Page 6 TEE DAILY NEWS. Tuesday. April -'9. loin i Local News Notes Special for Wednesday and Thursday only G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public 1,000 TINS Swimming Club Dance May 2 YOUR California Siiow Peaches Victory Bonds Bought for Cash 20 cent discount per on all AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. NO DELAY. ASK US FOR In heavy Syrup crockery at Tile's. 101 PRICES. . 25c per Tin See window of men's shoes Now is the time to replenish FIRE INSURANCE loto prices Wallace's. 100 that heavily reduced Is the Cheapest Commodity on the Market Today. The Rate stock of homo preserves with WINDOWS on Your House or Furniture is from $1.30 to S2 per $100 Wallpapers at Silversides Bros a No. 1 line at a price that Tor three years. jCan You Afford to be Without It? We 2nd fctreet, 10c. a roll and up. It will not be repeated. Write It. W. Phono us if you cannot P. Hinton, general manager of the G. T. P., is expected here come In. Better still, seo H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. tomorrow. this tin in our windows and From the outside note the size of it, also its lookintr REAL ESTATE INSURANCE in, or from the Call at Tito's Store and enquire quality. inside lock-mg 16 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C. the price on furniture. Special out, the appemce of sale for two weeks only. 101 your windows Rupert Table Supply Co. of is an index H. McCall, who has been ill PHONES 211,212 I your care for the an- with influenza at Edmonton, is pearance of your heme. expected to arrive home this WESTHOLME THEATRE IV the visitor to evening. Discount on shoes to men in your home they indicate your The Finest Combination House in Northern D.C. khaki Wallace's. 100 taste your eye for harmony of color; to The G. E. the Safety Quality Comfort Foster owned by the passer-by TONIGHT TONIGHT Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co Cotton, feather and eiderdown they indicate something of your care for the The Sweetest Girl in Motion Pictures Ltd., left for the trolling grounds comforters, 20 per cent discount outward appearance of your home. MARGUERITE CLARK this morning.... at Tile's. 10 It is not essential that your window draperies hp Carpenters will hold a special Six carloads of fish which was Expensive but it is imperative that meeting in their hall Tuesday they be in purchased Sunday left on the train "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" night, April 29. Very important yesterday morning for Chicago Good Taste. that every member attend. 100 and eastern points. OUR DRAPERY BRITAIN'S BULWARKS The finest one reel war pictures DEPARTMENT ever shown The welcome of the St. An Lee Wong was lined $10 this Contains stock of .wide a The.Westholme Concert Orchestra will provide special music drew's Society to its soldier mem morning by Magistrate McMullin variety of materials and for this show bers, which was to have taken in the police court for keeping his prices. Fancy and plain scrims, madrasses, novelty place tonight has been postponed store open last Saturday night curtains, bungalow nets, Shows 7 aad 9.15. Admission Adulit, 30c; Children, 15c and the date will be announced in until 10:40, tapestries, cretonnes' War Tax Included Mo will be used casement more pennies . cloths, and muslins. la day or so. It is understood that several other of the Society's Don t forget tomorrow is the We cut your curtains to the desired members are on their way homo. day of the Vitagraph Wonder lengths and Read Fuller's adv. in today's Seria"! "The Woman in the Web.' if you haven't time to do it yourself, we'll have issue and phone 45. If! Dress shoes for men special Third episode', "Speeding Doom' the hemming done for you. For Sale prices Wallace's. 100 at the Empress Theatre. The best men's shoes at the lowest prices Wallace's. . 100 Complaint was made last night Congoleum squares at cost at the meeting of the City Coun prico at Tite's Store. 101 Five-room house and furniture, 20 per cent discount at Tite's cil of tho insanitary condition of H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Section Six, $1,850.00. on all window drapes and cur- some Duildings, particular refer tains. loilcnce being made to some below TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Good lot, Section Five, S2B0. the hospital. Tho matter was re Corner 3rd and Fulton St. One-fifth cash, balance five iue princess Alary arrived ferred to the Health Committee uuai email cameo pin set in dollars per month. from the south yesterday at 2 p.k0 act four pearls. Return to box 248 .m., leaving for Skagway at 5 p. m. Dally News office. tf Seven-roomed house for rent Smoke Players Navy Cut cisrar. $20.00. me only lisMng boat to sell dies, wranned in tin foil EXHIBITION BUILDING. ner eaten yesterday was the May. 9 Victory Bonds Bought at flower with 4,500 lbs., which sold The steam fishing schooner SEALED MARKED TENDERS will be re Highest Prices. at 10c. and 7c. per lb. to the Atlin Carruthers owned and operated wans celved oi for tne tbe above,covering'wun a-incn or the rustic,outside iicsren s r eet Fisheries, Ltd. by the Canadian Fish & Cold uiuj id ue in uy a p. in. rriaay, Aisy 3 viv. iue lowest or anv lenoer not neces Storage Co- Ltd.. arrived in yes sarlly accepted. Speculations and lnfor liilNeed Special Attention McCaffery, Gibbons The infant daughter of Mr. and terday afternoon with the hand- raatlon.Northern may U. be C. seen Agricultural at tbe office& Industrial or tne airs. irea, u. .bacon, of uays some catch of 120,000 lbs. of Association, fourin street. lot & Doyle, Ltd. Love Circle, which was born on halibut, after a seventeen-day Too much caro cannot be given to the fitting of children tne -Jbth inst., died at the General fishing trip. She is unloading her with the right good shoes. Insurance - Real Estate nospuai yesterday. catch today. PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL We make a special point of fitting children scientifically. Bring them along or send them and we will see they are Prince Rupert, B. C. jacK 4Moraes 01 Port Simpson Bicycle tickets fre-3 with bnvs" BOARD taken care of. orougm in a line lot or Deits at shoes or clothinir Wallace'. WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES OF Tenders CHILDREN'S SHOES. me weeK end ana snipped them Wanted. south. They included ?6 mink, 1 Provincial Government Employ TENDERS wanted for Wo also givo equal attention to filling men and women. martin, C ermine, 4 otter, 2 wol- ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil the hauling of 440 yards Come and consult two real live shoemen IK. II. STEPHENS verine, and 7 beaver. They are He-Lstablishment, temporary of of cinders from Seal Cove AT THE valued at about $2,000. flee 021 Second Avenue, Prince to tho school grounds in NOTARY PUBLIC T 1 t. l . . I IlUDert. Returned snlriiftrs.' mpn block 24, section 6, known Family Shoe Store uuim -uussanem was Drouglil and women rennlrinc- omnlhv as King Edward School. before Magistrate McMullin in the ncnt nf anv kind should rAD-lafn Also for the hauling of FOR SALE police court this morning charg vith the above. No fees charged 100 yards of sand from 8th Third Avenue ed with selling produce in his re Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. Avenue and Conrad Street Lots 11 and 12, Block 1C, tail store after 10 o'clock Salur-day Section to tho samo grounds. GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM 5, corner Tatlow and night. His case was dis. Working shoes for men, special Tenders Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., missed. prices Wallace's. 100 must be sealed The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 and marked TENDER FOR Price only Provincial Government Em- Big entertainment in St. An HAULING and in $2,000.00 ploymcnt Bureau and Soldiers' drew's hall on Wednesday, April the hands of tho undersigned "Britain'! Mrs. J. M. Carmichael jn terms of $500 cash, balance not later than returned Great war picture, uivn iie-estauiishment: temnor- JU. Dy .Ladies Auxi Harv nf tho a afternoon splendid yesterday on the Prin- Bulwarks," showing payable Thursday, May 1. The lowest monthly on office 621 Second W. V. A. in aid ary Avenue, of the War Me- front, and cess from after tho western Mary "Vancouver, to scenes on payments suit purchaser. or any tender not necessarily Prince-Rupert. Employers having morial Fund. Sale of work at 1 Clark Look at these lots and own accepted. an absence of nearly two years. tho big favorite, Marguerite your own home. There is-plenty vacancies for men and women in p. m. Specialty of children's W. D. VANCE, Secretary. Mr. Carmichael, who Is at present in "Undo Tom's Cabin," playm? of room here for two clerical, factory, domestic or clothing: special homo cooked in Vancouver, was formerly the , the dual role of Topsy and Little or three good cottages. other work should apply to above supper 5 to 7: dance at 8:30 city assessor here, Eva. Westholme tonight. Phono 553. tf Capt. J. M. McGresror. V. C. M. fi D. C M., will be the truest of the All material for any kind of advening M. M. Stephens 101 Summer School uunuing can ne lurnisned Dy Albert LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE & McCaffery, Ltd. tf Pillow case cotton by the yard for Singers at Tite s. 44-In. at 60c. ner vd w tw ARTHUR J. FOXALL Yi Satisfaction At .the City Council meeting incerity The well known Vancouver singing last night Alderman Perry in For Your teacher, will establish a summer ight quired what action was being Vocal School In from Shoes when they taken in regard to the Falls River Prince Rupart tluna 27 August 29. are fitted properly. ervice walerpower and whether a reply LUMBER Enrollment should be made Immediately Try the "CLASSIC" nau ucen sent to l-isher & War to Foxall School or Music, 821 ton indicating what action the Pender StreeLW., Vancouver, B. C. and experience the improvement city would take in the matter of P you have been reading: our in PLASTER advertisement, we hope you have releasing this power from the re appearance, been convinced of at least one thing---our servo that had been placed on it service and comfort. sincerity. Acting Mayor McRao explained CEMENT You will notice that we make bo that tho city was not yet in THE or exaggerated statements. position to make a decision. The latest styles have Building or We manufacture do not pretend'some wonderful to control Men's shoes, special prices, see ECONOMY STORE arrived in ladies' high glasses that cannot be obtained windows, Wallace's, 100 and low cut SHOES,, Material Jlscwhere. Phones 18 and 36 ranging in price from YJjf E try to deserve your patron-V .Marguerite Clark tonight in 417 Bth A., K. age, simply by putting- into "Uncle TonVs Cabin." Taken di your glasses QUALITY of material, rectly from tho book, and not the $5 to $13 COME TO INTELLIGENCE and SKILL In workmanship, While Last stage version, this photoplay is They vastly superior to tho per pair. Albert 5 Ltd. spoken IMallery, WE believe that to g-lve honest version, -as an the scenes have 4-lb. Sack? Fancy nice Flour Phone 116 and 664. I In service tho long at run a moderate the secret price of been taken right on the very spots regular 00c, Special 35o iuccess, in our own, or in any other that you read about in the book. 20-lb. Sack Barley Flour Office, Second Avenue, Next profession or business. I no one should miss this great reg. $2:25, Special, $1.25. Westholme Theatre. iproauction, and there is also a 10-lb. Sack OUR guarantee glasses that lit Corn Meal reg. Be fitted fine war picture, "Britain's not only the way Bul 85c, Special you see through warks, showing , 750. them, b;it the waj our gallant soldier Launch "Provincial" leaves for you look with them on. boys in their strenuous life Call or phone at once, as Stewart and way points every on tho western front. Don't forget, wo shall soon sell out at at Friday morning at 6, carrying Fred Joudry Westholme tonight. these prices. mail, passengers and freight. Ltd. Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf Practical Optometrist Footwear for men alfklnds- Jabour Brothers, Third Avs. . Prince Rupert low prices Wallace's. ioo Itallem Grocery Company Watch Tile's windows for bargains Opposite Post Olllc. Tho best suit cases Evelelnh'a. Third Avenue West jn bed linen. 101 Agent J. F. Magulre, Smith Wock. ma 0