rage TUB. DAIL.I flaWB. WELCOME TO WHY EXPERIMENT ? RETURNED MEN Food scientists claim that the leavener is largely responsible for the flavor, texture and whole-someness BY ST. ANDREWS of your home baking. That on no other one ingredient does so much depend. It is Enjoyable Time Spent Last Night therefore, to use a baking important, powder By Sons or Scotland In Their Club Rooms. that you know possesses the necessary leavening The St. Andrew's Society last qualities. nio-ht ATfpnrlpfl nn nfllp.inl wnlnnmn to those members who have re MAGIC BAKING POWDER turned from overseas, and fol lowing out the custom, mads : Contains No Alum presentation to one who had re a turned wife. witn There a bcoicn was a lassie largo attendance, for and is the only strictly high class baking powder linyySKV so large that, the gath. in, Canada selling at a moderate price. Its reputation ering was held in the big hall is built on purity and highest quality. After a somewhat lengthy program of music and speeches, sup The only well known 'medium priced baking the per rooms was served upstairs by and the following ladies in powder made inv Canada that does not contain MAKE your money work and earn something. It was a dance which was kept up alum and that has all its ingredients plainly Thrift Stamps are exchangeable for until Scotsmen festive hours. s , a $4.00 War Savings Stamp, and for every War President Macdonald welcomed stated on the label. Savings Stamp accumulate the Dominion of you the back behalf of the men on Made in Canada Canada is pledged to pay you $5.00 in 1924. society and mentioned that no less C Invest the interest on your Victory Bonds and than 57 of their members out of I,make it work and earn for you. 100 had gone overseas, and some JfATIOXAI. WAV. 'RAVINGS COSIMITTEE would never return. He paid a (British Columbia Division) tribute to the Scotchmen who, Vancouver, B.C." while not members, had made it , possible for them to secure com fortable quarters, the best of Notice to Advertisers PHONE PATTINSON & LING their kind in B. G. Those who 590 590 Casual advertisements ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS could not go overseas had felt it for insertion same day 'incumbent upon them to keep up should be in the Daily Battery Charging and Repairs the quarters in order to bo" in a News offlce beforo 10 a. m. "Exide" Battery Service Station position to welcome the members i Changes in advertisements back. On behalf of the society should be on hand before Dynamo, and nMotor. Armatures Rewound and Repaired ho thanked those who had fought 5 p.m. on previous day. "LACO" TUNGSTEN LAMPS for them and for their families. Mirro "LACO" NITROGEN LAMPS Sergt. Kelly. " t The Lamp which Is guaranteed against defects and burnouts Jack Q. M. Sergt. Kelly expressed .FOR 1.500 BURNING HOURS CROWN NOTICE his pleasure at being once LAND ACT ? . . . . SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Ynnpn hnmn amnnir (Vinmla.. nnH Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. AlinmlnNm nn.1orin-norl .nrl enilnrcM "Trtlrt.r fnr lhA " ...v. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Mf Hopreseutatives in Northern B. C. for purchase or Gasoline Engines at Prince at finding tho society more pros-Dupert, Rocordlng District or Skeena. and situate DELCO-LIQHT PRODUCTS B. C" will be received at this nr on Langara Island. omce until 12 o'clock noon. Thursday, perous man ecr ine news Take notice that Norman Brodhurst, or j May i5th. ror the purchase or two Atlas jl0W ey were getting on at home Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation master Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, On n n 1 1 a artl In a b nirinas mariner. Intends to apply ror permission Tenders will not be considered unless encouraged them when at the to lease me ronowing described lands:- VC Irons, Percolators and Grills. mSde upon rorms rurnlshed by the De- in Commencing at a post planted about SO "Efectrical Co'nlracling Estimates Free. partment and In accordance with condl-.iront. incy Olien met, groups reel in an easterly direction rrom the S. W. tions contained therein. . 'over there and talked of the St. corner or Lot 089: thence south 200 reel The engines may be teen on the Inspec-, , more or less to low water mark f thence & ton Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert, Andrew s bOCiety. Willie bCOlS- northeasterly along low water mark about Pattinson Ling B,Each probably clannish, if 4 chains to 1 point due south or the 8. E. nien were tender must be accompanied by an corner or Lot 990; thence north about 8 Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue, next to Singer accepted cheque on a chartered bank, everyone helped each other as chains to the 8. E. corner or Lot 999; payable to the order 61 the Honorable, the inence soumwesteny to mis post ana containing Sewln gMachlne Shop. Minister or Dominion Public Works, equal they did lt -WOUld be better for the three acres, more or less. to ten per cent (10) or the amount or ,vnri(4 SCnfsmn had rallied to AUIl.MAn UHUADHUR9T. Dated May 7, 1919. or Canada will be accepted as security, or'the flag, some of whom perhaps war uonas aim cneuue 11 reuuueu iu wane LAND ACT up an odd amount. 'should have stayed at home, lie Tne m guest or any tenaer not neces- iiad not UiouKht he had SO manv Notice or Intention to Apply 16 Lease Land. sarily accepted. in yueen unarioite isianns Lana uisinct. By order, friends in the world. The men Recording District or Skeena. and situate Acting E, P.District GINORAS,Engineer. at home had made it possible for on Take'Langara notice Island.that Hume B. EablnKlon or To Prospective Dominion Tubllc Works Department, him to go. The greatest worry Prince Rupert, li. c, occupation master Prince Rupert, B.C., F14 mariner, intends to apply ror permission April 23rd. 1619. had always been tho possible anT to lease the following described lands: BU1LDERS&CONTRACT0RS Reflects Good swar. i' tim: ijucatiuu,- "now are chains"-Commencing in a southeasterly at a post planted direction-about rrom 8 - r-r -for ' 1 the' folks at home?" He thanked the S. W. corner of Lot SSS; thence south Huaa cvc cyiUg' along high water 500 reel! thence west the members for the in which way about 200 feet to low water: thence- north. they had helped his family during westerly sbout 4 chain along low water f Fcenrig thal"U is up to us to assist in the Housing move-' to a point due south or the S.W. corner his absence. oi lai vva: inence norm about 8 chains ment we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the ma- Dr. Grant. to the S.W. corner or lot 998: thence terial and supplies handled by us, such as: Fred southeasterly alone hlrh water u mi Stork's L Dr. Grant in mentioning the auu iuuiaiuuig uve acres, mors or less. Electrical material of all descriptions, including Fit- DEPARTMENT OF LANDS clanriishness of the Scotchmen Dated May 7, li.I91 B. BABINGTON. lings and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe Hardware said there was no parsimony uonault, p-leclnc Heaters and mantels, Automatic Lleclric SECOND AVENUE WATER RIGHTS BRANCH when it came to giving their lives LAND ACT 'A Ranges, etc Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water "WATER ACT 191 4." Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. lii..,, T1:1 1; iri. - n , 1 , 1 n: for the Empire. They were al 111 wueeu L.narioiie isianns i.nn nistpirt Phone Black 114 Recording District of Skrwm ;nrt tlrn.t Covering, AVo'd Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and willing to support good ways any i :ancellation or reserve op watfb on Langara Island. 1 imiuui-. is uereDy given that His Honor'cause. The folks at home fully Take notice that Charles A. Coulson of Kalsomihc Bruslfe's "of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber hp. I.tplltpnant Rnvprnn. rT ltrlttfih flnm. I 1 un tit'iiirnu, occupation mariner, intends ;: Ash, MapIe,-;Tak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron-Ornamental ia, by and with the advice or his Execu- appreciated what the men had to apply ror permission to lease the nas Decn P'esea to order; ii 101 Iron Fire Ilex Flintkcle "2,,r?-?ncu- or,uone- 110 spOKe nf ine WOrK OT lowing ucecriDea lanas; Work, Escapes, etc. pursuant to the provisions Coinmcnong at a twist nlaniril shnnt s .ectlon S9 cr the "Water Act, IBM" being such men as Scolty Dennis, who chain e.st or the N. W. corner or Indian Hoofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire rtopc and lhaptcr 81 or the Statutes or IBM, that Reserro o. 16; thence north 10 chains; Cables berricl; Castings and Contractors' SEEDS! he reserve or the unrecorded waters or In spite of severe handicaps, had thence west SO chains more or lena tn the supplies. leruge Creek, established pursuant to helped to stop autocracy and were wesi uounuary 01 Lot 076j thence south W'e also" handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, Jrder In Council No. 68, approved on the 10 chains more or less to shore; thevce For the 7th day or January, 1919, be cancelled. now home to help work out the easterly along shore to N. w. corner, or including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and Garden DATED this T.17th D.day PATTULLO,or February. 191k problems here. Indian Reserve No. 16: thence past in ' WcBtinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, point or commencement and containing so Specially Suited for Prince . Minister or Lin d s. Home Problems. acres, more or less. - - ,; Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. Rupert soil. WATER NOTICE ' Dr. Grant spoke of some of the Dated May 7. 1919.C. A. COULSON. Being direct factory representatives, wp are able to DIVERSION AND USE. problems of the present. There make very attractive prices. TAKE NOTIPP Hint V V n,ihr ;was the duty to tho soldier who LAND ACT FEED manufacturer, whose address n'rr nt liarl irnnn anil i-ofnrnoH inonnonl CHICKENS Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, rrlnce Rupert. ',nlmi Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER B.C., will apply for a licenct to take and the duty to the widows and in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, , e uu e.g. 1. or water out or union orphans, the re-estahlishmpnt nf Recording District or Skeena, ami situate reek, which nows westerly and drains in tho vicinity or, Indian Reserve No. 16, Fourth Street, off Third Avenue nto Union Bav about at tht. head nf um tho men in mvil Ilfn. Thnro wna Langara Island. - 389 P. Oy Box 772 Phone Black Take notice that cnrtnn p m..i nr UThe water will be diverted from th aIso settling of the disturb- i-niice iiupert, jintlsn ColumUa,- occupa P. R. FEED Co. umoTLakir 555i4,Wro?tiSSS-anco of iviI soci$ly caused by lhe sion Hon manager.19 lease Intends the following to apply for described Dermis and incidentally industrial) purposes ,W0 r. There was nothing to be imiua:fnmmAn.ln . - . . i . . .. PHONE nTnbn9r&MurDSiriff L0V gained by class division rpi, vy......v..v.u, a pun jiiaiueu ai norm 58 iiio ieii corner or Indian itoaorvo nnmw P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. i ms notice was posted on the ground spirit Of brotherhood must DQ nhence ono hundred and llfty reel more or I w,u uajr VI April, 1919. A copy or jess in sputnwesterly direction to low water TO SUBSCRIBERS & mum mis uouce ana an application pursuant 8U0Wn in every walk of life SO imark; thence 700 reet westerly along low smith thereto and tc the "Water Act, IBM," will Mlat man micht hia JtiRt 'w".r m"k: tn?n northerly one hundred be riled In the omce or the Water Record- UVLrJr gci feet more or less to high water mark: Subscribers to The News er at Prince Rupert. B.C. due. He did not, however, be-1 enco easterly soo reet more or less DENTISTRY Objections to the application may.be , . "X araJ asked 'to "pay" tho delivery PLUMBING AND HEATING Hied with the said Water Recorder or with lleve n revolution but in evolu mencement and containing two (S) acres ne comptroller or Water Rights, Parlla- tion. At Dresent all waire more or less. boys each month ENGINEERS ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within earners, CLIFTON P. RIEL. whe'tby cajl, except furnished. OFFICE HOURS; hirty days arter the first appearance or and ho was one, felt the pinch of Dated 8th April, 1919. Estimates his notice in a local Where .payment has been newstaper. a.m. to 12i 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. e. 11,0 h,sh cost of living. lis spoke r. duby. Applicant. IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR -made for the year in advance. head iiiu uaiu or ine Jirsi ounncntmn nr ihia'nr 1 m ..n v,. r iti r Address, 3rd Avenue, DR. J. ""C" huuioci- ui uhhiuh iiil issut ur A MltSli CERTIFICATE S. BROWN notice Is April 11. 1919: The boys when Of TITUS VUll LOTS ft At 0 ntnrv Street. DENTIST aires in the United States and of nf Second a, ociiiiuu d, uil UF PRINCE RU collecting official cany receipts ORces Smith Block, Third Avcnut. the extremes of wealth and poverty, PERT, (Map 9S). which should always i Phone 17 - P. O. Box Z Phone 454. giving a number of figures NOTICE Is hereby given that It Is my be preserved. t J to illustrate i.iicniKJii, uureas anu injection is made th3 point. This made . ... uir:ciu in writing, to, issue, arter tno expiration tat 1' for discontent. The men had or one month, rrom the nrst pub lication nereorra rresh Certincate or title fought autocracy and 'he hoped iu hid iuutb iiientionea tots in ttiA nsmA they were come back to fight or or Title Ronald IS C.dated Ferguson,20th Anrll which IOI9 Certincate.n. la CURRIE HONORED BUSINESS FOR SALE plutocracy. They should stand WATER ACT, 1914. houlder to shoulder II. F. MACLEOD. The Senate of the announces to see that .DI,,JJ? "ff'-Mr or Titles. .University of Mrs. Goldbloom lax RIPARIAN RI0IITS everyone got his just due. This Land Prince Registry Rupert,omce,B. C, Toronto has decided to offer the that owing to provisions NOTICE or Is berebv Section c-lvon 6 or the that Water Act, could be done, not by dividing S8th April, 1919, degree of L.L.D. to General Sir fact of her having o r IBM. every rlnarlan nrnnrlotnp riilming society but by the spirit of broth IN THE SUPREME Arthur Currie. Sir Arthur has hn.ineo interests eise- any elusive right use to or divert water water for any or purpose to the ex.by erhood on a religious basis. COLUMBIA.COURT OF BIUTISH not intimated whether he will ac .... ii h0 hpen neces SEVEN PASSENQER CAR prietor-...Mv vtygr la required veins'on or such berore riparian the pro first J. ti. Urady gave a short humor W !!!?,MATJEn or THE "ADMINISTRA- cept, but it is expected that he sary i w ui-Jlonnefl Of tDB, DAY AND NIGHT day or June, 1020, to file a statement or ous address. He aaid that the UUil Alii - and will. A.specialjnllitary. convention ladies' ready to wear hu SERVICE claim claim. sett'ng Such statements forth the particulars or claim shall or h.ls be world had changed when the men !"' THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF is to be held next fall, nt ness in Prince nupe"-Satisfactory filed In duplicate with th v went away. The returned soldier ' aI,ANT' CECEASED, INTAKE arrangements PHONE 84 TESTATE which una uegree ana outers 10 'i 1110 waier uistnci in wnicn the Is diverted or used. water philosophy he prophesied would other members of the CE. F..wil! 1 1 1 ho mflda wim Arter tho Ilrst day or June, 19S0, no permeate at homo. He NOTICE . that hv nrilpr nf ills be conferred. SrhuT Full part- light to divert water or to the exclusive thanked Honour F. McB. Young made the 17th day ' D. ROSSI iise or water ror any purpose shall exist tho returned men ior havincr of February, A. D. 1919, I was' appointed may i,o had at the by virtue only or nuuiiiuBiiaiur mi tue eiiim itrtr.i.pt a ulars any ownership or land. Forms or statement or claim can be ou-allied fought on his behalf and on behalf tirant, acceasea. and all parties havlnr 8alvatlon Army. store. rrom the Water necinw nr i. of hia cisiuis nmuisi. me saia estate are hereby Dawson Block Third Avenue several Water Districts In lhe Province or household. required to rurnish same, nronerlv-vprifipri. ', 1 111111 liiu (.umnirni pp nr wsip iiicpriia The presentation nf nn rf to me on or ,berore the 7th day of June, Publlo meetings, Tuesdays, Our Pool Room Taxi Parliament Dated at Buildings,Victoria, n Victoria,r thu B.1 C.nh ..r' reading lamp to Mr. an.1 Mrs. are 1919.required and all parties to pay Indebtrri the,amount tn ih or their nn. Thursdays and Saturdays al B p. have raa j inn 'nPW'i of March, 1919.T. V. PATTULLO,' Massie took place at the close of Indebtedness JOHN to me It.rorthwltli.McMULLIN,, r. Sundays, at. 7;30s'p. jn. look.T11V1.through trie pi...ifld C0I'"5 Minister rr Lands. tho supper. DATED I his 1st day ORICIal of May,,irlmlriltlralnr 1919, , Advertiso in.the Daily News. on Pago 5,