Page 2 T1JK. DAILY NlSWS. Wednesday April 30 lam Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE The PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA & PHONE PATTINSON & LING futt 590 Linzey's Grocery For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News " Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-udays . ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LKGIKEEF.S 590 Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. , 216 6th AVENUE WEST at 9:30 a.m. Battery Charging and Repairs " H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. . . Opposite the Rink From the East. " BatteryServIr, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Dvnamo and Motor irmMmu. o SUBSCRIPTION RATES: We cater to the family at 5:45 p. m. "uuu" TUNGSTEN v"4'rea LAMPS City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. "LACO" NITROGEN By Mail Canada orGreat Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. trade For Vancouver: The Lamp which Is guaranteed against LAMPS defect To United State3 and other countries, in advance, $7.50. BECAUSE Saturdays . i . . . 4 p. m FOR 1,B00 BURNING HOURS a. nouU pril 22 7 a. ni. Telephone 9S. May 3rd 7 a. m. - Representatives In Northern 1) t fn Our Prices Are DELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver Fridays ............... . p. m. Ulcc trie Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum . 'Contract Rates on application. Right i p. Vpril 17th and 28th .... 9 a. m Irons, Percolators and brills ner8' and the Quality of the Klectrical Contracting Estimates Free. April 30, 1919 DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, For Highest Order Anyox: Pattinson Sundays .10 pjn & Ling Labor' Discredited Vednesdays 10 p. m Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue neT? By lis Spokesmen. - ' Phone 586 Sewln gMachlne Shop. Sinaer - - - From Anyox: The remarkable statemnt of the president of the Victoria Tuesdays . ...a.m JJJJJJ giyu. Trades and Labor Council that if dictator of Canada he would 'hursdays p. m aBsaarBBBasnmMakKi'aKjXfmffT'WBB-aasMaa&iuagty expropriate the G. 4 11. and advertise for tenders for operating the trains, gives a pretty good idea of what would happen if the For Port Simpson and Arrandale country were in the hands of the absolutely ignorant. No one but TO SUBSCRIBERS Sundays .............. 10 p. m an ignoramus would have suggested such a thing as advertising Arthur's Market Subscribers to Tlie-News From Pt. 8lmpson and Arrandale for lenders to run trains. Hero is a class of work which requires the Tuesdays p. m are asked to pay delivery the highest typo of intellect, that requires the most perfect or boys each month ganization in order to have everything safe for the general public. when they call, except For Port Simpson and Naaa River Commencing Business Tomoirow Mon devote their whole lives to the business "and make a study where payment has been points: May 1 of it, and then some Bolshevik would come along and let the made for the year in "advance. Fridays 2 p. m Having taken over the business formerly known as The. boys when work to a wholly new Organization just because they put in a collecting cany olllclal receipts From Port 8lmpson and Naas Spurr's Market, I beg to inform patrons that the-efficiency lower tender. That would be the way to send the travelling public which should always River Points: and reputation of the former owners will to Hades by the shortest route. be preserved. Saturdays p m be maintained in every respect and Again ine president of the Victoria Trades and Labor Council . respectfully Queen Charlotte Islands: solicit a continuance of patronage. Yours sincerely would let the work To the lowest tenderer, which means that the and For Massett, Port Clements labor would be sweated in.order to earn dividends, even worse LAND ItEGISTIlY ACT. Upper Island points: R. ARTHUR than at present. - (Sections 36 and 134.) Thursdays, May 1st, 15th and 29th Phones 480 and 481 Third Avenue Why is it that the workingmen do not choose their leaders Re TAKE Amplication iNOTICE No.that 10.607-1.application File has 6.100,been at 8 p. m. or their presiding officers with cartf. The Victoria Labor Council made to register Tuomaa HcMananion, of roin Ma&set, .Port Clements and Prince nupcrt, B. C, as owner in ree under Island points: is,supposed to represent the workers of Victoria, and yet that is a Tax sale Deed from tee Collector of Upper the City or l'rlnce Rupert, bearing date Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and the best idea he can put forward. Surely the worfd war has made the lOtb day or Lecember. 1918, or ALL A.D SI.NGULAH that certain parcel or tract 3 1st, a.m. lunatics of us all I or land and premises situate, lying and LaunchAliceB. being- in the City or Prince Rupert, more The News has no plea for the C. P. It. It is a corporation particularly known and described as Lot vor Skidegale, Queen Charlotte (hat has been successful in doing a great work for Canada, but .Nineteen Section elirlit(19),8.Block(Mao Forty-two 8S3). (42) City and Lower Island points 4 - kLsliiisBflLLiLfliLsH for the Salt Lab You are required to contest the claim jaturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and like most other corporations it h3s been soulless. It pays good or the lax purchased within 35 days from the date or the service or this notice 31st 8 a. m. Ganeral Pannv, C. dividends to the shareholders and often it does that at the expense (which may be effected by publication In From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte a dally newspaper), and your attention Is ice. Huntin?, Fuli of its'emplojees. At the same time it is better than anything else called to section 36 or the "Land Registry City and Lower Island points and Picnic Parliei Act" with amendments, and to me roiiow thai offers for the work, better probably than government ownership. mar extract inererroni. Tuesdays, May 6lh, May 20lh. "and In default cr a caveat or cer-ttneate One of the first things for labor to do when it gets into or lis pendens being Died before J. Myhill Jones power should be to hang a few of its few fool spokesmen who person the entitled registration under as such owner tax or sale,the For Skagway and the Yukon. Swai.ion't Botthoox discredit it on every occasion. all persons so served with notice. April 28th, 0 a.m. and those claiming through From Skagway and Yukon. ' or under them. and all persons claim-In League of Nations any interest in the land by virtue April 22, and May 3rd, a. m. Adopted by Conference. of any unregistered Instrument, and Phone Black 183 Phone Black 1S3 all persons claiming- any Interest In The lieague of Nations yesterday came into being. It is the land by descent whose title Is Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Vlctrolas and Records xidiculed in some -quarters and prophcs of its uselessness are or not this registered Act. shall under be for the ever provisions estopped Point. Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, made in .other quarters, "but the lact remains that it is the first and debarred from setting up any For Thursdays 8 p. m Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances claim to or la respect or the land so 'honest attemTt tar-iiaveUhe nations of the world get together and sold for taxes, and the Registrar 1 From-aturdays ...... p., m iwrt&hr ttreir"differences without recourse to war. It may fail, but shall such register tax the sale person as owner entitled or under the Prince Rupert Music Store if it (does It may point the way to future improvements. Presi-' land so sold for taxes." has been will, eiimumis. rrnpri 'Hr A.D WHEREAS application 'dent Wilson lias carried his point and everyone will wish it may male for a Certificate or Indefeasible TlUe OPPOSITE POST OFFICE be successful in its working out, for no one desires war unless of to the Thomas above-mentioned McManatnon lands. In the name Repairs to all and kinds adluited.or strlnred Ilnwa Instruments.rehalrrd and Flute reurar.):!.and r'arlneu ttfiHA it be a few profiteers who make money out of it. AND WHEREAS on Investigating the Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store title It appears that prior to the 10th day Idleness Does Not or October, 1917 (the date on which the gam tanas were soia lor overdue taxes; Mean Happiness. you were the assessed owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE .NOTICE that at the In a remarkable address before the Leeds Luncheon Club, same lime t shall effect registration In WATER ACT, 1914. W. A. Applelon, secretary of the General Federation of Trade pursuance,Certificate or or Indefeasible such application Title and to the Issue said a RIPARIAN RIGHTS Hotel Prince Rupert GOAL Unions in Great Britain, declared that one general misapprehen lands In the name of Thomas MeManamon unless you take and prosecute the proper NOTICE Is hereby given that under the sion;was that idleness made for happiness. Continuing, he said, proceedings to establish your claim. If provisions or Section 6 or the Water Act. in The London Times: any, to the said lanls, or to prevent such ism. every riparian proprietor claiming EUROPEAN PLAN Screened as reported' proposed action on my part. any right to divert water or to the ex If people who were striving for more leisure were only do Dated at the Land Registry Office,-Trince elusive use or water for any purpose by $1.50 per day and up. Sacked iiupert, u. i-., mis inn aay nr April, tvtv virtue only or his being such riparian proprietor ing so in order that they might do nothing, he was sure that they II. t, NW.LLUU, Is required on or before the llrst Delivered District Registrar or Titles. aay or June, ivxv, to nie a statement or FIRST-CLASS CAFE were npt going to be any happier. It was the exercise of thought To E. 11. I'acey, claim setting forth the particulars or his ant' creative capacity that afforded the highest happiness. He l'rlnce Rupert. B. C. claim. Such statements or claim shall be A La Carte. Died In duplicate with the Water Recorder was afraid we were getting into trouble by imagining that shorter or the Water District in which the water $13.00 MINERAL ACT hours necessarily meant less unemployment. The effect would is diverted or used. After the first aay of June. 1920. no be seriously to increase the cost of production and the selling right to divert water or to the exclusive Certificate of Improvements. use or water ror any purpose shall exist The Smeaton prire-ih "overseas markets. He feared they were making the mis NOTICE oy virtue omy or any ownership or tana. per ton take of assuming that the grievances of the minority were more rorms or statement or claim can be on alned rrom the Water Recorders of the important than the welfare of the majority. They were having "Red Point No. I" Mineral Claim situate several Water Districts In the Province or Tea Rooms n mo naas itiver Mining Division or Cas rom the comptroller or Water nights Coal Co. lightning strikes, which were stopping production and holding up lar District. parliament uuuaings. victoria. . c. Tprmina the whole country. We were running after will o' the wisps, and Where located: On the Kltsault River ' Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this lltli day near mo bir canyon. or iviv. Airs. Phoni, PHtk itiarcn, Smeaton, Proprietrix Jatcr on we would have to pay for the foolishness that had kept TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, T. D. PATTULLO, Jomes Phoni. Black 6U us more or less idle for the past three months. Three occupations ng ree as Aimers agent for certificate Ole Pearson,no. 20.407-C.Free Miner's act Minister or Lands, were today combining to compel the rest of the workers to pay Certificate No. 14.157-C. Intends, ulitv MINERAL ACT. nays man trie aaie nereor, to apply to the Corner Second Street and additions to their He wanted the the wages. miners, rauwaymen muiiiiK necuiucr lur a ueruucaie or im- and the transport workers to have a good time, but they should rovements. for the purpose or ob'-alnliig CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Second Avenue. crown ursni or me auove Claim. realize that every penny put upon the community handicapped the And rurlhcr take notice that action ICE CREAMS under section 85.- must be commenced NOTICE. National m other fellow. before improvements.the Issue of such Certificate of Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look- CANDIES dated this 5 til day or February, A. D lonal Mineral Claims, situate In the Port- LIGHT LUNCHES Limited iwiv. and canal Mining, Division of Cassiar Dls trlct. AND TEAS Corner Sixth ami Fullo, MINERAL ACT Where located; On the Cast Salmon River TAKE vaney.DUTICE that I. A. II. Green, act Homc-mado Bread, Pastry; FURS FURS Certificate of Improvements. ng as agent for L. Watklns. r. M. c. No. Etc High Class Groceries 16349-C; c. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588 NOTICE I: It. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 0.587-C: II Jleats J. Fetter, F. M. C. No. 9,597-C: if. E. "Black Bear" Mineral claim, altuat in Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,698-Ci Martin Fruits me naas mining Division or cassiar Dls Welch. F. M. C. No. 9,599.C, intend, sixty trlct. uay irorn me aaie nereor. to apply to tne Confectionery Where located! On the Kltsault River. Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Im- near mo ing i-auyon, provemenls, ror the purpose or obtaining Bakery to Us Direct . TAKE Notice that John II. McMullln irown urani or me aoove Claim. and Ship umciai. Administrator or the Estate or And further take,notice that action, mi unnci snanson, uereasea, intestate. Free der section 85, must be commenced before Miner's Certificate No. 3.628-C, Intends, tne issuance or sucn certificate or im nonroc CST PROMPT M The top market price paid and equitable sixty days rrom the date hereof, to apply p rovements. UKDUM to the Mining Recorder for a iriin-i Datca this sin aay or March, a. D. 1919, grading made. No delays at any point. ui iMiiJiurrim-ius, lor ine purpose or A. It. UllEEH. Phone 524 aming a crown urant or the above clal CANCELLATION OF RESERVE u....n.w Ana runner lane not ee that rii III1IUI lb MJ Wo aro registered with and recognized by the United tinder Section 85, must be commenced before the Issue or such NOTICE 13 HEREBY (1IVEN that tne re Certificate of Slates War Trado Uonrd and alfbf the Collectors of Customs ,u,i u.i-iiii-uia, STEEN & L0NGW1LL erva' eilstlnff ovpr vacant Crown Land In under licence P. 13. F. 30, and you can send your furs to ierATED this 5th day or February, A. D. the vicinity or Cbelaslle nirer. II an if o 4, MOVED Coast District, by reason or a notice published PREMISES us direct by our tag or any lag. changed to suit, if marked In the British Columbia Oaiette or of Canadian and MINERAL ACT BANITAA. SO til May, 1810, is cancelled. "Furs, Origin" your furs will come right nnD. HEATING u. it. nauui, through. , ENGINEERS Deputy Minister or Lands. T. LEE Certificate of Improvements. Department of Lands, M. FAIR GRADING Victoria. D. C , NOTICE 11th March, is 19. M 11 GE & Agents for LADIES' The rules and ethics of the exchange do not permit of Tied Point Extension" mineral claim. McCLARY FURNAOES TIMBER SALE X 1466. MERCHANT TAIL0B sending out alluring price-lists, yet we give you an exact t ciiift ufitSi" mv" Mlnmr mvulon ncf and expert grading and pay you at a rale of five to twenty-flve Where located: fin th vn..,,i. ti.,. Sealed tenders will be received by the 311 Sccona ite cents more on the dollar than the average advertising near the big canyon. PLUMBING Minister or Lands not later than noon on TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W tho 17 th day or April. 11119. ror the pur fur company as we cut. out all middlemen's profit in dealing Free Miner's Certificate No. S0.407.C m?' and chase or Licence X 1466, to cut 1,4(0.000 Ing as agent ror Ole Evlndsen. Free Miners aHEET"METAL reel or Spruce, Cedar and Ilalsam on an 136 P.O. Bo direct with you. Certificate No. 14,158-C. Intends, sixty WORKS area :tuated on Dig- Lake, Ellerslle Day, Phono Bed days from the date Dereor. to apply to Han re 3, Coast District. Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of im! Phone 5, 83 8econd Avonue. Two () years will be allowed fcr re St. Louis Fur Exchange .rovements, ror the purpose of obtaining Night phones 676 moval of timber. to ?el Crown Orant of ihn hw Further particulars or the cnier roresi-, II 1.4 JUSi .. 00V" - m.u i ui mcr liib nniip. ,! action. and Blue 270 Victoria. B. a. or District Forester, " ...all Hliu.-t ' TViJ 7lh & Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. uiiuc, otHiuu og, mull J)t commenreri rlnre llupert. B. C. t uciurc ne issue or SUCh Certificate or The riant work, at the right vr"" ii 4 to sena Improvements. Never forget to look through lorne w '"",, chop. tW' 8lb dy f 'ebrury. A- D. time, and at the right prloe. 1919. the classified list on Pago 5. The News