April 20, 1010. Tuesday, THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 MEMBER OUTLINES THE WORK Remember! WHICH HAS BEEN DONE AND Special This Week Our Own Brand Coffee, only. 50c IS TO BE PROCEEDED WITH Children's Chairs Just as good as any 60c tin Special Blend Coffee 35c HON. T. D. PATTULLO GIVES INTERVIEW ON WORK OF THE Go-Carts, Baby Carriages UOVERNMENT IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS; Blend Tea, only .60c Our Own businessmen Or VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Children's Special Blend Tea 50c MAY COME HERE Cribs 0ur Own Brand" Fresh Creamery Butter. .65c ""Yes, we are very busy, but nobodv h as Anv hnsinpsR In Iia anylhing else than busv at this Juncture whfln fhprp nr fin mnnv Buy where you get Quality and Service things to be done," said Hon. T. D. Pattullo to a Daily News man BARRIE FURNITURE STORE yesterday. "Our government has necessarily hnl in An n trmnt deal of spade work. Previous to the signing of the armistice SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. practically everybody was profitably employed and it was not Two Stores GROCERY thought desirable to engage in an extensive nroc-ram nt nniilir FULLER'S i. t i. . ; . . wuin.s. in view oi me laci mai cverynooy was bending his efforts to war purposes it would have been folly to take, for instance, PHONE 45 PHONE I in c ii jiuiii spruce proauciion 10 engage in construct on nt mi f GOOD EATS With the signing of the armis- Second Avenue. t" tice it was necessary to immedi that they should with co-operate Breakfast . . 7:30 to 9 ately prepare an extensive pro the Board of Trade in Vancouver Lunch T 1 1:30 to 2 gram having in view two objects: and business go on a man's trio Dinner (1) works of char 5:00 to 8 a productive through British Columbia in order acter, (2) to relieve unemployment. that the businessmen of Vancouver SHORT ORDER8 ALL DAY Storage Batteries House Wiring and Victoria should Tie- Appropriations. come better acquainted with the Charged and Repaired in all its branches We have appropriated for this resources of the province. I suggested asaiis No Loss of Time Whlla year some twelve millions of dollars; that liiey 'should take a your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-irons some three and one half trip this year to Prince Rupert, WESTHOLME LUNCH Overhauled. Another Is millions for public works, a con Prince George, thence down the Always Available. siderable "amount of which will Pacific Great Eastern to Vancou SECOND AVE! GRILLS be spent on capital account; $1,- ver and I am asking the president HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Agents For TOASTERS 250,000 for construction of houses of the Board of Trade- here, Mr. tVINRUDE Portable RANGES for soldiers; fl.500,000 for con McCaffery, to take the matter Motors. HEATERS struction work on the Pacific with the Boards of Trade at Vancouver up - Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS Great Eastern Railway; $2,000,-000 and Victoria. It seems to Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room and board. Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES for the operations of the Land me that an understanding of each REGAL Engines for Settlement Board; $500,000 for other's needs is a very vital factor. Trolling. LAMPS the development of the South The Famous English FLASHLIGHT8 Okanagan irrigation project and Returned Soldiers. PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS $700,000 for the protection of the With reference to what is BOSTON ENGINE FOR MOTOR irrigable lands in the dry belt and generally known as the soldier GRILL FISHING SCHOONERS SWITCHES, $2,000,000 for Ihe new department problem, we are trying to meet ETC. of industry. This is a large the situation comprehensively and 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Full line of Electrical Apparatus in dock. expenditure to add to our present we belitfve that we are doing so. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. indebtedness, but British Columbia I do not think there is, any other Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Parkin & Ward Ele'ctric is with im Co. huge territory Ltd. a province in the Dominion that is DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. (o 50c Deiaert at erery meal. mense resources, and we must doing more, if as njuch, than we Short order at enjr time. Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 view the situation from a broad are. At the recent session there gauge aspect. Our problem is to was not ona single suggestion get more people into the country made that we had not anticipated. Advertise in "The News" Daily and the only way to get more We must not look upon the re-(continued people is to develop our resources. on Page Four.j The Paper that gets Quick Results S.S. PRINCE RUPERT This we propose to do or with all the energy we possess. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Northern B. C. As far as Northern British Columbia SAILING is concerned, in addition to the land situation, which is THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIOHT for SWANSON BAT, OCKAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. now- being taken care of in com KTDNESDAV and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANVOX. prehensive fashion, and to the S. S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT opening up of our mineral re must look to the do For Nassclt, Tort Clements ind Buckley Day April JJrd, ind 301b; May sources, we 'ih. tm, iiit and S8U1. velopment of our limber re South. Points Qussn Charlotla Islands April J 5th, May th and JJrd. sources. There are a number o Iiiwart, B. c, May 3rd. 17th and 3 lit. project a in hand of which it is TRAIN CCRVICE not possible to make any an nouncement at the present be Pissenrer Monday, W'dnsaday and Saturday a. 11:30 a.m. for Smlthera, Prince Georre, Edmonton and Winnipeg-, making- direct connections for cause tney are sun in tentative all points east and south. form, but we will leave no stone unturned, as far as we are con AQENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAMSHIP LINES cerned, to bring these matters to For Information and reservations apply to City Tlckst Omca, B28 Third Atsnu. Phon 260. a head At the last session we passed legislation to encourage the pulp industry by enabling the conver sion of limits now held as. timber CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY licences to pulp licences. This will considerably lessen the carrying charge for the oper Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ator. We took power also to en via Steamer to Vancouver and the ter into special agreements dur. , 'Canadian Pacific Railway ing the flrat years of operations in respect to our water powers, in Jhe Spirit of Sunlight Meals-and Berth included on Steamer order to encourage the establish ment of the industries. We ar All over the land the sun calls forth FOB VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT also going after foreign trade in P"I II and Jt; May i, is S3; June 3, II and SO. respect to our timber m an ag beauty, cleanliness, health and the renewing FOR trressive way. In fact in every of youth. So with Sunlight KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, W RAN Q ELL, ALASKA From SKAQWAY, line with regard to our natural in the home. It redeems Soap Prin,;9 nupert April 17, and S8; May 8. 10 and St. reaching out everything are resources we We must washable from the thraldom' of looking for development. W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. have people here, but we have dirt. Renews beauty and brings out Co nr Fourth Street rnd Third At.nus, PHnco Rup.it. B.C. got to be able to assimilate them old colors. It cleanses with a sure, they and the only way when come we can assimilate them is to mane gentleness that only the purest of soaps it profitable for them to live here. could accomplish. TL-."c it union COAST SERVICE. "With Fishing respect Industry.to the develop ment of the waterfront in Prince Sunlight Soap 4 For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, Steamslup p.m.- Ilupert, I of course, 'look wun desire Anyox, Alice Arm ar.d Port Simpson, every sympathy upon the Its .mission thousands af homes know Mondays, 7 a.m. of the fish industry to have much as Naas River Points, Friday a.m. better accommodation than now is to wash clothes, from the finest to the 1 Ltd. exists," continued the minister. coarsest, without rubbing or old-time labour D C 1 A rr.nf X -.1... 'Major Hull recently dlscusseu and discomfort. Also to wash woodwork, with mo the question of the Do linoleums, dishes, utensils, etc., spotlessly minion Government undertaking clean with only a little soap. All this because certain work upon provincial Ldward water front at Seal Cove and I in it is absolutely pure. L,Psott, President Manager Lipsett, Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Harry formed Major Hull Wat u ie The spirit of Sunlight is purity would undertake Government Dominion and, cleanliness. the work that I would Lipsett-Cunningtiam recommend that the necessary & Co. waterfront be provided. I incline to the opinion that the uominiuu LIMITED L- SB Government will lively take action, No one LEVER HNQ & but should they fall to do so mm. can buy BROTHERS CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE the question must be faced from better LIMITED, Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Aooetaorles a provincial standpoint. Soap. TORONTO 'h "What we are trying io ur.us Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordsge about is the spirit of co-operation 10 PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. amongst our people. Everybody filtered should try to understand and try Ofllce: Office: Prince Ilupert else. everybody "0 Will-- n. to help Vancou uicr pit rod Telephone No. 85 Businessmen'. Trip. n. a. , P. O. Box 1898 "I have Just recently suggested to the Board of Traae in yi.- 5