4 ' Page 6 TOE DAILY EEVB. Saturday, May 3, 19 19 J Local News Notes J ARRIVING MONDAY G. H, Arnold - - Notary Public r m 1 ' - Congoleums at cost price, at STRICTLY FOR SALE Tile's. ,4 Iflji Silks V. C. McDougall left for the pRESHJGGS 5-tloomed house with bath, Lot 13 Dlk. 28 Section 6, 8ih east this morning. Ave near McBride $2,300.00. Terms arranged. t Ncw3-roomed furnished house and three lots (corner) near Xew stock dancing slippers drydock $1,500.00 Cash. , We will sell this house anemone Family Shoe Store. tf 55c per Doz. lot separately. .'SSI Zjij"fS Garden tools and poultry net- We buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory ting. Galland's Hardware 04 Per Case $15.00 Bonds. This is what is termed It will pay you to get Tite's "a silk H. g. helgerson; ltd. prices on- furniture before buying. Rich year." The REAL ESTATE INSURANCE t 104 Rupert Table Supply Co. vogue of siik for use in 16 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert; S. C. J. Whalen was among the pas PHONES 211,212 gaijnents was never sengers arriving from the south Soft greater. - this morning. Special sale of all crockery. Our showing of this Red Triangle campaign. Exe Bargains in- casseroles, at Tite's. popular fabric is very cutive meets tonight at 8 o'clock complete and comprises Reserve next Thurstfay night WESTHOLME THEATRE in lied Cross hut. Lustrous plaids and for the Musical Society's concert. stripes The Finest Combination House in Northern B.C. suitable for Blouses Miss Ethel Kilpatrick, of Smith- and Safety Quality Comeort New style oxfords and pumps B. C, left for New York this TONIGHT TONIGHT ers, Sport Skirts, - or ladies, just arrived,. Family Dresses, morning on the train. - shoe store. tf Beautiful etc. With otherpopular Charles in "Nine O'clock Town" Ray The C. P. It. S. S. Princess Mary E. C. Gibbons arrived from a weaves in plain and A midnight devil in a nine o'c'ock town. He tries to sell to his folks called here last evening southbound business trip south this morning colors, such as Shantung, and he'll have yon wishing him luck. He'll thrill you to the marrow from Skagway. bones and have you rocking with joy. It's some picture. ... on the Prince Rupert. SILKS Duchesse, Peau The musical event' of the sea BRITISH GAZETTE de R. W. Martin a mine, owner at Soie, and Taffetas. son, the concert on Thursday night by the Musical Society. Stewart, li. u., passed tlirougn the Our 36 inch Charlie Chaplin in 'By the Sea' The ' famous ft ft stage ft success city today from the south. TAFFETA Martin Kroeger left for Remo 'Playthings," featuring Fritzi on the train this morning to re ShoWs 7 and 9.15, AdmUtion Adul t, 30c; Children, 15c Brunette', at the Empress Theatre side on his berry farm for the guaranteed not to split War Tax Included I' o more penm'et will be used tonight only. is specially ft summer. a good We have the largest carpet as value at Mr. and Mrs. C. Linstrom and sortment in Northern Bi. C. Wil family left for their ranch at ( tons, Axminsters, Brussells and j SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL Zimacord this lnorning for the .$3.95 the yd. Tapestries at 20 per cent discount " For Sale ; . Tite's Store. 04 summer morilhs. I A fmirlrvs. .,-.!.. .- I " "uao JJUllj ill uuuor oi airs. 20 per cent off pictures and Duhy who Is leaving the city soon Local dealers selling beer or picture frame mouldings at Sil-versides other beverages that is over two H. S. WALLACE LTD. Fivesroom house and furniture, was given by Mrs. McCaffery yesterday Bros., Second Street. We 'CO., afternoon at her home and a half per cent alcohol will on do picture framing. It Section Sir, $1,850.00. be That is the decision Fifth Ave. The prosecuted. prizes were won Corner 3rd and Fulton St.. Gopd lot, Section Five, $250. by Mrs. A. Haines and Mrs. G. W. of the police commissioners, See the L-KO Comedy feature One-fifth cash, balance five Xickerson. and notice to that effect was at the Empress Theatre tonight. dollars per month. served on them this nlormng. It's a sidesplitter and a whirlwind i Mr.S. .1. Ci. Sfpon. . ontaplilni.il n - - 1 uvbibUiUCU a of laughter from start to flnislu Seven-roomed house for rent number of the ladies of the Order At the meeting of the Police $20.00. of Eastern Star last night with Commission last night a long dis Make early reservations for cards. " The guest of honor was cussion took place in regard to trips on the s"ALICE B." Parties Victory Bonds Bought at Mrs. James Carmichael, a past the segregation of vice, Commissioner of six or over at 50c each return Highest Prices. worthy matron of the order who Macdonald favoring and for Harbor points. Phone Myhill- X Childreii9s Feet is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Commissioner Hill opposing, No Jones, 41 or Red 391. 04 bteen. Mrs. F. li. decision was arrived at owing to Mobley, another McCaffery, Gibbons past worthy matron of the order, the absence.of the third commissioner. At the meeting of the Police Need Special Attention, was also given a warm wel-jcorne Commission yesterday it was reported & Doyle, Ltd. by the ladies. In that a number of houses All sizes children's dancing on Comox Avenue had recenliy Too much care cannot bo ghen to the filling of children Insurance - Real Estate I Provincial Government Ernnloy slippers, Family Shoe Store. tf changed hands'. Something like a with the right good shoes. ,ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil Provincial Government Em dozen transfers have' been mad".. . We make a special point of fitting children scientifically, Prince Rupert, B. C. 'Ite-Estajjlishment, temporary of- Bureau and Soldiers' Bring them along or send them and we.will see they are ployment Mr. and Mrs. Dalby Morkill ar taken of. uv-i oi aeconu I'rmce care .Avenue, Civil lie-establishment: tempor rived from life south this morning' Jtuperl. Ifeturned soldiers, men ary office 021 Second Avenue, on the Prince Ruporl. Mrs. WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES OF CHILDREN'S SHOES. uuu g:iiun requiring empioy- Prince Rupert. Employers having" We nlso give equal attention to fitting men and women. Morkill, who is a daughter of J. nent of any kind should register Come and consult two real live shoemen vacancies for men and women in F. will at the Maguire, sing coming Find it Will the above. No fees charsed. Easily clerical, factory, domestic or concert of tho Musical Society AT THE Phone 553. P. 0. drawer 1674. ither work should apply to above Phone 553. tf Tho lighthouse tender Fern, The attendance at the nublic Family Shoe Store operating around Ketchikan, went schools keeps up well. The total New arrivals in seasonable into drydock last night with two in me Darn? number of pupils attending dur footwear, Family Shoe Store, tf broken propeller blades; caused , ing tho month of April was 543 Third Avenue by striking a submerged object and the average daily attendance S. Huber, brother of Andrew near Ketchikan. It appears that GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Why yc, with one of the little was 503.08 or an average of 92.7 Huber, who died so suddenly this Ingt-rsull locators. per cent. week, arrived in the city yester she had a propeller installed at The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 Vancouver short while and The little ("park you 'fee In the . day to attend th9 funeral of his a ago, dark. Just a little radium button on had on'y started operations again tlie head or a tack. You can find Chas. li.. Garfield, collector of brother. Service will be con vour telephone or electric light customs at Juneau, Alaska.'Vent when the mishap occurred. twitch or even the lost keyhole. ducted tomorrow at 2 p. m. in the There arc hundreds or uses for it. east on the train this morning en parlors of the B. C. Undertakers, You Can .see It across the room MARRIAGE giowlnr In the dark and you will be route to Washington. the Rev. Canon Rix officiating, and NUTTEN-WELLS, At St. John's pleased with it. thereafter burial will take plane Why didn't someone think or It All material for any kind of a at Fairview. Church, St. John's Place, Aberdeen, before f building can be furnished by 'Al Scotland, on April 4, Albert THEY'RE ONUY 35c. bert & 'McCaffery, Ltd. tf Read Fuller's adv. in today's John Nutten, P. O., third son of You Get Satisfaction C. E. Nutten, trawl-owner, to John issue and phone 45. - tf Bulger Fanny Lillla Wells,, youngest Walch Tite's windows for bargains from Shocy when Jeweler in fancy scrims and curtains. The questioti of keeping open laughter of Captain J. Wells, of they The Store of Worth and 04 afterours was discussed by the Prince Rupert, B. C. 04 are fitted properly. Beauty. -. Police Commissioners yesterday Try the "CLASSIC" ana instructions were issued to TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY the police to see that the law in and experience the improvement ft tiiis respect was enforced. A re incerity in appearance, For Your FOR SALE To clear, secondhand port will be asked of the pro30 s ight service and white enamel bedsteads com-,fort. cuting" attorney in regard to the nt your own price. Drochu'u loaf nnQA in Ai'lilnli " nnrten 1 1 1 I r t ervice LUMBER Furniture Store. 309 Third Ave. was instituted. . 'The latest styles have .Advertise In the Daily News. New Victor Records just in arrived in ladies' high Prince Rupert Music Store. 04 IF you have been reading- our PLASTER i advertisement, we hope -you have and low cut SHOES, been convinced or at least one thin; The question whether cancel our sincerity. ranging in price from THE lation should be asked for the CEMENT license of D. Zarelli discuss will notice that we make no YOU was $5 to $13 or exaggerated statements. E con s E cd by thoN?olice Commission yes We do not pretend to cots terday. It was poinLed out that Building Irol or manufacture some wonderful per pair. Phones 18 and 36 a conviction- of gambling had glasses (hat cannot be obtained !becn secured and that in a former tlsewherc. Materials 417 Bth A., E. case the license had been can try to deserve your patron-are, WE celled. The matter will come up simply by' putting' Into Sound, white Terrace Potatoes again wnen ine mayor returns. vour glasses QUALITY or material, COME TO $2.25 per 100-lb. sack. INTELLIGENCE and SKILL In'workmanship, Be fitted Albert & Sunki8t Lemons 30c. per doz. New Victor records just in. accurate Lid. McCaffery, Prince-Rupert Music Store. 04 WE believe that to give honest Sunkist Oranges, large, service at a moderate price ly at Phone 116 and 564. l in tbe long run tbe secret of sweet and The cost of the nolice denart- juicy, 50c, 60c. in In other success, pur own, or any J and 70c. per doz. ment for the month of February profession or business, Ltd. Office, Second Avenue, Next uvas &878.U0 for salaries, the fines Jabour Brothers, Westholme Theatre. guarantee glasses that'fit Wo also have a few sacks lreceiTved amounting to $617. 36 OUIl, not only the way f very choice tied Iloso cases wero tried, of which 20 were you see through them, but the waj Third Avenue West Launch "Provincial" leaves for Potatoes for which we ask unJer the Drug Act. The salaries you look with them on. . an . r . . Stewart and way points every ' only 3c. per lb. for March amounted to $875, th3 Friday morning at 6, carrying fines collected were 8432. and 30 Fred Joudry .. i mail, passengers -and freight. cases were tried, of which 30 - Phone Red 391, ATSwanson. tf lYlussallem Grocery Company were In connection with gambling, Practical Optometrist News LTD. Third Ave. Prince Rupert "The Daily Watch Tite's windows for bargains Tho best oult oases Evelelnh'a. Opposite Pott Office In bed linen. 101 Agent J. F. Magulre, Smith Block.; The Paper that gets Quick Results