, J! Page TnE DAILV NEWS. Wednesday, m 3o i li m am an m h una i.i s i n w i J n n for and only l M I I Y. I MJt - U II It 1 - ITW U R I'U I .! RHB 1 A J Local News Notes J Special Wednesday Thursday H. Arnold Public G, - - Notary 1,000 TINS I Swimming Club Danco May 2 California Sliced Ychqw Peaches ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS Victory Bonds Bought for Cash Thomas Dcasy of Massct is a In heavy Syrup Save Regularly AT HIGHEST MAMKET PRICE. NO DELAY. ASK US FOR visitor in the city. PRICES. . 25c per Tin Congoleum squares at cost Now is the time to replenish Put in the Bank -what you FIRE INSURANCE price at Tito's Store. 101 that heavily reduced can spare comfortably, but savo stock of homo preserves with that, amount regularly weekly Is tho Cheapest Commodity on the Market Today. The Rats Frank Do.wllng left for Hazel- No. 1 lino at a price that on Your House or Furniture is from $1.30 to $2 per $100 a or monthly. ton on the train this morning. will not bo repeated. three .Can You Afford to bo Without It? We Tor years. Small, regular savings left in v If cannot Phono us you. 1 mm Write It. A. A. Hutchinson arrived from como in. Better still, seo the Bank eventually grow intoH Pacific on the train last night. this tin in our windows and large amounts. Savings H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Any visiting brothers of tho note tho size of it, also its Accounts may be opened with REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Order of Moose kindly phone 41. quality. the Bank of Montreal in 16 Sixth Stroet, Prince Rupert, B. C. a amounts of $1. arid upward; Another side-splitting Harold Table Co. WlNMFTO tr. , ! Lloyd comedy at the Empress tonight. Rupert Supply H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert PHONES 21 l 212 Branch. John Kelly of Smithers, B. C, WESTHOLME THEATRE arrived in the city last night for a visit. T ' ANNUAL MEETING OF The Finest Combination House in Northern B.C. Safety Quality" Comeort Call at Tito's Store andjonquire CANADIAN BAR ASS'N. Ysur TONIGHT TONIGHT Children's Feet the price on furniture. Special sale for.two weeks only. 101 Elihu Root and Lord Flndlay Have The Blindness of Divorce Been Invited to Attend. J. Smith was welcomed back Need Special Attention The eternal problem in which the woman always pays this morning on the Prince Rupert (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) after a long absence. .April 30. Arrange-, All Laughs! TOTO All Laughs! Toronto, Too much caro cannot be given to tho fitting of children ments for the annual meeting of Mr. and.Mrs. F. Peters returned with tho right good shoes. in his latest and best comedy tho Canadian Bar Association in this morning from the south. Mr. We make a special point of fitting children scientifically, "THE JUNK MAN" Peters is not in the best of health. Winnipeg on August 27 to 29 Bring them along or send them and we will see they are The Westholme. Concert Orchestra will provide special rr.tnic next were partially completed at taken care. of. for this show the general meeting of tho council II. Killas was among the passengers WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES OF CHILDREN'S SHOES. Showi 7 and 9.1S. Admiition Adul'i, 30c; Children, 15c returning; from the south at Toronto were yesterday.present Representatives from We also givo equal attention to fitting men and wome;.! War Tax Included r'o more pennie will be used this morning on the Prince Rupert. Come and consult two real live shocmcn nearly all provinces. Lord Find-lay of tho English bar and Elihu AT TUB John Bulger, the jeweller and Root of the United States bar, Big entertainment in St. Andrew's optician, arrived from Vancouver have "been invited to the Winnipeg Family Shoe Store hall on Wednesday, April this morning after a short business gathering. For Sale 30, by Ladies Auxiliary of the G. visit. " W. V. A. in aid of the War Memorial KAISER INSTIGATOR Third Ayenue Fund. Sale -of work at 2 The-Rev. T. J. Marsh of Terrace p. m. Specialty d f children's was among the train arrivals last OF CRIMES SAYS PAPER GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Five-room house and furniture, clothing; special homo cooked night,- leaving again for Terraco The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 Section Six, S1,850.00. supper 5 to 7; dance at 8:30. this morning. (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) I Capt. J. M. McGregor, V. C., M. G., - Good lot,Section Five, S250. The Prince John docked last London, April 30. Tho Evening D. C. M., will be the guest of the One-fifth cash, balance five evening. 101 night at 8:30 from Vancouver via, Standard claims it has the dollars per month. the Queen Charlottto Islands. She highest authority for .asserting Seven-roomed house for rent Cotton,""feather and eiderdown left for Masset at noon today. that William Hohenzollern will bo $20.00. comfortcra, 20 per cent discount prosecuted and tried, hot as an at Tite's. 101 V. Cowper Young of London, originator of the war, but as one England, who is connected with of tho instigators of crimes, as Victory Bonds Bought at . Provincial Government Employment the Imperial Ministry of Muni-lions, provided in the report of tho Highest Prices. Bureau and SoldierS' arrived in the city last commission on war responsibility. Civil -Re-establishment; tempor night. McCaffery, Gibbons ary Prince office Rupert.621 Employers Second Avenue,having Third episode "Woman in, the STREET RAILWAYMEN Returned Soldiers vacancies for men and women in Web," Vitagraph's wonder serial, MAY GO ON STRIKE & Ltd. Doyle, clerical factory, domestic or full of thrills, action and adven other work should apply to above ture. Showing at the Empress Insurance Estate Real Phone 553. tf Theatre tonight. Winnipeg, April 30. The street raiiwaymen will take a strike vote Prince Rupert, B. C. All material for. any kind of a Mrs. A. Carss, accompanied by today unless the "big difference WHO DESIRE TO building can be furnished by Al her daughter, Mrs. II. P. Wilson, of opinion" now existing between bert &. McCaffery, Ltd. tf ami Mr. II. P. Wilson, arrived this he company and union is settled morning from Vancouver, where beforehand. A conference between SETTLE M THE LAND 20 per cent discount on all the funeral of the late Mr. Carss tho men and company was Find it Easily erockery at Tite's. 101 took place.- held yesterday. AND RECEIVE ASSISTANCE UNDER Caesar's wife had to be above suspicion, but what about Caesar!UKRAINIAN PRELATE in the Dark Tenders TENDERS for WANTED the following picture evil himself?'as it"The exists See tho Blindness today,modewi in the of divorce great Divorce;" MAY BE DEPORTED SOLDIER SETTLEMENT ACT work at the Salt Lakes Wi'sthoime tonight. Winnipeg, April 30. Bishop will'be received- up to 5 Budka, prelate of the Ukrainian May receive full Information, literature and application Ingersoll Why yes,locators.with one of the little p. m.. Saturday, May 3: Capt. T. P. Tinkar who left Church in Canada will appear before forms from the Secretary of the The little spark you see In the For, blasting of trench, , here as a private in the early the Alien Investigation Board dark. Just a little radium button on building of concrete darn, stages of tho war, returned today here Monday, and will be asked AGRICULTURAL QUALIFICATION COMMITTEE (he head or a tack. You can nnd your telephone or electric light clearing of lake bottom from overseas as a captain. Ho to show cause why ho should not There switch are or hundreds even the or Idst uses keyhole.for It. (800 square feet) and levelling received a hearty welcome, from be deported as an undesirable Soldier jSettlement Board You" can see It across the room of creek bottom for all his old friends on landing. alien enemy. f Flowing In the dark and you will be 8 scow landing. For full - pleased with It. OF CANADA particulars apply to T. G. F. H. Mobley, M. P. P. for Atlin, Why didn't someone think of It MUNICH SURROUNDED B.C. before 1 Duncan. accompanied by Mrs. Mobley, returned 908 CIRKS .BUILDING, VANCOUVEH, THEY'RE ONLY 35c. ALSO tenders from boat today from Victoria. Mr. owners for the carrying of Mobley has been attending tho Berlin, April 30. Bavarian John Bulger children (members of club troops., with fifteen thousand session of the Legislature and is CAPTAIN L. F. DURROWS, M.C., Jeweler under sixteen years) to the now to accompany Hon. T. D. Prussians crossed tho Danube to Assistant Director of Salt Lakes. Apply E. II. Pattullo to Atlin. march on Munich. A later dis The Store of Worth and Training, Tabrum. Agricultural paten, declares tiio city is sur Beauty. The Y. M. G. A. is putting, on rounded. - Birka' Building, Vancouver, B.C. its 1919 Red Triangle campaign of British in Princo Rupert next week. The FORTY WERE KILLED IN Major ttt. V. McGuIro, Provincial Supervisor For Your work of the "Y" is not ended'with SEVERE EARTHQUAKE Columbia. the war, bpl really beginning. Its PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL industrial and rural program is i Washington, April 30. Forty BOARD a lino piece of reconstruction persons were killed, many injured statesmanship. , It and much property damage caus Tenders Wanted. ed by a severe earthquake in San r"" - TENDERS wanted for Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar Salvador yesterday, the Slate Do The Gurvich THE PLASTER the hauling of 440 yards ettes, wrapped in tin foil. partmcnt-is advised. Slight shocks bf cinders from Seal Cove occurred at Intervals during tho FCOHQI! SI CEMENT to the school grounds in J. D. Bell, one of Prince Ru day. Transfer block 24, section 0, known pert's citizens, who went away 30 and as King Edwanl School. shortly after the commencement WANT ORDERS FOR RAIL8 Phones 18 Also for the hauling of Mf Kth Avii & of and who 1 1 " - Building war, was captured by Phone Green 548 100 yards of sand from 8th tho Huns and kept fi prisoner of Ottawa, April 29. Hon. J. D, Avenue and Conrad Street P.O. Bpx 102 Office, Froser St. Materials war for about three years, arrived Held, Minister- of Railways, was While They Last to tho samo grounds. safely back this morning on the waited upon yesterday by a delo and Tenders marked must TENDER be sealed FOR Princo Rupert. galion from Sault Ste. , Marie, We : Sell : foal 4.1b. Sacks Fancy RW which urged the desirability of COfl, Specif COME TO HAULING reBular and must be in. Pillow case cotton by the yard oruers jor steel rails being given Darley the hands of the undersigned at Tito's. 44-in. at COc. v,i to the steel plant at tfiat place. 20-lb. Sack Albert & Lld. McCaffery, not later than Provincial Government Employ Thursday, May 1. Tho lowest ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil Demobilization Corn of the Canadian Sack Phone 116 and 564. DAYLIQHT SAVING DEAD iO-lb. or any lender not necessarily armyyis making great demands on RoEstablishment, temporary or 85c, Special accepted. the iwM. C. A. It has ilcj 021 Second Avenue, Princo . .i nne9, a' Office, Second Avenue, Next twenty-five Winnipeg, April 29. Daylight Call or P"eo W. D. VANCE, Secretary. secretaries Rupert. Returned soldiers, men ,,, ai on troop ships, and saving Is sell Westholme Theatre. dead ,In Winnipeg for shall soon employ many more on the trains. In tho this year. It was finally rejected and women requiring wo large cities the Red Triangle by tho City CohricJl last night by nent' of any kind should register 'these prices. Launch "Provincial" Clubs board ilh the above. No fees citargou. leaves for EXHIBITION BUILDING- and -lodge returned a vote of eiglit to five. Stewart and: way points every. soldiers at less than cost. Work Phono 553. P, 0. drawer 1074. Friday morning at' C,, carrying" RKAI.Fn MArVFn TrMricna .ni . is carried on in sixty-five C.mn CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT mail, pa8senger.sand- celved Tor the covering of the outside dian military hospitals 20 per cent discount at Tito's freight. walls or the above, with 6-lnch rustic. as well as Phone lied 391,. AfSwan'son. "tr .id"-.l0 h.e ln l'V P- Friday, May S. ju uibuiiurge aenots. This wnrk Sealed marked tendon win r.iv on all winnow grapes anu um- has & ,h,8.hc'.,Lle.rk un,)1 5 P- nj. Monday, tains. - iui " iirlly accepted. Specifications and Infor. grown from a beginning in May Mb, IK 19, for the supply of 7P0.000 Watch Tito's windows for bargains- mauon may he seen at the olhco of the jvii wnn only Tour ft. B. M., of spruce, hemlock or nr lumber. best sun :;-sm,th tw JrT'bed linen. 101 Northern II. C. Ap-rliiifurni a. fnrin...!.! military sec- Specifications may be obtained from Read Fuller's adv. In today's TH3 m KM nn II lb m Association, Fourth Street, tot retaries. It City Engineer. The lowest or any tender tf Agent J. not necessarily accepted. tt Issue and phono 45.