lb y- i 4,-, I , IM rr For HE DA Bicycles Repairs and .mCAIIUU ILY EWS Parts PRINCE RUPERT AUTO jTones,82 and ZOO 1707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 NO. 106. PIUNCE IIUPEUT, B.C.. TUESDAY, VOL X, MAY 0, 1919. PRICE FIVE IJKJVT 0RE SHIPS TO BE BUILT BLOWING OFF STEAM. SWIMMING CLUB AVIATORS TO AT rUKI W rKlNlb KUrtKl ASKS FOR GRANT FLY ACROSS ,c INTIMATION GIVEN BY MAYOR McCLYMONT IN Delegation Walts on City Council THE ATLANTIC THT lirnnnT TO COUNCIL GOVERNMENT WILL With nt Request for $1,000 to TAKE OVER RAILWAY AND Improve Bathing OPERATE IT Facilities. Over a Scoro Awaltlno Favorable Opportunity, Probably r.nvernmcnt will bo ready to let inure contracts .. , it,-, Jo A delegation from the Prince Tomorrow. orLe Ilupert Drydock & Engineering Go. for ships to be Rupert Swimming Club waited on K:IL nnd thai the Dominion Government will definitely take the City Council last night for the (Special via 0. T. P. Teleirapbi.j IRIS Li. line of railway and operate it and run the steamships. purpose of asking for a grant toward St. Johns, Nfld., May 6. The. over Uonifln nnrl c Tlio rnnnnl I : 1 Eastern ujiu uiu i'-. inv ibutt is in pan U9 improving the bathing accommodation northwest wind prevailing here 'n8' at the Salt Lakes. today contributes to favorable -nn armai a.i Mm . nnital- - we L i,,Government. .uroDosnil..f tn. . "immlln" J. C. Brady was. the chief weather conditions for flying, but I minprf Hie following uuy uj iu iiaiiuuui iiaiiwuys, which win spokesman. He outlined the need Atlantic conditions are not prom- litre v.,mn I"" Erb. and our mem bo composed of the G. N. It. and of improvements and the value ising. Aviators await the midday Col Peck, mado arrangements O. T. P.. the minister rcnlicd that of swimming, especially to the bulletin before deciding as to a company would he formed and children. He said that they were!m!iking a start, ... - .1 - T M II I I V.MVS Ik 1111 an executive appointed to handle New not begging for any money, for York, May 0. A score of lew" all the lines, the wish being to there was nothing" that would naval aviators, youths in their Would. Purcnaso... wi- free this from all politics and lend to betterment like spending twenties and young men in their His being duly arranged for, two-thirds majority of the House money on the Salt Lakes. They eany thirties, yet experts in fly- ...,;nun introduced- -Lwd the would bo required before anv Wanted $1,000 this year and then ing, navigation anu motor mechanics, I trans-Pacillc sleamsh p member of the executive could (therc would be no further necessity are ready for a start ' ' -,- 1 onrl Mini In be dismissed.! after tomorow in iie from ibis for grants for the same purpose. soon daybreak jr Erb w had a man wuu "In the forming of this Hoard There had been $1,700 an attempt to drive three giant dling either to purchase or lease we pressed for a O. T. P. representative, jspent at the lakes so far and this lydro-aeroplanes of the American immber of ships for this ser- as at present Mr. jyear they were proposing to do navy across the Atlantic. ltt. Mr. Erb tlicn aeau wim uu nanna, -late or tne u. ,n. it., is a good deal of work, With favorable weather predicted chairman of the National Rail j L. W. Patmore referred to the both in the vicinity of the home 1 1 jo and that il lie nau suci a ways and as the Government will V0NJAG0W0N ITALY WINS; I need of a sloping sandy beach for station at Rockaway Point, Long; Imnovbe could guarantee car- have two Pacific terminals there i the children. This was work they Island, 'nd along the coast of both ways for the next s.-x might be a danger of bias towards intended to do this year. Newfoundland, the torminus Qf Imihd. calling at Vladivostok. the southern terminus, lb snow THE WORLD WAR GETS FIUME' The mayor expressed the opih-jion the journey's first leg. Hong Kong and Man justification for the construction that there was no argument The airmen expect to launch at IlSciiama, arrange the neccs of the C. N. R. .against what had been said. They least two and possibly all three organizations throughout Rupert Need Not Fear. Former Foreign Minister of Ger llpec., u. ..r. itur.r.i.1 i,md 1q pay jntercst and sinking planes scheduled to make the Iiiij parts tor a continuation of . "Dr. Ileid replied that while he many Blames Own Military London, May C According to fUnd amounting to $2,000 a year cruise. . liii trade, your committee ,cn-irfing was minister of railways, Prince Authorities for Trouble. a despatch to the Exchange Tele- 'on the recreation g'rbund and they W pointing out that as Ilupert need not fear the divert graph from Paris the question nad started improving the city NEW PIPE LINE TO (Special via O. T. I' Telegraphs.) regarding Fiume is settled in full iii Government had a large in-Knsnnthe ing of trade that was hers owing park and intended continuing it. O, T. P. il was in the to merit. Paris, May C. Aii imaginary agreement -with the Italian Gov-The matter was referred to the BE BUILT ACROSS interest of Hie country that such The next point raised, was it invasion of German territory by eminent on the basis that Fiume Finance Committee. isteimsbip line bo established at the intention of the Government the French was the pretext for shall remain an autonomous port ! SHAWATLANS PASSAGE the declaration of war.on France, 'for two years, when it will be as ate. as without this outlet the to run a line of ships from the lnTiajrvias a dead end. Atlantic to Oriental ports, as re says uotlieo von Jagow, rormcr signed to Italy. HALIBUT SELLS At the City Council meeting Take Over Railway. ported in the press. The minis German Foreign Minister in a ast night it was decided to construct "ta reply Dr. Held said that the ter said this'was not the case, but hook just published, entitled "The ISOLATE GERMANY a new pipe line across lirament would neither sell that a line would be operated Universal War, its Causes and AT LOW PRICES Shawatlans Passage. There are ' Ldrtsc their, ships butt .hat from- 4IoatrcalandIialifax t Deginning." i- IF SHE REFUSES twomains beneath the waterbut mild be put in operation to Canadian Pacific port via the 'Alleged French incursions were one" of these is in a Very" badvstale" pii conjunction with the Na- Panama and would be a purely reported to the German staff by (Special by 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Twenty-two Ashing vessels sold of repair. Railways, the minister stal- Canadian coastal service from subordinate officers, von Jagow A report made to the Council communicated .... , 'American hn.its fiplhnc- nf. and Nlbl Government will take This says, and the staff - Qp.- - last night showed that it had been .i Atlantic to Pacific. sqrvicc nnmift i cfi in I inn nr iiiipm.nnv is Iwllw 0. T. P and this infor- would handle steel plates and the information to the Govern- being considered by the council Per lb- lhe Canadian boats examined by Capt. Brennan and laboa was verified by members lumber as the rail freight was loo ment without attempting to as- t .- r n, at 9.9c. and 6c. per lb. it was found that many of the lke House as well as G. T. P. high on these goods. certain the facts. nr no mona,,P in hJ 'e J. P. Todd with 16,000; joints were weakand likely to Tho former Foreign Minister ,.., Vesta, 13,000, and the Holdall, Iipmtatives who are at prcs- Plenty of Steel. .nfm1 ,n ,h" n..manT - break at any time. There was Itf.a Ottawa. asserts thai before the war he 8,000 were sold to the Atlin Fish- break which it would be dif "He said the Government had fuses to sign the peace treaty. one The point was raised whether contracted for 50,000 tons of steel was convinoed of the necessity of ficult to repair. The report was Government could get. the plates for five years with the Dominion accord with Great Britain anU kan. . enaorsed by the city engineer and that Germany WILL LNLARLt hlOrh Tlie Hatalome, 5,000; Swiftsure, eC-lent sorvice for the Steel Company and as the expresses regret j tho Board of Works, so it was filing of freight at Oriental war was over, would ne giaa to unfavorably received the oners of municipal levies ;srA .ooV;uv,wr.;:: decided to have the pipe taken up of alliance made in 1800. for their and relaid. ships as private get rid of this and suggested to sanies, 000; Navigator, 13,000; E. Point, According to the report" fhis especially competitors Mr. Erb the shipping of some of wkistheC. P, P.. and Japanese. this steel to Prince Rupert for FINED FOR TROLLING Hon. John Hart Is Investigating, 6,000; Rennel, 7,000; Acme, 5,- line was put down by contract and Will Discuss Subject 500; Muirneac, 8,500; Volunteer, the Minister and never tested, and it had never JJtti! replied that further ship building on a per With Councils. 8,000; Gosnel, 700; Mayflower, Government WITHOUT LICENSE, Leen used much. had arranged centage basis and to this Mr. Erb both the White Star and the his contract 13,000. that staled present BOATS CONFISCATED In a statement made by the. Salmon Stella, 350 lbs.; Jean, lmi Steamship comDanies to bo through In about 18 would Ue Hon. John Hart, Minister of Fin- 500; Kyea Maua, 750; R. C, 550; Atlantic in conjuno- ho would bo months and that "lib the fined this ance, there is an intimation that J. L., 300 lbs. Tho average price MAX HEILBRONER National Railways to enter into further ne Two Finlanders were pleased will for salmon 11.5c. for pn1 Government bat the Provincial was the Government lines gotiations with a view to getting norning by Magistrate McMullin Reliable Jeweler the and 3c. lb. for the have consiuer siis uunue u.o i-umu.i, reds, per the salmon without a 7 benefit of the further contracts. j or trolling nnH rowboats summer lor eiuai'b'iiiK inn buujjo whites. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Ration of these companies "In closing the minister stated innnao con- llscaled. William Manners was "'uinuipui Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory that he would be in Prince Rupert this summer to go over the ground lined $10 or 30 days in jail and "Many of the municipalities DANCING AND CARDS Umbrella, Community Plate, Free From Paiui. chose tho latter, while J. .Usitalo mciuuing tne cuy oi vancouvei, Etc. and see the situation for himself, Quiring what received the light fine of $5. wwa " AT EVENING PARTY method tin nnd in your committee's opinion Corntr 3rd At, and 6th Strait. this would bo n time for the citi This being the first offence, the picau ..u zens to further press their claims. men were let off light, but Man- raising revenues irorawie ciu- About thirty guests were entertained '' Respectfully submitted, ners for making a fuss in court last night by Mr. and Mrs. "T. McCLYMONT, was fined double tho amount of on uio iiruvn um. Walter Adams, danefng and cards . cry is raiseu inai m iuu uiucs uuu ) l "J. G. SCOTT." Jsitalo towns ninety per cent, of the taxes being the chief amusement. Supper I. O. O. F. is contributed by ten per cent of was served at midnight and MASQUERADE BALL ii ,irii hv the Cilv Conn- most time Coal, the a enjoyable was spent. It. Miss . 1,000 tons Ladysmlth to the people." Don't Fna n... at their meeting last night cil those Pad Mo Coast, Just ..... Among present wero Mr. Costume KBVlCrLVU-A"TY best on the roiiuwu.s u.u c t u u Invitation only arrived. Send your orders to the purchase a diving outfit at an This ap-! the Vancouver city bill of its and Mrs. McEvoy, G. Alder, Mr. Prizes. . ,,,,, Co. Phone IB. proximate cost of $1,200. Stevens, R. Davidson, Mrs. Cox, Coal Prince Rupert spociu i luxui ion iuu -- s needed in connection with the Mrs. White,. Mrs. and Miss Kroe-ger, water pipo line. S10n, llOU. iUr.. Ililll. SIUIX-U.. .ll.Uk E. Craggs, Miss Reid, J. Cobb, ' 1U I1UU UI1UV1 lunvtl W J V v v w of M. Kroeger, Mr. Green, Mr. and .All 4 Ul'l'lvunwM nunlioolirtn in I lift City question. . of widening it IIJ tho scope Annt Mrs. II. Steen, Misses R. and M. WESTH0LMF tinpress Theatre Council last night from John Joy " " '"i ' ,u Adanis, Mrs. W. Adams and S. : number of other city em- wi h before the next session. Newton. " THFATRF Sees for an increase in wages' "I am planning,' ho said, a Complete isiew Show Tonight was referred to Ihe committee for soon as my department has go el10rt !legislation well in hand, to take Prince Rupert TONIGHT Extraordinary 7 Reel Special . nAnnlan I If a Cn.M a month or so and with the as By Wharton Film Co. 1 no Uiucat.i uoiiovjiu"rr MAnntpA..-Annnt. sistance of tho heads of my office 'ONLY Featuring rne oanaoa, -,...Mrn fop UlQ munio,pamies to Spruce Mills, Hi). Doris Kpnvnn bo heard and new schemes for London's Film Sensation SEAL COVE MILL "DEMERS" ,municipal taxation to be considered. Wo havn't said anything Our objcct wilt bo to This "The Seller W plant is now operating, about Suits for a long devise methods whereby persons really who now 'escape the payment of and as their agents we leGreatWhiteTrail' and they are time, in The all-British wonder film, aro a position to deliver talking nbout. A municipal taxation would bo dealt worth quality serge in Navy, their fair share," . all kinds of spruco dimension, from "The .Romance of Old good shlplap, double dressed Bill," by Captain Bruce If conference be held a can at $35.00. ) 5inwa'l u Ver tho paM from Skagway to Dawson. If so, lilack or Fawn and rustic. Bairnsfather, et"em Tu0 ,8Cenes of '98-the Klondyke Kuan. If not come A man tailored suit in (during tho summer, pointod out Ask for our prices. this will enable tho mat-iWs with iMr. Hart, ?" In" thl , the r"sl1 of e Id seekers from Seattle, Navy serge, trimmed to ho fully discussed and the 1 b'f"thehJ n!ng cam' Bnd tllB Pct snow storms, make-,oftheYiZ braid, at $45.00. These V Shows 7 and 9.15. " Tbe handsomo suits. Other report of tho taxation officers to V,Cture ever hown In Rupert, surpassing aro Albert&McCaffery bo considered by the municipalities Admission, Adults 50c, ?!s!slor "God's Country and the Woman." colors are purple, fawn LTD. before the recommendations Children 25c and gray. 155 M 30c, Including War Tu 2 Shows, 7.IS and 9 COME AND SEE come tho Legislature boforo tho for next enactment.sossion of Phones 564 and 116 War Tax included