Page 4 THE DAILY NEWS. Monday, May l2, DELEGATION WHY EXPERIMENT? MET SOLDIERS Food scientists claim that the leavener is largely responsible for the flavor, texture and whole-someness UP THE LINE of your home baking. That on no other one. ingredient does so much depend. It is Returning Party Was Greeted at important, therefore, to use a baking powder All Points Along Railway and Joined by Locals that you know possesses the necessary leavening at Salvus. qualities. Headed by Mayor McClymont and with George Friziell as mar- MAGIC BAKING POWDER elinl n rdnrdoanladVn n.Mtt f No Alum1 citizens went up me line yeslcr Contains day afternoon as far as Salvus to meet Lieut-Col. Peck and his and is the only strictly high class baking powder men. They travelled in a coach in Canada selling at a moderate price. Its reputation attached to the This way freight. is built on purity and highest quality. coach was picked up at Salvus by Y the westbound express and as soon as under way the Colonel The only well known medium priced baking and the boys were invited to join powder made in Canada that does not contain MAKE your money work and earn something. tho party where they were suit alum and that has all its ingredients plainly Thrift Stamps are exchangeable for ably greeted and refreshed. a $4.00 War Savings Stamp, and for every War It was a great sight to see the stated on the label. Savings Stamp you accumulate the Dominion of hearty handshakes that were Canada Made in Canada is pledged to pay you $5.00 in 1924. given, to hear the exclamations . C Invest the interest on your Victory Bonds and of delight and the earnest words Of welcome as the Colonel shook malce it work and earn for you. hands with his old Triends whom NATIONAL TTAIi SAVINGS COMMITTEE he had not seen for- well over (British Colombia Division) . Vancouver, B.C. four years. Tho men were mostly unknown m Tkrift Stamps to friends the local and acquaintances delegation, but;were old Notice to Advertisers PHONE PATTINSON & LING PHONE 590 discovered among them byj many Casual advertisements' ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 590 and it was not long before all for insertion same day were Happily swapping stories should be in the .Daily Battery Charging and Repairs and inquiring for friends. News office before 10 a. m. "Exide" Battery Service Station In the reception party J, D; Changes in advertisements McAuley and G. F. Johnson rep should bo on hand before Dynamo and Motor Armatures Rewound and Repaired resented the railway company, 5 p, m. on previous day. "LACO" TUNGSTEN LAMPS "Mirro" Mr. WakeDeld the United States "LACO" NITROGEN LAMPS Consulate, and every local or 4 n m The Lamp which Is guaranteed against defects and burnouts ganization had a representative FOR 1)600 BURNING HOURS LAND ACT Chief Vickers represented the SEALED TENDERS addressed to tho Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. undersigned and endorsed "Tender for t&e I police department and he was In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Representatives in Northern fi. C. for Recording District or and situate. Akiisntim Skeena, DELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS Durert. b. c." win be received at tins successful in seeing Chat the on Langara Island. t.mce until is o'clock noon, Thursday, drinks served were not Take notice that Norman Brodhurit. or May 15tb, for the purchase of two Atlas . . si;ru''eer Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation master HI ec trie Ranges, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, so h.p. Gasoline Engines. Ithan legal requirements, out. ne mariner, intends to apply ror permission irons, Percolators Grills. Tenaers wm not Be consiaerea uniessi. to lease tne following Described lands: and made unon forms furnished hp the De- failed-lo prevent a theft, that or commencing at a post planted about so Electrical Contracting Estimates Free. partment and In accordance with conditions George Frizzell's sandwich supper feet In an easterly direction from the S.W. contained therein. corner or Lot 999: thence south SOO reel The engines may be seen on the Inspec-lon which had been carefullypre-pared more or less to low water mark; thence Pattinson & Launch "Walrondo" at Prince Rupert, and which he had watched northeasterly along low water mark about Ling D. C. cnams to a point Que soutn or tne s.i. Each tender must be accompanied by an with an eagle eye. However, there corner or Lot 999; thence north about 8 Temporary Premises, 331 Second Avenue, next to Singer accepted cheque on a chartered bank, cnams to tne s.t. corner or Lot vhv; payable to tne order or me uonoraoie, tne were consolations found. thence southwesterly to this -post and containing Sewln gMachlne Shop. Minister of Dominion Public Works, equal All along the line the returned three acres, more or less. to ten per cent (10) of the amount of IMJIl.MA.I BltUAUliUllSJ- he tender. War Bonds of the Dominion men were greeted. At Prince Dated May 7, 1919. or Canada will be accepted as security, or wtr norms ana Cheque ir required to make Gporge there was a great demonstration, LAND ACT up an odd amount. and also the visitors The highest or any tender not necessarily Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land. accepted. were waited on and cheered by the In Queen charlotte Islands Land District, By order, Recording District or Skeena, .and situate E. P. GINOIIAS. Utizcns at Vanderhoof, Smithers, on Langara Island. To Prospective Acting District Engineer. Hazelton, Terrace and Haysport. Take notice that liume-D. Bablagton -or Dominion Public Works Department, Prince Rupert, B. .C, occupatlou master Prince Rupert. B.C.. FH At the last mentioned point a mariner, Intends to apply "ror permission April 33rd, 1819. had from Port to lease the following-described- lands: BUILDERS &CONTRACT0RS Reflects Good delegation .crossed commencing at a post planted 'about 8 i Essington to add their quota of chains In a southeasterly direction rrom the-S. W. coroeror Lot 90S:, thence south welcome to that of all the others, along high water lOj) reel; thence west Housekeeping about westerly 900 about reet to t low chains water:along thence low north water Feelfng that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement to a point due south or the 3. W. corner we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material ROMANCE AND FUN or Lot 998; thence north about $ chains to the S. w. corner or lot 998: thence and supplies handled by us, such as: southeasterly along high water? to post Electrical of all including Fittings Fred Stork's IN "LESS THAN KIN" ana containing live acres, more or less. material, descriptions, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS II. B. BABIXQTPN. and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe Dated May 7r 19m Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels. Automatic Electric Hardware Delightful Situations Features of WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Wallace Reld's Newest LAND ACT Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Sleam and Water SECOND AVENUE "WATER ACT 1914." Notice or'Inlentlon to Apply to Lease Land. Pipe and Fittings, Valves, ifadiators and Heaters', Pipe Photoplay. In Oucen Charlotte Islands Land District. Phone Black 114 Recording District or Skeena, and situate Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and :ancellatio or reserve op water on Langara Island. Kaisoniino Drushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber Oai, I JSOTice is hereby given that His Honor The romance and fun of the Take notice that Charles A. Coulsoa ol hn ( n i mmii he Lieutenant Ooyernor of British Colum-la, Port Clements, occupation mariner. In Ash, Maple,v Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron-Ornamenlal by and with the advice, of his Eiecu-iit- average Central American revolution tends to apply ror permission to lease the "iron Firo etc. Rex Flintkote Work, Escapes, council, has Leen pleased to order: are admirably brought out THAT pursuant to the previsions of commenri'ig -at a post planted about 3 Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire hope and .ecilon 59 or the "Water Act, 1914" being in "Less Than Kin," the new chains erst or the N. W. corner or Indian ;hapter 81 or the Statutes of 1914, that Heservo To. 16: thence north to chains Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. SEED lie reserve or the unrecorded waters or Paramount photoplay, starring thence-west Z0 chains more or less to the Mechanical Rubber Goods, also handle tefuge Creek, established pursuant to Wallace Reid and featuring dainty west boundary or Lot 675; thence south We Goodyear irtfer In Council Ko. eg, approved on the 10 cnams more or less to snore; thence including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and 7th day of January, 1919, be cancelled. Ann"Little, which will be shown easterly -along hore lo N.Wi corner or Motors, For the Garden DATED this 17th day of February, 191V. at the Weslholmo Theatre tonight. Indian Reserve no. 16: thence east to WesKnghouso Electrical equipment, including T. D. PATTULLO, point or .commencement and containing SO Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. Minister or lands. acres, more or less. Specially Suited for Prince c. A. COULSUJV. Being direct factory representatives, we are able to In this excellent picture Mr, Dated May 7. 1919. soil. WATER NOTICE Rupert make attractive prices. DIVERSION AND USE. Reid plays two roles that of a very LAND ACT ne-er-do-well, who is disowned manufacturer, whose address Is care or.ny ms lamuy, ana me other mat Prince Supply Co., Ltd. riLiLU CHICKENS Notice'or Intention'to Apply to Lease Land. Rupert messrs. rawnore & runon, rnnco nuperi, nf tchn U. C. will apply for a licence to take and a man nas accidentally in uuern Charlotte Islands Land District HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER se retk,soo which c i. r.nows or water westerly out and or drains;union killed a man in defense of a wo. In Recording the-'vicinity District or Indian-Reserve or Skeena. and No.situate 16. . Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. nw union Bay about at the head or said man, and who escapes from jail Langara Island. P. O. Box 772 Phone BiacK Jo Take notice that cnrton p. Rlel. or laTi the'and flnds refu&Q in Central Amer-tream water win be diverted from Prince Rupert; British Columbia, occupa at a point where Union Creek leaves ica, where he drills a motley army tlon manager, intends to apply ror Dermis slon to lease the rollowlnr described Union Lake and will be used ror power and Incidentally Industrial) purposes !r revolutionists. The resem- lanas: . ',- upon the land described District Lot Commencing at a Post planted at north ,as between thpse two it men west corner or Indian Reserve number PHONE 58 umber 199, Casslar District. (Uiann, 10, This notice was posted on the ground so startling that on the death of thence one hundred and nriy reet more or MALLETI P. O. Box 333 TO SUBSCRIBERS 908"3rd Ave. on the 3rd day'ur April, 1919. ,A-:opy or ,,, . lesa'ln southwesterly direction to low water SMITH & ,ha n.n An mM An ... . mark; thence 7Q0 reet along low this notice and an application pursuant ..v. w. v.v ..v.i, vitvj ,iu8VVUy. westerly iiiereurana jo me "water will water mark; thence northerly one hundred Act, 1914," cides to assume his "'(subscribers te Med in the oniccor the Water Recorder name-and reet more or less' to high water mark; to The News at Prince Rupert, B. C, station and returns to New York, thence easterly 800 reet more or lew asked to the' delivery PLUMBING AND HEATING, along mgn water mark to point or com are pay Objections to the application may be DENTISTRY riled with the said Water Recorder or with where his imposture brings about mencement and containing two (S) acres boys cacli month ENGINEERS he Comptroller or Water Rights. Parlia highly diverting more or less. many .situations. ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C. within CLIFTON P. R1EL. when they call, except Estimates furpisliea. OFFICE II0UR3: hlrty days arter the first appearance or In the end, however, he is pardoned Dated 8th April, 1919. where payment has been his notice In a local newspaper. t a.m. to 12;.1i30 p. m. to 6:30 E. r. DUBY, Applicant. . and finds happiness and IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR made for the year in advance. Address, 3rd Avenue, head The date or the llrst publication or this ovo in a charming girl. , THE ISSUE OF A FRESH CERTIFICATE The when DR. J. S. CROWN notice Is April 11, 1919. ' OF TITLE FOR LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK boys of Second Street. DENTIST 3, ti&UTIUn D, CITY OF PRINCE flU- collecting carry olllpial receipts P.O. Box 1'tlll, (Map 923), Phone 174 Office: Smith Block, Third ANGLICAN BISHOPS which should always Phone 454. notice is hereby given Is my bo preserved." Intention, unless valid objection Is made HEADED BY DU VERNET mereio in writing,' io issue, arter tne ex plratlon or one month, rrom the llrst pub ' ft llcation hereor. 'a rresh Certificate or Title VISIT PRESBYTERIANS to the above mentioned lots In the name or Ronald C. Ferguson, which Certificate NOT SOAK SOLDIERS BUSINESS FOR SALE or Title Is dated XOth April, 191, and Is WATER ACT, 1914. Vancouver, May 10. Yesterday nuiuucieu ixs-i,II. F. MACLEOD, (Special via O, T. P. Telegraphs.) Mrs. aIdblonn?K: a delegation of Anglican bishops District Registrar ot Titles. 1 .84 RIPARIAN RIGHTS Land Registry Office,-Prince Ottawa, May It. Chairman nounces that ow nff axi called on the Presbyterian Synod Rupert, B. C, NOTICE Is hereby given that under the which is 98th April, 1919. Black of the Soldier. Settlement fact, of her having in provisions or Section 0 or the Water Act, session and brought Board has issued instructions to interests. I0H. every riparian oronrletor claiming greetings and a wish for closer IN THE SUPREME: COURT OF" BRITISH business, necei-sary any right to divert water or to the exclusive CULUMUIA. district offices for'tho board to where, it has been use or water Tor any purpose by relationship in the cause - of , of tne virtue only or his being such riparian proprietor Christianity, IX THE" MATTER OFTHE "ADMlNISTRAr prevent real estate operators, es to dispose SEVEN PASSENGER CAR Is required on or berore the llrst TION ACT" pecially in western provinces, ladies' ready to wear tu day or June. 1990. to Ilia a statement or The delegation consisted of the DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE claim selling forth the particulars or his! and charging soldier solllera a great Rupert-SUsfaSory IX THE MATTER OF Most flev. 1 ,TIIE ESTATE OF II. Du 1'iiiiiu. ducu iiaicinenii or claim snail oe Vernet, archbishop arrange J II led In duplicate with the Water Recorder of ROBERT A, GRANT, DECEASED, INTESTATE. er price ror land -man ine rent, PHONE 84 or the Water District In which the water Caledonia and Metro value. ' bo made with a re is inverted or used. politan of the wi After the i'.rst day or June. 1990. no Ecclesiastical province TAKE NOTICE that by order or His right of British Honour' F. McB. Young made the 17th day RL LMV to divert water or to the exclusive Columbia; Right . 1114 I au - f mr of ror of February,' A. JJ. 1919, I was appointed 8alvatlon Army. ii nra iiiuj D. ROSSI tine water ar.v nurnosa shall nxln - " Rov, A. TJ. Do I UIU1 by virtue only or any ownership of land. Pencicr, bishop of Administrator to the estate or Robert A. Orant, deceased, and all parties hiving store. i ui ins ui tiaicinem or naun can ce on. New Westminster: night Rev. C. allied rrom the Water Recorders or the claim against the said estate are hereby Public meetings, Tuesdays, Dawson Block Third Avenue several Water Districts In the Province or D. Schofield,'bishop pf Columbia, required to furnish same, properly verified, Thursdays 'and Saturdays at 8 p. to me on or berore the 7th day of June, rom the Comptroller or Water Rights. and i turn iic Parliament Buildings, Victoria, 11. C. Right riev. A. J. Doull, bishop 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate n. Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Our Pool Room Taxi Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this nth dav of Kootenay. are required to pay the amount of their clr Indebtedness to me forthwith. . the or March; 1919. -through look T. D. PATTULLO, JOHN II. KCMULLIN, Smoke Players Navy Cut cigar- Minister or Land. Advertise In the Dally Nrtws. DATED this 1st day Official of May,Administrator.1919. ettcs wrapped in tin foil. on Pago o.