For .ct AID KITS THE Daily 544 Bicycles Repairs and ?of",,tlon Hoard INEW5 Parts PRINCE RUPERT MO Phones,82and200 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 X, NO. I01' J?RINCE RUPERT, D. C,WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, 1919. PRICE FIVE GKNTe (SECURITY OF LABOR IS CAUSE OF ''V THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR. Y.M.C.A.HELD ITALIANS VOTE ATRIAL UNREST SAYS MATHERS ORGANIZATION CONFIDENCE IN (Special to The Wewi via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) MEETING HERE THEIR PREMIER ,.v . April 30.--"-We have been impressed with the in ,aiiv I, nf labor as one ui inu eiuuu causes ui wie present in iu Number or Officers Chosen to Immense Majority, 382 to 40, Is i ai unrest) h is uuB,"b. u.'- umi"6U"iii nvc u uiuuu, Handle the Campaign Given In Chamber of Deputies 5 . - fnlhers of the Royal Commission on Industrial For Funds. At Rome. in tne COUrse-ui mo ooaoiuu noie. Minns A meeting washeld last night (Special by O. T.P., Telegraphs,) U1 l,,c naauijauuii ui uriUSIl ti"il"ujo inBIlUtjei p Neilli to organize for the Y.. M. C. A Tlomc, April 30. The Chamber campaign ior lunas to carry on of Deputies last night voted con i miifi. with a provincial executive 01 emoioyers ami the general work of that big fidence irauc - - - or in the cabinet by a vote I ioyees as a court of appeal and a federal council constructed ganization. Officers were elected of 382 to 40, thetlatter being cast l 6!ime plan as a final court of last resort. It was his view and a general committee is being by boclalists. The vote followed chosen lo get the campaign under an -address by Premier Ii such a system of industrial government would eliminate Orlando, way. which . was constantly InterruDted I.Winn and, uecuuao uispuies wouiu ue settieu in. a ,I rr. f-it urn junowing were cnosen as by applause and ended in an ova-lion Lonabie way before they reached the danger point. a nucleus of a committee: in the Chamber, even the 1 Chairman, Mayor McClymont. Tribunes joining. COMMUNISTS FIRE ' Vico-cbairmari, C. C. Perry. Former Premier Luzzati follow AGREEMENT ! Secretary, A; Linzey. ed the-Premier and was also ap ON GOVERNMENT AIR ! Treasurer, D. Donaldson. . plauded except by the Socialists, JAPAN j Executive Rev. .Canon Rix, whose spokesman, Deputy Turati. WITH PLANES AT MUNICH jRev. Dr. Grant, Rev. W. W. explained why Socialists could not Wright, Mr. Fuller and Mr. Breen. give a vote of confidence to the Great Difficulty Found In Feeding j Others are being interviewed today cabinet. L Threo Fall to Beach Settte- with a view to have them Populace and Many join Paris, April 30. The British fment at First Session; Peace, (the committee.- Soldiers. Prime Minister has again inter Terms Not oeaay. j Mh.Welch who is looking after vened in the Italian situation by (Special via (i. T. P. Telegraphs.) ,the organization explained the sending a trusted associate to (Special via 0.T, V Telegraphs.) Berne, April 30. Airplanes of big work which has been done by communicate personally with Paris, Apl 30 The Japanese the Hoffman Government forces the Y. M. C. A. in France and in Premier Orlando at Rome. While legates and the "Big rnree" flying, over Munich have been the other countries wherever the the desire is to conciliate Signor led lo reach an agreement in fired on repeatedly by Commun-ists7 Civilization Canadian troops have gone. He Orlando, the Premier is advfsed IlelD 1 territorial : That House is, blazing, it will 1 . also, told Chino-Japanese of the need for the Y. and as a result thirteen down the whole street. against the inclusion of Fiume liitroversy in. their first session. civilians have been killed and 100 M. C. A. in Canada now that the under Italian control, as likely'to T1b British are reported to wounded. Tho Communist Government Mroman Nothing to do with me, mum. It ain't my iob. boys arc returning, in connection make a settlement difficult, if not ive agreed that the llrst meeting has forbidden firing at with reconstruction. The sum impossible. 1 the League of Nations shall bo Clrnlanp8 being asked from the people of Washington with Presl-TO"- JAPANESE ARE Canada is Id ia This measure is said to have ITALIAN REPORTS $1,100,000, of which Lit Wilson presiding. J n 1'n n - nit'Atmtt rmrl ihn $175,000 is to be given to the Y. W.P.HINTONAT Because of the 24-hour strike aminounition. ARE DISQUIETING W. C. A. for helping girls. lor May i, especially aiicc mg Th(J C0Inmunist Government in IN LIMELIGHT Paris, April 3Q.-tHs The campaign commences fn a few days and nd will BOARDOFTRADE Asportation ana conimuuiB.. time be lost Munlch i8 safdto be experiencing quieting' i& reports;- f t o tM, some aouDt is expresseui . Himiiv tr, fnoHincr th Rome leached latf in seeing that, the people here be AT CONFERENCE herje given an opportunity to do their ewer we yvaw icims ,'" ,. nn,l nrr nnml UP nf today. Con Terences be-tweeh I presented lo tho Germans on nrn pnnPon.r!ti Premier Orlando bit. General Manager of G. T. P. and latdiy. 1 " ' Minister of Lands Expected Proposal of China to Pay and and American Ambassador To Meet Members. STOWAWAYS Keep Territory Not Favored Page are said to have been PRICE SMASHING OF H CONTINGENT By Neighbor.. unsatisfactory! ,A-nuinber WHEAT AT CHICAGO W P. Hinton,.nfenerali manager ofaiili-American demonstrations and vice-president, of. iht xiti(T. IS RETURNING HOME Three Men Went to Islands to Get (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) have taken place. P arrived this afernootf and will Work and Found none. Paris, April 30. The session United States Government Ceases meet the Board of Trade along (Special via 0.T P. to Prevent Speculative Hoarding with Hon. D. Telegraphs.) of the Council of Three ended late T. Pattullo this It. Fisher, W. Nelson and R. this nflnrnnnn wifhniif. flo for Present. afternoon at at the Ilictoria, April 30. Bringing nnv NO ACTION REGARDING 5, City Hull. first large contingent of Miller were brought before Magis-'cigion on eilher lne Japiinese or It is expected that there will kadian troops back from Si- irai ciuuwm wis iuunmi j Belgian questions. A compro- RESPONSIBILITY OF (Special via 0. T, P. Telegraphs.) be a good attendance to meet the KlheCP.O.-B. Monteagle is nouce couri c"geu wnu ue- mise was 1)r0p0Sed to Japan witl, St. Louis, Mo., April 30. Com minister and the head of the rail Ikednled to arrive here Tuesday ,n& stowaways on uie ss, i rince. respcct to the Kiao Chau prob. EX-KAISER WiLHELM menting "on the tremendous price way company in connection with xt. The Monteagle, which sail- Jor,n wmcn amvea irom uw is- Iem bul no conclusion was reach-fl smashing that took place on the the needs of Prince Rupert. 1 from Vladivostok on April 21, lands last night. 'ed it js understood that further Paris, April 30. Doubt has Chicago Board of Trade today, Julius Federal wheat di- in on board 55 officers and 1.020 1 u appeareu irum ciuC consideration will be given the arisen whether the responsibility Barnes, ASQUITH AMBASSADOR N)f other ranks for Vancouver,1""1 l" matter at an early dale. of the former German Emperor :tor and president of the grain London, April 30.--Herbert II. rm Vancouver iu iwnys '"8-( corporation of food administration, Asquith, former premier, is likely Victoria. Kiao Chau is now rivalling will be included in the peace - r ging camp near Uueen uianottc Fiumq as a peaco stumbling treaty owing to the failure of the tonight said the Government to succeed the Earl of Reading as uity, wnere tney were to do put io block and is allracAing muoh at plenary session to take actioii on will discontinue until further announcement ambassador to tho United States. votk. un reacning mere vuey ientiont The Chinese proposition the report of tho Council of Four export purchases of AX HEILBRONER discovered that the camp was wheat as a preventative of speculative Js to lct Ja ke Kiao Ghau recommending his prosecution Reliable Jeweler I.shut down. Having no money nd tho lormGP German corices- which was on yesterday's agenda. hoarding. I with them and being told of tno sinns fnp nnn vp, linfIP niHrp. Parliamentarians say that the Diamonds, Watches, Clocks worK going on at tne urjuoch. to turn them back upon China re- council might still include its report MORE CARE TAKEN Hon.T. D. PATTULLO Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory fcjhero, tho men beat their way to Jmijursing Japan for tho cost of in tho treaty, but as the subject will address the Umbrella, Community Plate, Prince Rupert. capturing Tsing Tau. This is is ono on which the plenary REGARDING SETTLERS $ BOARD OF TRADE. Etc. .un Hearing tne eviuence oi uio unfavorably received by the Jap- conference was ordered lo report, accused uapiuiu iuiuic mo an3se inaction on the report prevents Ottawa, April 30. Hon. J. A. 4 Wednesday, at 5 p.m. fcrner 3rd ,t. and 6th 6trt. Information and the prisn;rs its inclusion in the treaty unless Galder's Immigration Bill and J Njouncil Chamber , were released. EMPLOYERS TAKE the secret plenary session of the Major General Mewburn's Militia conference directs further action. Department estimatos occupied MARTIAL LAW IN ALL BAVARIAN TERRITORY PART IN INQUIRY the attention of Parliament yes terday. While emphasizing the THE TRANS-ATLANTIC AT VANCOUVER CITY necessi ty of increased population Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) FLIGHT POSTPONED and greater production , that .the Ilarlln Annll .TO Afnrfifll lnV .no n,iin nil Hnvnri.m Vancouver, April 30. At Van- waste spaces of the country may WESTH0LMF east or the Rhine and couver at the; Open ng session of May Not Take Place For Two bo filled, Mr. Calder recognized FOR nitm industrial relations co.nnus-advnnce that there must be more attention Government began an,t u Weeks Owing to Weather the troops JWVICE AND SATISFACTION on Munich from the .n, presented a contrast to Vie- Conditions. paid in future to the class of peo "The Blindness of Divorce" ' uouara ple allowed to come into Canada The problem eternal. In which the Licence in in? orBuiH.uu prcBi-iuu-I No. 10-7310 Murnau. jioria south and captured woman always pays. while must be done to make more tion of the case by employers. In -St. Johns, April 30. With an tho latter city all evidence from tho new arrivals good Canadians i other sudden change to bad "T O T O" both sides, although interesting, weather tho start of tho trans- than in' the past. The loose-Jointed Comedian In was desultory since neither would llantic flight of Harry Hawker, "THE JUNK MAN" Empress Theatre tho Trades and Labor Council ap-Ipear Australian, and Capt, Frederick 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the A great Comedy, : olllcially, nor were tho em Raynham, his British rival, may best on the Pacific Coast, Just Shows 7:15 and SMS. Admission 30c. and 15c, Including War Tat, arrived. Send your orders to the well In Vancouver ployers, -organized. bo postponed from two days to a Complete New Show Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phono 15. r-. Tonight the Trades and Eabor fortnight henco, when the full Council will ignore the commission, moon may bring hopes for flying Pathe Presents but employers had a continuous conditions. Out of a clear sky lineup of witnesses at the at breakfast timo strong easterly Bryant MUSICAL EVENT OF THE 8EA8ON Washburn N sessions, winds swept clown on this section . of tho Newfoundland coast bring ing rain in its.wake. "TWENTY- ONE" Tho new"DEMERS"figured Voilo GERMANS DEPORTED Grand CONCERT A . , . Dresses arrived on the last vorneuy drama with a regular prize fight in it made (Special via 0. T. )'. feievraohsj by the express. They are PRINCE RUPERT MUSICAL SOCIETY Melbourne, April 30. All interned and at 3rd in smart styles very HE WOMAN Episode IN THE WEB reasonable one of a kind.prices. Only Germans ustralia,are commencing to bo deported tho latter from Thursday, May-8, at 8.15 p.m. part of May, it is officially an Full Also a few Mack satin Westholme Theatre of thrills, action and adventure nounced. skirts nico soft satin , Special engagement of Mrs. Dalby Morkill, Contralto, of ono of the most useful Vancouver and Dr. Large of Port Simpson, B. C. Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar-.ttcs, llH8 Latest Comedy garments in your wardrobe. wrapped in tin foil. Reserved Scats on Sale at Orme's Drug Store. 15c an( B .........TTT" COME AND SEE Proceeds will be devoted to charitable obje3ts. - vu, iiiuiuuing war i ax 2 Shows, 7.15 aod 9 The oldest Canadian Life Co- ' fhe Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent.