Wednesday, April 30, 1919. THE DAILY NEWS. THE BLINDNESS OF Remember! i DIVORCE" TO BE SHOWN u Timely Play at the Weslholmo 1 Theatre Tonight Deals With our Own Brand Coffee, only 50c I Modern Evil. Just as good as any 60c tin "Swapping wives and husbands Blend Coffee 35c lias becomo as common as swapping Special horses in our country," declared Own Blend Tea, only. 60c Supreme Court Justice Our Frederick E. Crane of Brooklyn,' Special Elend Tea.".... 50c from the bench. Brand" Fresh Creamery Butter. .65c "Marriage is the cheapest thing Our Own there is under our laws," he said. Pleases the Men j"Marry one day and -come backK get Quality and Service where you Buy fllie next day and jret divorced. Brery man appreciate!the differ-enca "Divorce is becoming so prevalent when hie linen and woolleas in the United States that bar been waihed with Sunlight 8oap. They are 'marriage is getting to be little FULLER'S Two stores GROCERY and fresh like new. snowy-clean He likes bis better than a system of free love," , wife to hare the freedom from 'declared Cardinal Gibbons, Arch-, KH.EYS f toil and the leisure that Sun-lifht bishop of Baltimore, and recognized P H ON E 45 PHONE knows waih-day that an absolutely brings. pure He as the mouthpiece of the soap Sunlight does the wash ICatholic Church in America. better end more economically The dangers of divorce are than common soaps. startlingly shown in the wonderful Why mt titan pholodrama of today "The klmT U$, Blindness of Divorce," which wjll The Greatest Name SuuUtkt be shown at the Westholme this In Goody-Land Storage Batteries House Wiring evening. Charged and Repaired in all its branches Um SMITHERS No toss of Time While Brother Limited, Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-irons Toroato Mrs. A. Kilpatrick, assisted by Overhauled. Another Is her daughter Ethel, entertained Always Available GRILLS about twenty ladies on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. and Miss Kilpatrick For TOASTERS PRIZE FIGHf Agents SHOWN are leaving for Ottawa Portable RANGES tVINRUDE and New York this week. Motors. HEATERS TONIGHT AT EMPRESS ... CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS The Smithers Choral and Dramatic Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES "Twenty-One" Is First Rate Light Society had its first enter REGAL Engines for LAMPS Comedy With Fistic Battle tainment on Friday night, the Trolling. farce "Ici on Parle Francais" being The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS As Feature. the play chosen for the initial gjp ijjjj GENERATORS wt Sat" PETTER HEAVY OIL performance. Those taking part H h Bryant Washburn fans will ENGINE FOR were S. A. Eby, Mrs. Boyer, C. M. MOTOR SWITCHES, have an opportunity of seeing FISHING SCHOONERS New, Miss L. Kilpatrick, J. J. ETC. him in his latest release and his Heesley, H. Eden and Miss C. Mc- best picture in the play "Twenty-One,'' Full line of Electric! Apparatus in it ode. Crae. Songs were contributed by to be the Empress Miss C. M. Goddard of Hazelton If Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. is Theatre adapted tonight.from a "Twenty-one"atory written and there was a duet by Misses WW WRIGLEYS Flo and Mamie Gray. The total Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 by the clever American author, receipts amounted to $84. ma M In the sealed package that V George Randolph Chester. It teems m U keeps a" of ,ts goodness In. M with action and amusing situa Material is being rushed to the tions. Victory mine for the Skeena Min JtM MP The FIavour Lasts! clL The story in brief deals with ing and Milling Co. 62 S.S. PRINCE RUPERT the arrival at the age of twenty-one of a young man, who has been ITALY DENIES SHE or mollycoddled all his life. Through S.S. PRINCE GEORGE an amusing series' of incidents ACTED PREMATURELY his rightful place at home is SAILING usurped by a professional pugi I THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT tor SWANS0N BAY, OCEAN FALLS, list. In trying to regain his for Paris, April 29. Denial that Special This Week VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. posters announcing the annexa mer place the young man has WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR, ANVOX. many adventures, including tion of Fiume by Italy bad ap S. S. PRINCE PRINCE ALBERT official order JOHN OR peared in Rome by battle in the prize ring against a fur Massett, Tort Clements and Buckley nay April 23rd, and 30tt; May professional boxer. before President Wilson issued Children's Chairs 'lb. 1 4th, tltt and 981b. his recent statement on the Jcvthtrn Point! Qun Charlotte Island April J 5th, May tth and'JSrd. A thread of romance is attractively lu.trt, B. C, May 3rd, 17th and Slit. woven into the cleverly de Adriatic question was made by the Go-Carts, Baby Carriages Italian delegation here in a note veloped story. All of the scenes TRAIN SERVICE sent to the newspapers today. offer an opportunity for a higher Pustnrer and 11:30 a.m. ror Smlthert, Children's Cribs Mondiy, W'dn.aday Saturday a(, grade pf light comedy particular Prtocs Georre. Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for Advertise in tbe Daily News. all points east and sooth. ly adapted to Mr. Washburn's in AQENCY ALL OCEAN 8TEAM6HIP LINES imitable style. j , SYNOPSIS OF STORE Fur Information and reservations apply to LAND ACT AMENDMENT BARRIE FURNITURE City Ticket Office, 528 Third Asnus. Phone 260. FIUME HANDS OVER rre-einptlon now conflned to surveyed ITS POWERS TO ITALY U.nda Records only.will be granted covering- only SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. land suitable for agricultural purposes and which Is non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions abolished, Home. April 29. Great en but parties of not more than four mar CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY arrang-e for adjacent pre-emptions, with thusiasm was aroused at a meet-ins: joint residence, but each making claims.necessary Improvements.on respective here todav when it was an Pre-emptors must ccupy claims for Lowest Rates ib all Eastern Points nounced that the National Coun five value years of $10 and per make acre. Including Improvements clearing to cil of Fiume had handed over all and cultivation of at least 5 acres, before Lumber Co. Crown CI rant. Georgetown via Steamer to Vancouver and the receiving the powers of the state and muni Where i -emptor In occupation not . Canadian Pacific Railway- less than 3 years, and has made proportionate to representative of the he because cipality a Improvements, may,, PHONES 130 423. P. O. BOX 1632 of ill-health or other cause, be granted and Meals and Berth included on Steamer Italian government to be exer Intermediate certlflcate of Improvement cised in the name of King Victor and Records transfer without hla claim.permanent residence Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. Emmanuel. may be Issued provided applicant makes FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY F0R to extent of 1300 per annum Improvements . VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT and records same each year, h allure " " H. May i, is S3; June f, 11 and JO. to make Improvements or record SPRUCE FIR CEDAR same will operate as forfeiture. Title fOR cannot be obtained on these claims In KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KA0 WAY, ALASKA LOCAL NEWS NOTES less than 6 years, with Improvements or Consult Us. "on Prlnw 110 per acre. Including 6 acres cleared . RupertApril and and Mars, 19 17, 88) and cultivated, and residence of at Thoi-a la n nrl7A flDrhf. nt the least 2 years. i llVt u a u a a-a v rj - Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may F"rrtnrnan Innltrhf. in Brvnnt Wash- record another pre-emption. If he requires W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. land In conjunction with nil Co burn's comedy, drama "Twenty-One." farm, without actual occupation, provided ner Fourth Street nd Third Avenue, PHnee Rupert. B.C. statutory Improvement made and residence maintained on Crown granted land.Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 To Prospective A tUa inoolinp- nf ihn Hnsnital acres, may be leased as homesltes; tiUe to be obtained after fulfilling residential Board last night an increase in and Improvement conditions. TL. it . SERVICE. ino ffninfflfl n Mies Al- For erasing and industrial purpose, COAST & CONTRACTORS BUILDERS iijejjnioa area exceeding tiO acres may be leased Stewart of tho Hospital staff. She by one person or company, Steamship For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 win receive. ou per uiuuwi,11. V,beginning PRE.EMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. The scope of this Act la enlarged to p.m. May 1. Include all persons Joining and serving Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, WWW with His Majesty's Forces. The time !ot B.C. within which the heirs or devisees of a we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material Mondays, 7 a.m. Divercel "The one great black deceased pre-emptor may apply for tiUe under this Act Is extended from and supplies handled by us, such as: Naas River Points, Friday a.m. I" f ),ili P.nnlinril Gibbons 1 Ltd. opu. u .....v.. one year from the death of such person, Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings will be shown in all aa formerly, until one year after the JacK r in Barnsiey,t iienerai 1 A gem j complains, conclusion of the present war. Tills and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe uunaness la also made retroactive. its intensity In "The privilege Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatlo Electrio at the Westholmo TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT Divorce," of ACT. Uangos, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water tonight. www persona Provision holding la made uncompleted for the grant Agreements to Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipo f the Hospital to Purchase from the Crown of Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and ,u euch of the land. If Lipsett, proportion divisible, President Manager 1-dward Harry Lipsett, in the-mayor's aa the payments already made will Kalsomino Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, night Cunningham, Vice-President Board last cover In proportion to the sale price of Ash, Maplo, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron ofnee the question oi scuuu'b the whole parcel. Two or more persona holding such Agreements may group Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote tlm linSDltal COnVCll- Aalarraloa in their Interests and apply for a proportionals dis- allotment Jointly. If, It la not llooflng the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and lipsett-Cunningham in July was Co. tion at Vancouver considered advisable to divide the land & cussed ana. it.. was ueciueu B 1 1 1 ln iu appoint nn covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a proportionate of land Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. D. C. Stewart delegato, as of equal value selected from available Wo also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, Crown lands In the locality may be including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and LIMITED e will be mere ai inat umc made. These allotments are conditional riSH Q . upon payment of all taxes due the Westinghouse Electrical equipment, Including Motors, WNNERY Crown or to any municipality, The EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE . need for a tuber rights of persons to whom the purchaser Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. earnshlp Supplies, Gas Engines nnd Accessories culosis sanitarium was brought sell are from also protected.the Crown The has decision agreed of to Being direct factory representatives, wo are able to the Minister of Lands In the to sh Netting, Twines, and Cordage up at the meeting of the Hospital adjustment of a proportionate nwpect allotment make very attractive prices. Lines, Ropes last night by VV. E. Colli- Is final. The time lor making application Board . . for these allotments la limited to PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. THO opinion seeiusu A i w s hA the lat day of May, 1918. Any application son. made after this date will not be Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. . tiered QmPa. that it 8iiouia ue ereuieu " considered. These allotments apply to Prince nupert Oflloe: Hlafptc account Of town lots and lands of the Crown sold ii-.iinr, nrt at publlo auction. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. No. 05 The need For Information apply to any Provincial Telephone the dry cllmato there. Phone Black 388 "-"liver, n r Government Agent or to P. O. Box 772 P. 0. Box 1698 will be brought to tho attention O. R. NADKN, Deputy Minister of Lands. of the Government. .i Vtotorta, . a . (1 0