Page 2 TiJK DAILY EW. --i 1919. The Daily News PHONE PATTINSnW JP. IlMn PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For 590 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EMKn t qS Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Battery Charging and CROWN NOTICE Repairs Better H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. "Exide" Batterv Sr., o. . I SEALED TENDERS addressed to tbe 'ZL1' nation undersigned and endorsed "Tender ror tbe purchase or Gasoline Engines at Prince Dynamo and Motor Armatures SUBSCRIPTION RATES: bopert, B. C." will be received at this Rewound an orace until it o'clock noon, Thursday, "LACO" TUNGSTEN LAMPS PiWti City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Clothing May ISth, ror tbe purchase-or ivo AUas "nuutn So b. p. Gasoline Engines. LAMPS By Mail Canada .or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. made Tenders upon wiU forms not rurnlsbed be considered by tbe unless Department The Lamp which Is guaranteed against defect .. To United States and other countries, in,advance, $7.50. contained and In therein.accordance wltb conditions FOR 1,500 BURNING HOURS UPnuU Tbe engines may be seen on tbe Inspee-ion Telephone 93. clnd right up-to-date B. C Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert, Representatives DELCO-LIGHT In Northern li i t Each tender must be accompanied by an PRQDUCTS TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch. styles, you payable accepted to cheque tbe order on or.a tbe chartered Honorable,bank,tbe Electric. Ranges, Washing Machines, Van or Dominion Public Works, equal un '-toner. N mister Contract Rates on application. cannot improve on to ten per cent (10) or tbe amount or Irons, Percolators and G the lender. War Bonds or tbe Dominion Electrical Contracting having your clothes or Canada will be accepted as security, or Estimate j., War Bonds and cheque if required to ma,ke DAILY EDITION. mpi Saturday, May 3, 1919. made to up an odd amount. Pattinson & measure. The highest or any tender not necessarily Ling accepted, You are then By order. Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue net? ... Acropolis Hill as E. P. GI.NGn.AS. Sewln S'n8(f - Acting District Engineer. gMachlne Shop. Site for New School. satisfied that your Dominion Public Works Department, Prince Rupert, B. C, F 14 The proposal to have the new public school erected on the clothes fit properly. April 3rd, 1919. hill near the exhibition building in order to be in the centre of Give us a.trial. WATER NOTICE population and to provide immediately large play grounds for the DIVERSION AND USE. pupils without further expense to the city, has been very well re TAKE NOTICE that E. K. Duby, lumber manufacturer, wbose address Is cue or ceived. It is generally recognized that the ordinary city block is Messrs. Patmore k Fulton, Prince Rupert. Airt!iiir?s B. C. will apply ror a licence to take and Market much loo small to accommodate an eight or ten roomed school Sweder Bros. se $00 c s. f. or -water out or Union Creek, which flows westerly and drams and at the same time io give space for playgrounds both for the nto L'nlon Bay about at tbe bead or said bay. boys and girls. This is clearly shown at the King Edward school Gentlemen's and Ladies' Tbe water win be diverted rrom tbe tream at a point where Union Creek leaves Now for where the boys may not play baseball for fear of breaking the TAILORS L'nlon Lake and will be used ror power Open Business and incidentally Industrial) purposes windows. upon tbe land described as District Lot Having taken over the business formerly District. known umber 199. Cassiar The King Edward School provides for all the pupils in the Sixth Street This nouce was posted on tbe ground I as Spurr's to inform on tbe 3rd day or April. 1919. A copy or Market, beg patrons that the direction of Hays Cove. There is still a room to spare at Seal this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, ln," win efficiency and reputation of the former c Cove, but the only accommodation for the southwesterly district be nicd in tbe omce or the Water Record Tnerswi is the Borden SI. School, part of which is used for a high school. LAND REGISTRY ACT. er Oblectlons at Prince to Rupert,tbe acbllcaUon B. c may be maintained in every respect and r pcctfuliy filed with tbe said Water Recorder or wltb solicit continuance of It was built for a high school and it is suggested that it continue be Comet roller or Water Rights. Parua a patronage. Yours sincerely . (SecUofls 36 and 131.) within ' Victoria. B.C. ment Buildings. to be used for that purpose for the present. ne Application So. 10.607-1. rile 6.100, blrty days arter tbe first appearance or R. ARTHUR TAKE .NOTICE tint applleaUon bas been bis notice In a local newspaper. The, only objection taken to the use of Acropolis Hill is the made to register lbotna McManamon, or el v duby. ArollcaoL Prince Huoeru li. C. as owner in fee un Phones 480 and 481 The date or the first publication or this climb for the children. But when did a climb hurt a child? The der a Tax Sale Deed from tne Collector or notice is April ti, ibiv. Third Atenue healthy child enjoys a climb. Up there the youngsters will be tne the 101b City day or Prince or Lecembcr,Rupert, 1818,bcarlnr or date ALL away from the smoke and dust and noise of the city. There does or A.D land Sl.tUULAR and premises tin I certain situate,parcel lylnj or tract and not seem to be any alternative proposal that is worth considering. DtiLS particularly" known tuii ui and iTiccc described more Lot The News would like to urge on the school trustees the need .Nineteen Section eight(1,(3).I!lock(Map Forty-two?3J. (it). LaunchAUceB. of taking immediate action to provide for the pupils, co matter or You tbe tax are purchased reoulred to within contest 33 days tbe claim from what site they choose. It is not fit that the pupils should be taught tne(which aate may or be tne effected scmce by or publication mis notice in for the Sail Lakes in" buildings that have b?en built for stores and which are" not a called dally to newspaper;,section 36 or and the your"Land attention Registry Is DEPARTMENT OF LANDS suited for school purposes. The city population will be increasing Act ing extract wan amendments,tnererrom: and to tne follow WATER RIGHTS BRANC1L-" Ceoeral Ptuetier Set- rapidly and it lakes much longer to erect schools than houses, "and in default or a caveat or cer-tincale WATER ACT 1914." tj... r.t. or Its pendens being1 Died before and Picnic Firtif li the structure is to. be of a permanent nature, as it is to be tbe registration as owner or tbe :AXCELLATKf OP RESERVE OP WATER i person entitled under sucb tax sale, NOTICE Is hereby riven that His Honor supposed it will, an immediate start is necessary to cope with the all persons so served wltb notice, be Lieutenant oovernor or ernisn uoium and tbose claiming tbrougb la, by and with tbe advice or bis Execu ?-i--.w J. MyhiilJonei present situation. or under tiitra, and all persons claiming tve council, nas Deen pieasea to oruer any Interest in tbe land by virtue that pursuant to tbe provisions Swtoni BoitliMMi or any unregistered Instrument, and action &0 or the "Water Act. Ill" beln Samuel Gompers all persons claiming any interest In Uiaptcr 81 or the Statutes or 1914, that tbe land- by descent wbose title is ne reserve or me unrrcorueo Opposes Bolshevism. not registered under the provisions trrnae Creek, established pursuant or this Act, shall be for ever estopped rder In Council Mo. 65, approved on the Phono Black 183 Phone Black 183 Bolsheism was bitterly denounced by Samuel Gompers, and debarred from setting up any 7 m day or January, itv, ne canceueu. claim to or in respect or tbe land so DATED tms 17 in aay or reoruary, ivi Vlctrolas and Records of the American Federation of Labor, in his address president sold for taxes, and tbe Registrar T. V. I'AI I ULIAJ, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band shall register tbe person entitled under Minister of Lands. Pianos, Instruments, before the National Civic Federation after his return loAinerict. sucb tax sale as owner or tbe Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances land so sold for taxes." 1.1 THE SUPREME COUnT OP BRITISH "All or ou wno Know me or know or my altitude in regard- A.D WHEREAS application has been COLUMBIA. to conJitions male for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title Prince Music Store iaJ-ar know absolute to Rupert my opposition ilplshcvisii to tbe above-mentioned lands. Iff tbe name , THE MATTER OF THE ADMI.MSTRA in and to Bolshevism in he or i nomas Mcwanauioo TIO.H ACT tlnory fact," said, AJYU WHEREAS on Investigating tbe and WILL EDMIWHS. I r i I title it appears mat prior to tne loin aay N THE MATTEn OF THE ESTATE OF OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Bolshevism in is In theory an impossibility. fact, if it were or October. 1917 (tbe date on wblcb tbe JOHN DARU.NO, DECEASED, I.NTES Kepatrs to all kinds or sirloged instruments. I'lutc and r'ari:u rfput said lands were sold for overdue taxes). TATE. and adjusted. Bows rcbaircd and r w :r. 4 into could be into it would pit operation, or put operation, mn you were tne assessed owner tnereor. TAKE NOTICE that In order or His Prlnco Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Swn the decadence or perversion of Jhe civilization of our time. To KL'RTIiEK TAKE PiOTICE that at tbe ronour F. McB. Young;, made tbe Ilnd day same time I shall effect registration In or April; A. D. 1919, I was appointed me the story of the desperate Samson who pulled the Temple on pursuance or such application and Issue a Aiministrator to tne estate or jonn Damn Certificate or Indereaslble Title to tbe said deceased, and all parties having; claims his head is an example of what is meant by Bolshevism. I am not lands In tbe name or Thomas Heilanatnon against the said estate are hereby required unless you take and prosecute tbe proper to rurnisn same, property vennea. to me wil'ing that all of the genius of past ages should be flung to the proceedings to establish your claim, if on or before the 24 tb day or May, A. D, Hotel Prince Rupert any, to tne said lanls, or to prevent such ibib. and an parties indebted to tne esta GOAL winds. And I am not willing that the little service that 1 may proposed action on my part. are. required to pay the amount or tbelr Uiiea at ine una r.e:jir' uuice, I'nnce njrcieaneia to me .rortnwitn. have been able to render during the long years that I have attempted Rupert, B. C, this lltb day or April, ll. JOH.N H. Mc.MULU.N, II. r. NALLtW, Omctal Administrator. EUROPEAN PLAN Screened to improve conditions in a constructive way should be To E. H. l'acey,District Registrar or Titles. DATED ibis 24 th day or April, 1919. 51.50 per Jay and up. Sacked destroyed by maddened desperation. And so may I say to you Prince Rupert, B. C. MINERAL ACT. that it is well for us to see now that our house is kent in order." FIRST-CLASS CAFE Delivered CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. A La Carte. Utile Joker, Mineral NOTICE.Hill, Midas, Look l ut. Mystery, Midas Lake Frac, Pass Frac $13.00 ional Mineral Claims, situate In the Port and canal Mining; Division or Cassiar Dls trlct.Where located: On the East Salmon Mrs. Smeeton's per ton Quick Repairing . River Valley. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS take rtUTicc that i. a. li. oreeo. act n as aircnt ror L. Watklns. F. M. C. No, Select IS349-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,518 Co. NOTICE it. i. martin, r. m. c no. w,57.u: ii I Terminal Coal APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS, I. Feller. F. M. C. NO. 9.597-C: H. E Lunch & Tea Rooms Carlton, F. M. C No. 9,598-C; Martin PHek Our quick Repairing Department Is up-to-date, and Under Orating Act 1919. Offlcs Phons, Welch. F. Mr C. No. 9.599-C. Intend, slm ' v.i-d Phont. Blacl a.iys rrom tne aate nereor, to apply to tne equipped with the only Rapid Outsole Lockstitch machine Applications for Dermlu la rrize live Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Improvements, Ixxa." stock on tbe Crown range within each ror the purpose of 'obtaining; 309 Second Avenue, West. In Northern Crlllsh Columbia. Grazing District or tbe Province or British a crown urant or tne above claim. coiumnia, as established by Order-In-Councli. And further take notice that action, un dated tbe totb or Anrll. 1010. mil tier section '85. must be commenced befcre Lunches, Teas, Ico cream, We are prepared to give quick and efficient service. published In the British Columbia Gatetle the issuance or such Certificate or Im Soft Drinks. on April 17th, 1919, must be II led with nrovements. Just sea our machine at work attaching Neolln Soles. Don't George,the District Kamloops,Foresters iVelson,at Cranbrook,Prince Rupert,Fort uaieu irns sin aay A. or II.Aiarcn,OnEEN.A. u. tt Home - Made Bread, Cakes, National Wfj Vancouver and Vernon, or with thn c.nm. Plos, Salad Dressing, Jams, let the cobbler ruin your next pair with rusty nails. Bring mlssloner or Grazing, Department or Lands, Etc. J Parliament Buildlnirx at virinris n r nn Marmalades, Chutney, Limit them to us. We rebuild as now for less. Blank forms unon which in mihmit n Famous Melton Mowbray Corner Sixth and Fujtw plications may be obtained rrnm lhn In... trlct Foresters at tbe above named places Logger Boots to Order vr jiuni me ucyaruucin oi Lanus at VIC Class Groceries torla, B, c. Picnic Parties Catered for- High SANITAR. mnD HEATING 0. 11. NADEN, ' Deputy Minister or Lands, Meats Department or Lands, ErVQINCERS Victoria, B. c, Fruits 14 th April, 1919. McARTHUR'SSHOE STORE Agents for Confectionery Notice or Intantlon to Apply to purchase McGLARY FURNACES and Bakery Third Avenue x In tlJinA 3 fViaat r ,njl rl.,fA. n.. , Ing- District or Prince Ruperl. and situate PLUMBINQ at Jenny bay, Deane Channel II. C. ORDERS mWWjM TAKE NOTIPK thnt I Jon,.,. 7 11.11 ... Vancouver, II. C, occupation biker and and purchase, ii.ciiu the rollowlnir oiyiJijf described jur permission lands: to SHEET METAL. WORKS CANCELLATION OF RESERVE rmrimenrlnir at a ni,ni.H ia northerly or" iw.'w.Tu ii Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Mb NOTirrr is keiifry mvr.N that tlie re iiicuiro cos., iu Liiauia; mence soutn 20 Night phones 676 rVH pxliitlnff nviF varnnt Crnvn Land III fhalnnj Uiencc west iQ chains more or less Special This Week in ihnrA linn. Ilmni. nnHt n L and Blue 270 iiia virinuv nr iiiiiasiia mver. ltanao m, rnnr or o m nuinir . lllnlrlrt liv rpunn nr a notice cut)- PltEMISES MOV" of commencement anil contalnlnii 80 acres The right work, at the right llilied In Hie British Columbia Queue or 6 Hi May, 1910, is cancelled. tlma, and at the JAMES Z. HALL, right prloa. u. ii.n Alien, PPI William A ti... a. Deputy Minister or Lands, Rf t I.EE Dated 31 March, T 9. ' n' Department or Lands, Children's Chairs Virlnna. H. C. wmwwt)w)WWM)l Mill Marrh. 1019. M 18 Nolle of Intention to Apply to purchaaa Go-Carts, The Giirvich QUEEN CIIAnXOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS Baby Carriages In Itnntrn 9 rnntt t ni.,..!.. n . lltiui uistiuiij ur or.iinA. in,'Dl.triil of PrlncVimprT'd'ltuate TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Spruce at Koeyc, Flu Hugh 8wnd. B C I nmhop fn . t td tit Pnrt r?1imfnls. D. C Children's Cribs vJ,W,L?0l'C!r "i.?- " :?eek or Transfer occupation saw mill. Intends to apply tor tend To .pni, ror permK vSkbSi icrmission to lease tne rouowinv netu the rollowfng lands i described lands: fVimmpnrlnfl' ut nnt nlnntpd at tne northeast corner or Lot 8, Block: 45, post thence" souih-O" or subdivision or Dst. Lot 16, thence BARRiE FURNITURE STORE eha ns, moro or less.chain 10 shore line?VeM1 thence 40 Phone Green 548 south north to 8 chains,approach thence or Government west 30 dp&rees Wnarr, P.O. Hox 102 Office, Fraser St. thenco southerly alone .said approach or It i "1 containing' 'so mo?e novernment Wharr to northwest corner or done v SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. j61". ami, (Lot 1, Block 49, thence easterly along; the prin lne ,-.,. MARSHALL We waterfront or iota l, s, s, , o, e, 7 aim , lomo Per William A. Uauer BEEK. : Sell : Goal bloclc 45 to place or bcalnnlng;. rrint Shop. At-ent '"TTliiTilBlilM Dated 0 1 U April, 1819, ' AEHOPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER. CO., LTD. Tlio 1;ewa Dale, March JO, tl,