THE DAILY NEWS. Page 5 WITH NOVEL PROGRAM FOR THE DAILY NEWS HIDDEN MACHINISTS' SWTS- u DANCE Classified : Advertising RHEUMATISM Invitations Out fop Event to Take Phone 98 riace on May 23 Hall.In 8t. Andrews's Thit it the Advertising Column that Have You Tried R 1 I MMM i""!"' mo wncn mey want anjuiing Never Walk Again It brings results fjiftffffnvk" Brought Relief. Invitations arc out for tho first WANTED. annual danco to bo given In aid EW3 or uio ii band in. .St.. Andrew's hall Zam-Iiuk cured him. This WANTED Barometer, apply be Provincial on mis evo or tne Victoria Day money might have been saved tween 8 and 9 at Knox Hotel- nonuay oy uie Federated Associa by, Mr. Z. D. Mnro of 722 Roy Sampson. 05 uon or Machinists. Included in Papineao Are., Montreal, had tie only known of Zam-Buk Bring your furs to Goldblooin, a part of tho invitation is the fol sooner. Writing to the lowing bright and original dance he saldi pro-prletors, ihird Avenue. He pays higli program: "For over a year I suffered est price. tf with eciema FLOUR which nothing Crank Shaft Waltz. seemed able to cure. I had WANTED Experienced Ironer Carburetor One Step. treatment from three doctors, Apply Canadian Steam Laundry. Spark Plug Two Step. which cost me $50, bntnone of hem were able to cure me. I Miss Firo Fox Trot. suffered Intensely from the TENDERS i Circle Two Step. rrltatlon and pain, and I Bulk or seperate tenders will be Dead Slow Waltz. thought I should never get re-lief, until one day a friend told received for an 8-roomed residence Ask Your Grocer Two Cycle, Schottische. me aUout Zam-Buk and I started on Clh Avenue for Mr. Three II. P. Minuet. using It right From LEDUC away. the LORENZO George Fritz. Plans and speci MH. Non-Skid Fox Trot. y "r application I felt better. 3 Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q. Zam-Buk relieved the Irr-nation flcations can be obtained from High Isccrtainlyawondcr. Speed Two Step. and seemed to cool and the architect. The lowest or -Frult-a-tlv s Head soothe the Light Waltz. sores. with Jthtuma. Gradually tender not be accepted. I suffered beZn any may For.year, Greasy flail Ono i.i,80reS to heal, and, lim;'being forced to stay in bed Step. r.n irscverance, Z.ani-I5uk Tenders to be lodged with tho Iritm- nths. I tried all kinds of Johnson Bar Schottische. completely rid me of the architect on or before the 10th fjUllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll l!lllll!lllll!ll!!l!llllllIU!IIIUIIIIIII!ll without gelling better; Hound tho Wye Two Step. disease." May. William Bruce, Architect "I jco' :ae Hand Brake Waltz. should like to be able to ,ui iLougUt I would never be able tell all sufferers from eczema 4 th Street, Princo Rupert. Side Hod Fox Trot, to stop experimenting with jo walk while lying in bed,I read 'fender Three Step. useless remedies and use Zam-Buk. FOR f ALE "Ono By using this balm In Dentistry Slide Valve fruit Schottische. 'Fruit a-Urcs' tho great the first place ibm: they would save FOR SALE Immediate j medicine, and it seemed Just what I Eccentric Ono Step. themselves needless suffering posses and sion of lot with two good houses seeded,so I decided to try it. Grease Plug Hesitation Waltz. expense." helped and I took Superheater Fox Zam-Buk should be In every on 9th Ave. near McBrido St., box me, Trot. DON'T NEGLECT Tit first home, not only for skin clear title, will be sold a bar YOUR TEETH ! until traco Home Waltz. the tablets regularly every troubles, bolls, rashes, pimples, the Rheumatism left me. Members of the commitltees in bceie end ulcer. but aim for gain, cash or terms. Apply to One of j Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your S f.Ui,il,urn V!J c,d. 'of tlch It 345 9th West. . ime rjerv confidence in 'Fruit-a- charge of the dance are as fol A '"ft'rcnsable. Get a box to-day. owner, Ave., recommend them , keep indefinitely and till re. Efficiency liveftai strongly lows: ttlo It Mrcnirth end purity. All FOR SALE OR LEASE Yokohama toeTtry suffererfrom llueumausm". Dance Committee It. T. J. Hose drillers,sOc box , Restaurant and Bowling, Alley LORENZO LEDUO. (Chairman), Dave Ross, M.C., after 2Cth May. Apply J. Pos jOc.a box,6 for$2.C0, trial size 25c Pete Oveson, Leo. Mclntyre, T. tulo. . tf At 11 dealers or sent postpaid on Hooper, W. Hoss. receipt of price by Frult-a-tives Decoration Committee Pete c CURED HIM FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. Dr. Bayne United,Ottawa, Ont. Oveson, Leo. Mclntyre, A. Ellis, long, nine feet, six beam, ten G. Waddell. h. p. engine. Apply Shockley's ummftit r -" Refreshment Committee S Shop, Fraser Street 106 OFFICE HOURS: Steel, T. Hooper, W. Hoss, C. W. FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from ! Morning, 9tol2, Afternoon, 1.30 lo 5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 Notice to Advertisers A. Storrie. Poole, prize strain barred rocks, and Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per Dental Nurse in attendance. Casual advertisements setting. Atkins' Meat Market. Phone 109 for appointment 5 for insertion same day In the Letter Box J should be in the Daily FOR SALE 1918 Ford. Apply box News ofilce before 10 a. m. 246 Daily News niDce. tf Editor Daily News, Chancres in advertisements llllllllllll!!lll!tlllllll!lll!l!IIIIIIIIIIIIH It is rather trying to one's should be on hand before FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 patience when we read about 5 p. m. on previous day. rooms and large dance hall. beauty spots which are never Apply 208 Ninth Avenue. See visited by the majority of citizens this before building. tf and the money they cost to make Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar FOR SALE Oak dining table, Georgetown Lumber Co. and maintain. What do you think ettes, wrapped in tin foil. kitchen cabinet, chesl of drawers, We handle only two the people coming here care about makes of Pianos; both useless parks? What is wanted NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE range, etc. Phone Blue 395. PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 of proved excellence is houses, houses, and then NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thit the re- McCLARY RANGES and COOK Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. servo existing over Lot 418, Queen Char- houses. If this city has Stoves at Brochu' Eurniturp The money iuue lsisnus, dj reason or a notice pud-Ilshed FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY for parks, it should have money in tne B.C. Gazette on the 30th of Store, 309 3rd Ave. Heintzman & Co. July, isos, is cancelled. for decent habitations for the O. II. NADEN, SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Piano, Deputy Minister of Lands, FOUND who and people are coming here, anils Department, . Consult Us. The Weber Piano if conditions wero anything like Vfrtnrta n r. 6th March. 1919. M 13 FOCND Good dogskin glove, decent would eventually settle. News ofllce. Ffince Dipt Music Store It would take the descriptive powers of Shakespeare, Dickens, FOUND Ladies' white kid glove Opp. To;it Office and every pen-pusher since the 1. M. STEPHENS Apply Daily News ofllce. tl glsT ssssssss.ssssssss'ssssssss'ssa'sssssiisseMSisei'asg'aj-j.KJiBBimKaamammtgifBigBBRKBtKmnKB W J, Pitman, Piano Dept. prophets to call the place I rent I Phono 37 P.O.lBox 1704 ARCHITECTS and habitato a house. The new NOTARY PUBLIO comers bring a certain amount of WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and For Comfort, Courtesy and Service prosperity to this city, and are FOR SALE valuator. 4th Street. Plans pre Pianos met with a hold-up on the housing and private for in Stock pared publio problem as soon as they leave Lots 11 and 12, Block 16, buildings. THEJSAVO train or boat. Thou shalt not Section 5, corner Tallow and HEINTZMAN & CO. steal, should be made to apply to Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., FINANCIAL F. T. BOWNESS, Manager KARN ENNIS these house agents who charge Price only Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. exorbitant rents for these miserable MORRIS so-called houses, as well as $2,000.00 low rate of interest received on CLINTON the man or woman who picks your jn terms of $500 cash, balance plans specifications and tenders, Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water DOHERTY pocket. The difference between payable monthly on by William Bruce, Archi Sold on Easy Terms. the two; ah, the difference! Ono payments to suit purchaser. tect, 4th Street. We rnt out pianos gets a prison sentence and Uo Look at these lots and own MISCELLANEOUS by the month as other controls the magistrate who your own home. There is low as 20c. a day. gives the sentence, while the na plenty of room here for two HIE NORTON The place for a WESTHOLME LUNCH plno or three good cottages. shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Tuning and' Musical tion's asset, the working man, SECOND AVE. Instrument Repairing lives in squalid surroundings, till treatment. 210 Fourth Street. we earn enough money to allow Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Walker's Music Store us to move to another burg carrying M. M. Stephens Phone 493. tf with us the message of warning LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. Phone - BICYCLES Blue 389 to follow workers. A Would- Short orders all the time. Specialties with room and board. Bo Resident of Princo Rupert. WE PAY CASH for second-hand bicycles and parts. You can Summ LIBERAL INCREASES trade your old bike for a new r School We repair all makes of Brandon. Man.. May 2. Liberal For Sale ono. for Singers increases in the salaries of practically bikes and carry a large assortment To Prospective accessories. McGowan of "HUn j. FOXALL all civic employees was a' & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. feature of the work of the arbi BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS Banalou's Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 "I tration board now .sitting to con- establish s Second Avenue. tf ,ummer eider tho question of wages ana Wrt Ju, 27-Augu.t 29. forking conditions in the civic Motor Transfer LACE GOODS Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement .w employ. wo will quote rock botCom prices on any of the material to . mai3e 'mmedl. REAL HAND-MADE LACE, made handled1 Foiiii o and supplies by us, such as: by Belgian women, collars, Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fittings .3 MONTHS OLD centres handkerchiefs and table and Fixtures, Lamps, Wiro of all kinds and size, Pipe in English Point, Brussels, Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatio Electrio Motor Truck and Mechlin, etc. Prices reasonable, Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water M1SS M. A. WAY at Mrs. Frizzell's, 3rd tf Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe MUSIC Avenue. Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and 309 s , . 1914. Kalsomlno Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, na Avenue WATER AOT, Reason for Selling: C. P. R. FARM Tiki, niPMUAW nioiiTS Ash, Maplo, Teak and Gum, Structural Steel and Iron Tw'taCn!l,"1'ntr thvllbu. of the Sickness G.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms of M... Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. .Rex Flintkote from hutice is nereuy given imi u 1ZO 7 provisions of Section 6 of the Wster Act, in well settled districts in Hoofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Rope and any mill right every io riparian divert water yiuyiiv.v.or to the exclusive Western Canada; low prices; Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies, use of wster for any purpose by PHONE 182 twenty years to pay; irrigated We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, virtue only or nis being sucn niaru v-prlctor Apply FflB- a-. Is required on or before the iirst lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, Including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and LECRICAL nl limn .nort tn flla a BtAtPment Ol WORK rlalm mminr fnrth tha DartlCUlsrS Of bis or FIRST AVENUE, opposite with loan of $2,000 in Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, claim. Such statements of claim shall be Knox Hotel Improvements to assist new Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. Of Illeil ihA mw in wr.i..l.n.w duplicate M nleifl with l.V. ...In the U'hlrh"wster------ the-"ecuruci- WSter settlers. Act now they are Being direct factory representatives, we are able to h Waddell la uivenea or usea. . .A " going fast. For free booklets mako very attractive prices. AUr tho Orst day or Juno, right to dlven wster or to the exclusive and full information write II. 338 2nd ' virtue only of anyownersblp of isnc. St. James Hotel G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., Ave. Prince Ltd. rorms or statement or cisira cu - Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Rupert Supply Co., ainea from the water iiecoraen "QUEEN8") 1st several Wster Districts in the Province or (LATE General Supt. of Lands, 987 I1 - rom the of Wster nignts, Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. hv. QREEN 394 Comptroller FIRST CLASS ROOMS St., East, Calgary. Parliament Buildings, Vlctorls. B. C. P. O. Box 772 - Phone Black 389 iv. ",uney In Lamp 8. ii.ih .i vi.ia.i. n r. Dili titn day Hot and Cold Water.- Of March, 1919.T. D, PATTULLO, Advertise in tho Dally News. Minister of Lands.