Saturday, May 3, 1019- THE DAILY NEWB. Page 3 PRINCE its GEORGE Remember! SETTLES DOWN BEWARE OF DECEPTION Statistics show that when egg allru-men Our Own Brand Coffee, only . . .50c AFTER RIOTS is "used as ql constituent of Just as good as any 60c tin baking powder, the amount used so Blend Coffee . . .35c "Citizen" Gives Full Account of Special Troubles Which Resulted In is too small (isially 15100 of 1) to Our Own Blend Tea, only. . . . 60c Several Leaving Town. affect the qiality or effectiveness of Blend Tea.... 50c Special Damage to the Arcade building the baking powder Own Brand" Fresh Creamery Butter. ,G5c estimated at $2,000, Max Schenk's containing it, "Our real estate olHce was wrecked, the and when so used, is plainly for the interior of Gonra'd Reinharz' office where you get Quality and Service Buy suffered a like fate and a plate purpose of fraud. Intelligent buyers glass window demolished in the Princess block, says the Prince will not permit themselves to be FULLER'S Two Stores GROCERY George the damage Citizen.wrought This summarizes Thursday deceived by the water glass test. night when a demonstration led PHONE 45 PHONE by finally returned settled soldiers down. and civilians MAGIC BIKING POWDER The attack on the Arcade build contains no alum or eg albumen and is ing, the soldiers allege, was made guaranteed to be composed of the ingredients because of letter tho a written to- city council by Joseph Tadin and printed on the label and none other. published in the Citizen on the Made in Canada By Canadians 16th Inst. The returned men For Canadians Batteries further state that Tadin's letter Storage House Wiring was intended to discredit the city Charged and Repaired in all its branches police force, of which a war vet No Loss of Time While eran, Alex. Stewart, is chief con Is Being stable. Your Battery Overhauled. Another Is ELECTRIC The trouble had been brewing IRONS for some days, and on Thursday Always Available GRILLS evening the Great war Veterans READ THIS TESTIMONIAL Agents For TOASTERS held a special meeting at which it uV IN RUDE Portable RANGES was decided to give notice to some Taxi 84 as Port Simpson, B. C, April 18, 1019. EE Motors. HEATERS alleged trouble makers that their Harry Hanson, Esq., CAIL'F Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS room was greatly to be preferred EE Prince Rupert, B. C, EE Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES to their company as citizens. o ? Dear Sir: REGAL Engines for Violence of any kind was for sa Your Hanson Hot Water Coil has been in our range for 5 SEVEN PASSENGER CAR Trolling. LAMPS bidden and so understood by the just one year, and in all this time it has been 100 per cent Tho Famous English FLASHLIGHTS veterans. Among those to whom DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE plus efficient. I use the "plus" advisedly for not only has" EiS PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS notice was to be given were PHONE 84 the coil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water ENGINE FOR Joseph Tadin and former Chief of EE at all times, but by placing the forty-gallon tank in our EE FISHING SCHOONERS WOTOR SWITCHES, Police ;Dolan, who, the returned large ten by ten bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest ETC. men say, was really the man Behind D. ROSSI EE weather". EE Tadin in trouble for Although is Mrs. informs small, Full line of Electrical Apparatus in stock. making our rango Young me E the present chief of police. Dawson Block Third Avenue EE she cannot see that the baking qualities are affected in the EE Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. Germans Tagged. least by the coil. t Accordingly, the meeting broke Our Pool Room Taxi EE In your perfection of a modern household necessity, I EE Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 up about 10 p.m., the soldiers EE congratulate you. Sincerely, E lined up on George street, formed EE (Signed) R. B. YOUNG. EE fours and marched off in search of Tadin and DoJan. Neither handed out. The mayor at once See HARRY HANSON could be located and procession gave the matter attention, with S.S. PRINCE RUPERT disbanded with the understanding the result that business soon became EE The Reliable Plumber Phone 489 that the "disturbers" would be normal. There is now ililllil!!llini!llil!lllllllil!l!l!!!iillliillll llllililllllllllillillliliHillllllllliiiilillill or located next day. A number of nothing that would indicate a recurrence S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Germans whose alleged activities. of the trouble. SAILING and sympathies had become dis tasteful to the veterans were also CAPTAIN EDWARDS THURSDAY nd SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for 8WANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, lagged for deportation, an'd these OSTON GRILL VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANVOX. included Reinharz and Schenk. BECOMES A PILOT Up to the lime the soldiers disbanded 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 6. 8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Masselt, rort Clements and Buckley Bay April fSrd, and JOth; May the proceedings' had been Skipper of Chelohsln Gets Ap A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. !h, Hth, Jilt and 2 8 111. orderly and evidently without pointment at Vancouver Home Cooking-. Open Day and Night. toathsrn Points Qussn CharlotU Islands April S5th, May 9th and JSrd. thought of violent methods. A and Leaves Company. DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Dettert at every meal. tuwtrt, B. c., May 3rd, 17th and 3 1st. majority of the soldisrs dispersed Short order at any time. TRAIN CERVICE to their homes and it was thought Capt. J. Edwards who is well all danger of destructive demonstration known here the skipper of the Pissenrer Monday, Wdnssday and Saturday a. 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers, as Prince George, Edmonton and WlnDlpcr, making direct connections for had passed. Union S. S. Chelohsin has .been all point cast and south. Nearly two hours later a group appointed a Vancouver pilot, his GOOD EATS of soldiers and civilians gathered duties having commenced May i Second Avenue. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES the Arcade building, opposite He formerly came here in command For Information and reservations apply to of the front Breakfast 7:30 to 9 when th9 destruction of tho Venture and previous City Ticket Offlea, 626 Third Avenue. Phon 60. of that building commenced. to that was engaged in sealing. Lunch 11:30 to 2 German Opens Fusil&ds. He has been to sea all his life, Dinner 5:00 to 8 Mayor Carney, who had arrived working his way up from deckhand SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY on the scene, states that the first to master. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY stone was hurled by a German Captain Edwards lived for some resident of this city. A perfect time in the Yukon, where he was MAURETANIA SAILS fusilade of rocks and missiles of on the river boats. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points all kinds followed and the destruction On leaving the service, of the (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) SEEDS! via Steamer to Vancouver and the of the Interior of the Union Company ho. was given a Halifax', May 2. The Canadian Canadian Pacific, Railway building was rapid and complete. good sendoff by his fellow employees. liner Mauretania sails from England Martin Zadelovitch, half owner or tomorrow with 1,000 Cana For the Garden Meals and Berth included on Steamer the building and Tadin's partner, dian troops on board. Suited for Prince Specially informs the Citizen that in addition Advertise in the Daily News. LAND- REGISTRY ACT Rupert soil. to the damage wrought, a FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND'SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT (Sections 36 and 131.) "PHI il and sij May i, 19 93; Juno i, il' and SO. argo quantity of clothing, blan stocK oi Application No 10,788-1. File 6.134. Fr the kets and his complete take NOTICE that aDD'.lcatlon lias been FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL. SKAOWAV, ALASKA provisions were carried away, made to register Tiiimas Trotler or rrlnce rtLtLU CHICKENS From I'rince Rupert April 17, and 8; May 8, 19 and 9. liuperl, u. c, r. u. iox as uwucr u valu Grocery also a typewriter and some Linzey's ree under two Tax Sale Deeds rrom the HAY, GRAIN 4 FERTILIZER able jewelry. Collector or the City of Prtnco Hupert, bearing date tho 9th day or December, W. C. ORCHARD, Genoral Agent. The demolition of Max Schenk s 2166th AVENUE WEST parcel 1918, of or ALL tract AND or land Sl.N'OuLAIl and premises that situate,certain the street quicKiy Cl office across ylng and being in tne tuy oi jtiuco iu- ner B.C. Rink Fourth Street nd Thiid Avenue. Prince Rupert. Opposite the ( followed, and the crowd then pro pert, more particularly known ana ae-scrlbed and as lots forty-four (44) ceeded to Conrad Reinharz s or-flce (45), mock nrtcen (15), Section live 6), (Map 983). You are required to PHONE 68 where in the Princess Block, We cater to the family contest the claim fit the tax purchaser P. O. Box 333 808 3rd Ave. broken up and within 35 days from the date of the service ..... . I Iho fixtures were TL - he effected - trade of this nonce (which may ie union COAST SfcKVaUfc.. the safe rolled into tho street. by advertising), and your attention is cancel to section jo oi we -wuu ticguujr For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 Left In a Hurry. Acl' with amendments, and to the follow- BECAUSE Steamship Tadin, Schenk, Reinharz and ng extract therefrom: D.m. "and in default of a caveat or certificate ex-Chief Dolan did not question of lis pendens being filed before Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, the registration as owner of the Hotel Co. Hyder of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. tho order to depart from hence, Our Prices Are person entitled under such tax sale, and without waiting for trains all persons so served will notice, . .-. Naas River Points, Friday a.m. . , . and those claiming through i Ltd. took a tie-pass early Friday Right or unuer thein, and all persons claiming Portland Canal, B.C. Interest In the land by virtue Jack Barnsley, General Agent morning with their faces to tno or any any unregistered Instrument, and east. Also a numner oi suspicious and the Quality of. the all persons claiming any Interest In M. R.flJAMlESON, Proprietor the land by descent whose tale Is not characters believed by tho registered under the provisions of wbio Highest Order this Act. shall be for ever estopped police to be bootleggers and debarred from setting up any Gateway to tht famout fflush Mint given running orders by the authorities. claim to or In respect or the land so inward I.ip8ett( ife8dont Harry Lipsett, Manager sold for taxes, and the neglstrar shall I-ilward Cunningham, Vice-President Citizens Will be Proteotea. Phone - - - .586 such register tax sale the as person owner entitled of the land under so Now Open for Business aftermath of tho sold for taxes."- A regrettable AND WI1EHEAS application has been disturbance was the indiscrimin nade for a certificate of Indefeasible Ttllo Lipsett-Cuiiningham & Co. o the above mentioned lands, In the name ate ordering from the city oi responsible f Thomas Trotler. residents irrespective AND WHEREAS on Investigating the iilo It that to the 10th day appears prior TOM LEE CO. ' ' of nationality. Tho Great War SMITH & MALLETT r October, 1017. (the date on which the LIMITED disclaimed all aid lands were sold for overdue taxes) Veterans properly on were the registered owner thereof. ISHINQ 840 Second West. & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE responsibility for this action and FU11T1IEH TAKE NOTICE that at the Avenue, ame time I shall effect registration in Steamship promptly took tho offenders in PLUMBING AND HEATING pursuance of such application and Issus a Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the said VEQETABLE8 r'sh hand, while tne oraers mi; u ENGINEERS lands In the name ot Thomas Trotler unless Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage narture were Doing naiiueu uuV Estimates furnished. you take and prosecute the proper Wholesala and Retail proceedings to establish your claim, Il PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. thick and rasi a aaieeun"" any, to the said lands, or to prevent such General Contractors and proposed action on my part. business men waited upon Mayor Address, 3rd AveiUo, head DATED at the Land Registry Office, Labor; Exoharige., BUtered Ofllce: Prince Rupert Offlce; Carney requesting that the people Prlnre Rupert, O. C, this SStb day of of Pi.cond Street. Wutef Street, Telephone No. 95 be given assurance that they March, 1019. H, F. MACLEOD, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 171 P.O. Box 274 should District neglstrar or Titles. vanoouver, be molested Phono 547 P.O. Box 725 n. o. - p. o. Box 1008 would not To Alfred Gcndron, they fail to obey tne manure rrlnce Rupert, B. C.