THE DAILY flfiYVB, JcJiH, Page 2 1918. The Daily News a MAIL c SCHEDULE Prince Rupert Music Stor PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. OPPOSITK POST ni Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-irdays WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a.m. . 4T it . From tho Eatt, iveryuiing; in Music " H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Select Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays LATCfT POPULAR SONQ8 vi AND VICTOR RECOrSs ' TR0Wl at 7 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ... " '-XI uiiiuii.s rpninrtrti City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Your Saturdays For Vancouver: 2 p. m. iMiMttwi.Ntiin Prlnc Rupert Wl?h 7h.of M.".H;'8 T "ajU!,el1-M,.,, """' By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Sundays 10 p. m. The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. North of Vancouver SUMMER Thursdays .. 10 p.m. The Heintzman & Co. Piano Telephone 98. From Vancouver Sundays 10 p. mi The Weber Piano TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch Wednesdays. 10:30 a. mi Thomas Organs ' Contract'Rates on application. Fridays ................. a. m. All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments SUITINGS Saturdays ........... 10:30 a.m. W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. DAILY EDITION. Wednesday,. May U, 1919. For Anyox: Sundays 10 p.mi E. L. VAUGHAN pftrJ.a7'g at Vednesdays 10 p. m. Premier Oliver , Saturdays .............. 10 p.m. Prince Rupert Music Store And Prince Rupert. From Anyox: Frequently we hear of Premier Oliver making trips up the Sweder's Tuesdays p. m JJ. & N. Railway and telling the world of the wonderful things he Thursdays p. m Sundays p. m has seen along that route, hut il is now well over two years since Gentlemen's and Ladies' he has been up this way. He has not visited this centre since he For Port Simpson and Arrandale became Premier. TAILORS Sundays 10 p. m PUBLIC NOTICE While we all know that the E. & N. Railway is one of the Sixth Street From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale! To the Public and Occupants of tho Clapp Apartmentg;.- Government's burdensome babies Avhich it had to adopt when it Tuesdays p. m Tho monthly rental of flats In the Clapp block will was left an orphan and which must be nursed, yet this country Naas River $30.00 and 132.50 dating from July 1st next. and For Port Simpson Tho time limit in this nolico is much also has claims. We have seen several of the provincial ministers points: longer than legal, ly required. It is given with the purpose in mind that and welcome but Honest John's face would 10 the they are always here, Fridays a. m present occupants should have more time to decide on their look good once in a while. From Port Simpson and Naas future action, as to continuing occupancy. Present tenantg There are many problems to be solved in this north country River Points: will bo given preference up to June 1st. The Minister of Lands, as our particular representative looks Saturdays p. m The management fnd it strictly necessary to make this after our needs with care, and Alex. Manson, M. P. P., is on the LAND REGISTRY ACT. Queen CharioUe Islands: increase to rnore nearly meet former income on this build, ing, when some flats were renting for $45.00 month. watch for his own constituency, but at the same time we woulu Sections 36 and 134.) For Massett, Port Clements and per interest and Taxes, insurance, up-keep must be met. like to have a'visit from the head of the Government. Re Application No. 10,607-1. File 6,100. Upper Island points: occasionally TAKE NOTICE, that application has been Applications for-flols will bo received at our office at : Now that this city is beginning to come into the eye of the made to register Thomas McManamon, of Wednesdays .......... 1 0 a. m any time. prince itupert, is. u., as owner in ree under Port Clements and world it would be worth whilo for the first minister, to. keep in a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of rom Mabset, tho City of rrlnce Rupert,: bearing dale Upper Island points: Westenhaver Bros., Agents touch with us. We are about to be doing things and we want the 10 Hi day or Lecember, 1818. of ALL Thursdays p. m A.ND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract him to know it and to give us a leg up occasionally in our climb of land and premises situate, lying and being In the City or rrlnce Rupert, more to: commercial supremacy. Also.we shall be able to help him if particularly known and described as Lot ?or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Nineteen (19), Block Forty-two (4), he only realizes".it. Section eight (8), (Map 923). City and Lower Island points You are required to 'contest the claim Fortnightly. . i;We. are not jealous of the other parts of the country, but we of the tax purchased within 35 days from the date of the service or this notice From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte do not intend to sit back and wait until someone hears of us. We (which may be effected by publication In City and Lower Island points a daily, newspaper;, and your attention Is are going to be-right to the front and we want Mr. Oliver and the called to section 36 or the "Land Registry Fortnightly. Act" with amendments, and to the following other members of his cabinet to know it. If they would only extract thererrom: "and In default of a caveat or cer-tincate For and the Yukon. come up here occasionally we might let them know what a live of lis pendens being filed before Skagway rvT T II ' lf"V?MTTiaM' General Patierger Stt-HffiffjSBBmSSSB'':i- the registration as owner of the April 28th, 9 a.m. little town is like. person entitled under such tax sale, 1 vice. Hunting, Fiibinj all persons so served with notice, and those claiming through From Skagway and Yukon. Prince Rupert's or under them, and all persona claim-Ing Nearness to Orient. any Interest In the land by virtue April 22, and May 3rd, a.m. of any unregistered Instrument, and The Victoria Daily Colonist prints a table of distances be all persons claiming any interest In' the land by descent whose title Is itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Swanton'a Bothouie tween coast points and Yokohama. Fronj this list it is clear that not registered under the provisions a Prince Rupert has a great advantage. or this Act, shall be for ever estopped Point. and debarred from setting up any From the figures given it is shown that this port is 385 miles claim to or In respect of the land so For Thursdays ...... 8 p. m sold for taxes, and the Registrar From Saturdays ...... p. m nearer Yokohama than victoria and 4G5 miles nearer than Van shall register the person entitled under couver. A vessel steaming at 15 miles an hour would have a such tax sale as owner or the land so sold for taxes." N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH start of 31 hours going from this port rather than from Vancou AND WHEREAS application nas been COLUMBIA. Mrs. Smeeton's COAL male for a certificate or.Indefeasible Title I ver. That is a very "material gain and one that cannot be im to the.above-mentioned lands. In the name X THE MATTER OF THE XDMINISTRA pressed too often. As most freighters make only about ten to or Thomas McManamon TION ACT Select A.ND WHEREAS on Investigating the and twelve knots the gain in time Would be near two days. title It appears- that prior to the 10th day N THE MATTEn OF THE ESTATE OF i Screened or October, 1917 (the date on which the JOHN DARLIMO, DECEASED, liiTES Lunch & Tea Rooms Need of Road sa a lanas were soia ror overaue taxes) TATE. you were the assessed owner thereof. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Leading From .City. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the onour F. McB.' Young, made the SSnd day same time I shall effect registration In r April. A. D. 1919, I was appointed The need of a road leading out of Prince Rupert connecting pursuance or such application and Issue a Aiministrator to the estate or Jonn Darling. 309 Second Avenue, West. with tho Skeena River was made clear during the trip of the Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the said Icceascd, and all parties having claims lands In the name or Thomas McManamon gainst tne saia esiaie are nereny requirea delegates that went up the river to meet Colonel Peck on Sunday. unless you take and prosecute the prope o rurmsn same, property rerinea, to me, Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, $13.00 proceeding to establish your claim. I on or before the S4th day or May. A. D .There is no communication at present except by water with Port any, to the said lanls, or to prevent such 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate Soft Drinks. proposed action on my part. are required to pay the amount or their Edward, with the canneries on the tikeena, with Smith Island, Home Bread, Cakes, ton uaica at me iauu itegisiry uiuce, rrince ndebtedness to me rortnwitn. -Made per where a number of settlers are now going in and with'the several Rupert, u. c, this tun aay or April, IB 19 JOHN II. MeMULLlN, Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, fertile river valleys along the route, which would be used if there District Jl. r.,Registrar or Titles, DATED this S4tb Omclal day of Admlnlstrstnr.April, 1919. Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. was communication. To E. H. raccy, L. m i I a il mm! I i t W Famous Melton Mowbray m. a r r rrw inn i ii'ji ITlnce Rupert, D. C. Besides this there is the recreation idea. Prince Rupert is MINERAL ACT. Pies. T, IVIllluiu wholly shut in. There is probably no city in the world of her Offlca Phona, Plack 85 size so situated. It is not asking a favor to request that a read CERTIFICATE NOTICE.OF IMPROVEMENTS. Picnic Parties Catered for Yard Phona, Black Bit be constructed. Considering the income that is collected here, Little Joker, Mineral Hill. Midas, Look- . .A.iimi in, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac, pass rrac something of the sort is coming to the' district. lonal Mineral Claims, situate In the Tort If the Dominion Government is prepared to look after the trlct.and Canal Mining Division or Casslar Dls fish docks, and it is understood that this will be done, the Provincial Where located: On the East Salmon Government might turn its attention to roads, of which ' DEPARTMENT OF- LANDS River TAKE valley.NOTICE that I, A. II. Oreen, act Hotel Prince Rupert National Grocery we have none. us as agent ror l. waikins, f. m. c. no, C D. Carter.- 16349-C: F. M. C. No. 9.588- We are aware that the Provincial Government is anxious to NOTICE J: R. M. Martin. F. il. c. No. 9.587-C: II. Limited I. Fetter. F. M. C. No. 9.S97.C! II. E. EUROPEAN PLAN Here is the opportunity. APPLICATIONS FOR ORAZINO PERMITS serve us. lanion, r. m. iu no. v.svS'C; Martin Corner Sixth and Fulton Under Grazing Act 1919. and 51.B0 per day up. Welch. F. M. C. No. 9.S99-C. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Applications for permits to graze live Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of improvements, stock on the Crown range within each ror the purpose of obtaining FIRST-CLASS CAFE High Class Groceries Grazing District of the Province of British a crown urant or tne above claim. A La Carlo. Columbia, as established by order-in And further take notice that action, un Meats Council, dated the 10th or April. 1919, and der section 85, must bo commenced befori published In the British Columbia Gazette tne issuance or sucn cert ncate or im Fruits on April win, iviv, must ue meet wun provements. the District Foresters at Cranbrook, Fort uasea mis Din aay or March, a. D. 1919 Confectionery ueorge, Karnioops, kelson, rrlnce Rupert, A. II. OREEN, llWtf Vancouver and Vernon, or 'wWh the Com James Hotel fei KioiiiJl missioner or Grazing. Department or Lands, WATER NOTICE St. and Bakery Parliament Buildings at Victoria, B. C, on or Dciore juiy isi, iviw. DIVERSION AND USE Blank forms upon which to submit an (LATE "QOEEriB") GET PROMPT ATTENTION plications may be obtained from the Dis ORDERS TAKE NOTICE that Iluma n nahlnirton. FIRST CLASS IIOOMS trict Foresters at the above named places whose address Is box 8 4 a Prinrn lumen. or rrom me Department or tanas a i vie Hot and Cold Water. B.C., will apply ror a licence to tako and 524 OHT tona, u. c. Phone use two cubic feel O. R. NADEN, per second or water Motor Delirery out of an unnamed stream, which flows tands. Deputy Minister or Department of Lands, south and drains Into Houslung Bay, Lan-gara irnVV Victoria, B. C. (98. Island, near the S. W. corner or Lot 14th April, 1918. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about twenty chains PREMISES MOVED Notice of Intention to Apply to purchase north or the S.W. corner of Lot 998, and -una. will be used ror domestic and steam nur- poses upon the land described a Lot 998, In Range 3. Coast Land District.. ncnnl. tTlee vureu iiiariuue Lana ijisrilC!. Ing District of Prince Itupert,, and situate This notice was posted on the ground m. Hb acuity uy, ueaue mannei, iv u. on the 5th day or April, 1919. A copy or If TAKE NOTICE that I, James Z. Hall, of inis nonce ana an application pursuant ft GENTLEMEN'S Vancouver. B, C, occupation baker and LADIES' uirrciu biiii iu mo -vvaier aci. iwii." Soldier, Intend to apply for permission to will' be filed in the omce or the Wstor CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MERCHANT TAILOR purchase the following described lands: uecoraer at rrince Hupert, B. c. Commencing at a post planted SO chains Objections to the apbllcatlon mv be near nonneny oi a, w, cor, T. U JNo. 231: filed with the said Water Recorder or. with NfiTiri? is HF.nEiiY niVEN thi tho re 3fl Second Avenue, thence eas. 40 chains; thence south SO rv Ailntlnr nvpr varan 1 Crown Land In Opposite.. the Comptroller of Water rarlla-men! Street LOVEAND THE MONEY-BAG! chains; thence west 40 chains more or less Buildings, Victoria, Rights,B. C, within the vicinity ot Clielaalle niver, lunga , ..Second to shore line; thenco northerly SO chains, I'nnsl imtrlrl. hv rpason at & notice DUll' Keren's. Dr. unriy uajj aiier tne nrst appearance or more or less, following shore line to nnint UsheJ In tlie Erltlau Columbia Oaietla of 877 With it LOVE. i ui uoucs in a local one man was newspaper. POX of commencement and containing 80 acres nunc u. UAiiinuiim. Annnrflni. tetn May, 1810, la ouceiiea. Dh Red 13G P.O. With others it MONEY. two was mure ur less. u. it., The date of the first publication of this .Mt The former ihould have won. JAMES Z. HALL, Deputy Minliter of Lands. notice is nay 10, 1919. Dut who did win " v""" A. Bauer, Agent, Department or Lands, Dated 31 March, 1919. Vlctnrla. H. C SEE the new VITAGRAPh serial 11th Marcli. 1919. M 18 Nolle of Intention to Apply to purchas "A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" una. The Gurvich QUEEN TIIIUTDisiiuui CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ur onrxnn.LAND DIS- Ikojojart Featuring Inr District of Prince Rupert, and situate take notice that The Aeroplane Spruce at koeye. Fllz Hugh Sound, B. c. r nmh.. rci 1 in nf Pnrt nieinenta. I). C. WILLIAM TAKE NOTICE that 1, Marshall Beek or Transfer occupation saw mill, Intends to apply for ESTATE DUNCAN .aiiiuuici, u. u occupation soldier, intend lerni sslon to leaw uie following uccnucu REAL to Bpply ror permission to purchase lands: . and UCBWIUCU iaiius!- r'r,mmnn.ln. at a nntt rilnntrid at the with Edith Johnson and Joe Ryan Commencinfr at a post planted at aouth northeast corner of Lot 8, Block il. post INSURANCE 3BI rrirntnp in V UartMx &na A ft .1.-1 thence or aubdlvlalon of Dst. Lot 740. ttlPflPA Bmirh Oft llialn. k, .J Phone Green 548 north 8 chains, thence west 80 degrees Want Youp Listing. chains, more or less, to shore line; thence south to approach of flovernment Wharf. , lurineriy ana easterly along shore line 80 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. .i.....n. .niiihavlv .Inn. ..11 annpnnrh Of Theatre B'k v. ,vn, (iuiiii or com- Oovcrnnient Wharf to northwest comer of vwesniw""' A iflplirplnffll. and,1nln. on r br w. I I, iiiock 40, tnence easterly irau w less. morj at lots I. S. S. 4. S6. 7 and 8, MARSHALL BEEK, We : Sell : Coal blorlc 45 to place of beg-lnnlnir. s At the Empress Theatre Friday and Saturday Dled et.b Per April,William 1919.A. Bauer. Attnt AEKOPLANG uau, uarcn KI'llUUE so, iviw.LUMUtH i,u.a