Ma, ol0- jMjay, Page.6 SAID POSSIBILITIES SPECIALIST OF STEWART Daily News Classified Advertising MUST OPEKA I t AND WANTBB. FOlt SALE To. filar. SHffmrt Have You Tried ALICE ARM WANTED -One (lnrtrnv hand white enamel bedsteads , .ntUlT-A.TPES'MnsleawL at your own Drice. Urochii'- furnished or unfurnished rooms Furniture Store. 309 Third Ave. Minister and ror careful married couple, Member i bbbmjbmbbbm Visit Dis trict m connection With wimoui cnuaren. Apply box FOlt SALE noominc house. 14 uggssUd Government eau uauy Kews omce. 107 rooms and large dance hail. Provincial Road. WANTED Apply 208 Ninth Avenue. See 4 Young lady for photo this before building. tf nnisning, with or without experience. Hon. T. D. Pattnlln tr. ..' - " w,"hh U . Annlv P- W r.hnnH. FOlt SALE Oil LEASE Yokohama nova (tl a I ler, 318 Sixth Street. 09 Restaurant and Bowling Alley returned from fitewArt an in.. after 2Cth May. Apply J. Pos-tulo. Arm district speak glowingly of WANTED Young girl to assist tf FLOUR m.o uuhouk m vnai district this wun nousework and children. year. Apply 515 Cotton Street. 08 FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. The steamer Print jak long, nine feet, six beam, ten riving,there Sunday took in sixty! Bring your furs to Goldbloom, h.o. enerine. Annlv Rhni-Huv'o - -r r -ww.wj a intra Avenue. He pays highest ve imasengera. wni e th AihP onop, eraser Street. 10G arriving on Monday carried 27 price, tf FOR SALE Hatching from Ask Your Grocer 1 head of stock for packing pur- FOR' ALE eggs, Li"" prize strain r. CARtAU barred rocks, and MMC. jjuses ana a neavr conslcrnmAnt . . - Rhode Island reds. $1.50 153rpinfa Are., Montreal. oi gooas. FOR -SALE 2 geese and gander, per Tot tires years, I suffered great The general interest in lha Aim one goose silting on ten eggs. setting. Atkins' Meat Market. ia In the lower part of ay body, trict is very keem and it h now Apply 308 5th vAve, West. 9 LOST lith (irellior r WotUag I saw a felt that the camns hnvn h..n ,peciiH h0 """7 ownlned sufficiently developed to. put the FOR SALE Fumcdr oak dininc. LOST ;Rosary beads, between pe and t" iemal tonlcs t0 luiure Deyona peradventurs. room suite. Almost new, Apply uesner Apartments, Borden St. lll!llllllll!l!ll!inilllll .....4 take;bleh did not help pie. tfhen During;last session wh tJi t-igntn Avenue East. 10 and the Catholic Church on It told tie I must undergo an oper attending t ohis legislative duties Sunday. Finder please return Thii.T refused to permit. Mr. Mohley brought to the atten-lion be found another strong' story, a to Daily News office. 107 I heard about 'Fruit-a-tives' ud of the government the story or a little girl who was Dentistry ft(xonderful results It was rlYinf nr.A hungry for a mother's Iovb. tha ARCHITECTS J ally of making ample tmalhieneJicine is mad rem provision, intensity ofUhis Dlav is liirhtehel WILLIAM rrom a governmental standpoint, BRUCE, Architect and 4 Be first box fare jreat relief;and to properly codo with the itnn by tho many audience,humorous will rainier flashes with and"f Hn valuator. 4th Street. Plans pre W DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! TP tlon which is developing and the pared for publio and Drivate the treatment, taklnr J continued little love starved Eileen in the lii boxes more. Now,my health U with visit or Mr. Pattullo was made finding of her happiness. buildings. Hj One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your ncflIent-1 am free) of pain and a view to havina- a FINANCIAL ' jiellinr-and I fire 'Frult-a-tiTeV of the government get first hand Efficiency m Btwinnesttbanis". knowledge. INSTANCE TALMADGE 'APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a Muk. F. GAREAU.' Keep Trade Canadian. low rate of interest received on 60c, bor,6 for$2.60, trial else 25e. In order to Insure that all tins. AT THE WESTHOLME plans speciflcations anrf ten l Ji dealers or sent by Frult-a-tiYes Bible trade shall hn ders, by William Bruce, Archi limited,Ottawa. the Canadian aide, the government Famous Thrill Artist Hera To tect, 4th Street. Dr. Bayne is constructing a road from ih night In "Good Might Paul" end of the wharf at Stewart to MISCELLANEOUS Pianos in Stock I Uyder to connect up with the road Constance Talmadge THE NORTON The place for a OFFICE HOURS: mere. This,will give Stewart comes to ac shampoo. Hairdressinsr. ScalD Hopning,;9itoIl2, Afternoon, J.30 to 5.30, 7 to cess to the wonderfully rich ornn. night in picture to the the West- Evening, 9 NEINTZMAN & CO. treatment. 210 Fourth Street. erlies on the Canadian holme Theatre in a thrilline side of the Dental Open 10 Nurse in attendance. KIRN a. m. or by appointment. comedy-drama "Good Night Paul" Salmon river. The new road in ENNIS b costly-piece of there i3 This has nothing to do with Phone 493. tf Phone 109 for appointment MORRIS some heavy cutting to be 'done, Paul Aivaroff, the manager, who BICYCLES CLINTON but it is realized that in order to is responsible for securinsr it for DOHERTY retain the trade for home merchants Prince Rupert patrons. It is an. WE PAY CASH for second-hand Sold on Easy Terms. the work must be done. other Paul whose acauaintance bicycles and parts. You ican We r?nt out pianos . Jt is expected that the Alice everyone should make tonight. trade your old bike for a new by the month as Arm situation will be cleared up Anyone in touch with the movie one. We repair all makes of low as 20c. a day. within the. next month and work world knows Constance Talmadge, bikes and carry a large assort 'iino Tuning and Musical hould start there on an extensive one of the high priced actresses ment of accessories. McGowan Special This Week Instrument Repairing scale at an early date. who is an artist in her profession. & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. Ihe north seems to be coming The play, is an art production, A Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 er's Music Store n to its own. stirring drama with plenty of Second Avenue. tf M lie. Phone Blue 388. comedy features. LACE GOODS Children's Chairs TWO BIG FEATURES REAL HAND-MADU LACE, made AT THE EMPRESS by Belgian women', collars. Go-Carts, Baby Carriages Summer School Be Sure About handkerchiefs and table centres in English P5int, Brussels; Children's Cribs Powsrful, Dramallo Photoplays for Singers and Mechlin, etc. Prices rea Make Splendid Program sonable, at Mrs. Frizzell's, 3rd ARTHUR'J.-FOXALL For Tonight. Jewelry Values Avenue. tf f eQ known vnnivii iinin. BARRIE FURNITURE STORE m establish a 'lommer There are two bier features at REAL ESTATE the Empress Theatre this even-inr. Vocil school in You don't need to har the' hM Ruptrt June 27 Augutt when "Th Business of Life" aUrhtest doubt about any article I WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. ' and "Wanted, a Mother" will both that bclonra to. a Jewelry store. LOTS. Apply P. O. box 606. tf Jwtofnt should be made lmmedl- be screened. Both of these features Wkt sure that you come here jaBfOlin school of Music. SSI and wall make sure of the rest.. C. P. R. FARM w are five, reel pictures, and S&eet,w, Vancouver, b. cf Our lines represent the foremost in "The Business of Life" will be thought in jewelry manufacture. C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms seen a story that is straight They are the outnut of the Ir- in well settled districts in drama, and one. of tha. strongest est factories. .Our roods come to Western Canada; low prices; 1 .MISS that Robert W. Chambers has ever o V'fullr ruarantted. twenty years to nav: irrigated Georgetown Lumber Co. M. A. WAY pass them alonr to you on written. It is absorbina and holds the eame terms. We can serve you lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, TEACHER OP MUSIC the attention of the audience from as well as any store in the country. with loan of $2,000 in PHONES 130 3"9 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Second Avenue the first flash' to th final fade- Our- prices are always fair and improvements to assist new Jill.rtJUth..ylUbu.of resscnabl. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. thi out. This picture is characterized settlers. Act now they are . throughout by wonderful lighting going fast. For free booklets FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY Phon.Bin.1M effects: Alice Jovce is radientlyi John Bulger and full information write H. beautiful and her role gives her Jeweler G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., SPRUCE IFIR CEDAR ample opportunity for dramatic Ths Stors of Worth and Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Consult Us. ?0R ELECTRICAL xpression. 1 Bauty. General Supt. of Lands. 987 1st WORK In "Wanted A Mother" is to' St., East, Calgary. Ceo. Waddell M8 2nd Ave. Pho UCK 367 Z GREEN 394 If ' I'VJP RCS?Ki " ' I I' 'm Mo ny In Lampt. er 0rtInd Canal. R P SJAMIESON, Proprietor ""',,, Bu,hMin, vHcn tor Bu sinesi i HNt ho. oouer J S -THANKS life " Avenue, West." . . ii a j .in-v.-y ii i j i ir- k -iv. j i ' hU .... . w aW rrs LaWEtaKCt0r8 and H I I BBBB1 1 II 5 v-v - BM " - I VI I'l I JJL . i J WWW IA v?, MBBM Jil f . I j iBBBBi aj,- c i aaa a mi i vbbbbbbl. i nrni s yox 725 i 1 i I