Page 6 THE DAILY WEWB. Tuesday, May C. 1( I I 1 M Mi I EXTRA SPECIAL G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public LiUbai news iiuies j 2500 lbs. Alaskan Salt Cod 20c. off the dollar on all brass while it lasts beds at Tito's. - 107 FOR SALE m . .. 3 lbs. lor 25c Silks This price Is so low that Keep Thursday night freo for 5-Roomed house with bath, Lot 13 Bk. 28 Section 6, 8th mistake the Musical Society's concert. you might think a McUride $2,300.00. Terms arranged. Ave near ... has been made, but we New 3-roomed furnished house and three lots (corncrTnear Hoy Turner, of Port Essington, bought this fish on tho wharf drydock $1,500.00 Cash. Wo will sell this house and one arrived in the city yesterday. so cheap that it did not pay lot separately. to bring it in, and wo are 1 W EPv Y. M. G. A. Red Triangle We buy United Slates Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory campaign giving you an opportunity to Bonds. this week- Do your bit. 09 jurchaso some No. 1 fish at This is what is termed ridiculously low price F. Dawe, of Port Essington, is a "a silk H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. a visitor in the city 'for a few R i c h year." The of dayjj. Table Co. vogue siik for use in REAL ESTATE INSURANCE . Rupert Supply 16 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C. TIIONES 211, 212 garments was never &ireci. uur price per gal Soft greater. lon. It All material for any kind of a Our showing of this uilding can bo furnished by Al popular fabric is Have you .got your ticket for very WESTHOLME THEATRE the Musical Society's concert on bert & McCaffery,. Ltd. tf complete and comprises Thursday? ... Lynch Bros, & McMeekin car of Lustrous plaids and stripes The Finest Combination House in Northern B.C. Roses flour arrived, $3 for Five suitable for Safety Quality Comeort The Camosun is expected back Blouses and . 49-lb. sack. Buy quick at this TONIGHT i TONIGHT from'Anyox at 6 p.m., sailing for nricc. 07 Sport Skirts, Dresses, 'ULLO! 'ULLO! 'ULLO! Vancouver at 8. ... Beautiful etc. with other popular The Prince Rupert Amusement Company presents Special this week only big dis The real life of,,tho trenches weaves in plain and LONDON'S FILM SENSATION without the spectacular or gruesome count all dinner 97 on services, of real colors, such Shantung, features, with plenty as pieces, at Tile's. 107 The R etter humor is seen in "The Better SIL.KS Duchesse, Peau The Prince Albert arrived in 'Ole" at the Westholme again tonight. de Soie, and Taffetas. port al 2:30 this morning from Stewart, and will sail for Masset SV iv S hVWS Our 3G inch THE ALL BRITISH WONDER FILM From the Famous Stage Success, "The Romance of Old Bill," tomorrow at noon. Smoke Players Navy Cut clgar-.tles, by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather wrapped in tin foil. TAFFETA The Westholme orchestra plays Show 7 and 9.15. AdmUt'on Adul s, 50c; Children, 25c suitable music for "The Better guaranteed not to split War Tax Included No more pennies will be used 'Ole," the big Bairnsfather Aim, is a specially good tt the Westholme tonight. incerity value at 1 The Gilv Council last nielli de s ight cided to have the garbage scow $3.95 the ervice yd. PUBLIC NOTICE repaired at the drydock and to have the bottom planked with To the Public and Occupants of the Ciapp Apartments; creosoted lumber- The monthly rental of flats in the Clapp Ulock will be you have been reading our $30.00 and 832.50 dating from July 1st next. Seo the seven-part feature pro IF advertisement, we hope you have WALLACE. CO., LTD. The time limit in this notice is much longer than legally duction, "The Great Whito.Trail," been convinced or at least one thing . required. It is given with the purpose in mind that the a thrilling story of the Klondike our sincerity. Corner 3rd and Fulton St. present occupants should have mors time to decide on their rush of '98, at the Empress tonight. You will notice that we make no No advance in prices. or exaggerated statements. future action, as to continuing occupancy. Present tenants . ' We do not pretend to control will bo given preference! up to June 1st. or manufacture, some wonder-rut A report from thev Financo The management f nd it strictly necessary to make this glasses tha cannot be obtained Committee to the City Council last increase to more-nearly meet former income on this building, Isewherc. Provincial Government Employment ither work should apply to above night showed that number of a when some flats were renting for $45.00 per month. I3ureau and Soldiers' Phono 553. U new telephones had been purchased WE try to deserve your patronage, Taxes, insurance, interest and up-keep must be met. simply by putting Into Civil Ilo-establishment; temporary from Parkin & Ward, their Applications for flats will be received at our office .at your glasses QUALITY or material, oillco 021 Second Avenue, If you have something to sell any time. . tenders being the lowest. intelligence and skill In workmanship. Princo Rupert. Employers having I I 11 II i ...IV, and in n m'nrr 1 un in rnnin m id, nanar vacancies for men women Westenhaver The City Council last nigldt decided Bros., Agents to take up with the Provincial WE believe that to give t clerical, factory, domestic or The News cannot sell it. service at a moderate price Government the of matter I in the long run the secret or sharing the expense of the build iuccess. In our own, or In any other ing of Morse Creek bridge, with profession or business. a view to proceeding with the guarantee glasses that nt Oim Yur Children's Feet F Sale BUSINESS FOR SALE work soon. not only the way ' you see through them, but the waj ' Walch Tito's windows for bar you look with them on. Mrs. Gbldbloom an- gains in drygoods and furniture Need Specialj Attention Five-room house and furniture, nounces that owing to the . . r Section Six, S1,850.00. fact of her having other According to the latest reports Fred Joudry business.-"interests else- the average catch of trout from Practical Optometrist Too much care cannot bo gien to the fitting of children Good lot, Section Five, S250. where, it has been neccs- Mile 21 on Sunday has been rais with the right good shoes. One-flflh cash, balance five ' Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert sary to dispose of the ed to 70 fish per rod by II. S Office We make a-special point of fitting children scientifically. Opposite I'oit dollars per month. ladies' ready to wear busi- Parker, Geo. Bryant and Harry Bring them along or send them and wo will see they are Seven-roomed house for rent ness in Prince Rupert. Love. They also were on the taken care of. $20.00. Satisfactory arrangements creek on Sunday last together and WE CARRY THE BEST MAKES OF CHILDREN'S SHOES will be made with n. rp had great sport. We also give equal attention to fitting men and women. j liable buyer. Fulf partie- St. James Hotel Victory Bonds Bought at Come and.consult two real live shoeincn ulars may be had at the. Greatly reduced prices on all liisrhi'st Prices. AT TUB store. rugs and small mats at Tite's (LATE "QUEEN8") McCaffcry, Gibbons " On the recommendation... of the FIRST Hot and CLASS Cold Water.ROOMS Family Shoe St ore Fancy goods aVid toys at cost utilities committee the City Council price to clear, at Tile's. 107 last night decided to increase & Doyle, Ltd. the salary of T. G. Duncan, su Third Avenue There may be something you perintendent of utilities, from Insurance Real Estate MAIL SCHEDULE want. See the classified column $225 a month to $275 a month GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM on Page 5. The increase was carried by a 357 The Practical Shoemen Phone Prince Rupert, B. C. For the East. majority of one, Alderman Casey Launch "Provincial" leaves for being absent, Those voting for Mondays,- Wednesdays and Saturdays Stewart and way points every were Aldermen McRae, Perry, Mc at 9:30 a. in. Friday morning at 0, carrying Meekin and Currie. From the East. mail, passengers and freight. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs M. M. STEPHENS Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf Read Fuller's adv. in today's lays at 5:45 p. m. issue and phone 45. tf ForiVancouver: NOTARY PUBLIO Provincial Government Kmnlnv Saturdays 4 p.m Summer acomin in ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil At the City Council meeting last April 22 7 a. m is Ro-Estahlfshment, temporary office night lenders were received for May 3rd 7 a. m FOR SALE 021 Second Avenue. supplying 700,000 feet of lumber From Vancouver and the time for wearing White Footgear Lots 11 and f2, Block 10, Rupert. Returned soldiers, men for use on the streets as follows: Fridays p. m. Section 5, corner Tatlow and and women requiring employ-nent Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, and April 17th and 28th .... 9 a. m Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., of any kind should register Ueorgelown Lumber Co.. in col For Anyox: Price only Mh the above. No fees charcrnd. Liberation. $25 and S28 a thou Sundays 10 p.m. Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1071. sand feet, delivered; Graham Is Vednesdays 10 p. m $2,000.00 land Spruce Mi ls. 827.50 f. o. b From Anyox: White Canvas Shoes jn terms of $500 cash, balance $29.25 at McBrido St., or $22.50 at Tuesdays . .'. , . . . .a.m payable monthly on For Your Port Clements; Lakelse Lumber Thursdays p. in payments to suit purchaser. Co., $13,975 for tho whole order For Port Simpson and Arrandale, Look at these lots and own ... Sundays .. 10 p. m. Pumps and Slippers your own home. There is LUMBER Before buying your furniture From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. plenty of room hero for two enquire at Tito's for prices. We Tuesdays . , ... p. in or thfee good cottages. snail Ue glad to show you round .... For Port Simpson and Naas River for Ladies and Children The freighter Einar Beyer of points: PLASTER Fridays .. ... . , . . 2 p. in; wear, M. M. beattle, operating around Ketchi. Outdoor Stephens kan and flying the American flatr From Port Simpson and Naas For Boating, for Tennis, and general LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE CEMENT called In port this afternoon for River Points: we have something to suit you. Saturdays .... me purpose of enablinc: H. W p. m, Friis, who is connected with one Queen Charlotte Islands: Get a pair of "FLEETFOOT" Running Shoes for Building For Massett, Port Clements and of the largest Norwegian fishing fit. firms in tho United States, seo Upper Island points; the young ones and keep their feet SMITH & MALLETT aterials u, j mel here. Mr. Riel.-to'wim fhursdays, May 1st, 15th and 29lh at 8 p. m. wan in Princo Rupert in 1914, is Trom Masset, Port Clements and inierestca in iisliing at North Island,, PLUMBING AND HEATING COME TO He considers it the best Upper Island points: spring salmon Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and ENGINEERS point in Estimates furnished. Albert 8 McCaffery, Lid. a Columbia.couple of Ho davs returned aeo aflp from British hn'iin.there ?or 31st,Skidegatc,a. m, Queen Charlotte Jabour Brothers, Ltd. Phono 116 and 664. City and Lower Island points; Address, 3rd Avenue, head ing a wharf and cold storage plant ui mai point. Saturdays, May 3rd, May 17th and West Avenue of Second Street. Third Office, Second Avenue, Next 31st 8 a. rru Phono 174 P. O. Box 274 Veslho)me From Skldegate. Queen Charlotte Theatre. Tho best suit cases EveiMnh'a City and Lower Island points Agent J. F, Magulre, Smith Block, Tuesdays, May 0th, May 20th.