Today's Weather Prince Rupert—Overcast. southeast. wind; temperature, 56; light ee XXIIT., No. 186. ee NS anada ind Great Britain Ave Close To Agreement On Matter Of Reciprocal Trade Relations G. W. Laidler Even Experts Are Sinking Their Differences Over Value of Dominion’s Offer—Proposed to Start All Over Again on Negotiations OTTAWA, Aug. 10:—British and Canadian delegations secure a re- will be mutually satisfac- at the Empire economic conference are getting together. Canada and the United Kingdom, who previously were un- fers, are now reported to have moved much closer to an accord, This morning Premier Bennett again met some of cussed the situation. No definite conclusions were reached but dis- noon. Progress in ry ay i GIRL WINS authoratively reported. Desire was shown on both sides to accomplish something definite to Claire Dennis Captures Honors in | ¢,,, 200-Metre Swimming at Olym- . able to come to an agreement over reciprocal trade prof- the British representatives and dis- AUSTRALIAN icussions are to continue this after- every way Is sult that pic Games Yesterday According to reports even the experts are now sinking their dif- \ferences over the value of Canada's offer to Great Britain. They another joint meeting this morning One before LOS ANGELES; Aug. 10 Australi -Clatre an girl, cap- p hon held Dennis, young tured Olympic champilonsni suggestion ‘ ‘+. 4 nem, i iS in the 200-metre dash for W0-/ understood, is that they should Ltd mer = re ye a Pe me eee ; agree to a mutual scrapping of fi- ered the distance In 4 MUNULES, 9 S-! cures and start all over again 10 seconds. Miss Maehata of Japan| One guythorative explanation of was second and Elsie Jacobsen Of | the experts’ difference of opinion is FARCE IN Denmark third. Marjorie Hinton of | ¢nao¢ they were, apparently; working G Britain was fourth from different years the 800-metre relay for men, a FINE FORM "==" == mer record to win in 8 a 4-10 second United wary third H. E. DeWolf ates was second, Hur He Will Retain Olympic jond Ca Championship—Wright | fo; KS Like culling nada fourth, all beating the, mer record Did Not Do So Well Preliminary heats in other aqua- Se tic events including rowing were ES. Aus ray Bobt vesterday Aust } ; The Canadian team consisted of AUSLTa@lla we : } } Larser Burrow Bourne and nave ‘ Dit Spence elt ling U e by tal * am Mille \ = Olympic Program eat Joe Wri THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 A bac Morning by S hwo Gvymnasti vith Dou : Rowing wa Boxitr Vrigt : Ww I 400 metres [ree yi H ‘ ne ie final Swimmin 1500 metre free e j Hopt aa) e I f ate Wa pol wcrosse game. It w e by which Car : Afternoon Rowins a lat Fe ng abre) Transferred to Vancouver in W Boxin H. Malkin Co. Ltd. service VANCOUVER WHEAT wimming —1500 metres free nae 9 ecm amma MEETING OF it 574e on the local |stro! men (heats) tod my, 8 , wimming 100 metres back | MEN HELD Qa : istroke men, semi final wimmir 100 metres back eee eee eee een ies. final * Wat ) |Report on Interview With City a | MOLLISONS ARRIVE * Evening Council Presented te Labor AT DUBLIN SAFELY *# Boxing League SLIN, Aug. 10:—Capt. J son, . British here: last night Heart's Content” A regular meeting of the Wo- men’s Labor League was held last Detroit Magnate ht d tl f tk del ® night and the’ report © re dele Passes i in Paris gations’ interview with the city council caused much discussion In the report it was stated that ino extra allowance for fresh milk lcould be made by the city but, for those on relief who really needed it, the city council would make ar General Edgar,|rangements whereby they could rar manufactur-|buy direct from the dairy and thus here yesterday |get milk much cheaper than in the rs past i + aviator, # in his #| from #| preparatory to hopping # Thursday night for a re- # + + + + + + ht across the Atlantic New York and accompanied Te the who who isband here Edgar, Sugar Manufac- Died Yesterday at Age of Sixty | General turer back here by Amy own farewell forme! flew her will PARIS, Aut # | Detroit, Mich @/\ing magnate, a POO eee HOSS oat the ag of 6 >} manent ed locker. W they towed her Australia, and Down gelas to Davey Jone days were up bourne nen the old paddle-wheeler outside the exploded , , “t OMNIS taeesescticcitiniae Sa J a barometer, 30.00; az "5 % : m, sea smooth. 7 % BAO ees 2:45 a.m. 7. Hy- harbor at Mel- a charge in her vitals IS MOVED TO HOLD TO SOUTH H. E. DeWolf Transferred as Man; ger For Malkin’s—George W. Laidler is Successor Harold E. DeWolf, manager here for the past three years of W. H Malkin Co. Ltd., wholesale grocers und Mrs. DeWolf and daughter will ail on the Prince Louise on Sa- turday afternoon of this week for Vancouver where Mr. DeWolf will ied in the ser pending per- nment be temporarily statior vice of the company future assi Mr. DeWolf's suc Wy as mana- ger here wilt be George W. Laidler who has been a tant here for the past three year Departure of M DeWolf from Prince Rupert will be generally re become highly 1e8s circles as gretted for he ha esteemed in local busi well as elsewhere Mr. Laidler will receive congra- tulations of his many friends on his promotion Halibut Landings Summary American— 114,30 pounds 4c and 2c to Se and 2 Canadian—38.500 pounds, 4c and 2.5c to 4.9¢ and 2.5 American Eclipse, 50,000, Pacific Electra, 35,000, Booth, 4#3e and 2c Mars, 9,000; Don Q., 9,000; Ad- dington, 8,500, and T-1088, 2,800, Cold Storage, 5c and 2c, *, 4c and 2c Canadian Bayview, 10,000, Cold Storage, 4c and 2.5¢ Gibson, 2.5¢c. Gony 14,000, Atlin, 46¢ and 14,500, Cold Storage, 4.9¢ land 2.5¢ | Fair Board to BANQUE] Tender Lunchec! Next Week te Edmonton Commercial Grads The last nig quet in noon on lowing the of th Grads basketbs game that evening with local In- termediate boys The Mayor will preside over the banquet and Percy Page, manager and coach the Commercial Grads, will be the speaker, givine some of his impressions of the ‘ympic Games It is expected there will be a rge attendance Fair 1e@ Board, at its meeting ht, decided to hold a ban- the Commodore Friday arrival from the Edmonton world's all team Cafe at week fol- soutl Commercia champion women's which will play a of next Destroyer Skeena’ Arrives on Time Canadian Warship Came in at Ap- pointed Hour Last Night— Formal Calls Made Promptly a ning, H stroyer M. C of the rived in port at the Canadian National wharf ‘rer reer e eee ee @ alongside headquarters of the . a Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer * DEATH PENALTY FOR + Reserve * POLITICAL TERROR # The destroyer had not been long \* -- > in when Mayor C. H, Ormie and! * BERLIN, Aug. 10:—President @ ther officials boarded her to make # Paul von Hindenburg signed an # an official call upon Commander # emergency decree yesterday # George Clarence Jones R. N. R. The # providing the imposition of the # amenity was returned this morning # death penalty upon persons ¢ by Commander Jones who paid a # found guilty of acts of political # call on the mayor at the City Hall.) Something new for yachtswoman, |# terrorism. The decree follows # The Skeena will remain here un-| dark blue belted reefer jacket and |# recent events in Germany of # til Sunday morning when she will) bell-bottomed stockinette trous # political violence. + proceed to Stewart, her next call/ ers. The ensemble was seen at |@ © jon the present cruise \ Cowes eee? Oe eee ee ee @ S. Skeena 5 o'clock last trim de- canadian Navy, ar- and was soon moored Tomorrow’s Tides Thursday, August 11, 1932 ...... 9:28 am. 15.2 ft. 21:06 p.m. 19.0 ft. 5.6 ft. 14:30 pm. 10.0 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Fair Board Meets and Advances Program for Big Show This Month Thursday i is Declared Citizen’s Day and Suitable Program | Being Arranged—Attractions For Building Decided Upen—Elks to Operate Concessions | | Arrangements for Prince Rupert’s annual exhibition opening on August 30 this year are rapidly being perfec- ited. Further progress toward this end was made at a meet- iug of the Fair Board last night when details of the pro- ‘ram were worked out, concessions decided upon and other matters dealt with. President F. E. Wermig was in fhe chair and there was a good at-™ tenaance of directors. It was decided to a the MART IS Day at the \rair. During the afternoon there ERRATIC Thursday as Citizens will be a City League baseball game | Stocks Seesawed in New York Yes- land a sports program including lcircling the bases, fungo hitting, beating out the bunt to first, long jthrow, placing the throw to second . land relay race for married and terday But Bulls Finally |single baseball players. Suitable Triumphed {pages will be awarded to the win }ners of each event Other sports will be other afternoon or the Fair The board decided on the follow- ing attractions for entertainment inside the building Bathing beauty contest, each en- ‘rant to sell at least one book of nembership tickets to qualify Joey Arseneau in songs and dan- ‘og The Melody Trio One Man Band Barrel boxing for dults Children’s dancing act Tap dancing Wrestling contest Balloon blowing contest The Elks’ Lodge will take over the mecessions in conn with the ‘xhibition efreshments NEW YORK, Aug. 10:—Stocks staged Some | see-sawed through an erratic, ac- evening during|tive market yesterday but rallied and closed with steady tone. At the outset the market ran into heavy profit-taking by European investors and short selling. How- ever, the bulls fought against the downward trend and the market finished with net gains of a few cents to $1 in a number of issues. United States Steel common lost $1.50 West Beat Fail. In Football at Olympic Games juveniles and ection inciuding I vhich will be operated on a per- LOS ANGELES. Aug. 10:—In the ‘entage basis xhibition American football game here on Monday in connection with the Olympic Games, a team repre- senting western universities de- eve- | feated one representing the east by sore of 7 to 6. It was a closely but the west had contested match i distinct edgt WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree baromete Point 29.98; Overcast, calm; temperature, 56 sea smooth Island light westerly wind Triple Part cloudy sea moderate Island sterly Overcast, mo- moqer- Langara derate wt wind; s@a ate Dr. C. A peen who has few weeks to the city this after- Hankinson spending the past it Smithers, returned rom the terior on noon's train + ie fi ee a ia 4&4 i. { ae ue : i) é = hf 3 ‘ ae 1 he t a a | fi ed ‘ & i bi i s Uy ye . i ? i is i] v ne i 5 el; “4 - i * \ 7 a = et -—™* 7 é y it % i » - u y > ve 1S e , ¢