1019' Monday, THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 TEA DANSANf WAS Remember! VERY ENJOYABLE mrs. crewe's Pupils Gave Fine Exhibition of Their Art at St. own Brand Coffee, only. 50c Andrew's Hall. 0ur Just as good as any 60c tin The "tea dansant" given in St. Andrew's Hall on Saturday after Biena toncc t Special noon under the auspices of the Own Blend Tea, only 7. ...60c .aoies Auxiliary of the Great 0ur War Veterans' Association and Special Blend Tea. 50 c managed by Mrs. Crewe was most enjoyable social event. It Brand" Fresh Creamery Butter. .65c ,0ur Own was well atttended and everyone was pleased. The dancing of the Buy where you get Quality and Service members of Mrs. Crewe's children's class was excellent and did great credit to their instructress. FULLER'S Two Stores GROCERY tables Among were those Mrs.who McNeill,provided Miss tea It's rubbing Orchard, Miss Willett, Mrs. Cle soap on menls, Mrs. Scaife, Mrs. Silver-Sides, PHONE 45 PHONE 1 JVlrs. Alexander, Mrs. Iloy Miss Clothier,Pringle.Mrs. George Kerr and Blankets that shrinks and Between the children's dances the adults had the use of the floor, stiffens them Music was provided free of charge by Harvey's orchestra, consisting How to wash blankets of Professor Harvey, Miss Stevens "And using ordinary soap to wash 'them Uae two tablespoonful of Lux to a Batleries Storage House Wiring and Drummer Martin. As a re gallon of water, Diaaolve in tolling aw suit of the event the of $125 That was the old way of washing, and it was very hot water, whisk into a thick sum Charged and Repaired in all its branches ruinous for woollens. lather,then put the blanket. In, and. was raised towards the erection tir with a amooth atick. Let them No Loss or Tlmo While of the Soldiers' Memorial. Wool fibre consists of tiny overlapping scales oak till the water has cooled enough your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC lire the scales of a fish. When you.rub or twist for the hand, to bear'with comfort. Is Then squeeze the euda through the Another woollenswhen Overhauled. IRONS "THE LOVE SWINDLE" you use ordinary soaps containing blankets. Do not rub. Always Available. alkali or other strong cleansing agents, these GRILLS scales shrink Rinse three time, in clear water of the topy and interlock, and IS MODERN ROMANCE your tame temperature'that. washed the TOASTERS you For woollens Agents become stiff, matted and shrunken. blankets in. Dissolve a little Lux in tVINRUDE Portable RANQES With, Lux there's no rulbing. Only sousing in the rich, the last rinsing crater, but do not beat Motors. HEATERS Modern Mystery Is Well Exempli pure lather, and gently pressing the suds through the into a lather. This leaves the blankets CAILLE Englnos for VACUUM CLEANERS fied In Picture at the Em- oiled parte.' Lux comes in delicate flakes, which softer and fluffier. Do WASHING MACHINES ;D,UnT in bot water and whisk up into a wonderful not twht. Put through Runabouts. press Tonight. lather. Lux ia o pure, that it won't ahrinlc even the a loose wringer, or REGAL Engines for delicate wool fibres. squeeze the water Trolling. LAMPS "The Love Swindle" is the big Wash your blankets th year the Lux way t Have them ou,hade. Dy la the FLASHLIGHTS The Famous English feature at the Empress Theatre like new again. Your grocer or department atore hat Lux. GENERATORS PETTER HEAVY OIL tonight. It is a modern romance ENGINE FOR and is full of mystery and excite MOTOR SWITCHES, FISHING SCHOONERS ETC. ment; The fascinating Edith LUX LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Roberts is the star and too" much TORONTO Full line of Electrical Apparatus in stock. cannot be said of the acting of 6$ this .delightful Those who girl. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. wish to see something modern and .something good will find Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 'The Love Swindle" to their lik home ing. years oTlZtZ Stcreas"ve? liiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiniiifiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In addition to the big feature was welcomed by his many there is plenty of humor provided friends. READ THIS TESTIMONIAL in the Nestor comedy "Ship Ahoy" The water at the Salt Lakes iJ with .the famous laugh-maker, H Port Simpson, B.C., April 18, 1919. William Franey in the stellar role. still a little cool. A few bathers s Harry Hanson, Esq., ' llll S.S. PRINCE GEORGE I The news of the world in pic tried it yesterday but decided that E Prince Rupert, B. C, 25; ture is given in an up-to-date another week of sunshine would Dear Sir: . reel of current events. be an improvement.. . . Your Hanson Hot Water Coil has been in our range for THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIONIQHT for 8WAN80N BAY, OCEAN FALL. The lecture ta have been de just one year,'and in all this time it has been 100 per cent VICTORIA and SEATTLE. efficient. I the for not only has VANCOUVER, FRIENDSHIP SUBJECT livered by R. Crowe-Swords yes plus use "plus" advisedly r ' WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIONIQHT FOR AN VOX. , the coil provided an abundance of not warm but HOT water ' PRINCE ALBERT . OF A SERMON LAST terday afternoon was cancelled at all the tank in 8. S. PRINCE JOHN OR .- owing to the fine afternoon and times, but by placing forty-gallon our fuf Misieil, rort Clements and Buckley Bay April 23rd, and 30th; May the disinclination of people to re largeUeri by ten bathroom it has kept it cosy in the coldest s NIGHT TO ODDFELLOWS m, idii, s 1st and S8tn. weather. EE Usthtfn Polnti Quatn Charlotta Islande-lu.irt, April J 5th, May 9th and Srd. main in out of the sunshine. - . . Although our range is small, Mrs. Young informs me b. c, May 3rd. 17th and 3 tit. The value of friendships was E. Max. Enter, an old time she cannot see that the baking qualities are affected in the EE TRAIN SERVICE the subject of an interesting ser westerner hero, left for his ranch least by the coil. 5 riwnref Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at tt:30 a.m. for Smllhers. mon delivered to the Oddfellows at Ootsa Lake this morning, Jn your perfection of a modern household necessity, I ss-congratulate frtnee Georre. Edmonton and Wtnnipcir, making direct connections ror at their annual church parade where he owns a large tract of you. Sincerely, E- all points esl and south. which took place to the Methodist land and about twenty head of (Signed) R.B.YOUNG. EE AiiENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Church yesterday evening. The stock. He will travel from Burns Fir information and reservations apply to spirit of mutual helpfulness was Lake by stage to Qotsa Lake. See HARRY HANSON . City Tlclat Offlca, 526 Third Avenue. hon 260. enlarged upon by the pastor, Rev, - The Reliable Plumber Phone 489 5 W. S. A. Crux. He also told of Mayor McClymont, who, with the way in which this was done Joe Scott, went to Ottawa to rep by the Oddfellows who had spent resent the city on a number of lllllllllllllllllllllllll no less Ihan-$1G0,000,000 in help matters, including the establish CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ng widows and orphans, and sick ment of a line of steamships from people since the order was found this port, returned last night and Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ed on this continent. evening.will rqport to the council this Y Children's Feet The minister spoke of the via Steamer to Vancouver and the friendship of David and John Canadian Pacific Railway athan and of the particular need ROUMANIAN ULTIMATUM Need (SpecialJ Attention Meals cf friendship which endures even and Berth included on Steamer London, May 4. The Russian f it costs something. Friendship that stood the test when the friend Soviet Government has sent an Too much care cannot be gien to the fitting of children-with !?" VANC0UVER, RUPERT ultimatum to Roumania demand VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE inrii was down, wnen ne was in uie the right good shoes. nl II; May J, 18 S3; June i, ,, lm1 ,0i ing the evacuation of Bessarabia. of wrong, and also during time We make a special point of fitting children scientifically. ,0R KETCHIKKN, JUNEAU. WRANQELL, 8KAOWAV, ALASKA success, was something of value. wireless despatch from Moscow Bring them along or send them and we will see they are Im rnnce Rupert April 17, and 28; May 8. It and . One of the marks of friendship says the uoumanian uovernment taken care of. was given forey-eight hours to re was putting(he best construction " WE CARRY THE BEST M&KES OF CHILDREN'S SHOES. W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. on the actions and words of a ply. . We also give equal attention to fitting men and women. friend.. Come and consult two real live shoemen nt Cut fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince. Rupert. B.C. There was a good turnout of Smoko Players Navy cigar ettes, wrapped in tin foil. AT THE local Oddfellows. Thoro may be something you 'amily Shoe Store eJJnion COAST SERVICE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES want. See the classified column on rage a. Jlianishin For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 The tennis courts were in use Third Avenue p.m. a good deal yesterday and Saturday. 5Mf B.C. Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, THE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM Mondays, 7 a.m. The Practical Shoemen Phone 397 Naas River Points, Friday a.m.' Mr L. W. Kergin will receive Ltd, on Wednesday, May 7, at 730 4th ECONOMY STORE Jack Barnsley, General Agent . Ave., from 3...to 6 p. in. HHk Phones 18 and 36 ... McClary's Kootenay Ranges at p-:. ; 417 Eth Ave., E. 10 per cent discount for this OSTON GRILL lard L week only, at Galland's Hardware. pseti, President Harry Ltpselt, Manager Sound, white Terrace Potatoes I'-tlward 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Cunningham, Vice-President Picnics across the harbor and $2.25 per 100.1b,. sack, at other points are becoming the A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. regular thing. Many were out on Sunkist Lemons 30o. per do. Home Cooking-. Open Day and Night. LWt-Cunningham & Co. the water yesterday, Sunkist Oranges, large, DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to SOc Desaert at every meal. ... Shoct ordera at any time. Houso cleaning time. Handy sweet and juicy, 50o., 60c. USH! LIMITED ' ' 1 sized tins varnishes, stains, wax, and 70o. per doz. CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE smoky city wallpaper cleanser, We also havo a few saciirt Stoa Sllvorsides Bros. 2nd St. mshlp etc. f choice tied Roso Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories . very GOOD EATS l8h Wettlna. Twin., i i i General,meeting of the citizens' Potatoes for which we ask Second Avenue. and soldiers' committee o only 3o.' per lb' PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. War Memorial will meet at 8 Breakfast , 7:30 to 0 Offlo.. o'clock tonight In the Court Lunch , . . 1 1:30 to 2 fcallem Grocery Company Prince- nupert Office: House. Dinnor 5:00 to 8 8ect, Telephone No. 05 LTD. SHORT ORDERS ALL-DAY "'5 n. o. Sergt. Jack Kelly of the P. 0. liox 1608 q, M. Canadian Engineers, returned D