Page THE DAILY NEWS. Jjajjlnyi2t i9l9 1: G. H. Arnold Manager j Local News Notes - Just Arrived - J. Whalen loft last night for MMesVsWssMMaHMnWe1nHBl Seasonable Footwear FOR SALE Victoria on the "'Rupert." "Napoleon" Brand Lim- On 5th Ave. near Duri.m'uir St., Lot 14, Block 0, Section 5 An excellent buy for Smoke Players Navy Cut clgar- burger Cheese .tles, wrapped in tin foil. . per lb. 60c We are. now "sh-wing a complete line of s,,m. Cash $700.00 "Our Own Brand" Butter of Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls Brick Cheese Quality. Fuller's. Phone 45. tf Wisconsin Our stock has been carefully selected ' 5-Roomed modern house, Dorden St., near ichool lb. 60c dale in every detail. and h up-io- $2,9.00.00, TERMS ARRANGED. E. J. Conway, of Anyox, is visit per t NEW OXFORDS We buy United States Liberty Bonds and Canadian Victory ing" in the city for a few day. Edam Cheese. in 3 lb. Bails NEW PUMPS, JUST ARRIVED Bonds. T We carry a full range of Tennis Outing Shoes in all styi.. Thos. Dame3 of Port Esiine- per lb. 70c FOOTWEAR IS OUR SPECIALTY ton is in the city for afow days. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. AT THE Phone 00 216 Oth St. John Smith of Port Essington Rupert Table Supply Co. is a visitor In the city for a few Family Shoe Store days. PHONES 211, Z1Z J. Alder of the North Coast Cigar Store, left last night for Third Avenue BODY OF NURSE EDITH WESTHOLME THEATRE Vi6toria. GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM CAVELL IS REMOVED The Finest Combination House in Northern B.C. F. M. McFarland sailed for The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 Safety Comfort Quality Ocean Falls on the Prince Rupert TONIGHT ONLY ast night. Was Struck by Four Bullets and Burled In Hr Clothes. The fiver Popular and Dainty Mrs. D. B. Morkill left last WALLACE REID ANN LITTLE night' on the Prince Rupert for (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) raiMM TTMft),MJJi Vancouver, - Brussels, May 12. MoVement The Talented Paramount Stars in of the remains of Nurse Edith t.dward Llpsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manaifer Mr. and Mrs. Kipp arrived from Cavell for interment in England Edward Cunningham, Vice-President "Less Than Kin': Port Essington last night, for a takes place Tuesday, May 13. short visit here. - The body was exhumedj at Brussels A Paramount Production, full of thrills, action and laughter 6 Parts, on March 17 and"placed in a Upsett-Cuiuungham & Co. Chief Minty of the provincia1 British Bulwark Comedy and Good Music doublo colfinTof zino and oak. police, left for. Terrace on this The.body was found clothed in morning's train. LIMITED Show 7.15 and 9.15. Admission Adul'a, 30c; Children, 15c a black dress under a blue, c'oak.l War Tax Included .ho more pennies will be used Gcorg9 Dover was among the A black hat also was discovered FISHINQ A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE in the coffin. The body well train arrivals irom was Terrace on Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories the last night. preserved and the features per passenger . Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Exhumation Launch "Provincial" leaves for fectly recognizable. Stewart and way points 9very . snaw was among the pas. revpals that the nurse's death was PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Friday morning at 6, carrying sengers sailing for Vancouver instantaneous. She was struck For Sale mail, passengers and freight. last night on the Prince Rupert. by four bullets. Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office:. Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 A Paramount picture "Less SERIOUS RIOTS AT -Vanoouver, B. C. P. 0. Box 1698 Five-room house and furniture, While playing outside in the Than Kin" starring Wallace Reid Section Six, $1,850.00. neighborhood of her home on 2nd and Annie Little,. Westholme to- THE SEAFORD CAMP ....p....... rnt(tttJJ Street on Saturday, little Enid night. Good lot, Section Five, $250. Morris had a tumble which ,re-i . , One-fifth cash, balance five suited in a broken collar bone The Union steamship Camosun (Special via 0.T. )'. Teletraobs.) dollars per month. The little one is doing very well arrived in port at 5:50 this London, May 12. There have however. morning from Vancouver bound been serious riots in the Cana Seven-roomed house for rent for Anyox. dian camp at Seaford, although $20.00. u. u. &awje, editor ana pro late dispatches state that they prietor of the Omineca Herald of Charles Durham, accompanied were not as serious as at first Victory' Bonds Bought at New Hazelton, came in on th by his daughter Mary, were thought. So far as known no Highest Prices. train last night with Peck's men among the train arrivals from grave injury or loss of life oc He says that everything is flour Usk last night. curred, but there has been con ishing at his town, the mines are siderable damage done to prop Gibbons Mrs. George Wilson and child McCaffery, working and the land is being erty. ren and Mrs. A. C. McLoughlan settled. left this morning for Montrea1 & Doyle. Ltd. on At the regular meeting of thn their way to the old country on a A Mrs. E. N. Va'entine, of Eighth Electrical Workers' Union last Insurance - Real Estate Avenue East, accompanied,by her visit. weqk the local union -went on utile son, left town on Saturday' record- unanimously as bein Is' rwife justified in a making Prince Rupert, B. C; train for Montreal her to ''One on way th MiinromA .riiio,. nrHon ln against the Big Union," an Scotland, where she will visit I I I! 11 l uiau against senuing greetings w save the life, of her dying hus relatives. Mrs. Valentine doe the band? See "Her Body in Bond," Spartacans. not expect to return until lat9 In Mae Murray s newest drama at M. i srais i the Provincial fall. Government Employ the Empress tonight Keep Baby's Woollens The B C. Loggers and Con NOTARV PUBLIO ment Bureau and Soldiers' Civil struction Workers Union will Ro-Establjshment, temporary of Soft and Sweet hold an organization meeting in fice 621 Second Avenue, Prince FOR SALE the Carpenters' Hall on Tuesday Rupert. Returned soldiers, men at 7:30. A'l loggers, sawmill, and Even little dear must Lots 11 and 12, Block 10, and women requiring employ construction workers are invited garments are now you Section 5, corner Tatlow and nent of any kind should register to attend, 12 make them last; and of course you want them Sixth Price Ave.only On sewer, etc., Phone vith the 553.above.P. O.No.drawer fees charged 1674. T. MACE, Organizer. always soft and comfy for the' important wee $2,000.00 All 'material for any kind of Provincial Government Em. AUCTION person. ployment Bureau and Soldiers' jn terms of $500 cash, balance uilding can be furnished by Al payable monthly on jcrt & McCaffery, Ltd. tf Civil Re-establishment; tempor. Sale of Furniture Thelittle woollens need never shrink: a thread never offlce 621 Second ary Avenue, payments to suit purchaser. Prince Rupert. Employers having stiffen or grow thick not after repeated washings if Look at these lots and own vacancies for men and women in p---- you cleanse them in the pure,,creamy Lux lather. Its your own home. There is TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I have received instructions plenty of room here for two ft clerical, factory, domestic or from Mrs. A. Carss to sell all so, simple to whip the delicate Lux flakes into a or three good cottages. " WANTED Immediately, furnish ither work should apply to above furniture at her residence, at 75 rich suds so simple to squeeze the suds through the ed housekeeping rooms. Apply l'lioiie ooo. II filh AvpriiiA ni.r'fh. ini: little -then take them out absolutely sweet box 251, Daily News Office. 13 ...II..-..I Tfl1 garments ML M. Stephens Would you like to, attend a n m. un, and clean and fresh. LOST Wrist watch on strap J" "ff.en!!!r;-!" J.1,?? at 1 :30 p. m. sharp, consisting of LOANS - RENTALS'- INSURANCE Saturday afternoon. Finder ... .uv uuci u dto.g room suite' carpets, Lux harms nothing thai pure water piay toudv please leav9 at News office, tf as souvenirs? Then go to theLaX ,i. ..." JLmnrfisa ThpntrA anil son "Ifoi. I. ? V . - . T ' . . , nH.;7; n 'a cTi :r- not-point, ,B-day clock, tennis LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO; 5) ..i a.uHua.uo rail!! -ncMs. flshinc- rnrU flnn rnbar TIIT'V T i irr ..una, aiiwiu. "Hand arm chairs, sofa, fancy these golden orgies. No further ..'Uv.' -.n k' .A. THE invitation is necessary. Tonight vTa,tw --.T ECONOMY STORE IT IN ON FA fipnnnu. r uuw ...-n jLjLJC Tho best suit cases Evelelah's. InnRPnnaTinM nc rur iw s-l THEIR .. . .1 C M-M..I f I m 1 Phones 18 and 36 ni-yuira, oinun oiock.I PRINCE RUPERT 417 6th At., E. BACKS mi.- lof thi Tniirt rf TiAvUln ih A I Seize Tim9 by the Forelock, One of our men wa9 on a For Your I v wens a a- iijbuo vwujJiBiui.sur tuc year ssiiiai iwiv,iuo-will assess-DO I Call or Phono Now for flshihg trip to a lake about Yield In the Council Chamber, City Hall, Prince nupert, B. C on Mond.y, May 88tla twenty miles from a railway. PURITY FLOUR Anv nprftrin lioclrincp in rA-L-a. AAmr.i.i.i lliey discovered a surveyor's LUMBER V K Thi -uiuy lain i i 49-11 Sacks, $2.90 camp where a party of ensri- notice In writing- to the Assessor, stating! neers are engaged in running I rtt4 D nu Dnr... -a.i Purity Wheatlets lines through some timber Amir i -!! A T inin' ' I PLASTER . tracts. If JUIl.TSO.t, 5-lb Sacks, 45c Nailed to trees and against Actinr CHy Clerk. Economy Store, Phone on. their shacks were emDtv milk CEMENT eight, cases used to holdall 6orts of A nasi Lotii linoUUM . Purchase her and be up. things. GOLD WATCH FREE. to-date. The chief of the party said Building 1 ttr.l,ht(orw4 imirnDt that the men would not havo of) Iron u tb!Uh Nlussallem any milk but Pacific and poinl-rd Materials wttctwi TO. Wi la thoaiuda flTIm vmvt at Grocery Company U PTrr tha to the empty cases to show woe 14 u hnn LTD. Mf rtlwnL Kow ho"v much they use. U roar ffeim to UI Miw WflU All their cooking is done with now.. vwlaabig u COME TO mau for mm of oar it and they certainly do live I Loof hlooibl. I, 4,i' Orjards, or well. Albert & McCallery, Lid. r-rluo who Oanu tha AIUtia waKh,paid la whlaa war Mot 111 ba Itm rraa Tile"Gartland" Boarding House Pacific Milk Co. Phone 116 and 664. (Uiaai uaraotaad w.tohar a yaan),ara ahouLI n la k ul. 416 Sixth Avenue East raatara ol out marval m I Than LIMITED loej t8-r. Lo-a f.aiiari rot H WI toufl frkwda "WALLACE REID Near Drydock Pfilce, Second. I UOUl M bjio uow amm ua Maaufui Wwateh. Avenye, Neit Factory at Ladner, B. O. .oina .ui.on wo 0oa io oa iroa, but tani Board by Month or Weak, Phone Red 145 Westholme Thedtre. I.-.Q eaata to-day-IIJ.I.M tod tail, a Tnm Waih. Tm will pa amatad n a tLOTD, Wkalawi I J.w.ltor,Uwpl.I-),W,Cotliwallla joa7lI, Theatre. Starring tonight at Ihe Westholme