4 THE DAILY NKWtt. Wednesday, April Page 1 -M ' , ...... I , I,- 30. join WANTS STRIP BRANDON STRIKE HAS BEEN CALLED OFF R OF ALASKA BEWARE OF DECEPTION Brandon, Man., April 28. The civic employees' strike and the Statistics show that when egg albu Better Archbishop Du Vernet Suggests sympathetic strike of teamsters' All-Canadian Route Into the here was called off Saturday at! men is viseu. as- x coiASTiruenx of midnight. The Council of tho the Country. Atlin baking powder, amount Board of Trade and Ed. McGrath, so used Clothing The following letter has been secretary of tho Provincial Bu is too small (isially 15100 of 1) to reau of Labor, were the mediators. received for To the Editor publication;Jow that tho The demands of the union for affect the qiality or effectiveness of Peace Conference has introduced recognition and the reinstatement the baking powder us to the very sensible idea of a of two dismissed officials was containing it, ond right up-to-date corridor to allow a shut-in nation granted. A final decision as to and when so used, is plainly for the whether they will remain in the access to the sea we should styles, press you the Canadian Government to se employ of tho city is to be decided purpose of fraud. Intelligent buyers cannot improve on by an arbitration board composed corridor Taku Inlet in cure a up clothes Alaska to allow the Atlin District of three members of the Trades will not permit themselves to be having your to have a Canadian sea port. A Council and three from the city, deceived by the water glass test. made to measure. narrow strip of territory about and a chairman selected by the You are then twenty-five miles long would be six. MAGIC BIKING quite sufficient, and as there are POWDER satisfied that your no settlers there at present there Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar clothes fit would Ins no complications as ettes, wrapped in tin foil. contains no alum or egg- albumen and is properly. there would be at Skagway. The guaranteed to be composed of the ingredients Give us'a trial. shortest and easiest way into the printed on the label and none other. rich mineral region of northern British Columbia (once a road Made in Canada By Canadians were made) is up the Taku river. For Canadians The Taku and Nakina rivers form Sweder Bros. almost a direct line to Teslhi DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Lake at the north end of which is Gentlemen's and Ladies' the placer gold field lately dis NOTICE TAILORS covered. It is well known that al applications ron okazixo. permits. most every creek in the Atlin dis Applications under for Orazlnsr permits Act to 1919.rrtie lire Sixth Street trict carries gold but inadequate stock on toe Crown range within each Grazing: District or the Province of British READ means of transportation retards Columbia, as established tr urder-ln I THISTESTIMONIAL the development of the country. Council, dated the lUth or April. 1919. and published in the British Columbia Gazette The Government of the United on April 17 tli. 1919, must be nled with j Port Simpson, B.C., April 18, 1019. the District Foresters at Cranbrook, Fort States is now in a most friendly ueorge, Kamioops, neison, prince iiupert, CROWN NOTICE Harry Hanson, Esq., mood towards Canada, and a Vancouver and Vernon, or with the Com- " Prince Rupert, B. C., .inisFMner,, .oi urazin?.., , Department,,, . , ot,, Lana. i l th i-,-, i-rvnrna .h. to the ' m j 1 l.V LlLJ lIillV&IIJ BUUI CMvIl greater output of gold is demanded. raruuueui Duiiuiuirs ai v iciuna, o. u., uu ,inderjtgned and endorsed "Tender ror the Dear Sir: S M. M. STEPHENS . J? ..in Purchase or Oasollne Engines at Prince Your Hanson Hot Water Coll lias been in our for i.?i.r0mml hfJ?ht?.n.CH f?ub,mit t?& B. C," will be at this range F. II. DU VERNET.. ?i'2uS.lEZ. ... .Hbia KSl.,S2SJf,,5ii: omS until It o'clock noon. Thursday. Just,one year, and in all this lime it lias been 100 per cent 5 ...v. N,.v.v. j iv istn. ror tne Durenase nr two Atlas (VOTARY PUBLIC or from the Department or Lands at Vic 20 h. p. Gasoline Engines. r plus elTlcient. I use tho "plus" advisedly for not only has H MUNICH SURROUNDED tona, B. u u. it. nAut.i, I made Tenders upon will forms not furnished be considered by the unless Department IE: tho coil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water S Deputy Minister or Lands. and In accordance with condi ; at all times, but by placing the forty-gallon tank in FOR SALE Department or Lands, our S BY GERMAN TROOPS victoria, a., c. tions The contained engines may therein.he seen on the InBDec- SB larso ten by ten bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest 5 Lots "11 and 12, Block 16, lath April. 1919. lon Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Hupcrt. weather. Ei Section 5, corner Tallow and Notlc or Intention to Apply to purchai B.Each C. tender be an! 1 r- A1flintif.il m i MnmrA i. emnll If.n .. - roust accompanied by is (Special via O. T, P. Teleyrapns.), ...n.uue,.. jjui tutieu oinuii, juio. Jiuunt, iniorms me Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., Land, accepted cnequo on a chartered Dame. she cannot thai the the see baking qualities areafffected in the Paiis, April 29. The encircle j payable to the order.or Honorable, the Price,only In Range 3. Coast Land District.. Record- i minister or Dominion ruonc works, equal least by the coil. ment oT Munich by German government 11 If District or Prince ltuperl. and situate to ten ner cent (tOl of the amount or has been at Jenny Bay,-Deane Channel, B. C. I the tender. War Bonds or the Dominion E . In your perfection of a modern household nec ssity, I i $2,000.00 troops completed, TAKE IOTICE that I, James Z. Hall, ofjof Canada will be accepted as security, or congratulate you. Sincerely, . 5 on terms of $500 cash, balance according to German despatches. iiuuuuvcr, ii. uccuyauuii mitr uu i war uonas ana cneque ir required to make ouiuier, wieuu w ayijr lur miaaiuu to i up an Odd amount. (Signed) R. B. YOUNG. j payable monthly on This result jras accomplished purchase the following described lands. I The highest or any tender not ncces cuiuiueilliuir ttl ll Lnjs h ymuieu xu tumua i sarllV aCCCDtCd. payments to suit purchaser. by the occupation of northerly or S. W. cor. T. L. Mo. 21; I By order. I See HARRY HANSON Look at these lots and own Landshut, about 35 miles northeast thence east 40 chains; thence south JO I. e. p. OINORAS chains; thence west 40 chains more or less I Acting' District Engineer. your own home. There is of Munich, which city has to snore line: tnenco norineriy zu cuaiiu,i Dominion puniie worts nenartmfnt. The Reliable Plumber Phone 489 I been closely approached on all more or less, following- shore line to point Prince Rupert, B.C. F 14 plenty of here for two room ui ixjiimjeuceiueui auu cuumiuiub dv ttbrcs i April Vara, IVIV, or three good .cottages. sides. mure ur iesa. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JAMES Z. HALL, LAND REGISTIIY ACT Per William A. Bauer. Agent, Dated 31 March, 1BI9. I (Sections 36 and 134.) M. M Stephens HAZELTON Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to purchase Re Application No. 10,728-1. File 6,134. Land. I lAht jnu ucK mat application nas oeen made to register Thomas Trotter or Prince GOOD EATS LOANS RENTALS - INSURANCE The wedding took place a few In Kan ire 2. Coast Land District. Record-1 Hupert. B. C. P. O. Box 333. as owner In days in St. Peter's Church ing District or Prince Rupert, and situate I rce under two Tax Sale Deeds rrom the Second Avenue. ago at Koeye, Fltz Hugh Sound, B. C. Collector or the City or Prince Rupert, when Miss Dorcas McDougall be TAKE NOTICE that I, Marshall Beck or bearing- date tho 6 Hi day or December, Breakfast Vancouver, B. C, occupation soldier, In-1 1918, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain , 7;30 to 9 came the bride of Jas. A. Mcln tend to apply ror permission to purchase I parcel or tract or land and premises situate. Lunch 11:30 to 2 of the G. T. P. staff. The the following described lands: I lying and being In the City or prince Itu- (tyre commencing at a post planted at south- inert, more particularly known and de- Dinner". 5:00 to 8 ceremony was performed by Rev. west corner lot s. thence east so cnains; i scribed as iois roriy-rour 1441 and forty thence south 20 chains: thence west 40li;ve (45). Block fifteen MS). Section five SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY For Sale R. C. Scott, Miss Florence Mc chains, more or less, to shore line; thence 1(9), (Map 023). You are required to Dougall, a sister of the bride, was northerly and easterly along shore line 201 contest the claim or the tax purchaser chains, more or less, to point or com-iwithtn 35 days rrom the date of the ser- the bridesmaid and Cpl. C. R. niencement, and containing 80 acres, morel vice or this notice (which may be effected or less. 1. 23 1 by advertising),' and your attention' is Poole of best Tacoma, was man. MARSHALL SEEK. called to section 36 or the ''Land Registry Barsalou's Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre have gone rer wuuam a. Bauer. Agent. aci wun-amendments, ana to tne roiiow- Datert 8h April, 1918. Ing extract therefrom: I to Toronto and other Ontario "and in aerauit or a caveat or cerlin-cate SEEDS! Motor Transfer points on their honeymoon trip. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- o( lis pendens being nled before TWUT-UISTHIUT Kit bKfcENA. the registration as owner of the Fred Storks person entitled under such tax sale, The deathoccurred Monday all persons so served will notice, . , For the Garden on TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Snruce . . , . and those claiming through of James T. Yarham. lie was Lumber Co., Ltd., or Port Clements, 11. C, or unacr them, and all persons claim occupation saw mill. Intends to apply ror Specially Suited for Prince Interest in the land virtue Jng any by 3 MONTHS OLD buried on Thursday in the Hazel- permission lanos: to lease the following described or any unregistered instrument, and Rupert soil. Hardware all persons claiming any interest In iton cemetery. Commencing- at a post planted at the the land by descent whose title is not northeast corner or Lot 8. Block it. post under the- registered provisions or Motor Track Dr. Inksetter who had been in or subdivision of Dst. Lot 746, thence this Act, shall be ror ever estopped Fr tIie north 8 chains, thence, west 30 degrees and debarred rrom setting up any VEjEjU couth .to approach,of Oovernment chickens Wharr. charge of the hospital during the claim to or In respect or the land so absence of Dr. Wrinch, has re Oovernment thence southerly Wharf along-to northwest said approach corner or of sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall HAY, GRAIN ft FERTILIZER A Complete line of Reason for Lot l, Block 45, thente easterly along; tho register the person entitled under Selling: turned to Britannia Mines. waterfront of lots 1, 3, 3. i, S, , 7 and 8, sucn tax sale as owner or the land so diuck 4 3 to piace or Derinmnr. sold ror taxes." Sickness Miss Wright of Kitwangar and AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD. AND WHEREAS application has been uaie, niarcn aru, iviv. nade ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title Miss Menzie of Kispiox are visit o the above mentioned lands. In the name NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RE8ERVE 1 1 nomas i roller. Marine ing Dr. and Mrs. Wrinch. AND WHEREAS on Invest gating the Hie it appears that prior to the 10 ill day PHONE 58 Apply PHONE 182 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inn r. 1 uciooer, ii7, (ine date on-Whlcn the BOLSHEVIKI DRIVEN OUT serve existing- over Lot 418, Queen Charlotte aid lands were sold ror overdue taxes) P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. Islands, by reason or a notice pub or FIRST AVENUE, opposite ou were me registered owner xnereor. AND lished in the B. C, Gazette on the 30th of I rmtTiim tavi.- ivti-rrrc ,hn ih. Knox Hotel Helsingfors, April 28. A na July, 1908, Is cancelled. ame time ! shall effect registration In r.l; pursuance or such application and Issue a tional assembly has been formed Ui.r..: nr Lands. If-nptinata nr Tn.pA,.ihi. thi. .,. .ands Department, lands In the name dr Thomas Trntier nn. Household at Olonetz, 110 miles northeast victoria, B. t,., 1 1 less you take and m-osecuta the nrnnr DENTISTRY of Petrograd, where the Finns etn March, M 13 nroceedlngs to establish vnnr riiL n any,- to tne said lands, or to prevent such have driven out the Bolsheviki proposed action on my part. OFFICE HOURS! Hotel uAitu at tne tana Hyder nine town was capiurea, accora- Prince Rupert, B. C, this Registry 85th day omce,of 9 a.m. to 121 1 130 p. m. to B:30 p.m. iing to reports, by volunteer SMITH & MALLETT March, 1919. II. r, MACLEOD, DR. J. S. BROWN Portland Canal, B.C. "troops. To Alfred Gcndron,District Registrar or Titles. DENTIST Paints Prince Hupert, B. c. Offlcai Smith Block, Third Avanu. M. R. JAMIESON, Proprietor . The current number of the PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 48 . British Columbia Gazette, gives ENGINEERS WATER NOTICE notice of the incorporation of Estimates furnished. USE AND STORAGE Gateway to the famout J)uth Mine N TIIE SUPREME COURT OF BMTISH IFullcrs, Limited, of Prince IUu TAKE NOTICE that Padfle rnn.l Frnln COLUMBIA, LEAF atlon Co.. Ltd.. Whose addrcsi U Tnrntiln MAPLE 'pert. They get the right to carry Address, 3rd Avenue, head- )nt.. will apply ror a licence to takn nH N THE MATTEIt OF THE ADMIMISTRA Now for lse 200 cubic feet per second and to itnr Open Business TION ACT on the business of merchants of Second Street. 4,000 acre feet or 174.240.000 cubic reel and . PAINT 'ni I h fit at nlnonln r r natn j 1 fV)- a r water out or cascade and Sliver Creeks N TIIE .MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Phono 174 P. O. Box 274 (slrcBros), also known as draining Long STANLEY DAHTLETT, DECEASED, IN-TESTATE, firm lias been established hero for ,unu auu uiuer small iaites in tne vicinity some months and is already com i me ik iii99uun uruup,. wiucn nows m TAKE NOTICE that in order or HIS FLOGLAZE soutliwesterlv dlrecilnn onH timina inm Honor F. McD. Young-, made the 11th day manding considerable local trade. - - ho Salmon River a hoi it nnn tnlln .null, nr or April, A. d; !91V, I was appointea TOM LEE CO. he International .Boundary Line. Administrator- to the estate or Stanley The itorage-daiii will l Inr.iori it inn. Dartlett. deceased, and all nartles having1 made. WATER NOTICE mm uiiu uiiicj siiiaji lUKfis Hiiianpnt ' in claims against tno said estate are neren No better paint 840 Second Avenue, West. DIVERSION AND USE. capacity or the reservoir to be created Is eauired ta rurnisn same. nroDeriv verinec about 200,000,000 cubic rt., and It will o me. on or before the 1 8 tb day or May, good because makes TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber iiuuu nuuui acres oi isna, (an rock). A. D. 1019, and all parties indebted to the It VEGETABLES manufacturer, whose address Is care or Taxi The water will be diverted rrom the stream taio are requirca to pay i.ie aniouni ui made good. Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Prince Itupert, 84 it a point about the outlet or Loiia- Lake neir inacnieaness to mo lorinwiui, it's Wholesale and Retail B. C, will apply ror a licence to take and or.....a small lake below, at dam site., and JOHN H. McMULLIN, se BOO c. s. F. or water out or Union ,wa uacu ivr yuwer IIIU mining PUT- Omclal Administrator,. General Contractors and Creek, which flows westerly and drains pose upon the mine and rnr innii ,mi DATED this 18th day or April, 1010. mo union nay aoout at tne ncaa ot emu other power llncsj described as land not Labor, Exchange. bay. u subdivided, except mining claims. IN THE SUPrtEME COURT OF BMTISH The water will be diverted rrom the una nonce was posted on the ground COLUMBIA, FWLjSts tream at a point where Union Creek, leaves wii (diu 'ojf ui reuruary, 1US9. A Prince Rupert, B. C. Union Lake ami will be u.'ed for power SEVEN PASSENGER CAR copy or this notice and an jppllratlon pursuant N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA (and incidentally Industrial) purposes thereto and to thn "wn., i,t TION ACT Hardware, Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 i upon the land described as District Lot DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ,,,?,.4," w'" )" ",e(, ln t,le onice of the m and number 109, casslar District. uon-r nccurucr si iTince iiupert. IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF AVENUE This notice was the ground Objections in Ihn .nnlUnilVn v. SECOND posted on JOHN PAULINO, DECEASED, 1 IVIES on the 3rd day or April, 1010. A copy or nled wllh the said Water Recorder or with TATE. Black 114 Mils notice and an application pursuant PHONE 84 (he Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Phone thereto and to the "Water Act, 4914," will Buildings, Victoria, B, C within ronour F, Mcli. Young-, rnnde the S8nd day be Died in the omce or the Water Recorder InWlV ,SttlT, l"f nr" Ppearance or or April, A. D. 1019, I was appointed St. James Hotel at Prince Iiupert, D. C. a newspaper. Alinlnlstrator to the estate of John Darling:, Objections to the application may be ' iiiuijr iu entirely dereascd, and all parties having- claims nled with the said Water Ilecorder or with D. ROSSI mining d strict and In i.n.i.it.hi! '. ag-alnst the said estate are hereby required (LATE "QUEENS") he Comptroller or Water Illghts, Parlia ther Dumose. See Minri n,. ,.', 10 rurnisn same, properly verilied. to me, ment Buildings, Victoria, 11. C, wlUiln or Salmon River. Pnrtianrt r.r,.iH in.i.. on or berore Hie Sltn day. of May, A. D. 3alvt.on FIRST CLASS ROOMS lilrty days after the first appearance or Dawson Division. - 1119. and all cart es Indebted to tha estate m, Block Third Avenue The date or tho flrt rnhii.tion ,ki. ,..i.ii mppt flfffi ..on. nis nonce in a local newnpaper, are required to pay the amount of their Hot and Cold Water. is, r. uyux, a notice Is March 8, 1919. Indebtedness to me forthwith. The date or the nrst publication or this PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO., LTD, JOHN II. MCMULLIN, notice Is April It, 118. Applicant. Omclal Administrator. Sunaays uv By Wm. Nobfe, Agent. I DATED this 34 th day of April, 1919, n,