Monday- May 12, 1919. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 -Not. FUSION WITH CANNERYMEN DO NOT ! iiav" num. iiiiSi Tr is3.nnn.nnn LIKE REGULATIONS' START SAVING NOW GERMANY IS Claim that Holding of Fishing 4 own Interest to start a Bank account. Licences for Returned Soldiers in H is your NOT POSSIBLE Will Lead to Disorganiza Saving i j0it M lnPrtBnt inr tion of Industry. IlsBBHRMBBBBBBJBBBHBJBBBBBHMMMMMMMMMMMBMMj A wise man always lias a "nest f gg" put sw.y for the rainy day. Chancellor Rennor of Austria Vancouver, May 10. Considerable NhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW- a Savings Account at otice and make your W MHMMMMMMMMBHMMMMMMMBraBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Open oarn money. a 8ays There la no Hope. dissatisfaction is expressed - " niouc by cannerymen at the new regulations UNION BANK OF CANADA (Special Tla 0. T, P. Telegraph.) regarding the issuance of IBS TJ'E NONtE BANK OF WFJTTKN CANADA Vienna, May 11, The death licenses and fishery regulations i:cad orncE . WKKtwrn him knell of old Austria sounded in in District No. 2, comprising Parliament when Chancellor Hen-nor .northern waters. The new regulations in accepting nomination were announced several as a PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, peace delegate said he relinquish, dags ago by the Government and A. T. BRODERICK, Manager. ed all hope for fusion with Ger are designed to include a number many. The Bpeech was made 'of returned men in the granting -.HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMl while the impression caused by of gillnct licences. the Allies' terms to Germany was I The chief objection taken by still strong. The feelinj? in the the cannery operators is that the Chamber was, according to one (Government will not grant any Demonstration ! speaker, that it would be madness 'licences until bucIi time as the free to unite with a nation subject to applications for the permits allocated ERMETICALLV such measures. to soldiers have been taken up. Civilian fishermen cannot sealed in its wax-wrapped receive their licences until after Heinz ripe olives "HER BODY IN BOND" June 1, before which time soldier package, airtight, applicants must file their applications. AT EMPRESS TONIGHT This means, it was stated impurity proof Come in and eat all you want by one man prominent in cannery Wonderful Story of Struggles of circles, that with the fishing Vaudeville Actress With season opening on June 15 the WRIGLEY5 Learn to Eat Olives at Our Expense Interesting Outcome. whole industry will be "Her Body in Bond," the powerful It is, pointed out that the cannery is hygienic and wholesome. BOTH STORES drama to. be screened at the stores have been carrying Sale Price, 35c tin, or 3 for $1.00 Empress this evening, contains a fishermen through the winter, The goody gripping absorbing plot. Although charging u p their accounts the underlying theme of the story against the anticipated catch for that's good for young is age-old, the treatment is fresh, the season. With one-third of FULLER'S LTD. and 8 hows to a degree the lengths the licences reserved for returned and old. to which the little wife is prepared men, and the consequent displacement to go to save the Jif e of her of many of those who PHONE 45 PHONE husband. were engaged in gill-net fishing The Flavour Lasts' There are peeps behind the last year, the cannery stores are scenes in a big theatrical production; not in a position to carry the there is the contrast between fishermen along until the season the artist's smile as she responds opens, not knowing whom the new to. encores after her dance, and regulations will displace, it is I the look of dismay she wears stated. Batteries when she sees her husband having Storage House Wiring what may be his final hem RUTH GARRISON WAS Charged and Repaired in all its branches orrhage; there is a battle scene No Loss of Time While between the rejuvenated husband NOT RESPONSIBLE la and the human vulture, and the Your Battery Being ELECTRIC-irons poetic justice of the tool of villainy Is Another Overhauled. Seattle, May 11. Ruth Garrison, from ten story falling a Always Available. GRILLS window. the 18 year old girl who confessed to Mrs. Grace G. Agents For TOASTERS All through the play is full of poisoning Stores, her rival for the love of CVINRUDE Portable RANGF.8 zip and will please the most exacting. Motors. HEATERS D. M. Stores, on march 10, was lllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllli found not guilty because of mental MILLE Runabouts.Engines for WASHING VACUUM CLEANERS MACHINES AUSTRALIA HAS BIG the irresponsibility crime. She will at be the transfer time of jj Own Your Own Transportation 1 REGAL for Engines LAMPS red to the state hospital for the Trolling. STOCKS OF SALMON feeble minded. FLASHLIGHTS The PETTER Famous HEAVY.English OIL L GENERATORS Unlikely to Take Any of the 1818 The Daily News is the recig- I Ride a Bicycle ENGINE FOR MOTOR SWITCHES, Pack From Canada ii?ed medium between seller and FISHING SCHOONERS ETC 8aya Report. buyer. People all read the ad EE For HEALTH vertising columns because the For ECONOMY Full line of Electrical Apparatus im stock. Investigation made in Mel advertisers are live wires. j bourne and Sydney, on behalf of H For PLEASURE Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. some British Columbia exporters DIVERSION WATER NOTICE AND USE Phone offering large quantities pi cuum It has no equal 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS I 0. Box 67 salmon, demonstrated that prac TAKE NOTICE that Hume B. Babington, SEE OUR COLUMBIA MODEL whose address is box tus Prince Rupert, g all the wholesale importers tically B. C., will apply for a licence io take and Made in Canada of canned fish have lull Blocks use two cubic feet per second or water EE out or an unnamed stream, which llows and the market is somewhat de south and drams into llouslung Bay, Lan- S.S. PRINCE RUPERT gara island, near me a. w. corner 01 loi pressed.The grade of chum salmon is 8V8.The water will he diverted from tne 1 McGOWAN & HANSON 1 stream at a point about twenty chains chiefly imported by Sydney merchants north or the s. W. corner or Lot 698, and S.S. PRINCE GEORGE for the South Pacific Islands will he used tor domestic and steam pur Cycle and Repair Co. EE poses upon the land described as Lot US8, BAILING trade and its consumption Uueen charlotte Land Dlsrtlct. negligible. This notice was posted on the ground Phone 489 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. MMlDXr and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for 8WAN80N BAY, OCEAN FALLS, in Australia is practically on the &th day or April. 1019. A copy or this notice ana aa application pursuant VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. thereto and to the "Water Act, lew," llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll "MMIDAY and SATURDAY MIDNHHT FOR ANYOX. In 1918 orders for salmon were win be uled In the onice or the Water then Recorder at Prince Rupert, B, C S. PRINCE ioHfJ OR HfiNOE ALBERT placed at the high prices Objections to the application may be ,s with the said Water Recorder or with tiled and in larger quantities Kumu, ron Clement! and Buckley Bay April lira. m .; May ruling, the Comptroller or Water Rig-tits, Parliament Phone 37 P.O. Bos 1704 'm. tub, tut anil 88th. than usual, in anticipation of a buildings, Victoria, li. c, wltuin win,. Point Qusm Charlotte Islands April .. Way ttt aea J Irs. longer duration of war conditions. thirty days arter the llrst appearance or this notice In a local newspaper, ". B. c, Miy srfl, nth .and Slit. Under normal conditions the im-nortations 111!ME t. DAUIiSGTOiN, Applicant. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service The date or the llrst publication or this would have been dis notice is May 10, 19 1, tauter .... . of profitably, but a mild Mondav. UHn..H.w a. .1 a wt tar Amltlieri. posed IN PROBATE. t( Ctorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making- direct cneetus fsr summer (at which season mere IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH all points east and south. is the largest demand for canned COLUMBIA. IN THE. MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.g.r fish) and a more plentiful supply ACT For AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES cheaD nrices. restricted IN WILLIAM THE MATTER MCKENZIE OF THE LOGAN,ESTATE DECEASED, OF Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Information and rosnvitlnnn annlT to Clt Tloket Office, B26 Third Asnus. Phon the sale,of salmon in a marked NOTICE INTESTATE.IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM degree. Under the circumstances IT MAY CONCERN or an order made by His Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water Honour, F. McU. Young, Local Judge, In the the consumer preferred cheap above- matter on the 2&ln day or April, to dear fish. The market 1919, as: rollows: meat IT is ORDERED that the said John II. has been somewhat disorganized McMullin shall he allowed to swear to the .CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY two months death or the said deceased as occurring on WESTHOLME LUNCH during the last the Mh day or May, 1917, arter the expiration through speculators outside of or one month rrom the date or the llrst publication or notice or this order, SECOND AVE. the regular wholesale importers unless in the meantime proor Is rurnlshed Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points desiring to unload at a sacrifice to Rupert,the Registrar U. C, that or the tnis said Court deceased at Prince William HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. via Steamer to Vancouver and the immediately after the armistice Mckenzie Logan was alive subse-uently to the said Stb day or May, 1917. Canadian Pacific Railway was declared. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that l6 Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. conditions it said John 11. McMullin do publish notice Meals and Berth included Steamer Under present or this Order in the Prince Rupert Dally Short orders all the time. Specia1;rates with room and board. on would appear unlikely that im News, a newspaper published at Prince Rupert, B-. C, for a period or one month. porters will take on lurtner com J, il. MCMULLIN, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINOB RUPERT mitments, and the Australian omclal Administrator. "yi t JSj juas , 11 and . market does not appear to ouer NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION "tTCHIKAN. nntirairino' nrnsnects to. Cana- ACT. BOSTON GRILL JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SEABWAY, ALASKA or From dian packers for tho disposal R. S. C. 11B. rrincs Rupert Mar 1, II aaa M. any of the IB lb pacn wuiw 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 . Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Com- be held for realization. Trade The hereby gives notice that It baa, under A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. W. 0. ORCHARD, General AgonL Commissioner's Report. Ssny 7 or the said Act deposited with Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. ' the Minister or public Work at Ottawa, 0u'h Street ,d Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. and in the otllce or the District Registrar DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Dessert at every meal. was brought be or the Land Registry District or Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, u. c, a description Short orders at any time. fore Magistrate McMullin in the or the site and plans or car ferry Oita morning and slip and works proposed to be built In Prince Rupert Harbor at Prince Rupert, ika II for celebrating last British Columbia, In front or water Iront COAST SERVICE. fined 910 Block "C." GOOD EATS night And take-notice that after the expiration of one month rrom the date or the first For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat, 4 publication or this notice the Orand Trunk Second Avenue. pacific Railway Company will, under Section P.m. 7 or the said Act, apply to the Minister Breakfast 7:30 to 8 Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, of Public Works at bis omce In the City of Ottswa fnr approval or tho said Lunch 11:30 to S - Mondays, 7 a.m. site and plans and for leave to construct Dinner 5:00 to 8 Naas River JUly. 1VU., , V jyADEff. the said works. Points, Friday a.m. Deputy Mlalstsr. ef Lands. DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba, thll J Oth SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY itsr or April, A. D. 1919, Jack Barnsley, General Agent ,lidi Brparimani. 0HAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, V,e,.TW.BreUll. si 13 rr H. W, Hansard. Solicitor, Q