THE OAILI MEWS. Monday, May ,g FOOD RIOTS IN SPAIN WHEN GOOD, TEN ARE KILLED MADE tlN CANADA (Special Tia 0. T. P. TeleiraphJ.j Madrid, May 3, Ten persons killed, 16 seriously injured and a large number slightly wounded is a result of disorders arising from demonstrations as a protest again the high cost of living in the Drovince of Tarragoua on April There 28.gendarmes were several and clashes civilians between Completely Standardized on Belting on the previous day, so the gov. ernor decided to reduce the price of the compliments vice a breakdown on one machine means of food 25 per cent. ONE greatest The following day when selling paid Goodyear Extra a complete shut-down of all production. provisions at the old prices crowds pillaged the stores and Power Belting comes to us from To decide, therefore, to standardize on were charged by gendarmes, and Extra Power Belting, in view of the "very revolver shots exchanged. The Port Arthur, Ont. In May, 1918, good service" it has given, is a splendid and disorders there were lasted numerous into the violent night, the big plant of the Port Arthur tribute to its dependability and all-round and street the battles public.between gendarmes Pulp and Paper Company was merits. opened. In six months they had These time and money-saving features of FORCING POPULACE decided to use nothing but Goodyear " Extra Power " are winning for this modern" belt a dominant place in Canadian TO LEAVE PETROGRAD Extra Power Belts on their industry. 8 Mill Bolshevik! Taking People to Grain machinery. There are executives in your line of business Feed Them Centres to This decision was not made in a moment. who keep belt records, who buy on (Special vu 0.T.P. Telegraphs.) Extra Power received as severe a testing known facts, who balance length of service London,from May British 3. official Reports sources received as was ever given belting. and performance against price men today announced the Bolshe-viki whose experience with " Extra Power " are compelling the civilian From barkers and grinders, down to cutters will interest you. eVacuatlon of Petrograd, and a and pumps, " Extra Power "'was submitted number of other places In the to all the gruelling work and Let us send a man trained by Goodyear to vicinity. The movement is being discuss belt problems. No your obligation, carried out according to plans difficult conditions tnat a pulp and paper announced a year ago whereby plant affords. of course. Just phone, write, or wire our withdrawal was to be made to nearest branch.- Moscow and other grain centres " In the six months that we have been in to enable more efficient feeding of operation,'' writes Mr. A. G. Pounsford, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. the population. Paris, May 3, Petrograd has the General Manager, " we have only had of Canada, Limited probably been taken by the Finns. three belt failures, all of which were due to improper riveting." BRANCHES Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, CHISH0LM1USHED Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg, It is important to remember that belting service Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver Victoria. INTO DAWSON CITY in such a plant means continuous ser Service stocks in smaller cities. Among the returned soldiers in Dawson is J. A. Chisholm, recently of the Second Canadian Tunneling Company, says the Dawson News. Uo was taken prisoner by the Germans at the third battle of'Ypres, June, 1910, and, after several months confinement, es caped-and traveled over 200 miles through Germany until he finally reached safely in Holland. Mr. Chisholm reached Dawson a few days ago. He mushed in over the . trail from Whitehorse. He is a member of the Prince. Rupert branch, G. W. V. A. Advertise in the Daily News Fred Stork's i 1 1 ii ruiAi4 pu z 1 9 m w a wj iinii irrmm im i ao xi iiiii kui ii illtjilui fiji nrvimsri mm rm rrn 1 1 rr wot i;m ij i i ii i i ii i hi ezzt -:iv--'-iw -- --i I 1 1 11 1 jBP-Z- Vi'iriil I B i 1 1 I i J Of 1 1 Ft 1 1 Li uI trl BTTH TT1 VIII IlllllliBTfl TCI I'l I I lb'!I 1 1 1 KM 1 I'III 1 1 1 111 K 1 1 tflsfl IT 1 1 1 kblksW LU "NeaJ sZrLS3iiZZ&'l'lM I Hardware A Complete line of Marine BOMB CAUSES AN i III i r. i ...... EXPLOSION IN JAIL f l II -T) AND ' Brownsville, Penn., May 3. An 2&H JmL IF Mtim for UUllVlllv"the Salt Lakes explosion believed to have been Louseho caused by a bomb placed in the CROWN NOTICE DEPAIITMUNT OF LANDS General PaMenger Ser olllco of Uurgess Charles II. Story undersigned SEALED and TENDERS endorsed addressed"Tender tor to the tho WATER RIGHTS BRANCH vice. Hunting. Fwking wrecked the municipal building; purchase or Gasoline Engines at Prince "WATER ACT 1914." nd Picnic Parties IliinaKl n r f riil t.A 1 i ' u. u. niu icicivvM a nils CANCELLATION OF RESERVE np WATF.n shattered the windows several 4Kth until, trim 12 I.o'clock- .. i.noon,,. .Thursday.. .. NOTICE la hereby riven that Ills Honor blocks in tho business district iui .iio uuruuaso ui lvu Alias iiu Lituieimiii uovernor or Drltlsh Colum-la. J. Myhill Jones 20 h.p. Gasoline Engines. by and with the advice or his Exnru. i 411115 early yesterday. Scores of persons ".. ..... . yjV VU1IDIUCICU UUJUBS ive Council, has been pleased to order; Swon's Bclhouie were trapped in tho Jail in ' " IUIIIIOUIU UJ IliU kJt THAT pursuant to I lie provisions or f...uc.i. nun in atturudlicu Y"Q COnul .cmuu u. ui mo -waier Act, i v i oeing the basement of tho building, a .hapter 81 or the Statutes or ISU. that The enrlncs rnav bo spn nn tho imn.. he reserve or tho unrecorded waters or three story brick structure which on Launch "Walrondo" at 7 Prinro inm..i"" lefuge Creek, established pursuant to collapsed over them were rescued D. C. .mifx in uouncu no. ekv approved on the p n.'Box 1704 Phone 37 . Each tender must be accompanied by an 7!".il.ll5 "J. 'anury, igu, bo cancelled. MAPLE LEAF by firemen. Police and agents of nnvatilA accepted in cheque thn nrriop on nf a tlia chartered if DATED this 17th day or February, 181V. tho Department of Justice believe Inlsler of Dominion Public T. D. PATTULLO, Works, equal niinisier or l.andii. and Service PAINT the explosion to be an anarchist llf tpnrlar Wop iiuyc;ItnnHa ui me K amount i i-or For Comfort, Courtesy May Day plot. riT r.nnnrln will Iia ....mail Dn ... WATER NOTICE War uonds and cheque If required to make DIVERSION AND USE. THE SAVOY HOTEL . FLOGLAZE TO FIEPRESENT EMPLOYEES The highest or any tender not nece ..........TAk'F. wriTrrc. ? .v .t...k. . fifirlt v nn i-tint art Inflniiraphipii., ii Vine .1 i www ..v.u. miumj BUUI CBB IS Care.. Ol w MPSSPB 1 1 0 Imll-O 1- PuKnn (l.l... 1 Dy order, E. It I Will n nn 1 1 rni . 1..111.. -1 i F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.n.r P. 0IN0RAS, "- 7 i " 1 1 v 1 1 1.u .u laflko auu No better paint made. Ottawa, May 4. Tho Minister bomlnlon ...Aclln8: DUtrlct Engineer, n i7 i. waicr uui oi union Fifth and Fraer St., Prince Rupert, B.C. rubllc Works wiiii-u nuws of Labor has requested H. S. Ward Department. westerly ana drains Prince Huperi, n. C, nto Union Uav lhntit at ih. hA. .f ..ih It makes good because of Winnipeg to be representative April ssrd. jgu. f 14 bay. it's made good. of tho employees on tho Hoard of tri'nm, rue at water n nnlnt win diverted iTnin from i, .A.un.the Home Cooking Runnine Hot anJ Cold ' .....v vii ota leaves ConciUIation which will invest! Advertise in the Dally News. union Lake and will be used for .power Anrl Inrlripntnllv InHn.i.i.ii - gate tho Winnipeg street railway upon the," land described y mMU.lllOij as District UUIUUBCB Lot dispute. Mr. Ward has accopted, uinii .., i.aaiar uisirict. . . . Thl. n n 1 1 1'o w.a hi.i.-i i Fred Stork's DENTISTRY on the 3rd day or April, 1919. A copy or WESTHOLME LUNCH BADC0NDTI0N8 I his notice and an application pursuant hereto and to the "Water Act, 1914," will OFFICE be lied in the omce SECOND AVE.' Hardware HOURS) of the Water Record-cr Hevelstoke, May 3. Tho con. 9 a.m. to 12 1i30 p. m. to Es30 at Prince Rupert, B. c. COOK. ditlons revealed by tho visit of the p.m. nif.'i0? ,0, 'no application may be HOME COOKING. LADY SECOND AVENUE DR. J. 8. with the said Water Recorder. or.. with Industrial Relations Commission BROWN I I n ii iiiiri fpul law nt tm t 1 Phone Black 114 are such as to show that tho state DENTIST ment buildings, Victoria, 11. c within . . TTZTx- ,i k SO to 8.00. Oflleei n rty aays arter the first appearance or Fiuy cent meals trom w ..w . rf Smith of unsettlemenl borders close on Phont Block,4B4.Third Anu. his notice In a local newspaper. ou... .J...- bwwsi. with room twl uuiij, Applicant. SvitVSi i V1UI.ID H I IIIC Llllir. -'-w confusion. The dale nr thn nr., nnViil..nnn n. ,hi. notice Is April II, 1919. ,