g.mrday. May 10, TH11 DAILY NEW a. Page 5 SPECIALIST SAID CURRIE WIRES ews Classified Advertising REGARDING T HE MUSTOPERATE 'WANTS B. FOR SALE To clear, second Have You Tried Saya It Was Integral Part hand white enamel bedsteads of nnixi&u tha uno (large) or two - i,'FRUlT.A.TlVES',Intead, iinaaian Corps and Ral furnished or unfurnished rooms at your own price. Biochu's s cv. u., Factor Furniture Store. 309 Third Ave. ' in Winning for careful iai U Nowmrc. married couple, The War. without children. Apply box FOR SALE Rooming house, 14 ... 250 Daily News offlce. 107 rooms and large dance hall. Provincial uencrai sir Arthur r.nrriu Apply 208 Ninth Avenue. See cabling the national council says WANTED Young lady for photo this before building. tf the Y. M. C. A. has Inner h., finishing, with or without experience. Iooked Apply F. W. Chandler, FOR SALE upon as an integral part OR LEASE Yokohama ui mo corps. 318 Sixth Street. 09 Restaurant and Bowling Alley VI u nas t Deen a real factor in WANTED .Young girl to assist after 2Gth May. Apply J. Pos-lulo. FLOUR winning it many victories. It wan with housework and children. tf a wonderful help through the last Apply 515 Cotton Street. 08 FOR SALE Boat thirty-three ft. weary months. The organization long, nine feet, six beam, ten has been most efficient and I do Bring youl furs to Goldblooin, h.p. engine. not know how we should have got Third Avenue, He pays high-tf Apply Shockley's aiong wunout It. est price. Shop, Fraser Street. 10G Ask Your Grocer I am confident the association FOR SALE FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from MMC, r. CAREAU will be called upon to play a large prize strain barred rocks, and Ave., Montreal. part in the national life of FOR SALE -2 geese and gander, Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per 1J3 Papineaa Canada. setting. Atkins Meat Market. one goose1 sitting on ten Tor three years, I suffered great eggs. in the lower part of my body, Apply 308 5th Ave, West. 9 LOST pe-a iith lline or bloating. I 6ar a FOR SALE i Fumed oak dinintr racialist, wh carefully examined r In the Letter Box room suite. Almost new. Apply LOST Rosary beads, between llllllllllll!lllllllllllill!lllll!IIIIIIIIIIHII and me seTeral tonics to Besner Apartments, Borden St. w pie ZJ7 Eighth venue East. 10 bke,ubich did not help me. Tlien ana me uatholic Church on lie told me I must undergo an oper-itioa. 8HAWATLAN8 PIPE LINE " Sunday. Finder please return This, I refused to permit. Editor Daily News. PIAY W1TH1K PUY to Daily News office. 107 I beard about 'Fruit-athes' and The item on the Stwwatlans Dentistry (he wonderful results It was firing Passage submerged main. ,oub- AT THEWESTHOLME ARCHITECTS J leciase this medicine is tnadtrom lished in your issue of Tuesday is WILLIAM BRUCE, Architect and hit juices,so decided to try n. hardly correct. How Pictures ar Wade Is Well valuator. 4th Street. Plans prepared The first box gave great relief;and I laid this main by contract and Illustrated lri"8tory 'Wa Can't for public and private J DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! I continued the treatment, taking I believe Have Everything." my price was less than buildings. ji boxes more. Now, my health is one-third of the cost of H One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your excellent I am free of pain and laying How it is" done in some picture FINANCIAL prellinr-and I gire 'Fmit-a-tires' the first one and was perfectly studios, is' shown in "We Can't H Efficiency 1 at irannest thanks". Works.satisfactory to the Board of Have Everything," at the West APPLICATION FOR LOANS at a Mm. F. GAREAU. holme Theatre tonight. This is low rate of interest received on Ocaboi,6 for$2.50,trial site 25c. This main was tested for leak a special Cecil B. De Mille production plans specifications and tenders, it afl dealers or sent by Fruif--tlre age by Mr. Mason, the city engi. from Artcraft and is by William Bruce, Architect, limited,Ottawa. neer, and Mr. Walker,- the back. based upon Rupert Hughes' novel 4th Street. Dr. Bayne wuous joreman, me leakage was of the same name. The scenario I found considerably less than the is by his brother, Wm. C. De MISCELLANEOUS Pianos in Stock amount allowed in my contract. Mille. rHE NORTON The place for a H OFFICE HOURS: The joints were made by the The incidents which show the regular shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Morning,Jitoil2i Afternoon, L30 to 5.30; Evening, 7. to 9 city gang whose wages inner workings of a 'film studio treatment. 210 Fourth Street. HEINTZMAN & CO. were paid by me. The lead KARN was occur when a photoplay within a Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. . Dental Nurse in attendance. furnished by the city. It was photoplay is enacted. The part Phone 493. tf Phone H 109 for ENNIS appointment then examined from end to end of Kedzie, a film star, is interpreted MORRIS by a competent diver whose re by Wanda Hawley and'the BICYCLES CLINTON port is on fib at the city hall. scenes of the "movie" in the lilllllllllllllllllllillllilllllllillllllllllllll DOHERTY The main was placed in service making are located in a "harem" WE PAY CASH for second-hand Sold on Easy Terms. bicycles and parts. You can as soon as it was completed and with the accompaniment of beautiful We rnt out pianos I believe was in constant use from girls, gorgeous costuming, trade your old bike for a new by the month as June, 1915, to the winter of 1917, one. We repair all makes of low as 20c. a day. when the first break occurred. The story of the picture itself bikes and carry a large assortment Piano Tuning and Musical I think this break and the bad is concerned with the rapid life of accessories. McGowan Special This Week & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. Instrument Repairing condition of the main was caused of the metropolis today and the by the severe shock it received at part of a Bociety woman of blue-blood Phones 489 and Green 166, 139 Walker's Music Store the time the large gate valve at isi interpreted by istately Second Avenue. tf the powerhouse was broken. Kathlyn, Williams. . LACE GOODS Children's Chairs tij Ave. Phone Blue 389 ipes were broken at the same time at McJJride St., and also at REAL HANDjMADE LACE, made Frederick St. The submerged oy ueigian women, collars, Go-Carts, Baby Carriages main must have received a very Suppose That Yon "handkerchiefs and table centres Summer School severe shock at this time as it is -in English Point, Brussels, Children's Cribs the lowest point in the system. and Mechlin, etc. Prices reasonable, for Decide Own Singers There is another point that to at Mrs. Frizzell's, 3rd ARTHUR J. FOXALL should receive consideration. The Avenue. tf first main was laid with pipe A WATCH BARRIE FURNITURE STORE 1 eB known Vancouver alnglnr REAL ESTATE Hdr. m tmblith a summer made by Messrs. Howells, an Eng. lish firm. This pipe is used for Vital Scftoo! in WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. Mk Rupirt Junt 27 Auguat 28. the mains under the Narrows at Suppose that you believe that we LOTS. Apply P. O box 606. tf Vancouver, and has been In ser can cell you a rood watch. toc2iwnt ihcutd be made tmmedU ies for over twenty years and Suppose that you call,' look over O. P. R. FARM atoromi school of Mualc. 81 satisfaction. our atock, and 'decide to take a as given perfect Vaneourer, B. a Hamilton watch at 115.00, well .P.R FARM LAND Choice farms At the time it was decided to lay the second main, it was impossible Twenty years rrom now you will in well settled districts in to get the English pipe, stlll watch.be learnlnr the time from tbat Western Canada; low prices; MISS so pipe of American manufacture twenty years to pay; irrigated Georgetown Lumber Co. M. A. WAY was used. This pipe is twenty- to Which be plenty li.an convincing;araument to that any watch ourht lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, TEACHER OF MUSIC flvo per- cent lighter and has a Suyer. with loan of $2,000 in PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1S32 309 Second Avenue improvements to assist new different joint. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. lt,tudtllh.,yabu, ;f u,. I make this explanation, as I settlers. Act now they aro wt Coni.rv.io!,. ..... . John FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY Bulger going fast. For free booklets Tto.luntel ain consider that the wording of the - rhone Blue 120 "" last paragraph of the item was a Jeweler and full information write H. "IIHMlfilliiJ SPRUCE FIR CEDAR reflection, both on Mr. Mason and O. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., for Tha Itor of Worth and Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Consult Us. myself. Thanking you your rR ELECTRICAL courtesy in publishing this, 'Beauty. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st WORK II. B. BABINQTON. St., East, Calgary. ' """" ' lJ ' r Geo.336 Waddell 2nd Ave. Gene Byrnes Says; "Here's the Music Write Your Own Words." Phones "CK3G7 GREEN 394 Mo,"y In Lamp.. HnlJ II 1 iim nyaer PortInd Canal, B.C. -JAMIESON, Proprietor &fc,brt ". 3)U.h Kiln, W Open for Busine.. S LEE CO. Avenue, West. veqEt"t;. Who Gen,.., I" "na Retail era! tv....... SS,lPert, B.C. "-P.O. Box 715