THE DAILY NEWS. Pafe.1 CANADIAN QREAT SCOTTISH, THEIR MAN WITHOUT COUNTRY f r.-l A !. "'" J ' ' - "rrr Ift l.rnn nrvi ADVENTURE ABROAD AND SERVICE TO EMPIRE IS FEATURE PICTURE START .SAVING NOW (Continued From Pac.One.) 1 Splendid Production at Empress Jtisln joitrowit interct.t 10 fta flank account, loft of the, 16th,and Generals Mer-' Tonight Based on Everett .saving ns iH'Prt-int i Mruiitg. cer and Williams were killed.I Halo's Book. A vise ninn alw; lias a "nt ej" pntuivray ine enemy advanced as much.ia- for the rainy tiny. throe ;miles in some: places, until' A erea.1 six-reel Special Jewel Orn n Savin ps Account nt once sn.l innlce vour stopped by, ths 7iii, loth, 14tlnand Production will be seen at the -ri! uioticr. . 15th hattalions. Empress lis VlsBBBBBBBBBRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav 'M5 The ICth coun- tonight of the famous ter attacked on June 13 and?re- DOok Dv Edward Everett Hale "The if UNION BANK OF CANADA captured all ;the territory which Man Without a Country." ',! B J ION CR.UAMi OP WESTITN CANAS. had previously been captured fcby 1 Tnls peace-at-any-price be-Ihe i;0 OFFICE V.j.VJlpCAUN. Germans. liever is so annoyed at the insist- The.battalioni proceeded iotth ance of his sweetheart and iinme- PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, Somme in September, 1916,and diale Wends that he do his bit Q A. T. BRODER1CK, . . . Manajer. went over the lop three times lnat "e damns the flag of his and suffered 1.260 casualtfe i in country and says he would like to three .irips being, reinforced three De where' he could never hear the times. For work on the Bomme name spoken again. Later be is where lie was killed PJner Rich- lried for treason and the sentence ardsoir was posthumously award- imposed on him is that he be ed the Victoria Cross. ;banished, never to hear of his New Prices on Milk Helped-at Vlmy. jfla& or country. DL I From:the Sommet the .battalion ' For Afty-flve years he is not ERMETICALLV was :ordered to the vicinity -of al,0WetJ lo see or hear anything to take effect at once vimy nidge and spent, Lb.9 winter iro,n nom- eiore ins deaui he sealed in its wax-wrapped in the trenches in that district. Prays night and morning for many ine capture of the ridtre on Anril ,yearj ana .asks to be returned package, airtight, 9. 1917. is still frMh in tho m The uncle and aunt, who arc Pacific - 8 for $1.00,.per case $5.50 ory of all. where Cv Peck IpH ii.a 'pacifists, are convinced, .al thou5 U impurity proof Daitailon.wllh-Pip-r,Jimmy Groa4,iu,-y are aai"si war, mat me Maple Leaf 8 for $1.00, per case $5.50 wnq received .the. military medal ,couniry J or h, ana mey pieuge 11 1 IVlnin In..nil.. -I 1 fTl, WRIGLEYS A ff Of n onnll f -L TT lit r f young man aitfr reading "The .bvv a oucil J II HL iU during the summer, the 16th.went Man Without a Country" is con of "OUR OWN BRAND" Try a pound BUTTER. with the rest of the First Division vinced it alludes to his case and is hygienic wholesome. to immediately changes his views and It is the highest quality obtainable. Passchendaele, which was probably the bloodiest battle of and joins the colors. The goody any in which the Canadian Corps took part. Heavy casualties was J. Robertson was among the that's good for young FULLER'S Two Stores GROCERY the rule in every battalion there. arrivals from Vancouver on the From Passchendaele the Cana Venture yesterday afternoon. and old. dian Scottish were allotted to a PHONE P H .O N E sector of trenches in the Lens district. It was there that Lieut. The Flavour Lasts B aar la tt WRIGLEVS Wilfrid" neddihough was killed, while bandaging..a wounded com Leek for ft rade. In the spring and early sum mer of 1918, during the German drive the 16th having been sent Storage Batteries House Wring to. stay the fresh attack, were in the trenches at Lens and Arras. Charged and Repaired in all its branches They took their part in the British No Loss of Time While dffensive at Amiens, which Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-IRONS was the start of what is known Overhauled. Another Is as the Cambrai scrap. i Available. Always GRILLS HI ke to Germany. Agents For TOASTERS When Fritz was lairly on the LVINRl'PE Portable RANGES run the battalion started on the Motors. HEATERS long hike to Germany. About a month before the armistice was' CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES igned Rupert lost two .more of REGAL Engines for her- originals in CapL. E. ,0. Reit- i Own Your Own Transportation 1 Trolling. LAMPS chel .and Corporal Algy Hastings, The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS o probably the first and last GENERATORS Rupert boys who made the su PETTER HEAVY-OIL Rido ENGINE FOR preme :sacriflce were with the CECIL B.DettlLirs JSioyfJ m FjSHINQ SCHOONERS .MOTOR SWITCHES, Canadian Scottish. wfe Carit Have Svory thing ETC. On arrival at Cologne .the .men jUAETCEATTIW- For HEALTH " ust grabbed "Old Cy Peck" and Showing lo-nigt at the West- For ECONOMY Full tin. of Electrical Apparatu In stock. packed him -on their shoulders holme Theatre. ' into the city. i , For PLEASURE Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. The Officer. WATER NOTICE Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O, Box 67 vThe Sixteenth- had three colo-, DIVERSION AND USE It has no equal nels. but Peck: held the job down TAKE .NOTICE that Hume B. Bablngton. SEE OUR COLUMBIA MODEL g the lonsrest. both.his predecessors whose address- Is box Si 8 Prince Rjipert, B. C. will apply for a licence to take and MadtTin Canada hpin? mr.dp. malnr irenerals. Thu use two cubic Xeet per second or water 'out or an unnamed atream, which now Dattalion iias the unique record sou,n ana lnt0 n0usiun? aarr Lan- S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Of having six V. C.'s On its roll, Jjra island, near tne S.W. corner or Lot or four of whom are alive. Among The water will be diverted from the 1 McGOWAN & HANSON 1 stream at a point about twenty chains S.S. PRINCE GEORGE the notable officers who served north or the S. V. corner or Lot 998, and in the 16th..are.3Iajor. General: R. will be used for domestic and steam purposes Cycle and Repair Co. E upon the land described as Lot 998, SAILING Edwards. Leckie,. C. M. G Ma yueen Charlotte Land Dlsxtlct. Phone '489 139 2nd Prince B.C. Ave., Rupert, Jack Edwards Leckie. This notice was posted on the ground THURSDAY GeneraL, and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWAN iON .BAY, OCEAN FALLS, jor on the 5lh day or April, 1919. A copy or iwicouVER, VICTORIA .and -SEATTLE. S. O., Major' R. O. Bell-Irving, this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the '.'Water Act, UK," IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllillll "'DNEIDAY n SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR, ANYOX. S. O., killed in action, Majrr will be nled in the onice or the Water S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE.ALBERT Godson Godson, D. S. O., Major Recorder objections at Prince to. the Rupert,application B. C. may be tollmen, fort Clement tad Buckley,Bay..April Mrd, and 30in; May . A. Scroggie, .Russian order of filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller or Water Rlglits, Parliament Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 urn, tut and Mdailie h- istn. St. Michael and French Bulldlnfrs. Victoria, B.C., within Point! Qumb Charlotta. lalaodi April , sstn. Jay i9th,and JJrd. Militaire, who ;went over as a thirty days after the first appearance or "rt, bc. May 3rd, nih aud SitL this notice In a local newspaper. private and who is ,now second iri HUME 11. BAIJI.NGTO.N, Applicant. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service The date or the first publication or this TRAIN SERVICE command, Capt. Tommy Brewer, notice Is May 10, 1919. ..... .... . . . ...... '"enter who held ranK t3 n -on.oay ana saiuraay at. n:sv a. m.iur- oraiinm, M. M., every up Prim w IN PHOBATE. THE S AVDY HOTEL George, Edmonton and Winner, making direct connections for caDtaln..Captain E. O. Reitclte.I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH an points east and. sou in. a brave -and gallant gentleman," COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION F. T. BOWNESS. Manager LieuL'-Col. Waller Flewin (-iftli ACT For agency' all ocean steamship lines Batt.) of; Port Simpson, who was IN THE MATTER OF THE E9TATE OF Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Information .nil rMrv.tlnn mnlv to AViyuAM Mckenzie locan, deceas- . . , Cltl Tlcktt Ofllet, B2S Third Axnua. eo. IU UllTaiC 1 I rt itup... .1-o w.-o-!n i n r, II I - .U, I.I.. I. ,3 1...........A 1 C ,,.r.w t .. , ., In the 16ih, Xieut.wCol. Willlnill X MKx CONCERN or an order made by His Home Cook in; Running Hot And Cold Water" Wilfrid Mac Honour. F. McU. Younr. ocal Judlte. in the Rae, D. S. O., Lieut. djnald. who is nor minus a leg. .i9,.as roiiows: niiiinii.ri tint Iha ,1 inhn H but with as big a hart as ever. McMulUn stlsll be anowea i0 swear to the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY' ine 1nt nf thfi "original death or the said deceased as occurring- oij WESTHOLME LUNCH the 4th day or May. 117. arter the explrai . irom Rupert of tho rnnk and file Uon or one montn irom ine oaie ui tue or uotlce of this order. SECOND first publication AVE.J recently returned in the pJ.'- has: unless in .lue lueauuuie pruui i iuiiubucu Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points of Malcolm Laub. to the Registrar or this Court at Prince HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. via son Rupert. B. C., that the said deceased William Steamer Vancouver and the to 8ports. Mckentle Logan was alive subsequently to the said fith day or May. 1917. Canadian Pacific Railway In sDorts the Jaatla'ion has al AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that tlH Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to &00. ihe satd John 11. McMullin do publish notice Meals and rBerth included on Steamer ways held up its end,-winning or this Order In the rrlnce Rupert Dally Short orders all the time. Specialjratea with room and board. brigade football championship in News, a newspaper published at Prince Rupert, B, C, for a period or one month. '0 1917 and in 1918 'o. 3 platoon J. II. McMULLlN. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE.FBOM PRINCE.RUPERT won the Canadian Corps champ- OtllcUl Administrator. My. l .S; June , it and 0. onshiD as the smartest platoon NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- -competing BOSTON GRILL "rrCH"tAN. JUNEAU, WRANQELL,.BKABWAY,, ALASKA in the corps, every battalion . TION ACT. From prince Ruperl ,Nay , 19 and t. for this coveted honor. R. S. C IIS. The regimental motto is "Dcas 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 which means "Ready The Grand Trunk Pacific nallway Company Gu Cath," hereby rives notice that It bas, under A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. C.ttt( W; ORCHARD, G.neral'Agsnt. for Battle," a most fitting motto Section 7 or the aald Act .deposited with Home and Cooking. Open Day Night. urth Str..t the Minister or public Works at Ottawa, and Third Annul. Prlnea RudmI. B.C. for a regiment with buch a uib- and lo the .otnre or the District Registrar DINNER 1 1.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c. Dessert at every meal. record as ine mm or the Land Registry District or prince tinguished Short orders at time. Rupert at Prince Rupert, B. C, a description any Canadian Scottish. or the site and plaus or car ferry slip and works proposed to be built In Tn AMMMtWfJ Prince Rupert Harbor at Prince Rupert, Smoke Players Navy Cut cigarettes, urituii Columbia, in front or water front pJdion COAST-SERVICE. wrapped in tan foil. Block And "C."lake noUre that after the expiration GOOD EATS or one month from the date of the first For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 RESERVE publication or this notice the Grand Trunk Second Av9nue. . MTier-oriOANCELILT10N'OF.that the Paclllo Railway Company will, under Section GIVEN p.m. IS HEREBY 7 or the said Act, apply to the Minister Breakfast . , 7:30 lo 9 Anyox, Aljce Arm and Portjsimpson, or Public Works at bla office In the City or Ottawa for approval of the aald Lunch . , 11:30 to Mondays, 7 a.m. site and plans and for leave to construct Dinner 5:00 to 8 Naaa River Points, Friday.a.m. ,u.y, . ' i0r'NADEN. the .said works. , Minister ot Unas, DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this J 0th SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Deputy dir of April, Ay D. 1919, Jack Barnsley, General Agent .indi Department. Oil AND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, Victoria, B. C. M t per II. II. Hansard. Solicitor. Mh Maren,- ll.