Monday, MmtJQIO. THE DAILY NEWB. Page 5 'HUMOR AND PATHOS THE DAILY NEWS 1. 1 STEPHENS IN 'THE- BEHER 'OLE" Linzey's Grocery Classified : Advertising NOTARY PUBLIO Old Bill, Bert and Alf Typify the Phone 98 Have You Tried ui i rug nriiisn Soldleri 216 6th AVENUE WEST Thi it the Advertising Co!limn that r-iciure ai westholme. people read when they want anything cnR SALE Opposite the Rink It bring! remit Block 16, That Gapt. BairnafnliiP , u and 12, i WANTED. Tallow and SO BUCCCSSIUIiy DrodUCed n I.nn. Sm5 corner On sewer, etc., don and New York, offered really We cater to the family WANTED Barometer, apply be Provincial inagmiiceni opportunities to th? trade tween 8 and 9 at Knox Hotel Price only mm producer had lontr hAnn nh Hoy Sampson. 05 $2,000.00 vious, for there are manv Inrl BECAUSE i . - . . .. . Of 150 Ca8h' bal' dents which, though they cannot unng your lurs to UoiODloom, ;flnc erp yable monthly on appear on tne state, vet r.nmn Third Avenue. Ho pays high Our Prices Are est price. tf suit purchaser. witnin the scope of the film, and FLOUR SCa the" e and own iin up tne interstices of the story WANTED Experienced Ironer- L, own home. There Is to the greater satisfaction of the Right Apply Canadian Steam Laundry. hero for two onlooker. From the Sf room start very and the Quality of the ' TENDERS J three good cottages. wnen a picture of thn Th Muskalcers of the olden time, in Highest Order Bulk or seperate lenders will be the picturesque panoDlv of their received for an 8-roomcd residence Ask Your Crocer M. M. Stephens period, dissolved into the three on Cth Avenue for Mr. INSURANCE soiuiers or today "Old Dill," Phone - - - 586 George Fritz. Plans and specifications RENTALS - LOANS "Bert" and "Air' in the trenp.lio.a. can be obtained from the missing details of the play the architect. The lowest or are mieu in witn a constructive any tender may not be accepted. skill which adds enormously to Tenders to be lodged with the the tru9 understanding of the architect on or before the 10th 1 1 Sale story. May. William Bruce, Architect For The introduction of the "oriel SEEDS! 4th Street, Prince Rupert. soldier as a sort of explanatory "chorus" is of the hanninst FOR SALE one For the Garden Dentistry Barsalou's, touches and few could not feel FOIl SALE Immediate posses their heart strinsrs drawn tlehtnr Specially Suited for Prince sion of lot with two good houses Transfer at the section of the film which flupert soil. Motor on 9th Ave. near McBrido St., showed how "the whisoer of war -DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! clear title, will be sold a bargain, descended UDon all Ilritish Immpa from tho lowliest to the highest T-EjEsU CHICKENS cash or terms. Apply to One Decayed or Missing- Tooth lowers Your 345 9th West. owner, Ave., 3 MONTHS OLD in the land. "The Better 'Ole" HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER Efficiency will be shown at tho Westholme FOIl SALE To clear, second today and tomorrow. hand white enamel bedsteads Moto r Truck plrmca at your own price. Brochu's 300,000,000 WAR Furniture Store. 309 Third Ave. Reason for Selling: CERTIFICATES SOLD PHONE 58 FOR SALE Oil LEASE Yokohama Dr. Bayne I Sickness P. O. Box 333 903 3rd Ave. Restaurant and Bowling Alley IN GREAT BRITAIN after 26th May. Apply J. Pos-tulo. tf OFFICE HOURS: 5 PHONE 182 Splendid Record Made by War FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. H Morning, 9ltofl2; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Evening, 7 to 3 H Apply Savings Committee During long, nine feet, six beam, ten S5 Dental Nurse in attendance. j w FIRST AVENUE, opposite Three Years Still Hotel tiyder h. p. engine. Apply Shockley's Knox Hotel Carrying On. Shop, Fraser Street. 106 H Phone 109 for appointment 5 Portland B.C. FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from In the United Kingdom the War Canal, prize strain barred rocks, and Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll llllllllllillllllllllillllliillillllllllllillllll Savings campaign has been a M. U.fJAMIESON, Proprietor Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per great success and will be cos setting. Atkins' Meat Market. tinucd on a peace basis. Tho third anniversary of the inaugu Galtmoy to tht famout ffiush Mint FOR SALE 1918 Ford-Apply box Taxi 84 ration of the movement was, on 240 Daily News office. tf Lumber Co. March 1, made the occasion for Now Open for Business Georgetown FOR SALE 14 Rooming house, Ui9 issuing by the National War ) i i j i ii o Savings Committee of a statement rooms anu largo uauue nan. PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 208 Ninth Avenue. See setting forth the work done since Apply tf Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. this building. SEVEN PASSENGER CAR the latter end of February, 1916, before FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY TOM LEE GO. D1Y AND NIGHT SERVICE as well as announcing plans for FOR SALE Oak dining table, the future. From the statement 840 Second Avenue, West. kitchen cabinet, chest of drawers, SPRUCE FIR CEDAR PHONE 84 the has been following repro range, etc. Phone Blue 395. duced. Consult Us. "During almost exactly threo VEGETABLES McCLARY RANGES and COOK D. ROSSI years, 300.0Q0.000 War Savings Wholesale and Retail Stoves at Brochu's Furniture Certificates have been sold. During General Contractors and Store, 309 3rd Ave. Dawson Block Third Avenue the first two years to March Labor; Exchange. FOUND Our Pool Room Taxi 1, 1018, 158,803,447 certificates Prince Rupert Music Store were sold, or an average of 7'J,-401,723. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOCND Good dogskin glove, During the third year Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 News office. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE to March 1, 1010, 142,353,201 "Everything in Music." double the FOUND Ladies' white kid glove. Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances were sold,,being nearly IS THE SUrilEMK COUBT OF BRITISH average for the previous two COLUMBIA. Apply Daily News office. tf Vlctrolas, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, nan os in Stock E years. This progress of the sales I.N THE MTTEH OF THE "ADMIMSTUV ARCHITECTS and Victor Records. TIU. ACT Repairs to all kinds or stringed Instruments. Flute and clarinets repadded is tho more remarkable when it and and adjusted. Bows rebaired and rewrapped. HEIKTZMAN & CO. is realized that no individual may IN HOUKBT THE MATTEIt A. GRANT,OF THE DECEASED.ESTATE IX OF WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and WILL EDMUNDS. Proprietor. KIRN hold more than 500 certificates, TESTATE. valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store ENNIS and, consequently, tho number of TAkfc NOTICE that by order or His for public and private MORRIS is reduced. Honour F. McB. Young made the 47th day Th? Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs purchasers being steadily buildings. or February, A. D. ltv, I was appointed North of Vancouver CLINTON Administrator to tne estate or ltonert a, lr " j DOHERTY that Grant, deceased, and all parlies having FINANCIAL The Heintzman & Co. Piano 'It however, important is, nanus against mo saia estate are nereoy Sold on Easy Terms. it should be understood that the required to furnish same, properly verified, The Weber Piano FOR LOANS at to me on ur uerore tne 7 in uay ot juue, APPLICATION a Ve rent out pianos raising of money for the State 1BI8. and all Da r ties Indebted to the estate low rate of interest received nn Thomas Organs are required to pay the amount or their the month as was not the main object for which imicuieaness .to me rortnwitn. plans specifications and tenders, All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments lOW as 20c. a flnv the. National War Savings Com 11. UCA1ULU.1) William Bruce, Architect, omcial Administrator. by wno Tuning nnd Musical mittee was established. The pri- DATED this 1st day or May, 4th Street. W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. "rument miary object of the committee was LAND REGISTRY ACT Repairing to secure for the nation all the (Sections 36 and 134.) MISCELLANEOUS E. L. VAUGHAN E'pert ppryeT.uf5,p.,cu1tyTcp,iripg' n ,nnlli..Hin Mn in .fl.l t'lln it 111 alto Music Stnrp benefits which would accrue from S TAKE .NOTICE that application has been rHE NORTON The place for a tho successful establishment of made to register Thomas Trotler or Frlnce ildvc- Hairdressing. bcalp Prince Music Store shampoo. - Phone Blue 389 convenient and profitable HUpert, U. I., I. u. J3UX 13 uwucr m Rupert safe, a fee under two Tax sale ueeos rrom tue treatment. 210 Fourth Street. riinn,n nt th. mtv et lplnpA llimrt. method of investment for people bearing dale tho Bin day or December, Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. of small means, rather than the 1W18, Uf A1.U AilU SI.IUUbAll 1UBI ecl koi" Phone 493. tf parcel or tract or iaoa ana premises siiuau.-, of merely Summer more narrow object king and being In the City or l'rlnce llu- School raising money to pay for the war. pert, more particularly known and described BICYCLES as lots rony-rour (44) and rorty- for It is in this direction that lies the r;ve... 1401. tfiucn jiueeu 0, acvtiwii nc To Prospective bingers Man ooit Vmi ii pa ronitlrpd 10 second-hand important social aspect of the WE PAY CASH for contest tho claim or the tax' purchaser "THUR J. FOXALL movement, a movement which within 35 days rrom the date or the ser- bicycles and parts. You can .1.. ir ihla nnflrn fvL'hlrh ml V hfl elTCCted BUILDERS & JJffl iknown Vancouver promises to become nf permanent bv advertising), and your attention Is trade your old bike for a new CONTRACTORS " singing benefit to the wago-oarner. called to section 30 or the "Land Itegistry one.. W9 repair all makes of MUbliih a summer Act' with amendments, and to the follow- 1 bikes and a large assorU M ,, Scho " ng extract tnereirom: carry Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar-,ttes, cate"and in or uciauil lis pendens oi a cnyeat being ur filed tci uu-be-rore ment of accessories. McGowan Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement wrapped in tin foil. the registration as owner or the & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. wo will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material fel,. "edl- tu-rson all persons entitled so served under will such notice,tai sale,. . Phones 489 and'Greon 106, 139 and supplies handled by us, such as; . and those claiming through Second Avenue. tf Electrical material of all descriptions, including -Fit--tings N"re.W Vancouver, D. a br unaer tbem, and all persons claiming any Interest in the land by virtue and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe r or all any persons unregistered claiming Instrument,any Interest and in LACS GOODS Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatio Electric registered lie laud by under descent the whoso provisions title is not ot REAL HAND-MADE LACE, made Rangos, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water MlstSM.A. WAY this Act. shall be ror ever estopped by Belgian women, collars, Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe and debarred rrom setting up any Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boeqhk's Paint, Varnish and " WU31C claim to or id respect or the land so handkerchiofs and table centros n WATER ACT, 1914. sold ror taxes, and the Registrar under shall in English Point, Brussels, Kalsomiuo Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oak, nir-AniAN nioiiTS register such lax the sale as person owner entitled or the land so and Mechlin, etc. Pricos reasonable, Ash, Maple, Teak und Gum. Structural Steel.and Iron L,i;th,,flubu''' under the at Mrs.-Frizzell's, 3rd Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc Rex Flinlkote that NOTICE U hereby given has been M the Water Act. and WHEREAS application Roofing the Best Made. Manilla and Wire and 1 hnrw Hi..- inn provisions of Section or nade ror a Certificate or lndereasmie iiire Avenue. tf Very Ropo any right to divert water or to the exclusive o the above menuoneu jam, m m - Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. use or water for any purpose Dy r Thomas Troiier. ,h Queen Charlotte Islanders can- Wo also handle Goodyear Meohanical Rubber Goods, n prletor is required on or before tho nrsi Itlo it appears that -prior nam to the J""0ih day tot do better than mail their including "Extra Power" Bolting, Packings, and Hose and TRICAL WORK day.or claim setting June. t90.rorth to the -particular le a iiairmeni or ms ild OCtODer,lands were IVl,gold(liio ror overdue taxes) printing needs to Tho News Print Weatinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, claim. Such statements or claim shall oe shop and get the work done Generators, Transformers and all other. Electrical Equipment. or nied tho in Water duplicate District with In tho which Water the Becorder water anie unit?or such buu c'v v...--and Issue"a romptly a"nd well. Being direct factory representatives, we are able to Waddell Is diverted or used. JR. nn tertincite or Indereasfble Title to,the MM OF RESERVE make very attractive prices. Ancr mo urst aay 01 juijo. NOTICE CANCELLATION OF ands m we right to divert. . water or to tho xul.' Vh"r0Wir h.ii sviai el.Tm " r NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that the re uo SSceSdinr. "eitabush"your ot water tor any iiuijiuao ; r."v to "ao znd Ave. by virtue only or any ownership pr lana. Sn? K "be said lands, or (o prevent such serve existing over'Lot 418, Queen Char- Prince Ltd. Forma or statement or claim can be od- loua islands, cy reason or a notice pud-llshed Rupert Supply Co., amea rrom tue water necorum In the B. C. Oaxette on the 30th or (everal. Water Districts. in the.Province or nrinr nunert. B. C." this' 85th' day ol July, 1608, Is cancelled. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. - nA 1 1 n i' t a i nffntS.. U. 11. HAUCPI, I. QEEN'394 iuiii ma uuiiiiiiruiivr ui to Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C. March. Ii. ul.,cnn Deputy Minister or Lands. P. O. Box 772 Phone Block 389 District Registrar of Title. ands Department, or March. lOtO. victoria, a. u., T. D. PATTULLO To AHred (Bendrpn, Cth March, tl9, M U rrince nupn, Minister or Lands. e