WLIMITtD The Daily News Bicycles PRINCE Repairs Parts RUPERT For and AUTO Itanium) i 707Second PHONE Avenue 76 .X.NO. in. PIUNCE RUPERT, B. CMOflfDAY, MAY 12, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENT! TJE WHOLE CITY TURNS OUT TO THIRD MAN VICTORIA AT CELEBRATION CROSS GERMANS MUST SIGN TREATY WELCOME tULONEL C. W. PECK V.C. was.At a the third bigr hall Victoria last night Cross there man AS DRAWN BY ALLIED POWERS 1 present,, although the fact was Allies can admit ofno discussion of the right to insist upon AND HIS MEN ON THEIR RETURN not generally known. It was T. 8. hc tlrms of the Peace Treaty being .accepted substantially as Hq'mes brie of Peck's ' men who drafted. Thfs is the reply to Lount vonBrockdorff Rantzau, head also fought in the South African of the German peace delegation, who submitted a note to Premier war and-who was one of the few Clemenceau declaring the treaty demands .contains which peace fait Mass Meeting f Citizens tt Exhibititn BniUinr at which V. C. men worked of that war. He for-merly could he borne by no people, and many of them incapable of accomplishment. at the oil tanks in Brockdorff Rantzau also has been informed in both Colonel recK ana lapttin ncbregor V.t. are Especially this Irish city, but he fought with an answer to 'a complaint, that Germany was asked to sign the Allied regiment in Africa. plan of a league of nations, although not among the states invited, Recognized aid Addresses Presented tt tther that admission of additional states had not been overlooked, but Returned The oldest Canadian Life Co. had been explicitly provided for in the second paragraph, article Men. rh Canada, J. F. Mag u I re, Agent. one of the covenant The German peace delegation declared, in letters sent to the .,!.), ritv turned out last night to welcome Col. a W. Peck. allied arid associated powers, that on several points the base of a . ... Mnlic. mnn nr.H in Hn rift tin n in Panlsin Tnlin W peace of right agreed upon r"etween belligerents has been admitted. " - it r fljju ilia r i i l was uuu vi mv bvuvjii uunui tiiab uai ever fltfiWl. ; urinre Ruoert and also one of the most enthusiastic: Address .--i'i v ntrYV nriri t hot WAR1 in mnk A wo re li t rn a H rifY1Ac Preseritiediito Colonel Peck i. i hn! nnn mm wj GERMANS ROUSED CAPt. ere MCGREGOR - .i iu limit wnrV liftrl hppn annpoi&foH UK""" i Mf nf H.a Hnplr Kv tfia MHotrf.U K.. . Kv fhiico if mnrrhpH in 4h PvKihUtnn OVER THE TREATY IS HONORED BY as There a very fine address was presented to Lieut.-Col. Peck, The following (s the text of lhef address which was i .jj.Ac?nu tn tno m p n nnn n rnm watn onn ham in presentea to Lieut-Col. C. W. Peck last niirht bv Mavor f liptain John Alcuregor, eacn as -a mar oi appreciation lor ser- McClynront and signed by himself; the city'clerk and the Socialists Rampant Against It and ALL CITIZENS uoara ,oi Aiaermen: Cities Demand Recall of immense buuaing was crowaea to tne aoors &na the "A " The greeting to Lirut.-Col. Cyrus Wesley Peck, V.'C Delegate. D.S.O., M. P Presented With Gold Watch Last ,fir.' ljicuw-viw..t i . - uu ll wrl - i...n r. "On behalf of, the people pf Pxince Rupert, we the (Special ,vu 0.T. P. Telerraphs.) Night and Cheered to Echo ..i. am tha nini.inriii us wcu us iutivui muuivdiuhl Liuinn ri i t Mayor and Board of Aldermen,.desire to extend to you'.a Berlin, May 12. The who'e By Crowd. in Dr. Grant and Tom Buversides. most hearty welcome home again-after more than four country is.aroused by the Allied The returned men were ranged on preferred seats in tne years of absence on the battlefields of Europe, and by the pence jterms,. Troops both here "The citizens of Prince Rupert grace of God, none the worse for wear. and at Liepsig have been reinforced" will not, I hope, be disappointed .Kcmnhnnv orcnestra just at tne ioot oi tne Diatiorm. "We have no hesitaney in expressing it we are in order to'riiairiCain order. at not hearing a speech from me. The place was beautifully decorated, the work having been proud of you, and very proud indeed of the reflected The,' Socialists are rampant I thank you jtor the way you haves honor...you have conferred upon our city. i against the proposed terms. The shown your' appreciation of my "During your long absence we have followed your majority group in the National services as a soldier and my only movements and have taken a.vital interest in the things Assembly in caucus .decided to regret is that I am not able to The music was all of a national and patriotic character, and which you have done, and on various occasions in the support the measure refusing to thank you in a more fitting manner." hp (ha nroconfflfinn fhft I.nrltp AiiYtliArv nf ihp fl w. V. A. the terms. The cities things which you have said. Knowing, of old, however, accept are that praise distresses you, we will simply say that your demanding the recall of the Ger That was the speech of Captain The address, which was the work of the famous artist, Morte home coming swells our hearts, with a kind and, grateful man peace, delegates. John McGregor last night in the r I1II H ITI III I III I-LB IJ L1LIVS&.I . V Ha 111 UU1IUDLCU,UII 111C W Ul 1 IIID eloquence to which we would gladly give voice. The German Government has? Exhibition. Building when he had of the platform. "In strange lands, through wild nights beset with declared a week of mourning. All been presented with a gold watch Afttr the formal presentation there was an informal recep-n danger and swiftest death on every hand, were your dancing,, horse racing, gambling' by Canon Rix on behalf of the city and it was well after two o'clock.when theofflcers and men nonors won. rnrougn it au for reasons of his ownv.God and concerns have been stopped, of Prince Rupert. It was cheered uTicik iui uic uuiiL. cscuncu ujr LiiuirmLiciius.r ociurs icavuiM. has not only spared ycur life bujt',has conferred upon your to the'echo and the greatest-enthusiasm Peckwa; prevailed upon oy his men to go with them to Van- old friends, the great privllege'iof joining you in feeling', was shown by everyone. grateful. - - Trade-and Labor .Council will be Xan'onvRixJn making the pres-entationspoke 1 "It may- be pertincnt toay to .those dear bpysfoi ours held. In the Carpenters' Hall, on, of the enthusiasm you left upon the field, we render full,justice, honqr and Wednesday, May 14, Tuesday at the time when 'Col. Peck and 11 PECK WENT TWO DROWN WHEN love; They were truo to us who now begin to.enjYy that : night being given over to Organi- his men had gone His prop"hesy bulwarked freedom forwhich they offered up. their lives; zer Mace of the; Logger' Union that, they would brj'ng t.back-the - SOUTH WITH HIS MEN A BOAT CAPSIZES shall we not then be true in our memory of them. Kdiser's helmet at that time had " May you enjoy the blessings for which you have The martrjuchardsony C, be been proven true, for a. thousand and loirged to that band. of the Kaiser's helmets had 'been fought so long' fearlessly." iieuLCo1. Peck went sduth Kerr and Dan MoKemte of Angua The Cplpne! thanked the people brought home by the soldiers. ms men last nlirhf. Thv Anyox, Who Lost Their Live for their kind.welcome to' himself, All Deserve Recognition. - v wibvilt VUUk US tllC 11UU officers and times t Were Known Mere. his men. Many He mentioned a statement that' v lvi I J null U1IU he had thought of them in Prince of the Canadian soldiers everyone Two men who are well known time they were assembled.-in the Rupert and had hoped to come had won the military medal even PRESENTATION same building when he bad'taken back. He thanked them behalf WTllrtrt kll. a here, Angus Kerr and Dan Mc-Kenzio on if they had not received it. The .V1-UB w 1 V A IUI t of Anyox, were drowned a small contingent to join the of the wonderful battalion he had highest decoration they could win, uav? mm inase ine visit 30th battalion, nearly all qf whom had the honor Of leading. on Saturday as the result of the OF ADDRESS TO however, was the Victoria Cross. overturning of their boat when went to the 16th, but afew to the Presentation to Men. They did not want titles in thfs ' salmon fishing. There were three famous 7th. Rev. Dr. Grant made the pros country, but there was one of the men in the boat at the time of the LOCAL MEMBER No Man Failed.. entation of engraved addressed to titles they were glad'to know that, "X HEILBHONER accident, but Angus McKentie "I want to say a few words the) men on behalf of the city, many Canadians bore. They managed to-old on to the boat about those men," continued the These addresses will be forward honored the than who was able to tillable Jeweler for a couple of hours until help Cel. Peck QIvm Stirring Addrees Colonel, "They were great soldiers, ed to the men by mail, hut one put the famous V. C.'after his Wtmonds, Watches, Clocks came. Kerr's body which was When Honored by Citizens no man failed,' no man was presented and suitably accepted name. It indicated splendid courage, Cutaiase, found tangled in.the lines was re. Lat Night. quailed or faltered, btft many by Thomas Silversides, resourcefulness and also Silverware, Ivory covered. bones were left to whiten on the president of the Great -War Vet some deed of special valor in Etc. Doth men were from Suther-landshire The address to Colonel Peck fields of France and Flanders on erans Association. saving life. in tha north of-8coiland those, famous battlefields. In making the presentation.Dr. Fit For Honor. to mm Dy Mayor was presentea lri Am. tnd eth llftii. and had a number of friends here. McClymont who read a copy of it. "Before they went away they Grant'spoke of Peck being a great Co'onel Peck had been one of While all looked soldier. they Kerr.' leaves a widow and two Thn Pnlnnel then renlied. were good fellows together, they the ordinary men of the town, yet children and the body will be nn ffrnat occasion ,auch as could swap real estate, but no ono wiitli admiration on him they he had won it. Another was Capt. miisY taken to Vancouver for burial. this I feel compelled to quotethe knew what they could do as sol-old not forget the brave men McGregor. Like all brave men he had f&tight under'him. The Whjo phrase of the famous Scotch,diers- Wnen it came; to fighting, was bashful. When he had first lhe"16th the of were some-of Lieut. Arthur' Nob'e arrived however, they had swept across mqn met the Captain and looked-into Pel ... . In.. K.iii.n..in i i. j ,u- bcjifcnvhoha,d gone ovprasas, home yesterday-after completing "'Breathes there tha mam with uaKU"u "ltJ his clear eye, seen his clean skin jW;! ParfPidge, one .of?;tha re Germans before thein Jike chaff honest face he knew that he service and a second term of overseas. sold so dead, turned' menV then spok6 .of the He lost an eye the first Who never to himself hath said before a storm. The men who are manner In which the colonel was was a man fit to win the victoria to native ack today were all old timers at Cross. It them all pleasure time and was among the first This is my own, my beloved by his men and was insisted gave return. Then he trained and secured jand. the game. When I called on them that lie must go south,with to be able-to present him with the JJ "D 8ATI3FAOTIOH a commission in the railway mK.i ih nn.ninn.-pninnfift i a aeeas oi vuior noi one them.- watch and he hoped it would tick corps- Ha rnn- JUimeu out the time in Prince Rupert. tinued: "As I came down tho valley Colonel Scroggje had joined as Ask for Atkins' Sausages. tf of the old 8keena River, saw a private, but his vigorous character, his fine Scotch courage and 1,000 tons Ladysmlth Coal, the the old snags on the Bandoars, Empress Theatre and all the rocks on which George his military instinct had resulted jest on the, Paclflo Coast, Just WESTHOLMp : Friizell used to run his boat ain hi swing decorationsv time arrived. ,Send your orders to the ...!.. .n .mi rfn-a iv. o9 i and time again. The other offl- Prince Hupert Coal Co. Phone 15. " THEATRE isomplete New Show Tonight march'Jd over the plank walks and cers tod had done great deeds. TONiQHT ONLY saw the muskeg I said to myself, Deeds of Valor. PRODUCTION EXTRAORDINARY 'I love you better than any spot Before him wore.a few of those Prince Rupert Ever Popular y in the world" who were left from the veterans Wallace Reid Murray in "HER BODY IN BOND" The Colonel spoke of the last of British Columbia.'. ,He could Mills, Ltd. call them by name- and tell of the, Spruce and Dainty A thrilling story of the deeds of valor that each had performed S'EAL cove mill Ann Little girl who risked her tout "DIMRRt" and what fine gentlemen for the man she loved said The Talented Paramount Stare We havn't anything they were, members of the finest This plant Is' now operating,, Alee about Suits fqr, a long unit that ever fought m Flanders.- their CHARLIE CHAPLIN worth lime, and talking they are about.really A J(a In good Prince reception.George they One had of had thtf are 1n and,a as position agents to deliver wa "LESS THAN 1" all kinds, of spruce dimension, In "The Fireman" good quality serge in Navy, boys remarked to him "It's easy shiplap, double dressed Full of thrills,action and laughter GAZETTE, Black or Fawn at 135.00. jto tell we are in the west." There Iui and the rustic. latest news of the world A man tailored suit in iwere two pipers and a drummer Aek for our prices. BR1T1SHBULWARK Navy serge, trimmed with left of the most famous pipe band Milsilt lie mi lie braid, at MS.OO. These in the world. That, band had always "Lets Haste, More Speed" A Comedy, and Good Muiic Two Shows,7.15 and 100 are handsome suits. Other "played them over." There Albert&McCaffery eolors are purpU, fawn were 24 whenUhey left Belgium Tomorrow - The Dellie and gray. ten of them had been decorated, LTD. Admission, 15c. and 30c. Sitters la "The Million COME AND BEE He wanted ameW-hls'owh citizens Phones 564 and 116 Shows 7.15 and 9.15 Dollar Dolllee" to bear tribute' Id these flnemSn,