, ‘Qtiesne! in the north. Standards of ; Competition beve been drewn Up, |