May H. 00 nnesday, THE DAILY NEWS. When you fed that your PRINCE GEORGE VETS. Demonstration sturaach,out of liver -Jr blood is TAKE EXCEPTION TO free order, renew their health by tailing ALIEN LANGUAGES wnp Would Hoar Nothing But English HEINZ RIPE OLIVES 8 mm Spoken Officers on Streets for Year.Elect Come in and eat all you want PILLS (Special Via 0. T. P. Tclerraph. Prince George, May 14. At L""' ' Medielse to llie WortiL Cold evert wtaore, la boxu,25c. their recent annual meeting the Learn to Eat Olives at Our Expense Great War Veterans elected ofll-cers for tho coming year as follows: BOTH STORES BUILDING OF HOUSES President, Comrade Wimbles; IJ Look tor the n Sale Price, 35c tin, or 3 for $1.00 IS BEING COMMENCED Vibbard;Assjstant Vice-President,Secretary,Secretary,Comrade Comrade Comrade Fisher; IrnflllTllllmffl sealed package, but H Now Building Society Has Its Mellson; Treasurer, Comrade llnflliiil have an cye out H FULLER'S LTD. inarxer ana is Ready for Pooley. Business. Objection was taken at the lllfflffl also or tfie namc H meeting to the manner in which PHONE 45 PHONE While the building program alien languages were used on the i has been rather slow under the slrceis. The opinion was expressed ( WRIGLEYS campaign which was mit on re that the returning men centiy to provido houses for objected most strenuously to the those who are coming in, prepar use of any but tho English language S llllllllllllfl That name Is your pro- IB rations are going ahead Bteadilv and that the local organization BijSljW tectlon against Inferior mat The charter for the new loan would not be responsible for company has arrived and they disturbances when people were are SllttllllllH imitations. Just as the gj Storage Batteries House Wiring in a position to do business at sufficiently indiscreet to use alien once. There has been some delay languages. 8 1 Jill IllJIH seated package Is pro- H Charged and Repaired in all its branches owing to the time it lakes to Ill Bmnllllllllli tectlon against impurity. No Loss of Time While secure the proper documents of DAWSON your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-IRONS incorporation. Overhauled. Another Is George II. Munro has the ma Bllllllllllllll Thc GMrtttt Name H Always Available.. terial on the ground for four Bart Philp, son of Charles Philp GRILLS houses and the piles driven for of Dawson, writes from London Agents For TOASTERS one. He will be going ahead with that he is pilot on one of the regular CVINRUDE Portable RANGES air ferries running out of the work in a few days. The Diles Motors. HEATERS are driven for Fred Stork's new the metropolis. Bart was with CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS house in Section 2 and much of the air forces in England anil Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES the lumber ia on the ground. France, and saw tn'ich exciting REGAL Engines for There are a number of other service. His old chum, Frank LAMPS who in the nir Trolling. houses Desbriay, was commencing and the pros,-pect The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS is that before very long a service also, was injured months PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS good deal of building will be under ngp, and, although not seriously, ENGINE FOR he was not considered fit for further FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, way. trying work, and has return ETC. ed to Canada. STREET FIGHTING Full line of Electrical Apparatus in itock. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. IN CITY OF NAPLES j Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 (Special via 0. T. P. Telegrapos.) Paris, May 13. A battle occurred last-nightjn the streets of Naples between 'iterated convicts WATER 1914. and soldiers on one side and ACT, IUPARIAN RIGHTS Gendarmes on the other. The S.S. PRINCE RUPERT soldiers, and convicts defeated the NOTICE Is hereby Riven that under the provisions or Section C or the Water Act. gendarmes and captured the court tow. every rioarlau proprietor claiming any right to divert water or to the exclusive S.S. PRINCE GEORGE house. The gendarmes were reinforced use or water for any purpose by virtue only or nis Detng sucn riparian proprietor battalion of by a troops is required on or before the first SAILING and order was restored after day or June, 1020, to nie a statcment'of 1 Own Your Own Transportation jj claim selttnir forth the particulars or his THURSDAY nd SUNDAY MIDNIGHT tor 8WAN80N BAY, OCEAN FALLS, hours of fighting. claim. Such statements or claim shall he VANCOUVER, VI0T0RIA and SEATTLE. n ed in duplicate with the water itecorocr Water District In which the water or tho WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIOHT FOR. AN VOX. CREED IS MOM SAlfe Is diverted or used. S. S. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT After the first day or June, 1020, no Ride right to divert water or to the exclusive a Bicycle fof Kuselt. Tort Clements and Buckley By April JSre, taa hid; Way PRESBYTERIAN PARSON use or water ror any purpose snail exisi or or iana virtue 7th Hth, list and S8th. By only any ownersnip Forms or statement 01 ciaiuj can vu- souitxrn PoInU Qun Charlotte Islands April SSth. May Its lis tlra. alned from the Water Recorders or the H For HEALTH . Ittwart, a. c., May 3rd, 17th and 3 in. i Rev. ft. G. Stewart of Robertson Eeveral Water Districts In the Province or rom the comptroller or water ingots, H For ECONOMY ' church, stated at the opening of Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. TRAIN EERVICE Dated at victoria, u. u, mis ma oay For PLEASURE at r-a the Presbyterian bynod rusenrer Monday, WMnssdsy and Saturday sf, 11:3 a.m. for Srslthers. or March, 1818. monton that to his personal know r. ij. rsnuLLu,. Princi George. Edmonton and "Winnipeg, making direct cenneetlsss .far Minister or Lands. all points east and south. ledge there were as many retired It has no equal ministers living in Ldmonton a 4 0YNOP818 OF SEE OUR COLUMBIA MODEL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES there were ministers in the acliv For information and reservations apply to work of the' Presbyterian church LAND ACT AMENDMENT Made in Canada 5 City Ticket Oflles, 628 Third Avsnus. Phon 260. Pre-emption now confined to surveyed in the city. Under the present lands only, conditions he did not blame men Records will be granted covering only for forsaking their calling. Some and land Partnership which suitable is non-timber for pre-emptions agricultural lund.abolished,purpose I McGOWAN & HANSON 1 he said, no doubt, were out on ac but parties of not mora than four may but arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Cycle and Repair Co. S CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY count of physical conditions Joint residence, but each making necessary out because of tho Improvements on respective claims. others were Pre-emptors must occupy claims for Phone 489 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. the to unreasonable machinery of five years and make improvements value of $10 per acre. Including clearing Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points church and because of an unre and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before via Steamer to Vancouver and the vised creed. Where receiving-emptor Crown In Grant.occupation not lilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllilllllllll Canadian Pacific Railway To sret and hold young men in less than improvements,3 years, and has he may,made because proportionate the ministry, he maintained that of ill-health or other cause, be granted Meals and Berth included on Steamer the church must adopt a creed and Intermediate transfer his certificate-claim. of Improvement Phone 37 P.O.Box 1704 Records without permanent residence that can be subscribed to witnout may be Issued provided applicant makes FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND 8 CATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT aualiflcation or "mental reserva Improvements and records to same extent each of J0a year.per Failure annum For Comfort, Courtesy and Service May, IS 83; Juno , tl and SO. tion." It is time the General As same to will make operate Improvements as forfeiture.or record Title sembly of the church summoned cannot be obtalnccWm these claims in 'OR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQWAV, ALASKA, enough to revise the" less than 5 years, with Improvements of un couratre 110 per acre. Including 6 acres cleared THEJSAVO from rriuco Rupert My . l snd S. creed of the church in keeping and cultivated, and" residence of at least 1! years. with the belief of the great ma- Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may F. T. BOWNESS, Manager record another pre-emption. If he requires W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. inritv of tho ministers. More land In conjunction with his Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. to farm, without actual occupation, pro-Tided C-rner men -could bo induced made ana young statutory Improvements Fourth Street B.C. snd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Crown granted residence maintained on the u me creeu take up ministry Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water nf the church were such that they ''inisurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homesltes; m-V---1' could accept it whole-heartedly. ttUe to be obtained after fulfilling residential and Improvement conditions. For graatng and Industrial purposes? jheJUnion COAST SERVICE. areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased GREAT BRITAIN GOT by one person or company, WESTHOLME LUNCH For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., 4 PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. 111 GERMAN SHIPS The scope of this Act Is enlarged to SECOND A V.E.J p.m. Include all persons joining and serving with His Majesty's Forces. The time HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. and Port Simpson, Anyox, Alice Arm within which the heirs or devisees.of a Mac. Mondays, 7 a.m. iSDeclal via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) deceased pre-emptor may apply for tlUe under this Act Is extended from Naas River Points, Friday a.m. London, May 13. In the House one year from the death of Buch after person,the Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. - Ltd. stated as formerly, until one year Jack Barnsleyy General Agent of Wilson conclusion of the present war. This Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room and board. j ships privilege Is also made retroactive. tiH that 22 German passenger TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT t of 108,889 tons and 89 cargo ships ACT. - t of G03,210 tons had been handed Provision Is made for the grant to persons holding uncompleted Agreements over to Great Britain. to Purchase from the Crown of Edard Lip S(tl tlnnct,Unl If- T In.slt M.1 11 H B"f T such proportion of the land, If divisible, OSTON GRILL as the payments already made will -r uuward Cunningham, Vice-President TENANTS UNION cover In proportion to the sale price of the whole parcel. Two or more persons holding such Agreements may group 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 their interests and apply for a proportionate (Sreclal via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) allotment jointly. If' It Is not A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. considered advisable to divide the land Lipsett-Cunningham & Co! ncn r. v,if Mnv --ta Plans for covered by an application for a proper-, Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. tenants' union to tlonate allotment, an allotment of land a nation-wido of equal value selected from available DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE,45c. to 50c Deisert at every meal. provent landlord proiUecring were Crown lands In the locality may be Short orders at any time. made. These allotments are conditional LIMITED made at a mass meeting of ten- upon payment of all taxes due the F$NINQ & f 1 linnA Crown or to any municipality. The CANNE RV ewfwefl cniiiDMiruT intwivj Mttmiur mi HARDWARE ante nnd trade unionise rlahts of persons to whom the pur chaser from the Crown has agreed to Steamship sell are also protected, The decision of GOOD EATS Supplies, Gas Engines and .Accessories Advertise in tho Daily News. the.Minister of Lands In respect to the lsh- adjustment of a proportionate allotment Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage te final. The time for making application Second Avenue. for these allotments la limited to PRINCE the 1st day of May, 1(19. Any application Breakfast RUPERT, B. 0. made after this date will not be 7:30 to 0 considered. Thest. allotments apply to Lunch 11:30 to I Office: town lots and lands of the Crown sold Prince Rupert at punllo auction. Dinner ;., , , 6:00 to 8 05 JUiy, n NADEN. For Information apply to any Provincial Telephone No. Deputy Wlalster of Lands. Government Agent or to SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY vuuy n, c. P. 0. Dot 1008 .lid! Department. a. n. NADKN, itoni.iJ.i-, Dep'ity Minister of Lands, its Mirfi. ittl. M 13 Vlotorla, B. a