Page THE OAILI NEVV8. Tuesday, April ?9, jgjg 'banner MEMBER OUTLINES THE WORK FARMER DIED of nationals WHICH HAS BEEN DONE. AND FROM A BOIL LOWERED BY THE TIMS IS TO BE PROCEEDED WITH I HOME-MADEi BREAD Continued from Page Three) Home bread-making reduces The death of a young farmer Score of Ten to Five in Favor of the high was recently which reported developed from from blood-poisoning, a the Older Team at Market turned soldier as a liability. lie cost of living by . lessening the amount boll Such a email beginning to end Square. is a great asset. Every afilc-hodicd eo disastrously! Yet this la liable mail is a great asset. In ofrexpensive meats required to to happen to anyone who allows a Last night at the Market Square:fel tne hhiTian is the one funda- supply sore or -round to become Infected. tho Tlnv Tima hll tonm nut tn 1 t 1 , i..,.. the necessary nourishment to the The uurest and easiest way. to r meniai asset. 11 is uie uuiy 01 1 body. safeguard yourself is by using coniusion tiic assaults or tticir each and an 0f ui0 d0 every- The increased rvutritiois Zam-Buk. As soon as it is applied opponenls, the Nationals, the lMng possible to bring about the value of to germs.a sore and or acts wound as 1t a destroys protection,all score oMen to five giving a pretty rapki assimilation" o the return-good bread made in the home with thus preventing infection and possible idea of the game. For the ed aomer inlo civil liTo. Griti- blood-poisonlcg. At the same Victors tho sluggers who dis- Li.nis. of course, are offered from time, Znm-Buk ends pain and draws 1 t T- 1 I ' ROYAL YEAST inemseives were i-ruu- CAKES tinguisnea . imo lo tIme. but that 9 lo be ex out lnfiamaiiou. Then Its 'action i trM tat I ' on the tissues results in the rjulek noinme, rrizzeu ana muuara, i" I peeled. growth of new skin, so that sore nrsi mcnvioneu nuung a noine- 0f 178 appointments to the should be sufficient incentive to the thoughtful end wound: are healed lrf' tLe run. toe-tne Nationals, smitn, civil scrvice sinco iast july, 148 this housewife to give important food shortest' possible time, Get a box item the to-day and bo prepared. COc. box. tiatverson unu luurn&uii .- r(,irnpil sn ri firs nnrf nf ihn attention to which it is well. The lineup was as follows: remaming 30, most of them were justly entitled. Bread i;ny i lms rruanommc, 1 eirls and messenger" bovs.- made with Royal Yeast will keep fresh and moist chell, Hibbard, Green, Clapp, "I shall bo in town for two or longer than that made with any other. Kelly, Anderson, Martin and Friz three days.and will then proceed zcll. with Mr. MobIcy,"who is return Made in Canada Nationals Smith, JVIorrison, ing .tomorrow, to his district, to Halverson, Kergin, Lumquest, A see how matters governmental are Mitchell, Selig and Lamby. proceeding- in that district. "Northern .British Columbia "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" surely has great potentialities and :i : i 1 ,i in 1. or DLLlbtllo Al)IlbNLl!i that seven-eighths of British Co I READ THIS TESTIMONIAL lumbia is represented by one Will Be Repeated Tonight at the eighth of the legislature, which is I Taxi 84 Better Westholme Theatre Along an indication that what we need 5 Port Simpson, B.C., April 18, 1919. S Harry Hanson, Esq., E With "Britain's in this northern country and in Prince Ilupcrt, B. C, S Bulwarks." fact in all parts of the province " o Dear Sir; -i S are people and more people. Your Hanson Hot Water Coil has been In our H Clothing The picturization of Mrs. Har range for SEVEN PASSENGER CAR Just one year, and in all this timo it has been 100 riet Beecher S town s famous Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar- per cent AND NIGHT SERVICE plus efllcient. I use the "plus" advisedly for DAY not only has novel, "Uncle Tom's vCabin," thelites, wrapped in tin foil. the coil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water S new starring vehicle Tor Margue at all times, but by placing tho forty-gallon j tank in rite Clark, was at the Westholme PHONE 84 our o4nd right up-to-date last night and will be shown large ten by ten "bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest weather. styles, again tonight. Both the star and you Although' our' is smaH, Mrs. ! range Young informs photoplay were seen to the finest D. ROSSI me cannot improve on advantage and both were more she cannot see that the baking qualities are affected in thr S least by the coil. having your clothes than acceptable to the enthusias Dawson Block Third Avenue In of tic crowd. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS your perfection a modern household necessity' I made to measure. There is' little variance between 'congratulate you. Sincerely, (Signed) R. S B. You are then Ithe story of "Dncle Tom's Cabin" NOTICE YOUNG. APrLICATIO.NS FOR GRAZING PERMITS. and the nicture. the thread of the Cnder nrazlnir Act 10 IB. satisfied that your narrative being almost unbroken AnDllcatlons for Dtrmlts to crate live See HRRY HANSON stock on the Crown range within each I clothes fit ifrom the opening scene. The main craiins District or the province or British S The Reliable Plumber Phone properly. I. . . , ., I Columbia, as established by Order-ln- 489 Give us a trial. oi llie personality of Miss Clark, P""'? he.B.r'UsB...??lll.lilb'f..2s".,.,S Il!lllllllll!ll!!!l!ilifl!!llllll!li:i!llll!l !ll!ll!ll!!illl!!li!ii!l!ll!il!lll!l!!Hll j ' inn n in it 1 j iii. ill, luusi ud uiru mm i is centred about Eva and Topsy, Hie District Foresters at Cranbrook, Fori both Of Which rolCS She plays George,Vancouver Kamloops,and Vernon,A'elson.or with Prince the Rupert.Com CROWN NOTICE with eaual skill and infellitrence. missioner of Oraiinj, Department or Lands ,,ar,liment Bulldlnrs at Victoria, B. a, on I rlli n va ia olen nnrxlhan rT rnnoo i..rnA i,t,r 4 mt nn I SEALED TENDERS addressed lo the Phone 37 Sweder undersigned and endorsed "Tender for the P.O.Dox 1704 oros. I niantr fntrn xrhlrli tn mihmtt An great war pictures entitled "Brit- pntloV maV bTobulned from the dTsI ' Enrlno. at Prince ain's Tliiln-npiris which have trict Foresters at the above named places HS"intl,, c;'9 ",Le n,IJlveih".i?'s Gentlemen's and Ladies' ' . . ... I or from the DeDartment of Lands at Vic- ?..c noon'. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service been May 1 5 lh. for the purchase of two Atlas snuwii exclusively uv, tuisitorla, B, u. SO h. Gasoline . p. Engines. .1 j .1-1- u.ul O. R. rl ADE?I. TAILORS lueaire, anu iui piuiure was ubiu Deputy Minister of Lands. Tenders will Hot be considered, unless mane upon rarms rurnisncd by the Department bacK not aiiowea to De i Department Lands, ana was v and in accordance with condi vTHE SAVOY HOTEL ... .. ... i victoria, d. l... Sixth Street snown until me armistice .wasi urn April, igto. tions contained therein. The ena-lnes may be seen on the IusDec. signed, as it was taken right on 0UEEX charlotte islands land dis- Ion Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Runcrt. F. T. BOWNE33, M.n.itr a. u. ine western ironi ana.snows our i uuoi uisnwi ur sittnA. Each tender must -be accompanied by an Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert; B.C. soldiers laying tracks, and their I accepted cheque on a Chartered bank. lAftn nonce iuai lue Aerupiaue oiiruuc i raj auie w u truer vi lue iiuuuniuic, roe methods of transporting supplies Lumber Co., Ltd., of Port Clements. B. C I Minister of DomlrJon Public Works, equal to the front line trenches. occupation saw mm, mtenas to appiy roriiu ieu per cent tiu') or me amount or Home Cooking; Running Hot and Cold Water Thin Watches rerinisston to lease the following described i me tenaer. war Bonds or the Dominion lands: I or uanaaa win De accepted as secuniy. or Commencing- at a post planted at the W'ar Bonds and cheque If required to make Ve have a good slock of OWEfJ WISTER'S GREAT norineasi corner or iot 8, uiock . poiiiup an ouu amount. watches of every kind lust of subdivision of Dst. Lot 746, thence The highest or aqy tender not neces norm cnains. tnence west su aegrees sarur accentea. now, but we just wanted lo STORY DRAMATIZED south to' approach of Government Wharf.I By order. thence southerly alonir said aDDroach of I E. p. GINORAS. speak of the, thin gentleman's Government Wharf to northwest corner of Acting; District Engineer. SEEDS! I nf f lllnrv 1 lnonM nf.rltr nlnnip inA I llnmin mn I'linil. wrirlrs.. . nftntmnt "' " -" ..w V -J watch. I I V J n I .M.VI.,1 Picture at Empress Theatre 18 waterfront of lots I, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8,1 Prjnce Rupert, B.C., v 14 Lots of meiulike a watch Above the To be block ti to piace or beginning. i April zsra, iviv. Fred Stork's Average I imnni .vc ennnrp I mudcd ft t tn - so thin that they will not Repeated Tonight. uate, Marcn go, mm. LAND nEOLSTftV AP.T For the Garden feel it in the pocket and N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH (sections 36 and 134.) Specially Suited for Prince ,4;TL' which will not show its shape "A Woman's Fool," the drama COLUMBIA. - Hardware ni Application no. IU,73-1. rue 6.134.1 Rupert soil. on the vest. tized version of Owen Wister's N THE MATTER OF THE- ADMINISTRA- TAKL NOTICE that application has been We have the Waltham TIO?i ACT iiiiauo to regisicr i nomas i rouer or prince trreat novel "Lin McLean." was and i Humeri, a. v., r. u. iiox 933, as owner in Opera style, the Green Veri-thln, shown to a crowded hotise at the ?i THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF under twqTai Sale Deeds from the STAALEY BARTLETT. DECEASED. IN- lonecwr or me uuy of prince Rupert. PiLEjlJ CHICKENS the Hamilton and other Empress Theatre last night and TESTATE. ". Ibearlng date the 8th day of December, of reliable makes. will be tonight. It is TAKE NOTICE that In order of His l8, of-ALL AXD SINGULAR that certain HAY, QRAIN & FERTILIZER l A Complete line repeated a Honor F. McB. Young, made the 1 1 til day parcel or tract or una ana premises situate. Most of these watches are great western story full of dra or April, A. D. Kit. Iaj appointed lyl? and being In the City or i-rlncer iiu- Administrator to ,hA ta a, Q,BnlAn I rmrt. mnrn nArllrtilnpIv bnnan nnH tint sold at prices established by matic. situations and With real Barllett. deceased, and all nartles havlnir If cflhcd a iou forty-four ('44) and forty. the . factories, which gives f ... claims against the said estate are hereby '-ve (45), Block lirtcen (15), Section five '.western punch. It is a P. R. FEED Co. Itaium pnnlred tn fnrnlh nnrrtA nrnnHv vrinAif l(. IMaD S23). You ai-l M.niitrprl tn you the assurance that you .that should not be missed. o me. on or before the Uth day of May. contest the claim of HTe. tax purchaser arine pay us here in Rupert no a, v. itv, ana an parties indebted, to tneiiin o a uays iroiu me uate or tne wer- In addition to tho big fr-aturo state are required to pay the amount of 'ice or tins nonce (which may bo Directed PHONE 53 more than if you were in there is an Eddie Lyons and Lee heir Indebtedness to me forthwith. by advertising), and your attention Is Montreal. JOIIN II. McMuLLIN, caned to section 36 or the "Laud lleglstry P. O. Box 333 90S 3rd Ave. Moran . comedy and gazette of uniciai Aumimsiraior. Act wuu auieuuuieiiis. ana to tne roiiow- AND li.Mtii mis jztn day or April, 1910. I g extract inereirom: John world events and cartoons Bulger some -aim iu ueiauu ui a caveat or ceruil-cate that of lis pendens being filed before are top-notchers The Store of Worth arid the registration as owner of the person entitled under such tlx sale, Beauty. alt so served will . . SMITH & MALLETT persons notico, DENTISTRY SIR SAM'S BROTHER .... and those claiming through or unuer them, and all persons claiming any interest In-the land by virtue GETS APPOINTMENT or any unregistered Instrument, and OFFICE HOURS; PLUMBING AND HEATING all persons claiming any interest In 0 a.m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. lo land by descent whose title Is not Hotel Hyder Ottawa, April 28,-The Civil Estimates ENGINEERS'furnished. registered this Act, shall under be the far ever provisions estopped of DR. J. 8. BROWN asnts Service Commission has and debarred from setting up any DENTIST appoint claim to or in respect or the land so Cries Smith Third Block, Avsnu. Portland Canal, B.C. ed Major General St. Pierre' Address, 3rd Avenue, head sold register ror taxes,the person and the entitled Keglstrar.Urfder shall I Phone 454. 4 Hughes, a brother of Sir Sam such tax sale as of Second Street. owner of the land so M K. JAMIESON, Proprietor Hughes, to tho post of Superin sold for taxes." tendent of Dominion Penitentiar Phone 174 P. O. Box 274 AND WIIEIIEAS aDDlIcatlon lias heen WATER NOTICE naae tor a uertincate of indefeasible Title LEAF AND USE STORAGE ies created by legislation passed o mo aDOve mentioned lands. In the name MAPLE Gateway lo the famout 3uih Mint f Thomas Trotler, at the 1917 session of Parliament. AND WHEREAS nn Inveodrnfln Ilio TAkE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Eipo- Itle It appears that prior to the 10th PAINT day General Hughes was formerly r nt will apply for a licence to take and ucioner, ii7, (the date on which the Now Open for Business ise )0U ruble feet second and to store connected with the penitentiaries aid lanuj were soia ror overdue taxes) per 4.000 acre feet or cubic feet on were the registered owner thereof. 174,40,0uo branch of the Department of Jus For Sale ruarilEIl TAKE r.OTICE that at the of water out of Cascade and Sliver Creeks FLOGLAZE also known as draining Long (streams), amo time I shall effect reals trillion in . . first tice, serving" as accountant l " - .nka and other small lakes In the vicinity pursuance oi sucn application and Issue a and subsequently as chief inspector. Certificate of Inrterpanlhln Titin tn iim ... t tne ii iff Missouri uroup, wnicn nows in lands In the name of Thomas Trotler southwesterly direction and drains . Into made. Barsalou's iiss un- ho Salmon IUver about one mile south of No better paint TOM LEE CO. you una ana prosecute the proper he International boundary Line. i"vi;uiiih iu cs.uuiisii your C1A131, l iWh ,lla storae-nsm win do iocs ten at Long because any. to the said nrevant makes good VfATErt NOTICE proposed ieUM "n Vrt. Lake and other small lakes adjacent. The It. 840 Sec'ond Avenue, West. DIVERSION and use. Motor Transfer HATED at the Land my rteirlstrv capacity of the reservoir to be crested Is it's made good. Prnre Rupert a this ath div of 'boul 800,000,000 cubic ft., and It will TAKE NOTICE that E. V. Duby, lumber March 019 nooil ""on crc of land, (all rock). a VEGETABLES - manutacturer, wnofco aaaress is care 01 1 II F M Art Frm I llu " c mn uitci icu nuiu iiiu on cam kl.iaana ,Il.tVnA.A 1. C..1An ll.ln.n , I neltlstrar" Plnl abou, ,n9 outl of Lon Lake aiuiuiv ! I District iticb,!,, u. r unuii, ruutD iiufci of Tll,e- Wholesale and Retail B. C, will apply for a licence to take ana To Alfred Oendron, or a small lake below, at dam site., and suu or union I " M uv ucl u puvrrr iuu jiuuiuh Lur se c.s.x. water out or 3 MONTHS-OLD iiuperr. u. c. prince General Contractors and Creek, which flows westerly and drains pose upon the mine and for tramways and Labor; Exchange. nto Union Bay about at the head of said ...IN Tl(c.... ailPnpvl- fLtin no V.u"cr iinc.j. ue.cnuo'i isiiu ,uui ww. uwvss. wr ujtiiisii liiiiimvifipfi. Pirpni mini no1 rmirna bay.The water will be diverted from the Motor COLUMDJA, Tj,ia notico was posted on the ground Hardware tream at point where Union Creek leaves Truck Prince Itupert, D.G. a N TEn 0PV T,,E ADMINISTnX. I 'in ?pffcilon pur" - Union Lake and will be used for power copy of thl.otlce and SECOND AVENUE tana inciaentany industrial) purposes i . . suant thereto and lo tno "water Act, Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 upon the land described as District Loll IV ,.l,'", wiu ue nieu in uie omce ot me 114 lllr. MATTEn OF THE ESTATR I Black F w,i n..n,i tiring ti,mn. Phone number v. casslar District. This notice was posted on the ground I Reason for Selling: TATE DA,lUN0' DECEASED, I.NTES- objections to the application 'may be on the 3rd day of April, 1010. A copy of I TltVC . , lllll'tl mill HIO Oll iatCI iWlflllCr Ur Willi Sickness inhtu nlJIJLb mat in ornip nf Iftaltiia r.inninii n urtAn n n.u. i ins notice ana an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, tut." wllll TaLF,- lf,; "."A ln,'",e ,,ie 88nd dy mVnt iVuildTngs. Victoria. D. C?,' within be men jn tne omce or me water Recorder Almas' itoV ft thVI?,..! .r'JLWW 1' ID? nL??Pc"n" " James Hotel St. at i'rlnce Rupert, B. C. . Objections to the application, may bel a i n 1 1 t Vo . i i Ft J'aVn8: clalm T"8 territory to be traversed Is entirely Salvation Army. men wuruine saia waier itecoraer or witni to r,ann?fS erf,byrc.qu"'ed ,nlnln and Is unsuitable for any nlfietinfTS" , (LATB "0UIEN8") ho comptroller of water Illithts. Par a. vApplx, PHONE 182 - hJJim.i: Por?Prl. vcr'"''d. o me, ther purpose. See. Mineral - n.,1,lln a n. inciit Butldlnfrs, Victoria, B.C., within ?lirdf0.ffiihrV.V Sd ww' r-0"1""1, FIItST CLASS riOOMS filrty days after the first appearance or I or FIRST AVENUE, ills noiico in a .ocai newspaper, opposite fndebTrini1 RVtMIZ""1 ot ,helf T,,e d'l,le of ,he Publication of this n, Sundays al 7UJ Hot and Cold Water. E. V. DUBY. ApDllcant. 'jf Knox 'Hotel to notice Is March 8, 1019. The date of the first LUbllcatlon of this nL?iW'7' . I'ACjrjC COAST EXrLOItATION CO., LTD. AverUn"heDa'lyeff, notice is April it, tviv, DATED this 94th day of April, I9U." I By Wm. NobfeV AgSnt.