TDK iiAILI NEWB. Tuesday, Page 2 May 6. loiQ. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. QUAK 5R Better CROWN NOTICE H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SEALED TENDERS addressed to tha undersigned nd endorsed "Tender for toe purchase of Gasoline Engines at Prince a DuDcrt, B. C," will be received at this SUBSCRIPTION RATES: omce until IS o'clock noon, Thursday; 15th, for the purchase or two Atlas City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Clothing SO May h. p. Oasollne Engines. Standard Tenders will not be considered unless By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. made upon forms furnished by the De with conditions partment and In accordance To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. contained therein. The engines may be seen on the Inspcc-Ion Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert, Telephone 93. c4nd right up-to-date B'Each C tender must be accompanied by an FLOU accepted cheque on a chartered bank, inch styles, you payable to the order or the Honorable, the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per Minister of Dominion Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10) of the amount of Contract Rates on application. cannot Improve on he tender. War Bonds of the Dominion or Canada will be accepted as security, or having your clothes War Bonds and cheque It required to make 3 DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, May C, 1919. made to measure. up The an accepted.odd highest amount.or By any order,tender not necessarily Means More You are then E. P. OINORASi Peace Conference Acting District Engineer, nnmlnlnn Public Works DeDartment. Again United. satisfied that your Prince Rupert. B.C.. FH April 23 rd. 1819. The Peace Conference seems to be a unit once more. The clothes fit properly. Italian delegates are returning and all is again happy. The dif Give us a trial. BREAD ficult question with Japan has been settled and it would seem as if the peace treaty would be signed soon. Scraps of information in regard to the treaty have been leaking but from time to lime or have been given out by the members Sweder Bros. of the conference for' its own purpose. According to the des 9 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS patches it would seem that some of the provisions are very Gentlemen's and Ladies' WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Milled exclusively from Northern drastic. TAILORS "WATER ACT 1914." Saskatchewan SELECTED HARD It will be difficult for "Germany to do anything other than Foch's will march to Berlin and die Sixth Street :ancellation of reserve or water armies sign. If she refuses, NOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor WHEAT, second to none for tale peace there. Discretion will be the better part of valor with he la, Lieutenant by and with uovernor the advice or uritisn or bis coium Eiecu them. Already they have suirered somewhat from internal dissension, ive that council,pursuant nas ueen to pieasea the provisions 10 oraer milling but they will suffer much more if the armies march .cctlon 59 of the "Water Act, 1914" being LAND REGISTRY ACT. Zhapter 81 or the statutes or isn, mat through the country and force their way into the capital. tefure he reserve Creek,or the established unrecorded pursuant waters (Sections 30 and 134.) The condition in Austria is different. There a good deal of He Application No. 10,007-1. File 0,100. Jrdcr In Council No. fig, approved on the 7tn day or miliary, ivi, be cancelled the country is in turmoil and until conditions become more TAKE NOTICE that application has been DATED this 17th day or February,- 191 SOLD BY ALL GROCERS made to register Thomas McManamon, or settled it will be hard to enforce the peace terms. The Bolsheviki Prince Rupert. U. C. as owner in fee un T. V. I Minister ATTUL.LU,or Lands. rebellion in to have been largely for the der a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of Budapest seems purpose the city or prince ituperl. bearing date WATER NOTICE of getting away from the pence provisions. AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract DIVERSION AND USE. or land and premises situate, lying and Things Beginning to being In the city or Prince Rupert, morel TAKE NOTICE that E. F. Duby, lumber Government Standard Flour is the Hum In Prince particularly known and described as Lot manufacturer, whose address Is care of Rupert. tMueiecn iivi. bjock rony-two nviii Messrs. patmore c ruiton. rnnce tiupen, Things are beginning to hum here. The mill is running, the Section eight (8. (Map 923). B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and only grade milled in Canada You are required to contest the claim I te 500 c. s. r. or water out or Union fish is coming here in large quantities, preparations are being or the tax purchased within 35 days from! reek, which flows westerly and drains pushed forward for the laying of the keel for the first steel ship me aaie or me service or mis notice i nto union uay aDoui at ine ccaa or saia twnicn may do enectea ny puoncation in Day. and everybody is busy. That is what we have been looking for a daily new'paper;, and ycur attention Is I The water will be diverted from the called to section 30 or me "Land Registry tream at a point where Union Creek leaves ward to. The only thing that is being delayed is the buildiifg of aci" wan amendments, ana to me rouow Union Lake and will be used for power houses. However, that will right itself in lime. Rents are showing ing extract increrrom: ana inciaentauy inaustnaii purposes "ana in acrauit or a caveat or certificate upon the land described as District Lot a tendency lo rise and that will stimulate building. or lis pendens being filed before umber 199. casslar District. the registration as owner or the This notice was posted on the ground The News is not lo to rentals attempt going justify very high person entitled under such tax sale, on the 3rd day or April. 1919. A copy or At the same time rents must be high enough to pay interest on all persons so served with notice, this notice and an application pursuant Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 and those claiming through thereto and to the "Water Act, 1014," will the investment, else people -will not build. That has been the or under them, aud all persons claiming be filed in the omce or me water necora came of most of the delay in the ereclion of dwellings,. Now it or any any unregistered Interest In the Instrument,land by virtue and er Objections at Prince to RuDert.the application B. C. may be For Comfort, Courtesy and Service is plain that rents are becoming high enough lo pay interest, even all persons claiming any interest in Died with the said Water Recorder or with the land descent whose title Is Water Parlla by he Comptroller or Rights. on '.he high cost of building. Those who have, had idea of any not registered under the provisions mcnt Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within building should certainly start while the weather is good. or and this debarred Act, shall from be for setting ever estopped up any his hlrty notice days in after a local the newspaper.first appearance or T H E S AV O Y H O TEL claim to or In respect or the land so E. F. DUBY. Applicant. 3wirnmlng Club sold ror taxes, and the Registrar The date or the first publication of this F. T. BOWNESS, Manager of shall register the person entitled under notice is April n, im, Worthy Support. such tax sale as owner or the I Fifth and Fraser Prince B.C. Last night a number of members of the Swimming Club land so sold for taxes." N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH St., Rupert, AND WHEREAS application has been COLUMBIA. waited on the City Council lo ask for a grant of $1,000 towards male ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title mi; roving the accommodation at the Salt Lakes. They were well or to the i nomas above-mentioned Mciuanamon lands. In the name N TION THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMI.NISTRA Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water received and promises of consideration were given. AND WHEREAS on Investigating the and title It appear that prior to the 10th day N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF The Swimming Club is the most worthy of support of all or October, 1917 (the date on which the JOHN DARLINO, DECEASED. INTES the local institutions. Everything that is done at the lakes is for said lands were sold ror overdue taxes), TATE. you were iue assessed owner inereor. TAKE NOTICE that In order or His the benefit of the whole city. Everyone is welcome" there. The run i licit take. nuiiLE mat at me onour F. McB. Young, made the SSnd day same time i snail euecl registration in l or April, a. u. iiv, i was appointed work done is permanent in character and will be for the use of pursuance or such application and Issue alAlmlnlsirator to the estate or John Darling. the city for all time. The Council will have the approval of all certificate or IndeTeaslble Title to the said deceased, and all parties having claims Hotel Prince Rupert i COAL lands in the name or Thomas McManamon against the said estate are hereby required citizens in helping this worthy cause lo the utmost of its ability. unless you lane ana prosecute me proper I to rurmsn same, properly veriuoa, to me, proceeding to establish your claim, ir on or bcrore the J4th day or May. A. D. any, to the said lanls, or to prevent suchliOiO, and all parties Indebted to the estate EUROPEAN PLAN Screened roDosed action on my part. are required to pay the amount of their Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince naebteaness to me forthwith. $1.50 per day and up. Sacked Coming Wednesday Only, Westholme Theatre Rupert, B. c, mis tun day or April, 1919. JOHN II. McMULLIN, II. r. MALLLUU, Official Administrator. Delivered District Registrar or Titles. DATED this 34 th day or April, 1919. FIRST-CLASS CAFE To E. II. Pacey, Prince Rupert, B. C. MINERAL ACT. A La Oarto. $13 00 CERTIFICATE NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Little Joker, Mineral Hill. Midas, Look ut. Mystery. Midas Lake Frac. Pass Frac ton lonal Mineral Claims, situate In the Port per tnct,and Canal Mining Division of Cass:ar DIs 'Mrs. Smeeton's Where located: On tho East Salmon River valley Select Terminal Coal Co. TAKE NOTICE that I. A. II. Orcen. act ? DEPARTMENT OF LANDS ng m agent ror L. Walklns. F. M. C. Ho, 8B JiUnch&Tea Rooms Plack I034VH;: u. i). carter, r. m. c. no. o.sss Offlea Phons, tl M Xtartln 17 .HI f M f. n IQ.P. tl Black BIB notice ,' 'a -v," js'y: . Vard Phont, IPITinvs inn ; r,r-n reiici, r. HI. I., nu. v.ovf-l.: M. r.. run un.iunu. . ruiMllo, crtn, p M n. Niv Q KQK.C Martin.......... .J.XAA I'n 1.1 r!nnvln An ft A ' -- "'--" " ' w.iui. wiuAiiiB rtv. IWIrh F M f! TVn QKOO.r tntonrt cltlv 309 Second .Avenue, West. days from the dale hereof, to apply to the ADDllcat ons tor npi-tn u in irram live. Mining necorcier ror a certiiicate or ini stock on the Crown range within each prnvemeits, for the purpose of obtaining i.rnzinir District nr ihn prnviiwn nr iiriiuh a crown urant or tnc above na m Lunches, Teas, Ico cream, Columbia, as established bv ( And further take notice that action, tin Soft Drinks. National Grocery council, dated the 10lh of April. 1910, and der section 88, must be commenced bcrore published In the British Columbia Oazelte "10 issuance or such Certificate or Im Home -Made Bread, Cakes, mi Anrll i7tli. loio. miiKt t iuri uiiii inrovements the District Foresters at Cranbrook. Fort Dated this 5 in day or March, A. D. 1919 Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, Limited lieorge, Kainloops, Nelson, Prince Rupert, A. 11. OREEN, Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. Corner Sixth rl i"ullon taiicuuver uiiu vernon, or witu tno commissioner of Orazlng, Department or Lands, Famous Melton Mowbray Parliament buildings at B. IW1 Victoria, C, on or utiore juiy ibi, tviv. Pies. Class Groceries Blank forms upon which to submit ap High plications may be obtained from the Dis STEENLQJLL trict Foresters at the above named places I Picnic Parties Catered for Meats ur iruju inu ucpariincni of lianas, at VIC- Fruits turiu, u, v.. O. n. NADEN, RAWTAA MiiD HEATING Deputy Minister of Lands. Confectionery Department or Lands, ErYOINEEnS Victoria, B. C, arid Bakery ; 14th April, 1919. Aft A-f v. 'i'&?jyk Agenta for Notice of Intantion to Apply to purchase PROMPT ATTENTION GET McCLARY FURNACES ORDERS "Jkmomhjhirt fecta Iff! In Range 3. Coast Land District., tiernni. Ing District or Prince Rupert, and situate PLUMBITiQ Phone 524 at Jenny Bay, Dcane Channel,1 B. C. Motor De'irery TAKK NOTICE that I. James Z. Hall, nr ind Vancouver, B. C, occupation baker and I CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Soldier, Intend to apply ror permission to I SHEET METAL WORKS purciuiae me loiiowing aescrioeu lands: rwT" i.oiiiiiieiicing at a post planted 90 chains Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that Iho re- MOVED Adapted from Iho edition novel northerly or s. w. cor, T. L. ?;o. 2J1: erve existing over vacant Crown Land In PREMISES 2,000,000 Owen by Johnson, thence east 40 chains: thence south an Night phones 570 l lie vicinity or Chelaslle Illver. flange 4, this great production, which is now running at the Hex Theatre chains; thence west 40 chains more or less Coast District, by reason or a notice published to shore linej thence northerly so chains, and Blue 270 In the British Columbia Oazette ot in Vancouver nightly with standing room only, will bo screened more or less, following shore line to point S6tU May, t 10, is cancelled. M. T.LEE at the Westholme Theatro on Wednesday, May 7, inntineo and evening or commencement and containing 80 acres The right work, at th right G. R. NADEN, more or less. time, and at the right prloe. Deputy Minister or Lands. GENTLEMEN'S only. No advance in prices. JAMES Z. HALL, Department of Lands, ' LADIES' & Per William A. Hanxr. int victoria. B. C. TAILOR Dated 31 March, ibis. Uth March. 1010. M 18 MERCHANT Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase 311 Second Avenue, near Launch Alice B. bind. The Gurvich QUEEN CHAriLOTTE ISLANDS LAND PIS' I Second Street Opposite.. Ill Range 2. Coast Land nutrirt nun. ing District or Prince Rupert, and situate take notice that The Aeroplane Spruce 877 at Koeyc. Flu Hugh Sound, n. n Lumber Co., Ltd., or Port Clements, D. C, . ... t,-a 1-iR P.O. Box for the Salt Lakes TAKE NOTICE that I, Marshall Beck or Transfer nppiinatlnn mw mill. Intends tn aDDlv ror pnone " nutuurir, b. u., uccupation soldier, In-1 permission to'lease the following dcscru'cu 'end to apply ror permission to purchase ands: . ... ' Nation General Paterger Service. tuv iviiuniitc UCOW1UCU lUUUS.' commencing at a post piantea at me of Commencing at a Dost nlanted m nmh. northeast corner or Lot 8, Block 41. post Hunting, Fishing w-est corner lol J, thence east to chains: subdivision or Dst. Lot 740, tnence thence south SO chains; thence Phone Green thence west 90 degrees end Picnic Parties west 40 548 north 8 chains, liv rfriu vm z. ha suiu chains, more or less, to shore line; thence south to approach or Government Wliarr, IOUO Jiiom. Zn (liteUO i northerly and easterly along shore line SO P.O. Box 102 Office, FrAser St. ihrnrA nuiherlv alone said BDDroach of y.r mum ur Wharr to northwest corner or ic, iu point or commencement, Government J. Myhill Jones. ' and containing "an im, """J 5 I Lot 1, biock 45, tnence easterly aiong ue or nr j. za i waterfront or lotf I. 9. 3. 4, B. 8. 7 and 8, Department, Swanson's Boathouse We : Sell : Coal block 4 5 to place or beginning, ands Per William A. LTD. Victoria, "! .() Bauer. Agent' AEROPLANE SrMJCE LUMBER. CO., March, t- Dated 6h April, J9I9. Date, Nircn xo, tviv. tin