om PAGE FOU ” ot a vt ees _ |FOOTWEAR Cut to the Bone WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF SAMPLE SHOES 7 Runners and Boots that we have picked up at mar- vellously low prices and we are throwing them on the market at prices that must prove compelling. Call and be « inced. Most of the shoes we are handling now are Leckies.’ ipl. ae mi irket is away down and we aré buying regu- a larly and selling at the latest “away down” prices. » ow > “ ee SEVEN-YEAR HONEYMOON Canada Shortly TOKYO, Aug. 9:—A young couple who are now in the seventh year of their honeymoon journey around the world expect shortly to arrive in| Canada for a leisurely trip across | the Dominion. They are Mr. Franz Hecker and} his wife, Ernestine Hecker, who left | Munich, Bavaria, on August 25, 1925 | a few days after they were married, land have been travelling ever since, by bicycle. They have just arrived | in Tokyo from Nagasaki and Kobe. | Their *most pleasurable exper- iences throughout their whole trip so far, Mr. Hecker said, have been; B:C.12 YEAR OLD DOUBLE DISTILLED RYE This advertisement is not pubdlismid or displayea py Liquor Control Feard or by the Government of British Columbia. OASTAL JSTEAMSHIP\, J SUMMER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver: the & i *Mondays eeeee 4 4.00 p-m. % a Wednesdays - - - - 9.00 a.m. *Saturdays - - - - - 7.00 p.m. *Calls at Ocean Falls and Powell River. For Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway (calling at Wrangell southbound) Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. ae ss For Anyox and Stewart Fridays, 3.00 p.m. Fortnightly service to Queea Charlotte Islands. Particulars on request. ™ Low Summer Rail Fares TRAIN SERVICE ey, Dow in Effect. Passenger trains leave Princo a Rupert Mondays, Wednesday and Saturday at 12.30 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. o 7 (2 aa Fi: ss * Se Bor information caf! or write local agent or i. McEWEN, D.F. & PA Peiace Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER PRINGS " DE } p.t Ove KF . PRINCI I PRINCESS ALICE-—Saturd I r in . W YY i} La IT NI AT SKA WAY’ ' M % A B Nh a LA 3 . 2 s w ia U NION STEAMSHIPS LIM ITE D 4 g Prince Rupert for Va t en ¢ P88, CATALA EVERY TURSDAY, 1:30 PM —- = \ \ ; Vancouver. Thursday m rS.5. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, \ iver Sunday midnight. approx " We o } a1 ¥ Al \ce Arn Anvyox Stewart and Naas Why. Rive j Sunday, 8 pm ee Pur forn regarding all sallings and tickets et VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venn¢ Phone 568 FF. meme | utilizing the vast quantity of photo- graphs and notes they have BCCU-isnore strike and th in India, but they are looking for- ward to enjoying a trip through Canada, and spoke enthusiastically tt istic of earlier days, is in fact he nas peared and the presen. day finds a new kind of mineral explorer aerial prospector place. Such, at least, is t jtion of Robert D. one of the discoverers of | the PROSPECTOR ing, ;son, famous world-wide turer of other da VANCOUVER, Aug. me typeof prospector, DIFFERENT |Bavarian Couple Are Expected in! Qld ‘Type of Metal Seeker in This Country Passing VALUE OF PLANES Aircraft Will Put the Yukon on Map Again, Says Pioneer 9:—The old- rapidly pass- already disap- taking his Bob”) the Klondike and prospector and adven- goldfields ; : } ; ‘of it I'm 76 today,” Bob manfu I what tney Nave heard of its won- . at 7 ave , boasts, “but if I get the oppor - jierful scenery—at its best in sum-;.,. 2 eae oust _ ity I'm going back he Yukon mer for travellers such as they are, ia ete g caja as they think. They also expect to tour Se aia ae oe aa _ Pens tint Aa 2 that is even richer than Bonanza ris 1e t ‘ RS. ms , : : —y h “ om ann Eldorado or Hunker Creek. White he avels so fz av ; tnough Wer wavel ar Nave channel, the real stuff. All the big been replete with encounters with brigands, wild animals, head-hun- paystreaks in the Y ukon were found : in white channels. Well, I know a and obstinate officials, the district in the Pelly region, 200 young couple thirst for more ad- miles northeast of Dawson Cit} venture, and they are hoping to be' Ly ore richer goldfields will be op- able to obtain a seaworthy auxor- ened up than were ever dreamed of boat by which to cross the North in the haleyon days.’ Pacific, skirting Hokkaido, the Kuriles, the Aleutians, Alaska and No Idle Boast the west coast of Canada Failing a motorboat, they hope to get hold of a motorcycle, with which to see more of Japan, and then use ifter crossing the Pacific by in North America Visited Many Countries After leaving Bavaria, the Hec- kers cycled through before reaching Japan; Austria,|. pho old- timer. however. insists tie France, Belgium, Spain, Por- | the airplane is his only hope of jtugal, Serbia, Rumonia, Albania,| reaching the promised land Greece Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria,| There's not a doubt in the world Mespotamia Persia, Beluchistan,|;, my mind.” says the famous Burma Siam, Federated Malay prospector, “but that there’s a rich States, Java, Bali, Celebes, Philip-| yi cin paystreak in the Pelly dis- ;pifes and China. | They learned six languages, Tur- kish, Arabic, Greek, Spknish and Italian;.and English while doing they spent in India, They expect to be another two or three years on the road before they return home describing their decade of travel, mulated, and also to give lectures While travelling théy support them- sélves by such money as they can does know earn and help. they. regeives from) friends During their journeyings, Heckers have eaten monkey stew, been eaten by leeches, captured by} brigands, chased by Bulgarian fron-| tier officials. dined and taken on|* man with patience and a consti tiger hunts by an Indian rajaha,| “on to stand it. The paystreak! and ordered out of Persia because | lies in a gigantic valley at the head | the bride wore no veil |of the Pelly River. There has never | In Japan ‘they have receiveq| een a hole sunk in the ground. It many kindnesses from country|'® V8!" soll, pure, gold-bearing peovle, as well as from German! %?0und richer than the dreams of and other foreign residents men, I could take a pan and eget ty At colors anywhere—right on the sur \face. But the place is so far re-| Buster Keaton | mote so far up the river, obstruc | ted by so many portages and moun- | tain ridges that a man is worn out | Is Divorced before he reaches there. That is by | | the old way of prospecting where a | Natalie Talmadge Keaton Grantea|™8 had to. as . + gol oe , a Decree in Los Angeles With err a a _ TT ake : ot ’ a : - ay Sere av . if A Custety