Wednesday, April 30, 1919. THE DAILY WKWB. , ; - . 6.T.P. AUDITOR JOINS . - ' COMPANV jDaily News Classified Advertising J F. R. Hunt Leaves Raii.u .,..orioo Miter Twenty Years'wm-' WANTED. 'FOR SALE Five-roomed house Have You Tried succeeded on two lots. Five minutes io by A. Cotter. WANTED Lady to assist in If atf I She Tried"Frult-a-tlwes" cnudren s homo. Anglican pre will-post be office. Reasonable offer Fruit Juices E. R. Hunt. Innnl n,.,)! , rerred. Salary $30.00. Apply accepted. See owner on From premises. 030 Taylor Street. 02 -Made Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway muiey nome,- Metlakatla. 103 St. John, N.I3. Co.. Pro St., 'FOR 112 Codcbo ,-v.v,.o SALE Cigar store Bath connection "I feel I must tell you of the great Arm today and beenm... with the i "AfliJiD Room and board for Klnoo.uuusu. n iuo t r iMgnin til . West.. from wm "uuikUl- lO man and wife. I have received your i, JJoth employed benefit rrmco I'arty leaving city. Phone uupert Drydock & En-ginecring Green wonderful medicine, 'Fruit-a-tiTes'. riione Black 158 after .0. tf Go. He iiu. ia 101 sufferer for succeeded in been a many j have mo uusiilOn by A. HntloB WANTED 1,1. -HoilSplfPOnon n taVa (tom Violent Headaches, and uo" FOR SALE Blatant. Rooming house, 14 reus relief. uuurgo or nome. Two children. could cct no permanent rooms and large danco hall. Mr. Hunt FLOUR Jnjnnrl P. A friend advised me to take 'Frult-g.tives' Irunk Hallway 21 M. PPiy O. box 743. 102 Apply 208 Ninth Avenue. See and I did no with great vr. In 1910 Dnng your furs to Goldbloom, this before building. tf l entirely free moved from and now am Montreal to Third ,uccess; Avenue, 0f Headaches, thanks to your Vancouver. Last Anrii i, est price. He pays hlgh-tf FOR SALE If you are looking for inlendiJ medicine". to Prince Hupcrt and Mr- nnii.. a nouso bargain, this one must MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW. came with him as chifif riort HELP uiiNTm MALE ne sold at once. Come and see 60c.a box,6 for$2.60,trial site 25c. owner, 345 9th Ave., West. Ask Your Grocer IA all dealers or sent on receipt of glad lo know Sit hes S itf MNEY MAKING price, postpaid, by Frult-a-tives .viiuiMs iu mave ino city and Mr. BH1UN OUT .Gaanlinn nt 1 FOR SALE Furniture of a four- Limited.Ottawa. juuer js receiving congralula cents per gallon. All our agents roomed modern flat. Phone uuus on nia promotion. are. making big money. Investigate. Black 273. 102 Manufacturers Disl. r.n.. McuLARY RANGES and COOK DRAMATIC CLUB AND couver.708 Dominion Building. Van 101 Stoves at Brochu's Furnituro liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Store, 309 3rd Ave. LADIES AUXILIARY HELP WANTED FOR RENT KITCHEN HELP wanted at once. I wo new Oman Ta(lnn. d.i- FOR RENT Lartrn frnnl rnnm winy Apply Inlander. tf Dentistry rormea, connected With the with board, suitable for two Army and Navy Veterans. TENDERS gentlemen, in private family. Central. Modern conveniences. secretary Losran of hA Arm Bulk received or seperale for an tenders 8-roomed will resi be Apply box 247, Daily News office, DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! ' B au iavy veterans' Asaon nMon a too aence on 0th Avenue for Mr. busy the forming a ladies auxiliary to George Fritz. Plans and sneci FOUND One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your if Veterans and also Armv an I i . ... fications can h nhfnlnoH frnm . Efficiency uuu aavy Auxi nrnmotin W...I We handle only (two I - arv the architect. Thn ImvW nr r Oood dogskin glove, oiuo, Anyone wishing to makes of Pianos: both eiuier or tneso orcranlzntinna join any tender may not be accented. News ofllce. of proved excellence should hand in his or her name lllLbL1 white kid glove The to the secretary. w UI UC1UIO 1UII1 Apply Daily News ofllce. - tf May. William Bruce, Architect Dr. ino dramatic club will hn n Bayne Heintzman & Co. tn btrcet, Prince Rupert ARCHITECTS Piano, charge of J. S. Pudney, who is a iiiuiiiuer oi mo association. He FOR SALE WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and The Weber Piano has wired for the ecrint OFFICE HOURS:- . x of th vaIuator.v4th Street. Plans pre comeciy "What Happened to 7OR SALE; 44 acres of good farm pared for public and private Morning, 9JoTi2, HJternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Evening, 7 to 3 Mice. Rupert Music Store Jones?" and with his wide ex land on the Skeena River: 8 buildings. p'cutu on uie stage it is ex acres cleared, with zaod house. Dental Nurse in attendance. Opp. Post Office pected to make a great success. Right at Kwinitsa station. Price FINANCIAL Phone 109 for appointment W J. Pitman. Piano Dept. An executive meeting will be $500 cash and the balance of called in a few days to arrange $500 in one year. ADDly to APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a the Louis Auriol. Kwinitsa. B. C low rate of interest received on cast of the play, and all will or llllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll il!lil!l!lii!!l!ll!ll!llllllilll!i! get to work at once. Ed. H. Mortimer, agent, Prince plans, specifications and tenders, Pianos in Stock I tt' Rupert, B. 0. tf 4th by William Street. Bruce, Architect, 'OR SALE- Hatching eggs, off I Phon8 37 HEINTZMAN & CO. I Red Cross Notes S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R. MISCELLANEOUS P.O.SBox 1704 KARN I. Reds, off 300 highest laying ' ENNIS x strain and winter layers, from THE NORTON The place for a For Comfort, Courtesy and Service MORRIS I he sum of $40 was realized the Pennsylvania Poultry shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp CLINTON from the sale held in the hut last tarm, Lancaster, Penn. Also treatment. 210 Fourth Street. DOHERTY Iriday, the following Indian Runner Ducks. Suth- Open 10 a. m. or by appoint TJjJSAW ing disposed of: Fuller's Grocery. ment. Phone 493. tf Sold on Easy Terms. erland 704 McBride St. tf 3 lbs. Coffee, won by Mrs. V. C. F. T. BOWNESS. Mmn.g.r We nnt out pianos by the month .Orchard; E. Smart.- 5 lbs. tea. won FOR SALE Immediate posses-1 Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. as by J. G. Steen; J. S. Carmichael. sion Of lot With tWO SrdodlWE PAY CARFf fnr SMnnrf-hnnrf l' .v as 20c. a day. tin ground chocolate, won by Mrs. houses on 9th Ave. near Mc nicycies and parts. You can Home Piano Cooking Running- Hot and Cold Water Tuning and Musical H. McCall: Mrs. Chas. Embleton. uriae ai.. ciear line, win De trade your old bike for a new Instrument Repairing cut glass butter dish, won by S. sold a bargain, cash or terms. one. We repair all makes of A. Reynolds; Mrs. J. L. Christie, Apply owner, 345 9th, Avenue, bikes and carry a large assort Hers Music Store sack of Hour, won by R. L. Mc West. ment of accessories: McGowan 1 crrrrcrrrcffffffttifftf f rfJB 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 389 Intosh; A. B. C. Packing Co, sal & Hanson Cycle and Ilepair Co. FOR SALE OR LEASE Yokohama mon, won by Mrs. Wm. Millar: Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 WESTHOLME LUNCH Mrs. Bulger, cup and saucer, won Restaurant and Bowling Alley Second Avenue, tf SECOND AVE. """iiiim,,. after 26th May. Apply J. Pos- by. W. O. Fulton; W. V. Davies, tulo. tf C. P. R. FARM HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Summer School 5 lbs. bakintr Dowder. won bv Mr Eikins; Indian Women, gauntlets, FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms for Singers won by C. E. Betts. long, nine feet, six beam, ten in well settled districts in Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. ARTHUR J. FOXALL h. p. enjrine. Apply Shockley's Western Canada; low prices; Short orders all the time. Specialrates with room and board. The sale on Friday the second Shop, Fraser Street. 106 twenty years to pay: irrigated - w:0m9)ymmmi well known Vancouver slnyln will bo conducted by Mrs. Pringle lands in Sunny Southern Al kubft, w fslabllsh ,ummer who will be assisted by Miss Ruby FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from berta, with loan of $2,000 in VgcI "inei Rup,rt Jun school In Taylor and Mrs. R. M. Walker prize strain barred rocks, and improvements to assist new 27Au9u 29 Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per settlers. Act now they are teamen, should be made lmmedl. COMMANDER IN CHIEF setting. Atkins' Meat Market. going fast. For free booklets BOSTON GRILL Z10.M11 ,cho01 of Muile. 89t and full information write II. oiri,w , Vancouver, FOR SALE Quarter -cut oak B. C. (Special by O.T,P. Telerriptu.) dresser, dining table, lounge G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 V'? Berlin, April 29. Gustave wilton carpet. Apply Suite 9, Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. m:m,m Noske, German Minister of Defence, Bosner tf General SupL of Lands, 987 1st MISS M. A. WAY has been atmointed com Apartments. St., East, Calgary. Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. DINNER 11.30 to PRICE 45c. 50c Destert at meal. 8.30; to erery TEACHER OF MUSIC mander in chief of all Government FOR SALE 1918 Ford. Apply box Short orders at any time. 309 Second Avenue troops to operate against Munich. 246 Daily News office. tfl Advertise in the Daily News. i- iiwn.viae 1U i J i Gene Byrnes Sa,ys: "It's a Great Life If You Don't Weaken." FR ELECTRICAL Go WORK X Tr-isT CrllU OF MINE IS H ! ' to TWE WORST BW IH f-lf-n It 1 Geo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones 6LCK 367 GREEN 394 -" n Lamps. "EI,WMEW OF LANDS VINr . MIL - B IF YOU DONT 3W , W i 1 U 1"A "111 l'Sr' t 1 9. BB r.n..,.i.'i0 LI. liliKm... Jl 1 I 1'. Minister o Land.