Page 4 THE OAHil NEWS. SWIMMING CLUB Beasiiify CHARLES RAY IS MORE . . your Vi !ftl H.i TIM... - 8tt.nnn nn nnn...... imu THAN "WONDER BOY" J,., Trr no.i,u.nnn Stork's Complexion m i . Fred ANNUAL DANGE StarDf "A Nine O'ClockTown" Is DON'T KEEP MONEY and rid the skin of unsightly One of Most Capable of Hardware Interesting Event at St. Andrew's blemishes, Screen Actors. lying around the house. If it is not convenient quicker 'to and it in the Hall Last Night Provides go deposit nearest brooch of the i Enjoyable Tims. and surer, by putting yotlr Charles flay, popular screen mail.Union Hank This is of called Canada,"ISitiking Fend it in by by Mail"register.ami 1 blood, stomach and liver in slar in Paramount pictures, is thousands of savings accounts are operated in That swimmers can dance andi widely known as Thomas H. Ince's just this way. Payments and withdrawals can good order, than in A Complete line of ;dancers can swim was clearly I any "Wonder Boy," but ho is this and be made by cheque. i proven last night by the fac that' other way. Clear complexion, much more. Mr. Itay started his :tlic Swimming' Club dance given! bright- eyes, rosy career fropi humble beginnings UNION BANK OF CANADA musical comedy show and Tlte PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA 'at St. Andrew's hall was one of checks and red with a follow lips HEAD OFFICE become a screen star with start WINNIPEG, MAN. the events of the season. In spite I mm we !of the fact that on two previous the use of Beccham's Pills. ling rapidity. n.ghl3 tliefo had been dances in They eliminate poisonous Mr. Ray, who will be seen In PRINCE? RUPERT BRANCH, the hall and that there were his latest Paramount photoplay, same AND matter from the system, A. T. BRODERICK, . . . Manager, numerous other social attractions "A Nino O'Clock Town," at the there was a good attendance and purify the blood and tone Westholme tonight was only a a most enjoyable time was spent. the organs of digestion Use ribbon clerk but ho told them he Bonsebold Professor llaney's" orchestra with had managed Gimbel. Brothers the tonic of the Martin Jazz added store in New York, They believed Coming Wednesday Westholme Theatre much to the pleasure of the oc! BIICSMMS him and told him to "go to it" at casfon. J the local "Emporium." He did The decorations were unique, j but the boy was good, when he Paints the swimming feature being well j got through he made them wish emphasized. Refreshments were ; PILLS they were all "midnight devils In donated by several business firms ' n nine o'clock town." including G. W. Nickerson Go. There is also a British Gazette Kelly,, Douglas Sj Co., George j and Charjes Chaplin in "By the Worth a Guinea a Box MAPXE LEAF Frizzell, P. Burns' & Go. and'F. Diractimfif Scul VotteT7maiT vH&E?n B Sea." A Rood musical program G. Dawson, Ltd. Ben Self donated , StU Tiryvkm, la kin,i$crati. will be provided by the Westholme v PAINT the table decorations. ' orchestra. During the evening j. C. Brady her. It was the only honorable gave a short address on the work thing to do, and, of course, she BAIRNSFATHER AT THE FLOGLAZE of the Swimming Club in which knew that he was a man of honor. ne urged all to join the club and But when her baby was born WESTHOLME THEATRE made. learn to swim. The work which without the decency of a name, No better paint was laid out at the Salt Lakes to she realized that the man she Most Popular British Film That It makes good because be done this year would make the loved was yellow under his veneer Has Ever Been Made Comos it's made good. jathing place the best without ex-!of suave kindliness and that he Here Monday. ception on this coast. Not only had used her for the plaything, would there be ample provision one of his many playthings, Everyone has laughed over the for the swimmers aud divers bull Yet in the end she saw happi-a Dairnsfather pictures of the war. Fred Stork's sandy beach was to be made for.ness with a good man who was Now they have been done into f.!9 use of the' beginners. The'big enough to realize that one films and will be shown at the Hardware healthy exercise and the general 'mistake was not beyond forgive- Westholme t the beginning of value of swimming was dilatd ness even in the women he loved. the week. SECOND AVENUE upon. i How Marjorie North's goodness Wherever this film has gone it Phone Black T14 A number of club membership!of heart triumphed over evil and has brought "Crowded houses. It tickets were sold during the even- brought her safely into the harbor is just showing at all the big ing. of happiness is shown graphically cities and this city is in the cjr-cuit. jjn "Playthings," a Bluebird photo- "The Better 'Ole" is a THE MAN WAS YELLOW m Fritzi Brunette classic, it is a message from the DENTISTRY stars as Mar-irie North at the trenches to the people at home. IStNilAlH HIS VENEER Empress Theatre tonight. It is tlio greatest cinema of the 'j "Bfrtuouslifrts OFFICE HOURSi. j To tell the story would only day. The three famous characters, 9 cm. to 12; 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Story at Empress Is One In Which .take the edge off a ke-m photo-Goodness Old Bill, Bert and Alf are DR. J. S. BROWN of Heart iplay. brought to life. They are a revelation Adapted from the 2,000,000 edition novel by Owen Johnson, DENTIST Triumphs. I ; of the spirit of the trenches this great production, which is now runriing at the Rex Theatre Office Smith Block, Third Aenui. I There may bo something you which carried the men to victory. in Vancouver nightly with standing room only, will be screened Phon 4S4. Marjorie North was sure that!want. See the classified column They amuse and yet at times their at the Westholme Theatre on Wednesday, May 7, matinee and evening Gordon Trenwith would marry!(,n Page 5. pathos dims the eye. only. No advance in prices. '-' ; "f'.Ji 71! IE 'ULLO! 'ULLO! Prince Rupert Amusement Co, presents LONDON'S FILM SENSATION BETTER OLE THE ALL BRITISH WONDER FILM The First Motion Picture to depict From the Famous Stage Success "The Romance of Old Famous Bringing Musketeors,to Llfo Those Old"Throe Bill, the Indefatlgaole "Carry-on" Spirit of the British Army. Bill" hy Captain Bruce Bairnsfather Bert and Alf, In the Greatest Cinema of the Day. Now making a Tremendous Hit at Greenwich Theatre, New York, and Allen Theatres, Toronto and Montreal THIS IS NOT AN ORDINARY MOTION PICTURE,:IT IS THE Innaoorlbable. The army Is full of Old Bills, Berts and Alfs with GREATEST CINEMA OF THE DAY. the?r sorrows and pleasures pleasures that make the very word Old Bill, Bert and Alf, tho Three Famous Cartoon Characters seem a mockery but true reflections of,what the dally life of the of Captain Bruce Bairnsfather, are famous the world over. In boys has been "over there." "The Bettor 'Ole" will do more "The Better 'Ole" they are brought to life In the most wonderful than raise a laugh, and dim the eyes with tears at the pathos so motion picture of the war. plquantly drawn. It will make the people at home understand, as The secret of the story's wonderful fascination Is Its close and novor before why the Great War was fought to a bitter finish and true analysis oMhe spirit which animates the men In the.trenches how much is due to the Berts and Alfs and Old Bills who stood that spirit which keeps them cheerful under conditions almost as a'l'vlng wall of protection for the people at home. At Westholme Theatre On Monday & Tuesday PRICES, CHILDREN 25c, ADMISSION 50c SPECIAL MATINEE ON MONDAY