Page 2 TUH DAILY NKWB, Tuesday. Ap,.,i 29 19 a The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE ? PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' rAl i IN SON & LING Linzey's Grocery For the East. . . m Published Every Afternoon, except Sunda by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-lrdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 216 6th AVENUE WEST at 9:30 a.m. Battery Chareinir and RrrJ7 H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Opposite the Rink IIP 1 tt r-k . - r From the East. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES i Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Dynamo and Motor Armatures Rewound , f " We cater to the family at 5:45 p.m. "LACO" 9 Pa,re(l TUNGSTEN City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. LAMPi By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. trade For Vancouver: "LACO" NITROGEN LAMPS The Lamp which Is guaranloed To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Saturdays ..... 4 p.m FOR against defects n u nuU BECAUSE 1,600 BURNING HOURS April 22 7 a. m. Telephone 9P. May 3rd . . . 7 a. m. Representatives in Northern U c f, Our Prices Are DELCO-LIGHT ' TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver PRODUCTS Contract Rates on applicati6n. Right Fridays p. m F.lectrio Ranges, Washinij Machines, Vacuum n April 17th and 28th .... 9 a. m Irons, Percolators and Grills an"Sl and the Quality of the Electrical Contracting Estimates Free. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, April 29, 1919. Highest Order Sundays For Anyox:,...10 p.m Pattinson & Ling Meet the Minister Vednesdays 10 p.yn Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue, net? t . And Discuss Matters. Phone - - - 586 From Anyox: The member for the district in the local house and the head 1 11 , Tuesdays . ...a.m of one of the important departments in the Provincial Govern Thursdays. p.m . ment is in the city. Tomorrow afternoon he is to address the Board of Trade jn. the council chamber on things which interest For Port Simpson and Arrandale this city, and he is meeting many people individually and discuss TO SUBSCRIBERS Sundays 10 p. m ing matters with them. King Arthur Burnt the Cakes Subscribers to The News From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale This is the time to keep in touch with what is going on in are asked to pay the delivery Tuesdays p.m Victoria. Mr. Pattullo is naturally very elated on the success of boys each month the Government in rescuing the finances from a very low con when they call, except For Port Simpson and Naas River But Arthur's Market guarantees the most dition and feels pleased at the large amount of work they have where payment has been points: attention careful to done, lie says that practically everything the returned men had made for the year in advance: Fridays 2j,m orders, prompt delivery and the The boys when best goods at the right prices. asked of them recently had already been discussed and practically collecting cany oillcial receipts From Port Simpson and Naas decided upon. which should always River Points: Opens for Business on May 1 The city council expects to meet the minister in regurd to be preserved. talurdays p. m Groceries, Fruits, Fxgelables Fresh and Smoked Firh Oar the housing scheme. The dstails of the agreement between the Sp;ta!ij city and the province have to be worked out and the council Queen Charlotte Islands: . For Massett, Pert Clements and realizes that the best thing to do is to get first hand information. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Upper Island points: ARTHUR'S MARKET Now that Mr. Pattullo is here is the time to take up any (Sections 36 and 134.) Thursdays, May 1st, 15th and 29th public matters that may" be of pressing interest to Prince Rupert He TAkE Application AOTICE no.that 10.607-1.arjbllcallon-bas File 6.100 been at 8 p. m. Phones 480 and 481 Third Avenue people as long as they fall within the jurisdiction of the provincial made to register Thomas McManamon, ot "rom Mabset, Port Clements and Prince Rupert, B. C, as owner in fee under authorities. a Tax sale Deed from tbe Collector or Upper Island points: the city or rrlnce Rupert, bearing- date Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and Clear the Way AAD SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract 31st, a. m. or land and premises situate, lying and Launch For AliceB. Development. being in tbe City or rrlnce Rupert, more There have been recent to particularly known and described as Lot "or -Skidegale, Queen Charlotte inquiries sent the City Council in nineteen (tv), uiock rony-two City and Lower Island points for the Salt Lakes Section elgbi (i. (Mao 8S3). regard to the use of the waterpower on Falls River. The city at You are required to contest tbe claim Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17lh and or tbe lax purchased within 35 days from aaaBMaaBBaBnaaBBBBBBBBni present has first claim on it, but it is generally realized that to tne aate or weeervice or mis notice 31st 8 a. m. General Pancer from that distance and to the mechanical (which may be ejected by publication. In Iti-rice, bring power provide a dally newspaper), and your attention Is From Skidegale. Queen Charlotte liuntuf, FUKint appliances to develop it would be .much too big a job for the city. Act"caned wun to section amendments,30 or tne and"Land to tne negistry rouow City and Lower Island points nd Picnic ParUe Financing it would be an impossibility. ing eitract mereirom: Tuesdays, May 6th, May 20th. "and in aerauit or a caveat or certificate Apparently there must be someother concern that has the or Us pendens being filed be-rore J. Myhill Jones tbe registration as owner or tbe For Skagway and the Yukon. use of that power in view. It is known that there have been people person entitled under such tax sale, April 9 Swaoion'a Boitaosw all persons so served with notice, 28th, a.m. looking for pqwer for pulp and paper mills and for other purposes. and tbose claiming tbrougn From Skagway and Yukon. or under tbem, and all persons claiming If there is a possibility of some big industry being established any Interest In tbe land by virtue April 22, and May 3rd, a.m. or any unregistered Instrument, and Phone Black 183 Phone Black 183 up the fiver, it would hardly be wise for the city to continue all persons claiming any interest In tbe land by descent whose title Is Itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Vlctrolas and Records to hold to its and the not registered under tbe provisions on reserve keep industry out. It iswise to Point. Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Cesson Band Instrument, ot this Act, shall be ror ever estopped look well ahead, but foolish to be guided too-much by sentiment and debarred from setting up any For Thursdays 8 in Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances claim to or in respect or tbe land so p. when opportunity is knocking at the door. Nothing"will build up sold ror taxes, and the Registrar-shall rrom Saturdays n. m register tbe person entitled under Prince this city like encouraging big industries to come. We are in a such tax sale as owner of tbe Rupert Music Store land so sold ror taxes." difi.'cult position insofar as laying out and improving the city, and A.ND WHEREAS application bas been WILL EDMUNDS. 1'ronrli'K.r male ror a icrtiucaie or indereasibie Tine OPP08ITE POST OFFICE it will lake al our resources for rnanyyears, to come to construct to the abovA-mentloned lands. In the name Repair to all kinds of itrlnred Instruments. Flute and clarinets repidikd or Tnomas McManamon end adjusted. Bows retialred and reu ripped. roads,and sewers and parks and put in waier mains. AND whereas on investigating the Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store title It appears that crlor to tbe 10th day City Park Is or October, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were sold ror overdue taxes). Beauty Spot. you were tbe assessed owner thereof. ( KUiuiiEit take nuiiut mat at tne Those who have not visited the new park at the corner of same time I shall erred registration In WATER ACT, 1914. pursuance or sucb application and Issue a McBride St. and Eleventh Ave. should lose no time in enjoying the certificate or Indereasibie Title to the said RIPARIAN RJOHTS Hotel Prince Rupert COAL lands in tbe name or Thomas McManamon beauties of this pretty place. The city engineering department unless you take and prosecute tbe proper NOTICE Is hereby given that under tbe proceedings to establish your claim. If provisions or Section 6 or the Water Act, has done wonders with the small amount-of money at its disposal any, to tue saia tarns, or to prevent sucn ISM, every riparian proprietor claiming EUROPEAN PLAN i Screened proposed action on my part. any right to divert water or to tbe exclusive and it may confidently be' expected that in a few years bated at the Land Registry Ofllce, rrlnce use or water ror any purpose by $1.50 per day and up. Sacked nupen, u. u., rnij mn aay or April, iviv virtue oruy or nis being sucn Prince Rupert will have there as pretty a park as is seen anywhere II. t. MAtLtUU, prletor Is required on or berore tbe nrst Delivered District Registrar or Titles. day or June, 1920. to file a statement of FIRST-CLASS CAFE on the coast. To E. II. pacey, claim setting forth the particulars of Ids Prince.Rupert, B. ,C. claim. Such statements or claim sball be A La Carte. The particular beauty oS the place is the stream that flows filed in duplicate with tbe Water Recon I or the Water District In which the water through it. This has been partically cleared of logs and the MINERAL ACT is diverted or used. $13.00 After the first day or June. 1S10. no change in its appearance during the last weeks is a delight. right to divert water or to tbe exclusive Certificate ol Improvements. use or.water ror any purpose snau exist The Smeaton NOTICE by virtue only or any ownership or land. per ton Forms or statement or claim can be od alned from tbe Water Recorders or tbe "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate several Water Districts In the Province or n the ivaas River Mining Division of Cas rom the comptroller or water Rights. Tea Rooms Coal Co. lar District. I Terminal I'arnaineni uunaings, victoria, u. u. Where located: On the Kitsault River, Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this 11th day Quick Repairing near the big Canyon. or marcn, iviv. Mrs. Smeaton, Proprielrix Offlea Phona, Pl TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, T, U. I'ATTULLO, Yard Phona, Black 61 rce rimers leriiucaie no. zu,4U7-i;, act-ng Minister or Lands. as agent rorxile Pearson. Free Miner's Certificate No. 14,157-C, Intends, sixty uaya i rum me uaie nereor,. to apply to tne MINERAL ACT. Corner Second Street and Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Ira Our.quick Repairing Department Is up-to-date, and, rovements, ror tbe purpose or obtaining Second Avenue. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. uruwii unui ui me aoove claim. equipped with the only Rapid Outsole Lockstitch machine under Anrl rnrthi.p Section tatA 85, must nntfa be that commenced tin NOTICE. ICE CREAMS ional Groce 1 in Northern British Columbia. before improvement.the issue or sucb Certificate or Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look- CANDIES DATfcD this 6tli day or February, A, D, lonal Mineral Claims, situate fn the Port LIGHT LUNCHES Limited" We are prepared to give quick and efficient service. and Canal Mining Division of Casslar Dls trlct. AND TEAS Corner SUth and Fullo MINERAL ACT Where located: On the East Salmon Just see our work attaching Neolfn Soles. Don't ttiver vauey. I h 1 I I 1 I I. 111., J II noAAn . Home-made Dread, Pastry, let the. cobbler ruin, your next pair with rusty nails. Bring Certificate of Improvements. ng as agent ror L. Watklns. F. M. C. No. Etc. High Class Groceries NOTICE I044y-u; u. u. uarter, r. M. u. no. v,r8- it, ni. martin, t. m. u. no. ,087-u: 11. Meats them to us. We rebuild as new for less. 1. Fetter. F. M. C. No. B.HS7.C! II. Jt. Maple near" Mineral rialm aiti.., n Carlton. F. M. C. .No. S.S08-C! Martin Fruits Welch. F. M. C. No. me nau luiiiiji inviaiuu Ol caSSiar LMS 9,599-C, Intend, sixty Logger Boots to Order inci. days rrom the date hereof, to apply to tbe Confectionery Where located: On tbe Kitsault River, Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Improvements, near me uig lauyoj. ror the purpose or obtaining Bakery TAKE NOTICE that Jnlin If MoMnllln crown urant or tne aoove Claim. and Ofilclal Administrator or the Emat nr And rurther take notice that action, un manes swanson, deceased, intestate. Free der section 85, must be commenced before McARTHURYsHOE Miner's Certificate No. 3.58S-C. Intends, tne issuance or sucn certificate or improvements. ORDERSmmMPT? STORE slaty days rrom the date hereof, to apply . ., .. In 1..tin .........Mlntnir,ri.. n o iicnuicaie i uatco tnis sin aay or March, A. D. is IB, vi iiuyiurciuvuia, lur lue purpose ,01 Ob A. it. UltEKn. u mam uj (no suove claim CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Deivery rnooe rf Motor Third Avenue nuu luruier lane, nonce mat action, under Section 85, must be commenced iciuio lapuc vi ucu Lertincate or notice 19 HEnEDY fliVEN that the re mprovements. STEEN & L0NGW1LL erve 'existing over vacant Crown Land In ,n" 8th day of February, A. D. thii vlrlntlv or Chelaili Diver. Ilanire 4. im Coast District, by reason or a notice published PREMISES MOVED in tho British Columbia Gazette of MINERAL ACT SANITAA. MriD HEATING sotli May, 1910, is cancelled. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN - ENGINEERS Deputy u. it.Minister riAuen,or Lands. mi t .EE Certificate of Improvements, Department or Lands, Victoria. B. C, NOTICE 11 Hi March, 1910. M 18 BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT Agents lor Tied rolnt Ejtenslon" mineral claim, MoCLARY FURNAOES TIMBER 8ALE X 1466. and Ice at Butedale Cannery ""catsa D?.t?."' mV6P M'Dln Dlvl,on . A.Anue. ear by the ' '",eT Sealed tenders will be received near the big CanyonV ... PLUMBING Minister or Lands not later than noon on TAKE Nnrirp tt,.. ih 17th riav of Anrll. ioio. for tbe DUr- Free W.nerVce"rtiricVte No.'toof-U ac,.' and chase or Licence XlKt, to cut 1,480,000 Dr. Kerb1" j WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Am..X c" r r.vinasen,. f ree SHEET feet of Spruce, Cedar and Balsam on an 13S P.O. Box8 Certificate No. 14,ltB-C, Intends ini! METAL WORKS area situated on Big- Lake, Ellerslle Bay, Phone Red BUTEDALE Mining Recorder tn i Certin7.te'ot Phoijo 5, 831 Second Avenue. Hani-e 3, Coast District. - - - B.C. 1 Two (J) years will be allowed ror re provemcnts, ror tbe purpose, ot obtaining Night phones moval or timber. 576 Crown Grant or the above claim Furiijtr particulars or the Chief Forest, J under And rurther Kprilnn take an notice.. ,"that action and Blue 270 er, Victoria, B.C. or District Forester, it done , wirl trince iiuperi, u.v. ' Ig Subscribe for The Daily News lXt CtV 0f 'ebr)',y. A.D. time,The right and at work,the at right the prlo.right Never forget to look through prlntl loine oslttaf.""1 no i News IS 19. Tlio the classified list on Page 5.