29 1910. Tuesday, April THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 COULD HOT STOP GOOD SEEDING PROGRESS OPERATIONS WITH Daily News Classified Advertising f HEADACHES Wheat Above IN SASKATCHEWAN Q round in WANTM. run bALE A large mahogany Have You Tried cabinet Victrola and an excellent Districts Fine Weather wanted Lady to assist in collection of records at an istiftTrled"Frult-a-1!ves" Prevails There. children's home. Anglican pre attractive price for cash. Mrs. lerred. Salary J30.00, Apply E. F. Duby, 4th Ave. 100 Juices Z& From Fruit (Special by o.T.p. Telegraphi.) maiey Home, Metlakatla. 103 Swift Current, April 29. Prnor- FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 Provincial I mt tell you of thereat .ress has bean made with seeding WANTi-D man and wife.Room Both and board for rooms and large dance hall. from employed Apply 208 Ninth hTe receded your HHuuguuut me wnoie Avenue. See t IrfJl medicine, 'Fruit-A-tires'. of Swift Current district during ynone Black 158 after 6. tf this before building. tf Twre a sufferer for many uic particularly finn nmnnim, WANTED Housekeeper to take rOU HALE Quarter oak J. from ireadatka, and weather that has prevailed for the charge of home. Two children -cut dresser, dining table, lounge, FLOUR relief. .1-t nermanent pasi ten days. Many farmers Apply p.o. box 743. 102 AtiVndadrlsedxnatoUke 'Fruit. have completed the work and wijlon carpet. Apply Suite 9 ana l "u otner8 are rapidly rushing theirs Bring your furs to Goldbloom iiesner Apartments. tf lj;and I am entirely free Third Avenue. He now ahead. pays high-est FOR SALE 1918 Ford. box a ' t Apply fwdache. thanks to your price. From the north and west districts tf oiJaiiy ISews office. tf ,p,C1fRBs!ALEXANDER SHAW. come reports of Immense HELP WANTED MALE FOR SALE Household for$2.50,trial sbe 25c. areas successfully seeded. In several furniture. Ask Your Grocer 6 hoi. hv. or sent on receipt of instances the wheat is already BEST MONEY MAKING PROPO .rnone iiiue. 395. 101 It U dealers nostnaid. by I'ruit-a-iiTM above the ground. A similar condition HITION OUT Gasoline at 3 FOR RENT Ottawa. prevails to the south and cents per gallon. All our agents Umited. southwest, where new land has are making big money. Invest! iv"i jicni L,arge iront room, jjnuctrrfr " been brought under cultivation in gate. Manufacturers Dist. Co., with board, suitable for two prospect of increased railway facilities 708 Dominion Building, Vancouver. gentlemen, in private family, promised by. the time the 101 Central. Modern conveniences harvest is ready. HELP WANTED Apply box 247, Daily News of- iice. ioo WILLIAM TURNBULL KITCHEN HELP wanted at once. FOUND Dentistry Apply Inlander. tf RECEIVES PROMOTION TENDERS t OUND Ladies' white kid glove. Apply Daily News office. tf ; Now In Charge of Publicity and Bulk or seperate tenders will be -ARCHITECTS DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 received for an 8-roomed residence Advertising work in Con nee tlon With Department. on 6th Avenue for Mr. WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your George Fritz. Plans and specifications valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared William Turnbull of can be obtained from for Efficiency" this city, public and private We handle only itwo formerly private secretary to Hon the architect. The lowest or buildings. T. D. has any tender may not be accepted. of Pianos: both Pattullo, been promoted makes Tenders to be lodged with the FINANCIAL to a position with the trade ex of proved excellence architect on or before the 10th tension branch of the department, APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a Dr. The May. William Bruce, Architect Bayne , Mr. Turnbull was formerly editor low rale of interest received on Heintzman & Co. and manager of the Daily News 4th Street, Prince Rupert. plans specifications and tenders, Piano, He is a very capable man and his FOR SALE by William Bruce, Archi-tect.Jth OFFICE HOURS:- The Weber Piano ellent work as private secre Street. tary to the minister has shown ?OR SALS 44 acres of good farm Morning, 9Jo?l2, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to J tha he has the ability for the land on the Skeena River:. 8 MISCELLANEOUS Prince Rupsrl Music Store more important position. acres cleared, with jjpod house niE NORTON The place for a Dental Nurse in attendance. Opp. Post Office Mr. Turnbull's place has been Right at Kwinitsa station. Price shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Phone 109 for appointment V J. Pitman. Piano Dept. taken by Norman A. Watt, a re $500 cash and the balance of treatment.. 210 Fourth Street. turned soldier who went overseas 9500 in one year. Apply to Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. with the Yukon contingent and Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. C, or Phone 493. tf who has recently returned home Ed. II. Mortimer, agent, Prince and is spending a short honey Rupert, B. C. tf BICYCLES Pianos in Stock noon in the eastern provinces. 'OR SALE Hatching eggs, off WE PAY CASH for second-hand To Prospective S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R bicycles and parts. You can HEINTZMAN & CO. KARN BAZAAR, BANQUET AND I. Reds, off 300 highest laying trade your old bike for a new strain and winter layers, from one. We repair all makes of BU1LDERS&C0NTRACT0RS ENNIS DANCE IN THE EVENING MORRIS the Pennsylvania Poultry bikes and carry a large assortment CLINTON Farm, Lancaster. Penn. Also of accessories! McGowan OOHERTY nterestlng Event In Connection Indian Runner Ducks. Suth & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement Sold With Campaign for Soldiers erland 704 McBride St. tf Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material on Easy Terms. Memorial Funds. Second Avenue. tf and supplies handled by us, such as: We rnt out pianos FOR SALE Immediate posses Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings by the month as Tomorrow is the date set for sion of lot with two good We' put pep into our printing and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe l: as 20c. a day. e big bazaar, banquet and dance houses on 9th Ave. near Mc usiness at The News Print Shop. Conduit, Electric beaters and mantels, Automatic Electric Piano Tuning and Musical be given by the Ladies Auxiliary Bride St., clear title, will be Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Instrument Repairing f the Great War Veterans' Asso sold a bargain, cash or terms. Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe ciation in St. Andrew's Hall. Apply owner, 345 9th, Avenue, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe re Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and Walker's Music Store West. serve existing' over Lot 418, Queen Charlotte Kalsomine Brushes of '11 kinds. Hardwood The sale of work will open at Islands, by reason or a notice published Lumber1 Oak, of child in the B.C. Gazette on tbe 30th of Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron and quantity N Ave. Phone Blue 3S9 p. m. a FOR SALE Five-roomed house July, 1808, Is cancelled. ren's clothing and other articles on two lots. Five minutes to U. iL.NADt.'X, Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote ill be sold. The home-cooked post office. Reasonable offer ands Department,Deputy Minister of Lands, Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and will be served from five to Victoria, B. C Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. supper will bb accepted. See owner on 6th March, 1019. M 13 MISS M. A. WAY even with Capt. McGregor as the premises. 630 laylor btreet. 02 We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to purchaa including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and TEACHER OP MUSIC guest of honor. The dance will 'Land. 309 commence early, eight o'clock being FOR SALE OR LEASE Yokohama Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, Second Avenue In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record Wlitwithit!idenuthiyllbii the hour officially set. Restaurant and Bowling Alley ing District of Prince Jtuperf, and situate Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. iwt Con-.rv.tolr. of Mu.Ie.of from th. During the evening the raffles after 28th May. Apply J. Pos-tulo. ZAHt .notice tnat i, james z. nan, or Being direct factory representatives, we are able to Pnur-totd-.-wd. . Phono Blue 120 for the. articles shown in the window tf ancouver. B. C occupation baker and make very attractive prices. Soldier, Intend to apply for permission to of the Kaien Hardware Co. purchase tbe following described lands: FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. Commencing at a post planted SO chains will be raffled and the funds will long, nine feet, six beam, ten northerly or S. W. cor. T. L. No. SSI; Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. bo devoted to the war memorial thence east, 40 chains; thence south SO FOB thence west 40 chains less ELECTRICAL WORK h. p. engine. Apply Shockley's chains; more or of the returned soldiers. to shore line: thence northerly SO chains. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. Go to Shop, Fraser Street. 100 more or lesa, following shore line to point of commencement and containing 80 acres P. O. Box 772 Phone Black SS9 ITALIAN PARLIAMENT FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from more or less. JAMES Z. HALL, Geo. Waddell prize strain barred rocks, and Per William A. Bauer. Agent. IS IN SESSION TODAY Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per Datrd 31 March, 1010. 338 setting. Atkins' Meat Market. Notice of InUntlon to Apply to purchase 2nd Ave. Land. (Special by n. T. P. Telegraphs.) ,. Phones FOR SALE Cigar store Bath In Range S. Coast Land District, Record. Georgetown Lumber Co. ACK 367 - GREEN 394 Rome, April 28. The Italian house. 768 Eighth Ave. West. Ing Dlsfrlct of Prince Rupert, and situate has been summoned to Koeye, nil tiugn sound, u. o. s parliament Phone Green TAKE NOTICE that I. Marshall Beek of city. Money In Lamps. meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Party leaving Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier, In PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 170. 101 tend to apply ror permission to purchase rrjjjjjjj. Italy's future course will depend the following described lands: Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. after premier Commencing at a post planted at south. action taken RANGES and COOK on the McCLARY west corner lot S, thence east SO chains; FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY Orlando's presentation of the Stoves at Brochu's Furniture thence south SO chains: thence west 40 The chains, more or less, to shore line; thence Gurvich program followed at the Peace Store, 309 3rd Ave. northerly and easterly along shore line SO SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Conference. A resolution providing chains, more or less, to point of commencement, for a vote of confidence in the FOR SALE 4 h..p, 4 cycle Regal or less, and containing 80 acres, more j, S3 Consult Us. Transfer have Engino in first-class condition, MARSHALL BEEK, to understood minister is. Per William A. Bauer. Agent. been prepared. cheap Akerberg Thomson Co. Dated 6h April, ISIS. PhotlB C r Mr. By GENE BYRNES YOU DON'T WEAKEN Box 102 IT'S A GREAT MFF. IF 0ffic F,.. q. 1 V Ml,, JSLLSeU : Coal . "-n. ifttif LlfN 2?$2m ru0 IjjiMFot) PONT) "O'WTMWr OP LANDS '-fe0 .ANCH iff Vl.Xb?. "wftei!..!!? or Lanai. i